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Mass Consumption
Nutrition Manual
By Ben Pakulski
Honors Kinesiology Degree, CSCS, ACE, MAT

Copyright 2011 Ben Pakulski Athletics and 2
Legal Disclaimer
The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice
or as a substitute for medical counselling. The information should be used in
conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician
before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition
program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with
your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in
the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions.

By continuing with the program, you recognize that, despite all precautions on the
part of Ben Pakulski Athletics, LLC, there are risks of injury or illness which can
occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly
assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have
against Ben Pakulski Athletics, LLC, or its affiliates as a result of any future physical
injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of
the program. 3
Welcome to the Nutrition Manual for MI40.
Let’s cut straight through the BS.

There are so many different approaches

to diet out there that claim to do things
like build crazy amounts of muscle in
ludicrous amounts of time.

If you have been around the fitness

industry for any period of time, as I
have, you have seen countless fads,
trends, and schemes come and go,
which have made HUGE promises
and delivered nothing but huge asses!
Pardon my French.

You’re all here because you want to


learn the BEST FORMULA to build the
in the shortest amount of time. Bottom
line, right?

The truth of the matter is that there are a FEW SCIENTIFIC PRINCPLES that have
been proven to sustain CONTINUOUS muscle growth over the LONG TERM.

Unfortunately, many people are so incredibly lost when it comes to nutrition.

I am here to help you find your way.

This is NOT Rocket Science! 4
This is NOT rocket science; it just takes knowing a little bit about muscle physiology
and exercise science: both of which you don’t care about. This is where I come in…

The last 14 years of my life have been dedicated to building muscle and optimizing
body composition.

The one INCREDIBLE thing you notice — the further

up the food chain you go in the fitness world — is that
it starts to weed out the CRAP.
The more intelligent people in the
fitness and nutrition world all seem
to abide by a small number of
what works and we do it.

It’s NOT “gimmicky”; it’s NOT a fad;

it’s Muscle Science.


Here it is…

Three-Phase Nutrition (3-PN)

What is 3-PN?

3-PN is a nutrition system that I have developed to simplify how you look at building
muscle and losing fat.

I have identified the 3 basic “Phases” of diet that are the ONLY factors that need
to be manipulated to build muscle and lose fat within a 24 hour period.

Learn the Principles behind each of these phases and you can precisely control
your rate of muscle-building.

Phase 1

The strategy behind P-1 is getting the absolute MOST out of your HARD WORK.

This phase is based on “intra workout nutrition”: exactly what you should be
consuming DURING your intense training sessions.

It has been shown that consuming the proper nutrients, including carbohydrates,
glutamine, and branch chain aminos IMMEDIATELY
after a workout can increase your rate of protein synthesis by 300% and,
therefore, cut back on your recovery time dramatically.

TIMING is extremely important when it comes to consuming nutrients around the

workout. This is something that most pro athletes will tell you can make or break
your success and achievement.

The difference of an hour can mean a difference of a HUGE decrease in

performance. When we as pro athletes are trying to get the ABSOLUTE MOST 6
out of our bodies, we tend to notice the fine details.
You can work hard, and if you don’t replenish what your body needs, you will
NEVER get the gains you’re after.

Don’t be afraid to eat.

Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself.
Take the time to learn what your body needs to get the results you’re after.

This nutrition plan is here to help you find exactly that!

All the details and calculations are below.

Phase 2

The focus of phase 2 has two major components --

1) Pre-Workout Nutrition
2) Post-Workout Nutrition (1-3 hrs after training)


Fueling a workout is something with which a lot of people struggle.

P-2 is designed around the most advanced scientific principles for optimizing
hormone levels and maximizing growth.

Keep your carbohydrate intake low before workouts to ensure

optimal growth hormone release AND increased serotonin levels (the “feel-good”
hormone that allows us to enjoy our workouts and really leave the gym with that
feeling of elation and accomplishment).

Low serotonin has been highly correlated to depression. NO GOOD.

So let’s keep that serotonin flowing whenever we can!
So, what do I do? 7
The idea here is to eat a well-balanced meal of lean protein and slow- digesting
carbohydrates about 3 hrs prior to training. This allows enough time for the meal
to leave your stomach and enter your muscles and tissues.

Then, about 1 hour (or even 30 minutes) before your workout, consume another
serving of protein (at this point, it’s Ok to have a shake OR an easily-digested form
of protein like egg whites or white fish).

FATS in P-2?

It is best to avoid fats for 4 hrs before a workout and 2 hrs afterward.
The reasoning for this is that you will be causing a substantial release of insulin
toward the end of your workout by consuming high glycemic liquid carbohydrates.
Insulin is a storage hormone. This means that ANYTHING present in the
bloodstream has a much greater likelihood of being shuttled into the cell. Having
any amount of fat in your blood stream when insulin levels are elevated is likely
to result in its being stored as fat!


Post-workout nutrition starts in Phase 1 and continues in phase 2.

