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Paper 3 - Rebuttal (200 points)

Your next paper will be a rebuttal to an argument that you disagree with on the same topic as
your RSA. ​First, introduce the general subject to your readers along with a brief overview of the other
writer's argument; then you take one point of that argument at a time and directly refute it with your
specific counterpoint and evidence. ​As often as possible, you SHOW your readers what the other writer
has said (by quoting directly, either full or partial statements) rather than just summarizing. If you
ONLY summarize, readers will think you're hiding something.

Basically, an outline for a rebuttal looks like this:

-Introduce the general subject matter

-Explain what you have read and what it says (brief summary)

-The other author's first point (explain clearly and describe vividly)
-Your counterpoint
-Your supporting evidence

-The other author's second point

-Your counterpoint
-Supporting evidence

-The other author's third point

-Your counterpoint
-Supporting evidence

-[Points/Counterpoints/Evidence continue as needed....]

Brief overall conclusion---what is YOUR ultimate argument, now that you have
thoroughly dismantled the other writer's?

Rebuttals follow a clear point-by-point structure, supporting each counterpoint with careful evidence -
both rational and emotional in their appeals.

(Rational = appeals to mind/logic; emotional = appeals to heart/feelings.)

Now that you have a pretty good understanding of how rebuttals work, it is time to write your
paper. ​Following the rebuttal outline above, write a detailed rebuttal to a ​SPECIFIC​ argument
DISAGREE with. ​Here is how to find one:
1. Go to
2. Type in ​[your subject] editorials. (For example, police brutality editorials).
3. Find an editorial or opinion piece AGAINST your position.
4. Print one out that you can respond to.
5. Follow the outline above.
All of the criteria below must be checked in order to receive a 3.0 or above:

Paper demonstrates a clear

understanding of the assignment
by offering a brief summary of the
article’s main argument without
going into your own opinion on
the subject until AFTER
countering all points.
Paper offers a critical evaluation
of the argument using the rebuttal
format of point-counterpoint –
support/evidence. Paper SHOWS
the other writer’s points when
possible through quotes or partial

Paper offers fair and reasonable

evidence to thoroughly support all
counterpoints to the argument​.
Both logical and emotional
appeals are used. Paper is AT
LEAST 3 pages.
The paper is organized and an
enjoyable reading experience.
There is a variety of word choice
and sentence structure to keep the
flow of the paper smoothly going.

The paper is relatively free of

mechanical problems (spelling,
punctuation, and grammatical

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