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Based of the movie we watched with my fellow group members, for me the movie was
really creeping and disturbing. In the early scenes, I already witness that the protagonist is
having mental issues although he is a great writer but got cheated on his beloved wife which is a
really a unforgivable act for married couple, the part when he was talking his self and forming
scenario that was altered by his mind from the beginning of the story. At first I never really
realize that he was having a hallucination about the other guy named John Shooter because it
seems realistic for me that it was just conflict between both writers but I noticed that John
Shooter is also acting abnormally with inhumane set of skills like a pro who hunts people for a
living because I really felt that he was really aiming to kill the protagonist with a step by step
process of threats. As for the watchers, many scenes on the movie was confusingly realistic
because the protagonist was undergoing divorce which explains somehow for that life changing
event also change his mental state but not to the extreme when he almost shot dead his wife’s
affair. Another scene where he was talking to his self, when he was doubting if John Shooter
really is real which he was confronted on that scenario by that frictional character that he create
and to the extent that he eventually learned the truth, that Shooter was a character he made
during the time he was still together with her wife. To think that all along he was just not the
protagonist of the story because he was also the antagonist of it. He has Dissociative identity
disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD), is a mental disorder
characterized by the maintenance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality
states. The disorder is accompanied by memory gaps beyond what would be explained by
ordinary forgetfulness. In which he switches personality to Mort Rainey the writer into John
Shooter who is a killer and who was identified as the main enemy of the story which is also him.
I was surprise by the ending of the movie when he killed both his previous wife and her new
husband and I think they we buried on the garden where he planted corn that is viewed on his
secret window inside the cabin. The end was great where he was visited by the sheriff and
confronted him that the sheriff already knows and town folks of what he did which make those
people in the town very afraid by his uncontrolled actions, and within a matter of time as the
sheriff mentioned that eventually the death bodies with be found and Mort Rainey with be
accused for all of it. As what Mort Rainey said in the last part of the movie that is really creepy
and psychotic and a good ending on the story he wrote after killing her wife is “I'm sure that in
time, every bit of her will be gone, and that her death will be a mystery, even to me.”

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