Phase 2 starts 1 hr after training is complete.

At this point, your body is PRIMED for absorbing nutrients.

You should consume a large serving of carbohydrates as well as a large serving
of protein. Fats at this point will only slow the absorption of the other nutrients, so
it is not recommended (although it has been shown that fish oils, at this point, can
dramatically reduce inflammation –this would then become an individual decision
based on necessity).

P-2 is also a very good time to re-load on your water-soluble vitamins and
antioxidants. Many of these are utilized during training, and because there is an
enhanced uptake at this time, it is an ideal time to take these (there will be a list 8
of suggested vitamins and nutrients just a little further into the manual. You’re
almost there!)

Phase 3:

Phase 3 encompasses all the rest of your day: the time NOT based around your

This is a very large percentage of your life and is a very important component
to growth, recovery, and optimizing your hormone levels. Your first consideration
is making sure you maintain “positive nitrogen balance”. This basically means
that you keep a steady flow of amino acids in your blood stream so that you can
support the RE-building of your muscle tissue.

One of the most important things to note

about nutrition itself
(please read this carefully):

Your body REQUIRES certain nutrients to complete its essential processes

and continue its day-to-day function. If you don’t provide them in your dietary
consumption, your body WILL take them from wherever they happen to be
stored in your body.

If it happens to be protein, the first place your body will take proteins from
is your muscles. BAD NEWS for those of us looking to build muscle.

Another very interesting thing to make note of:

Digestion requires the presence of many vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and
co-enzymes to break down and absorb the food you eat.

If you’re eating a lot of junk foods and processed foods that have NO essential
vitamins and nutrients, where do YOU think they come from? 9
NEWSFLASH: your body takes them from your living cells. Those cells die
or become oxidized: muscle, liver, bone, and heart cells included.

After years of studying every nutrition manual and textbook I could find, I have
come to a set of basic principles that I believe are optimal for function and

In P-3, it is important to keep a steady flow of protein. The majority of your

calories should be coming from proteins and fats.
Carbohydrates come at the times when YOUR BODY NEEDS THEM.

Keeping insulin levels extremely elevated will only reduce insulin sensitivity and
increase inflammation over the long term. This could be the DEATH OF YOUR

He who uses carbohydrates BEST, wins! NOT he who uses the MOST

Fuel your body when it needs it and, the rest of the time, try to optimize your
hormone levels, keep inflammation down, and supply enough protein to build
muscles. 10

It starts 30 minutes into your workout.

It ends 60 minutes after you finish training.

This is THE most important period that exists in muscle-building. If you want to
BREAK THROUGH your muscle-building limits, you MUST make sure this phase
is optimized.

A little science, but nothing fancy:

As soon as you start exercising, your body starts changing its hormonal chemistry.

1) Growth hormone is released in response to presence of lactic acid.

2) Cortisol is released in response to “injury” to muscle tissue.

3) Serotonin is released in response to exercise.

4) Testosterone is increased due to intense exercise (but falls shortly hereafter).

These are the 4 most important factors to manipulate, in order to build muscle. 11
What you NEED to KNOW about HORMONES:

Lactic Acid

This is generated from the anaerobic breakdown of carbohydrates from exercise.

We all know the burning that exists in the muscle during intense training. Lactic
acid levels are directly proportional to level of Growth Hormone produced during

The “burn” is a very good indicator that you’re working hard, and your body will
start releasing growth hormone.




Good to know, isn’t it?

How do we ensure maximum growth hormone?

Maximum growth hormone requires the presence of particular amino acids, proteins
(Leucine, Glutamine, Lysine, Arginine). It can also be optimized by MINIMIZING the
presence of INSULIN!

A.K.A. -- NO carbohydrates.

Want to know more? KEEP READING!

Question: But I’ve heard that I NEED carbohydrates to “fuel” my workouts?

Answer: You have all the fuel you need already present in your muscles if you 12
follow this plan precisely.

Replenishing glycogen DURING and IMMEDIATELY AFTER training has been

shown to increase glucose uptake by up to 300% compared to not taking advantage
of the 3-hour window post-workout.

Keeping your insulin levels low in the first half of the workout is a great way to
optimize hormone levels and, as a result, improve body composition.

I can hear all the buzz now!

Don’t worry, I will tell you EXACTLY what to eat and WHY it is best for building
muscle. I’ve been in your shoes, too. Confused and just wanting to know what’s
BEST. It’s coming! :)

Growth Hormone
Optimizing growth hormone (GH) during exercise is ESSENTIAL to growing muscle.

The more intense the exercise, the more GH that is released. This is one of the
main factors that makes MI40’s workout program so effective.

MI40 workouts are scientifically designed around the most optimal methods
of increasing GH and IGF-1 levels (40-minute workouts, complete muscular
exhaustion via NOS, and optimal carb timing).

