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Riddle Project
Task Objective:
1. Use your knowledge of the properties of quadrilaterals, to make a CREATIVE

2. Solve 4 quadrilateral riddles

3. Create a quadrilateral riddle and post it on Flipgrid

Part 1: Organizing the Properties of Quadrilaterals into VISUAL FLOWCHART

• Create and organize the properties and types of quadrilaterals. It must be

hand-drawn. (NO digital work)

• List all the important properties for each type of quadrilateral

• Include a labeled diagram of each, markings such as parallel lines, congruent angles
and sides need to be on the diagram

Part 2: Solve Quadrilateral Riddles

Solve the following four quadrilateral riddles. Be sure you justify your answers.

● I am not a parallelogram. I have congruent diagonals. I have two pairs of

congruent base angles. What am I?

● I have no parallel lines. All my side lengths are different. My interior and
exterior angles sum to the same. What am I?

● All my sides are congruent. I have at least one right angle. My diagonals are
perpendicular to each other. What am I?

● I have a pair of congruent angles. My diagonals are perpendicular. I have two

distinct pairs of congruent adjacent sides. What am I?

Part 3: Create Your Own Riddle

• Write a riddle with at least THREE clues

• Write the solution to the riddle with an explanation
• Present the riddle in a Flipgrid clip
• For extra credit, post a second Flipgrid clip that explains your solution
Total Points for the project

Presentation of Project: 20 points

• Slide 1: Introductory slide
• Slide 2: Part 1 – Flowchart (Creative, large and clear image so it is easy to read)
• Slides 3-6: Part 2 – Each riddle is written AND answered with justification on a
• Slide 7: Part 3 – Your riddle
• Slide 8: Part 3 – Your riddle answer and justification

Part One: 30 points

• Proper CREATIVE organization flow chart of quadrilaterals
• Quadrilateral, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid,
isosceles trapezoid and kite have appropriate properties listed
• Diagrams with markings include (this can be fun and colorful)

Part Two: 20 points

•Each riddle answered correctly with EXPLANATION

Part Three: 30 points

•Riddle (minimum of three clues)
•The solution and explanation
•Flipgrid riddle presentation

Flipgrid Codes

Block D –

Block E –

Block F –

Block G –

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