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 Presentation of results in the scoping review of protective factors in non suicidal self-injury.

 The majority population in the gathered literature are adolescents with 17 studies.

 In terms of the location of the studies garnered, majority are conducted in Western Countries.
Specifically, 12 studies are conducted in the USA
2 Canada
1 each from Germany, Australia, Jerusalem, Pakistan, Finland Iran and China

 Specific concerns from different studies united in naming various limitations that they acknowledged, affecting this study. Some of these are the
generalizability of their study, the
instruments they have used for assessment or testing, small sample size, expedited follow-up period, the statistical significance of quantitative
studies, and limitations.

 Most frequent protective factor gathered in this study was support, with eight articles that mentioned different types of support.
Familial, community, friend, emotional and overall social support. various populations for these studies that consisted of the LGBT community,
adolescents in high school or college,
adolescents with depression, and people of color.
Seven of these articles were quantitative and used different quantitative ways to come up with solutions like tests, questionnaires, SPSS to compute
for the results, and other different statistical analyses.
The conclusion of social support and feelings of connection can be a mediating factor for these Non-White participants residing in the USA.

 A total of eight related articles studied or mentioned resilience. Some of these studies confirmed whether resilience-related constructs
could mitigate instances of NSSI.
For example, constructs related to resilience such as life satisfaction, subjective happiness, self-efficacy, self-compassion, hope, higher self-
positive identity, and reasons for living were found to mediate NSSI behavior among adolescents attending university or college, LGBT community,
Non-White group, and people with mental
disorders. In addition, these studies were also quantitative, which used different tests, questionnaires, and statistical analyses to come up with these

 3rd protective factors which t can mitigate NSSI behaviors is different intervention types in different settings such as clinical, medical, and
academic settings.
There was a total of seven studies with different interventions mentioned in this study, mentioning implementing acceptance, tolerance, positive
identity, and inclusivity of minority
groups, specifically the LGBT students in a school setting.
all of these studies were done quantitatively using different questionnaires and statistical analyses to unpack different conclusions that would
support interventions for this study.

 coping skills is the 4th protective factor that was identified.

There was a sum of six articles that mentioned different coping strategies as a protective factor for NSSi.
These coping mechanisms focused on regulating, enhancing, and acknowledging one’s emotions to mediate NSSI
These studies were also conducted with the use of different types of questionnaires and tests, making all these studies that talked about coping skills
were quantitative
 Lastly is religiousity which was stated once in the literature review.
This cross-sectional study provided the first evidence of religiosity that might mitigate NSSI behaviors, whether extrinsic (attending church activities)
or intrinsic (personal religious
beliefs) religious practices.

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