Key Take-Home Points on

MAXIMIZING GH production and release:

1) Keep insulin levels, and therefore carbohydrates, LOW (under 10g)

2) BCAA (branch chain amino acids) MUST be present
3) Glutamine and Arginine play a vital role in GH release 13
A “stress” hormone that is released by the adrenal glands in response to anything
the body perceives as stressful.

Robert Kapolsky, Ph.D., a scientific researcher and author, explains how “the
steroid hormone can boost blood sugar levels between meals, reduce inflammation,
control sleep-wake cycles, and help recovery from acute stressors”; however, he
also notes that “excessive release of cortisol can suppress the immune system,
increase fat storage, and impair mental function”.

A normal level of cortisol in the body is necessary and healthy.

Excessive amounts over any extended period will break down muscle and make
you FAT.

A really simple way to know if your cortisol levels are elevated is by where you store
your fat. If you store anything on your stomach, chances are very high that your
cortisol levels are extremely elevated.

A simple blood test can give you the exact answers.

The good news…

Cortisol Blockers

A few minor supplement additions to the pre-workout arsenal can drastically

reduce serum cortisol levels -- NATURALLY!!

Vitamin C — 1000 mg in the morning, before training, before bed

Siberian Ginseng — 100-200 mg in the morning and before training

Phosphotidylserine — 200 mg before training and before bed

And THE MOST IMPORTANT CORTISOL BLOCKER to be used during training is 14
carbohydrates. When taken during exercise, they have been shown
to DRAMATICALLY decrease overall cortisol production.

I make a recommendation for exactly how much and what types of carbs are
best just a few paragraphs down.


Less cortisol, less fat, and MORE muscle!

Question: If carbohydrates stop cortisol, why wouldn’t I take it at the beginning

of exercise to stop it completely?

Answer: Because doing so would all but halt the release of growth hormone. The
benefits of GH outweigh the detriments of cortisol, AND you will never completely
stop cortisol; you will only control it.

You ALWAYS want to look at the BIG PICTURE. View the body as a whole. Every
single thing you do causes something else to happen in your body. The 3P-N
approach to nutrition looks at EVERY single aspect of nutrition and how to optimize
muscle gains.

High levels are associated with an elevated mood, while low levels are associated
with depression. Though many neurotransmitters work in harmony to influence
mood, serotonin is most important. Levels are influenced by things such as
sunlight, diet, and exercise.

Eat a HIGH protein meal before you train, with minimal

carbohydrates. This is the best way to FEEL GOOD during
a workout and improve overall mood. 15
Ok, I know it’s not directly related to muscle-building, but I would argue that the
better your mood, the more effective and focused your workouts are! There is
plenty of research on this topic, in fact.

*Typical American Diets are overloaded with sugar and simple carbohydrates.
This has been shown to be correlated with low levels of serotonin and depression.

Testosterone peaks after 15 minutes of training and falls off rapidly after 45 minutes.
This is why the MI40 workouts are all 40-minute training sessions.

More testosterone = more muscle growth.

To increase testosterone naturally, you must ensure that you are taking sufficient
zinc and Omega-3 fish oils, as well as BCAA’s (most importantly, Leucine)
Saturated fats found in coconut oil are also a great way to support testosterone

For specifics on these and other supplement dosages and the best brands,
reference the supplement guide included with your MI40 Ultimate Training Package.
This is a LOT of information, I know.

Don’t worry. It’s all summarized below with exact details on exactly
WHAT you should be taking, and WHEN. 16
Your MAGIC “Anabolic Number”
The number one MOST IMPORTANT factor contributing to growth:


Determining YOUR “anabolic number” — (G)

This formula is designed around taking the time to ensure that your
body is getting everything it needs to recover from the overload of
weight training and daily stress which you subject it to, during MI40.

The idea here is to take time to establish the EXACT minimum requirements
to meet your body’s needs on a workout-to-workout basis.

As the recovery process begins DURING the workout, so does the P-1 phase.

If you’re ready to build some muscle, grab a pen and LISTEN UP:

Your Anabolic Number = Lean Bodyweight x 0.33

Workout carb requirement: Your “anabolic number” — (G)

If you don’t know your lean bodyweight, it is simply:

BODYWEIGHT (lbs) x (%) BF = BF in lbs

BODYWEIGHT (lbs) – BF (lbs) = Lean Body Weight (LBW) (lbs) 17
If you don’t know your body fat,
use these pictures as your guide to help you estimate:

15% 12% 8% 25% 20% 15%

Lean Bodyweight x 0.33 = Liquid carb requirement for growth (G).

Lean Bodyweight x 0.3/2= Liquid Carb requirement for fat loss (FL).

We now use this number [(G) OR (FL)] as our baseline number.

Post-workout Window -- Protein Requirement

Multiply (G) x 2 for your post-workout protein requirement.

Divide (G) by 2 to get your BCAA and Glutamine amount in grams.

