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prepared by: Mr. Adrian Angelo M. Roque

I. Introduction

 Media- plural of the word “medium” or ways of mass communication. Examples are Broadcasting, Print and Internet.
 Information- knowledge or facts that we acquire from learning.
 Literacy- aability to read, write, speak, listen, utilize and understand.

Objectives of Media and Information Literacy

 Access- where to find forms of Media or its source. It includes the technical competence to navigate or use technology.
Examples are how to use a mobile device, TV settings, how to use computer.
 Analyze- use of critical thinking skills to effectively reflect on media. It includes assessment on reliability of the material by
presenting reliable sources.
 Respond- Experience and explore media. It also includes how to create/express oneself through media.

II. Types of Media

 Print Media- media consisting of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally mechanical.
(Newspapers, Magazines, Textbooks)
 Broadcast Media- media such as radio and television that reach target audiences using airwaves as the transmission
medium. (Television, Radio, Film)
 Digital/Social Media- digitized content that is transmitted over the internet or computer networks. (Social Media sites,
Google, Websites)

III. History of Media

 Pre-Industrial- people discovered fire and developed paper from plants, and forged weapons and tools with stone,
bronze, copper and iron. (Cave Paintings, Clay Tablets, Papyrus, Codex)
 Industrial Age- people used the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron production and the
manufacturing of various products including book through the printing press. (Typewriter, Telegraph, Printing Press
 Electronic Age- the invention of the transistor ushered in the electronic age. Radio and early computers became efficient.
(Radio Transistors, Television, Large Computers, Projector)
 New Information Age- the internet paved the way for faster communication and creation of social network. Wearable
technology was enhanced such as personal computers, mobile devices. Sound and data became digitalized. (Birth of the

IV. Media Codes

 Media Language- techniques or strategies used in Media to convey a message through Texts, Images, Colors, Sounds or
Angle of the camera.
 Codes- communicating through the use of signs and symbols.

Types of Media Codes

 Symbolic codes- use as representations. (Colors and Objects)
 Written codes- use of language and text styles. (Catch Phrase and Text Style)
 Technical codes- ways in which equipment is used to tell a story. (Camera Angle and Camera Framing)

V. Media Ethics

 Cybercrime- refers to any criminal activities carried out by means of computers or internet world.

 Netiquette- the proper and ethical use of media.

 Republic Act 10175- Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
Approved September 12, 2012, this law aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and the internet.
Among the cybercrime offense's included are cybersquatting, cybersex, child pornography, identity, theft, illegal access to
data and libel.
Types of Cybercrime
 Cyberbullying- use of electronic communication to bully or harass someone in any form.
 Cyber Defamation- false statement which tends to harm the reputation of a person or company. (Libel-written,
 Cyber Sex- virtual sex encounter in which two or more people send each other sexually explicit contents or
sexual acts.
 Child Pornography- form of child sexual exploitation. Including but not limited to accessing, distributing and
sharing photos or videos of children with malicious intent.
 Hacking- refers to the practice of modifying or altering computer software and hardware to accomplish a goal
that is considered to be outside of the creator’s original objective.
 Illegal Downloading- obtaining files that you do not have the right to use from the internet.
 Phishing- is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details
often malicious reasons by disguising as trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.
 Identity Theft- use of someone else’s identity to gain financial advantage or obtain credit and benefits.

 Intellectual Property Rights- refers to anything created, designed or invested by a person treated as asset or property.
“Creation of the mind”

 Copyright- owners have the right to control the reproduction of their work including payment for that
reproduction. violation of copyright is called Infringement.
 Plagiarism- an act of using or imitating the language or thoughts of another author without authorization.
 Patent- government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to
exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention.
 Trademark- a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or

VI. Media Power

Opportunities Challenges
In Education -Makes learning accessible anytime & anywhere. -Makes learner dull and lazy.
-Enhanced and Innovated Learning opportunities. -No in-depth learning.
-Caters larger scope of learners. -No proper validation of information.
Lack of Values.

In Economy -Create more job opportunities. -Quality control over products sold online
-Helpful in promotion, marketing and attraction.  -Not all Filipinos has the access or literate in
-Creates businesses for small entrepreneurs. media
In Politics -Raise awareness to citizens with how our country -Lack of information Validation.
is governed. -Biased in reporting and information
-Influence the judgment of the citizens especially in dissemination.
the voting process.
-Promotes democracy and starts conversations
about the current issues of the society.
In Society -Gives a wider and variety of platform for creativity -Biasedness and lack of validation.
and self-expression. -Censorship.
-Creates awareness and interaction on issues
concerning the society.
-Influences the society and set trends.

