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Trombositopenia (jumlah trombosit kurang dari normal) karena infiltrasi

sumsum tulang atau kemoterapi Pendarahan, penyebab :

1. Trombositopenia
2. Disfungsi trombosit Complication
Koagulasi Intravaskuler Diseminata adalah sindrom yang menyebabkan
timbul trombus mikrovaskuler pada berbagai organ, ini karena 3. Koagulasi Instravaskuler
dilepaskan bahan prokoagulan dari sel blast.

1. Chemoterapy
2. Radiation Therapy
3. Immunotherapy Treatment
4. Targeted Therapy
A malignant progressive disease in which the bone marrow and other
5. Hematopoietic cell transplant
Definition blood forming organs produce increased numbers of abnormal

1. AML
+ Anemia 2015 : secara global 350.000 orang meninggal
+ Pain and tenderness in bones Epidemiology 2018 : sekitar 10.000-15.000 meninggal karena kanker darah di
+ Easier and excessive bleeding Indonesia
+ Skin Rashes
Clinical manifestation
2. CML 》 》
Chromosomal mutation Mutation in DNA Production of abnormal
+ Splenomegaly 》
intracellular proteins Uncontrolled poliferation of immature blood
+ Thrombocytopenia (bleeding) cells and lose their ability to differentiate.
+ Anemia Etiology
+ Fever

Altered expression of oncogenes Uncontrolled poliferation of
immature blood cells and lose their ability to differentiate

1. Exposure to cancer causing agents

Risk Factor 2. History of radiation therapy and chemotheraphy
3. Myelodysplastic syndrome


1. History taking
Diagnostic Criteria 2. Physical Examination
3. Laboratory Examination

Chronic Leukemia (over a long period of time)

1. CML : cell divides too quickly
2. CLL : cell don't die as they should

Leukemia Acute Leukemia (suddenly or just happened)

1. AML : common in old ages
2. ALL : common in children


Differential Diagnosis

1. Breaking the bad news (memberi komunikasi yang baik)
2. Berikan pengertian bahwa prosedur yang dijalankan harus konsisten
3. Inform consent mengenai risiko
4. Menerangkan pentingnya perawatan berkelanjutan

PHOP BHP, PHOP, and Prognosis

1. Preventif
2. Promotif
3. Kuratif
4. Rehabilitatif

Prognosis : suatu prediksi mengenai perkembangan penyakit

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