Split BCAA and Glutamine into 2 equal servings, half pre- and half post- workout. 18
So, here it is in action…


MI40 Massive Muscle Builder #1 weighs 170 lbs and is 10% body fat; therefore,
153 pounds lean (170 x 0.10 = 153). He is aiming to gain muscle.

His calculation looks like this:

153 x 0.3 = 51 grams of carbs to be consumed *around workout.

1) He would ideally use a liquid carb, with a high glycemic index.

2) He should aim to consume 102g of protein in the 3-hour “POST
WORKOUT Window”:
— 51 grams of Whey Protein Isolate Immediately After Workout

— 51 grams from a lean protein food source within 2 hrs

3) He should consume 25g of BCAA and 25g of Glutamine, each divided
into two servings. One serving pre-workout, and one serving post-
workout. (12.5g per serving)

Pretty simple, right?

Take the time to calculate YOUR ‘P1’ values NOW!

Do not waste another minute in the gym if you’re not supporting the recovery

***REMEMBER your “anabolic number” — (G), it will be very important all

through your program. 19



High Glycemic Carb Powder (Vitargo) — your number (G) or (FL)

1g Vitamin ‘C’ Powder

Combine all ingredients in a blender with 2 cups of water and 1 cup ice. Blend.



1) 15 minutes pre-workout -- 1 Pre-workout Cocktail +

BCAA/Glutamine (your number)

2) Start Workout

3) 30 minutes later (middle/end of workout), begin MI40
Muscle Martini (space it out over 10-15 mins)

4) Post-workout Whey Protein Isolate Shake 20
The range of dosages are made to equate to a 100-lb individual on the low end,
and a 300-lb individual on the high end. So, find YOUR place on the nutrient

This might take a little math, but don’t overthink it. A little variance
in either direction will cancel out long-term.

None of these supplements are considered toxic or dangerous in the prescribed


Zinc: 10-30mg
Acetyl L-Carnitine: 1000-3000mg
Live Cell Probiotic: 3 billion-10 billion active cells
Arginine: 3-10g
Beta Alanine: 1-4g

Optional Cortisol-Blocking Supplements:

Siberian Ginseng

EXAMPLE – 120-lb woman would choose the low end of the range with 10mg zinc,
1000mg Carnitine, 3-billion-cell Probiotics, 3g Arginine, and 1g Beta Alanine.

*These items are considered NON-essential to this program. They are

recommended to accelerate overall growth and recovery. This information
will appear again in your MI40 supplement guide. 21
Question: What do I do on days that I don’t go to the gym?

Answer: On non-training days, the liquid carbohydrate is not necessary, but the
proteins and amino acids ARE!

Divide the BCAA and glutamine into 4 doses to be taken between meals
for best absorption.

Protein shakes can be taken anytime throughout the day – the middle
of the night is a good option, or anytime you crave a snack.



This phase begins 2 hours prior to training, and ends 3 hrs after training.

The goal of this phase is to FUEL your workouts and support the recovery process.

You want to make sure your body is JUST RIGHT to allow growth to occur.

Let us first examine the PRE-WORKOUT Primer.

Fitness professionals have made such a big deal about the “Post-Workout Window
of Opportunity” that many people think they can neglect what they do before a
workout. 22
I am here to make this QUICK and SIMPLE.
What you want to accomplish:

► Make sure your body has an excess of amino acids from protein.

► Plenty of vitamins and minerals in the bloodstream.

► Consume your last carbohydrate meal a minimum of 2 hrs prior to training.

► Ensure there are NO FATS in the food you eat.

► Improve peripheral blood flow and mental focus.

I know this sounds like a lot to have to worry about, and I know this sounds
different. Stay with me and don’t worry…I’ve got you covered!

EAT 3 hours prior to training

For someone looking to gain muscle, you want to use this meal to consume
a large serving of protein and carbohydrates. Depending on your metabolism,
this food should be into your muscles by the time you’re in the gym.


This meal should be a quickly-digesting protein source that is low in fat: chicken,
turkey, and white fish are all good choices.

A moderate serving of carbohydrates that will be completely absorbed is ideal

for this meal. Oatmeal and sweet potato are good choices here.

There is also an “acceptable food” list attached in this Nutrition Manual. 23


Whenever possible, consume more than one protein source at a meal; this
allows for greater absorption of the protein and less likelihood of lacking any
of the essential amino acids.

Some examples are:

Mixing - chicken and egg whites
- chicken and shrimp
- fish and lobster

DON’T EAT FATS (before training)

Minimize fat consumption for at least 3 hrs prior to training. Fats take a long time
to digest. They will certainly be lingering around at the end of your workout when
you are consuming high glycemic carbs to stimulate insulin. Insulin is a storage
hormone. 24

By now, you have already calculated your “anabolic number” (G) and you know
to consume that number in form of supplemental whey isolate immediately following
your workout (stated on your workout schedule printable page).

What now?

It is absolutely imperative that you eat again within 2 hrs of training.

This meal should consist of your largest daily amount of carbohydrates and
an equal amount of protein.