VII. Media Trends

 Wearable Technologies- Google Glass, Smart Watch, Avegant
 3D/3-Dimensional Environment- 3d Printer, 3D Films, Holograms
 Ubiquitous Learning- defined as an everyday learning environment that is supported by mobile and embedded
computers and wireless networks in our everyday life.
VIII. Media People

 People in Media- People behind another form of media. They use other forms of media in disseminating information and
imparting knowledge. (Photo Journalist, Broadcast Journalist, Director, Staff, Writers)
 People as Media- People are the media itself. The person serves as medium for another person to learn or acquire
Opinion Leaders- a well-known individual or organization that has the ability to influence public opinion on the
subject matter for which the opinion leader is known. 
Citizen Journalist- public citizens without professional training in journalism whose playing an active role in the
process of collecting, reporting, analyzing, and disseminating news and information."
Social Bloggers- writes regularly in an online journal or website

Characteristics of Media People

 Tech savvy- proficient in the use of technology, especially computers
 Credible- able to be believed. Reliable.
 Flexible- knows how to use a rage of technology.
 Charismatic- appeals to the sense of different people.
 Updated- in the know of the latest information.
 Articulate- expresses oneself easily in clear ad effective language.

IX. Elements of Media and Information

A. Text- any piece of writing. Alphanumeric (Alphabets and Numbers), Characters and logograms (&, $,#,@).
 Text Media- Mediums of communication through text. (Textbooks, Magazines, Newspapers)
 Text as Visual- Combination of texts and images to convey a certain message to a target audience.

Types of Text
 Descriptive Text- Text that aims to have the reader picture (imagine and see) what is being described.  (Novels,
News, etc.)
 Informative Text- Based on its root word “inform”, its primary purpose is to advise or tell the reader about
something. (e.g. Textbooks, Journals, etc.)
 Instructive Text- Instructs or tells a reader how to do something. (Cookbooks, Instructional materials, etc.)
 Persuasive/Expressive Text- This is a text that simply gives the text producer to express ad persuade his/her
thoughts, feelings or beliefs. (Placards, Editorials, Social Media Posts)

Parts of Text
 Title- allows the reader to identify the overall topic of the text and understand the main idea.
 Headings- allows the reader to identify specific topic and also divide the text into sections.
 Bold Print/Italic- use to signal the reader that the word is important
 Charts, Tables and Graphs- use to organize large amounts of information to small space.
 Illustration- helps the reader to understand the information In a visual way
 Caption- use to explain the illustration.

Design Elements of Text

 Emphasis- importance or value given to a part of the text
 Appropriateness- using the suitable font style based on a specific audience, purpose or event.
 Proximity- distance of text from each other.
 Alignment- how text is positioned in the page.

B. Audio- a sound, especially when recorded, transmitted and reproduced.

 Audio Media- Communication that uses audio or recordings through sound.
 Hearing and Listening- Hearing is being exposed to sounds intentionally or unintentionally while Listening is paying
close attention to the sound with understanding.
Types of Audio
 Radio Broadcast- live or recorded audio sent through radio waves to reach a wide audience.
 Music- vocal or instrumental sounds combined in such a way as to produce form, harmony and expression of
 Sound Recording- recording of an interview, meeting or any sound recorded.
 Sound Clip/Effects- any sound artificially reproduced to create an effect in a dramatic presentation.
 Audio Podcast- a digital file or recording usually available for subscription that can be downloaded.

Formats of Audio File

 MP3 (Motion Picture Expert Group III) -common and standard format mostly in digital players.
 M4A (MPEG4 Audio Advanced Audio Coding) -aims to replace mp3 formats to have a better sound quality with
lesser file size developed by Apple.
 WAV (Waveform Audio File) Microsoft file format for storing audio mostly used for game sounds, movies and
quality audio recording
 WMA (Windows Media Audio) Microsoft file format standard uses in Windows media player

C. Visual- a picture, piece of film, or display used to illustrate.

 Visual Media- Medium used to present the visuals

Types of Visuals
 Photography- art of capturing and producing images by recording light through image sensor or photographic
 Video- recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images.
 Infographics/Data Visualization- representation of information in a graphic format designed to make the data
easily understandable.
 Comic Strip- combined with text or other visual information often through drawing or animation.

Design Elements of Visuals

 Line- a long, narrow mark
 Shape- a geometric or organic are or form.
 Value- degree of light and dark.
 Texture- smoothness and roughness feels of a surface.
 Color

Formats of Visual File

 JPEG- (Joint Photographic Experts Group)-JPEG is a popular image file format. It is commonly used to store
photos since it supports 16 million colors and. occupies less storage.
 GIF- (Graphics Interchange Format)-GIF is limited to 256 colors and often occupies more space yet best for
simple designs.
 PNG- (Portable Network Graphics)-PNG has less file size yet great quality of image and often known for
background transparency.
 TIFF- (Tagged Image File Format)-popularly used by Photographers and can be resized without sacrificing the
quality of the image.

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