Your body has a drastically-improved ability to utilize nutrients during the 3 hours
after any type of intense training, so take advantage of it!


1:1 Ratio of Protein to Carbohydrates

The amount of protein and carbohydrates in this post-workout meal is again exactly
the number you calculated in P-1. Your “anabolic number” – (G).

Going back to the example calculation we used above, 170-lb Muscle Builder #1


He will then consume 50+ grams of protein and 50+ grams of carbs.

In real life terms, this means about 8oz (220 grams) of protein and 8oz (220 grams)
of carbohydrates. 25
Buy yourself a food scale; that’s the only way you’ll become familiar with the

The PERFECT Post Workout Supplement Stack

As was the case with the pre-workout supplement recommendations, I will provide
a range based on bodyweight, with 100 lb at the low end, and 300 lb at the high
end. Use some simple math to determine where you fall into this range.

Recommended for Optimal Performance and Recovery:

Leucine: 1-3 grams
Vitamin C: 500 mg-1 gram
Magnesium: 200-400 mgs
Glycine: 1-3 grams
High-Potency Multi-Vitamin

Recommended for overall health and wellbeing:

Chromium Polynicotinate: 100-200 mcg
Resveratrol: 20-100 mg
CoQ10: 50-100 mg
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid(ALA): 100-300 mg

*Remember, if you don’t write all these down now, you can also find them in your
MI40 supplement guide. 26
“You’re either growing, or you’re dying”

This phase encompasses ALL of the rest of your day. The main focus is to support
growth and recovery by ensuring a constant flow of nutrients… THE RIGHT


In their quest to build muscle quickly, many people are misguided by the idea that
a calorie is a calorie. This could not be further from the truth.

Every single thing you eat dictates your hormonal state.

Carbs cause your body to release certain hormones.

Proteins cause your body to release certain hormones, and so do fats.

Manipulating the TIMNG of these HORMONES is what makes some people fat,
and others, muscular.

“Genetics” just gives some people a greater margin for error, but at the end of the
day, foods still affect us all, in the same way.

I Endorse The K.I.S.S. Method --

Keep It Super Simple!
If you want to maintain a constant anabolic state in your body, you must maintain
a steady flow of protein and amino acids. That’s a no-brainer.

The harder you train, the more your body’s need for protein increases. 27
Whenever possible, you want to avoid stress and stress hormones. Stress
hormones may come as a result of poor dietary choices, so beware of fried foods
and things that contain pesticides. Eating ‘organic’ is best.




The efficacy with which your body uses sugar might be one of
THE MOST OVERLOOKED factors in muscle building.

The term you may hear thrown around is “insulin resistance” or “insulin

Let me tell you a well-known FACT:

If your body isn’t using your consumed carbohydrates efficiently, not only will you
not build muscle, but you will get FAT, fast!

Optimizing the way your body utilizes sugar:

Consuming the RIGHT carbohydrates, at the right time, is the best

way to ensure you’re on the FAST TRACK to building muscle.

When you eat foods containing carbohydrates, it is broken down in the stomach
into glucose to be used in the body. Once glucose reaches the bloodstream, the
pancreas releases insulin to shuttle this into the cells.

Low-Glycemic Carbohydrates are broken down slowly in the stomach; therefore,

they cause a less drastic release of insulin.

High-Glycemic Carbohydrates are broken down very quickly and cause a rapid
release of insulin. 28

You and I can consume the exact same amount of carbohydrates, yet we require
a different amount of insulin to be released from the pancreas to store the glucose
in our cells!

Yup! Listen up and read the next two paragraphs VERY closely….

Let’s say that I have a higher rate of insulin resistance (perhaps due to bad dietary
choices, or high stress, or bad dietary habits in youth). My body releases the
necessary insulin to store the glucose in the blood, but the cells are resistant. My
body will continue to sense the elevated blood glucose and continue to release
MORE INSULIN until blood glucose has normalized.

The AMOUNT of insulin present in the blood is a very important factor in

determining glucose utilization and fat storage rate.
High levels of insulin are BAD NEWS.

Have you ever had a large meal or something very sugary only to feel that crash
an hour later? This is your body over-compensating to a spike in blood sugar with
too much insulin, causing “Hypoglycemia”.

Insulin resistance can be your worst enemy!

Sounds pretty bad, right?


The good news is we can fix it. 29
1) Exercise. Often! Short, intense sessions are the only way to improve insulin

2) Eat less sugar! Eat less carbohydrates in general, unless you’re going to
use them.

3) Supplement! The right supplements can do wonders for improving glucose


Alpha Lipoic Acid (R-ALA)

Chromium Polynicotinate
Cinnamon Extract
Fish Oil
Banana Leaf Extract

*see supplement guide for dosages

These supplements are best taken first thing in the morning as well as post workout,
or any other time you anticipate large carbohydrate consumption.


*Eating carbohydrates at your first meal of the day has been shown to decrease
the efficacy with which your body uses sugar for the remainder of the day. The more
carbohydrates, the worse you use sugar for the rest of the day!

By simply eating a protein and fat-based breakfast, you can help to stabilize your
blood sugar levels throughout the entire day. You will IMMEDIATELY notice more 30
stable energy levels; less peaks and valleys; no mid-afternoon crash; and you
won’t need any stimulants to wake you up.

Some examples of BAD food choices to eat on a daily basis if you’re looking
to optimize body composition:

BAD food choices

Pasta and meatballs
Hamburger, fries and coke
PB and Jelly sandwiches

I want to make it clear that these are not necessarily things you need to avoid
altogether. The key to success in any muscle-building program is to follow a plan.

These foods might be a great idea on a day that you have chosen to refuel
or “cheat”.

These foods do have a place if the goal is to refuel and stimulate the metabolism.
This, however, is not something that you should do on a regular basis. 31
If You WorkOut In The Afternoon
Meal 1 Protein + Fats + Veggies

Meal 2 Protein + Carbs

Meal 3 (3 hours pre workout) Protein + Carbs

*Meal 4 (30 minutes pre workout) Protein + Veggies

DURING Workout -- Muscle Martini

POST Workout (Immediately after) Whey Protein Isolate (see ‘G’ for amount)

Meal 5 (within 2 hrs of training) Protein + Carbs

Meal 6 Protein + Fats + Veggies

Before Bed Protein Shake + Fats

*Meal 4 can be a shake, OR a regular meal 32
If You WorkOut In The Morning
For someone who works out in the morning, whether by choice or necessity,
THIS might be the ONLY time that I would consider putting in FATS BEFORE
training. See how you feel. If you have enough energy to train on protein and
veggies, this is ideal. If you are hungry or lack energy in the morning, fats in
Meal 1 are completely acceptable.

Morning workout
Meal 1 Protein + Veggies (+ fats optional)

Assuming the WORKOUT falls here

DURING Workout -- Muscle Martini

POST Workout (Immediately after) Whey Protein Isolate (see ‘G’ for amount)

Meal 2 Protein + Carbs

Meal 3 Protein + Carbs + Veggies

Meal 4 Shake

Meal 5 Protein + Carbs + Veggies

Meal 6 Protein + Fats + Veggies

Before Bed Protein Shake + Fats 33
If You WorkOut In The Evening
Evening workout
Meal 1 Protein + Fats + Veggies

Meal 2 Protein + Carbs

Meal 3 Protein + Carbs + Veggies

Meal 4 Protein + Carb + Veggies

Shake (choose one of the low-carb versions

Meal 5
from the MI40 shake menu)

Assuming the WORKOUT falls here

DURING Workout -- Muscle Martini

POST Workout (Immediately after) Whey Protein Isolate (see ‘G’ for amount)

Meal 6 Protein + Fats + Veggies

Before Bed Protein Shake + Fats 34
On Non-Training Days
On Non-Training Days
Meal 1 Protein + Fats + Veggies

Meal 2 Protein + Carbs

Meal 3 Protein + Carbs + Veggies

Meal 4 Protein Shake

Meal 5 Protein Shake + Carb + Veggies

Meal 6 Protein + Fats + Veggies

Before Bed Protein Shake + Fats

Take note: There is NO nutrient combining of carbohydrates and fats at any

point. To avoid any likelihood of increasing fat storage, it is necessary to avoid this
combination. 35
The most simple, yet accurate way to determine your daily caloric requirement is
to first calculate or test your body fat level to determine lean muscle mass weight.

BODYWEIGHT(lbs) x (%) BF = BF in lbs

BODYWEIGHT(lbs) – BF(lbs) = Lean Body Weight (LBW) in lbs

Now, for you math geeks out there, the number we will be using now is called the
“coefficient.” Basically, this means the number which you will now multiply your LBW
by, to get your daily caloric requirement for MI40.

For ladies wanting to GAIN muscle and maintain or lose body fat, multiply your LBW
x 12

Guys wanting to GAIN muscle mass and maintain or lose body fat, multiply your
LBW x 15

Guys wanting to GAIN as much muscle as possible or guys with really fast
metabolisms, multiply your LBW x 20

This is the number of CALORIES you should be consuming on a daily basis

to GAIN Muscle!

Let’s show you how this works…

Massive Muscle Builder #1 is 170 lbs and 10% bf.

His LBW (Lean Body Weight) is 153 lbs. 36
He decides he has a pretty fast metabolism and wants to gain as much weight as
he can, so he chooses to multiply his LBW x 20.

LBW(153) x 20 = 3060

Therefore, we know that MMB #1 needs to consume 3060 calories/day during his
MI40 Hypertrophy Program.

TRAINING DAYS FOLLOW a 30% protein/50% carbs/20% fat - nutrient split

NON-TRAINING DAYS FOLLOW a 50% protein/25% carbs/25% fat - nutrient split

This next part is going to require your full attention:

Here are the calculations showing how you arrive at exactly how many grams of
protein, carbs, and fats you are going to be eating daily, based on the MI40 protocol
and 3-PN.

Since you have already calculated your TOTAL DAILY CALORIC REQUIREMENT
(“Total-Cals”), it is now as simple as using your trusty calculator to crunch some

“Total-Cals” x 0.3 = Protein calorie requirement
“Total-Cals” x 0.5 = Carbohydrate calorie requirement
“Total-Cals” x 0.2 = Fat calorie requirement

“Total-Cals” x 0.50 = Protein calorie requirement
“Total-Cals” x 0.25 = Carbohydrate calorie requirement
“Total-Cals” x 0.25 = Fat calorie requirement 37
This will give you the TOTAL CALORIES you need to consume from each of
Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats.

To get TOTAL GRAMS you need to consume from Protein, Carbs, and Fats,
it is important to know that:

1) Each GRAM of Protein has 4 CALORIES

2) Each GRAM of Carbs has 4 CALORIES
3) Each GRAM of Fat has 9 CALORIES

NOW, divide the Protein Calorie Requirement you just calculated, by 4,

to get the total number of GRAMS of PROTEIN you need daily.

Then, divide the Carbohydrate Calorie Requirement you just calculated,

by 4, to get the total number of GRAMS of CARBS you need daily.

Then, divide the Fat Calorie Requirement you just calculated, by 9, to get
the total number of GRAMS of FATS you need daily.

Now, I will show you this exact formula put into action:

Massive Muscle Builder #1 has a daily CALORIE requirement of 3060; (I will do all
the calculations in BLUE)

Therefore, let get started on the next page... 38
“Total-Cals” x 0.3 = Protein calorie requirement
3060 x 0.3 = 918 (calories from protein)

“Total-Cals” x 0.5 = Carbohydrate calorie requirement

3060 x 0.5 = 1530 (calories from carbs)

“Total-Cals” x 0.2 = Fat calorie requirement

3060 x 0.2 = 612 (calories from fats)

“Total-Cals” x 0.50 = Protein calorie requirement
3060 x 0.50 = 1530 ( calories from protein)

“Total-Cals” x 0.25 = Carbohydrate calorie requirement

3060 x 0.20 = 612 (calories from carbs)

“Total-Cals” x 0.25 = Fat calorie requirement

3060 x 0.30 = 918 (calories from fat)

Hopefully, you’re with me so far! 39
Next, simply divide the numbers you just calculated above, by:
4 for protein
4 for carbs
9 for fats

918/4 = 229.5 grams of protein
1530/4 = 382.5 grams of carbs
612/9 = 68.0 grams of fat

1530/4 = 382.5 grams of protein
612/4 = 153.0 grams of carbs
918/9 = 102.0grams of fat

There you have the total number of GRAMS of each of Protein, Carbs, and Fats
which someone with 153 lbs of lean muscle mass would consume in MI40. 40
Protein 101

MI40 participants will have a GREATLY increased demand for nutrients,

especially protein.

The protein choices listed here are to be rotated on a daily basis.

Ideally you are consuming 5-6 DIFFERENT sources of protein each day.
This helps optimize digestion and absorption and prevents food allergies.

Your body’s need for protein is completely dependant on your activity level. The
harder and more often you train, the more protein your body needs to recover.


Make sure you’re getting 1g/lb of lean muscle mass MINIMUM if you’re looking
to GAIN MUSCLE. From this point, see how your body feels and assess your

YOUR PROTEIN INTAKE to 1.5g/lb lean bodyweight. 41
Best MI40 Protein sources
1) Fish Most types of fish and shellfish are excellent lean sources of
protein. Some fish also carry the added benefit of containing
omega 3 fats (see Fish Oil, in Fats section)

2) Lean Beef Loaded with naturally occurring, muscle building-creatine.

A great source of slow digesting protein. Choose lean sources

3) Bison Similar to beef. The benefit of Bison is that the diet of these
animals is almost always more natural and grass fed. Less
additives and fewer antibiotics.

4) Chicken A great lean source of protein.

5) Turkey Lean Turkey, known for its tryptophan content-that sleep

inducing amino acid we encounter around Thanksgiving dinner.

6) Whole eggs A source of protein, fats and cholesterol. As well as many

vitamins. (

7) Egg whites When pasteurized, a quick and easy add-in to protein shakes
or any food to increase the protein content with no addition fat
or carbohydratess. Great addition to your arsenal.

8) Whey Fast absorbing, high bio-availability (your body can use a large
protein percentage of it). Watch out, not all whey proteins are created
equal. Use the ones I recommend in the supplement guide.

9) Cottage A good way to add a slow digesting protein to your diet.


10) Casein Similar protein to cottage cheese, slow absorbing. High lactose
content. 42

Amino Acids make up the “building blocks” of proteins. When we consume

dietary protein, it is broken down into amino acids that are small enough to cross
the intestinal walls and enter our bloodstream. Amino acids are taken from the
bloodstream to be used in the formation of new cells. This process is always
ongoing in the body. For this process to occur most effectively, all 21 amino acids
must be present in the bloodstream. This is why it is absolutely necessary to vary
your protein sources. Eating just a few sources of protein will almost ensure that
you are not synthesizing protein at an optimal rate, thereby your recovery will suffer.
Some amino acids are called “essential” amino acids. This simply means that the
body cannot naturally produce these and they must be obtained through the diet.
Non-essential, can be synthesized in the body.

Complex Carbohydrates 101

MI40 views carbohydratess as a tool. This essential tool is used strategically to
stimulate the natural release of insulin. Insulin is the body’s “storage hormone”.
Whenever we increase insulin levels, the body stores what is present in the
blood stream.

In MI40, we use this fact to our advantage by stimulating the natural release of
insulin post workout to kick-start the recovery process and blunt any natural muscle
breakdown that occurs while exercising.

Carbohydratess are also a very beneficial tool when used in the right way, at the
right time. Most of the carbohydrates consumed in MI40 are consumed during
the 4-hour window around the workout.

Beyond this, low glycemic carbohydrates are used to aid in recovery and
to maintain the fuel to grow! 43
Best MI40 Complex Carbohydrate Sources
1) Brown Rice High in dietary fiber. It also contains CoQ10 which burns fat into
energy helping you lose weight and protect your heart. Another
ingredient is gamma-oryzanol which is an antioxidant that
strengthens muscles and converts fat into lean body mass.

2) White Rice Provides fast and instant energy.

3) Quinoa Great source of fiber and calcium. Contains Lysine, the amino
acid needed for tissue growth and repair.

4) Steel Cut Packed with protein and fiber. These Oats also have a lower
Oats glycemic index than regular oats causing a lower spike in
insulin levels.

5) Sweet Rich in beta carotene and fiber, this carbohydrate also offers
Potato great anti-inflammatory benefits.

6) Potato Potatoes are high in vitamin B6 which is essential for the

formation of new cells in the body. This is crucial for amino
acids (building blocks of protein) in their synthesis.

7) Lentils Their high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from
rising rapidly after a meal. They provide slow burning complex
carbohydrates as well as increase your energy by replenishing
your iron stores.

8) Kidney or Like lentils, Kidney beans have a high fiber content which
Black Beans prevents blood sugar levels from rising rapidly after a meal.
They too increase your energy by replenishing your iron stores.
A great source of protein.

9) Gluten-Free Cereals

10) Gluten-Free Breads 44
Fruits & Veggies
1) Broccoli High in Calcium. Contains phytonutrients that disarm free
radicals before they can cause damage to DNA.

2) Spinach Its phytonutrient content is off the charts with more than a
dozen different flavonoid compounds which function as anti-
inflammatory and anti-cancer agents. These also provide
antioxidant benefits as well.

3) Asparagus Contains the nutrient inulin, a carbohydrate which healthcare

practitioners refer to as a prebiotic. It aids in supporting our
digestive health. Asparagus is also a great anti-inflammatory
and antioxidant.

4) Kale Cleanses and detoxifies the liver. Kale, like Broccoli, is

also high in Calcium. Their Vitamin C content significantly
increases absorption.

5) *Garlic Contains Allicin which is anti-viral, anti-bacterial as well as


6) Raspberries Loaded with antioxidant properties, raspberries are also filled

with Vitamin C and Manganese which are critical in protecting
the body’s tissue from oxygen-related damage.

7) Pomegranate Pomegranates are filled with antioxidant and anti-

inflammatory properties.

8) Blueberries Possess whole body antioxidant protection and helps

maintain a steady blood pressure.

9) Strawberries Possess strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients.

10) *Lemons King of detox. Improves absorption of minerals as well as

promotes weight loss. Lemons have an alkalizing effect once
they enter the body. 45

Carbohydrates are broken down in Polysaccharides, disaccharides, and

monosaccharides. These names give you an indication of exactly how long the
“carbohydrate chain” is, and exactly how long it might take to breakdown before
it enters the bloodstream. Poly- means many. Therefore many parts to this chain.
It will take longer to break down and enter the blood. Di- means two. Mono-means
one. Once these sugars enter the blood stream, all carbohydrates are equal, they
can only be in the form of glycogen, or glucose(sugars most simple form). Knowing
what type of carbohydrate is a good starting point in basic nutrition. You can control
the rate at which you allow your body to receive carbohydrates or sugar. All of the
below complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides, and take longer to enter the
blood stream. 46
Fats are the building blocks of many hormones in the body.
They help to lubricate cells and keep the brain and nervous system functioning
optimally. Essential for muscle function, hair/skin/nails production and maintenance.
Fats are nutrient dense and are higher in calories per gram (9 cals/gram) than
Protein and carbs (4 cals/gram).
Fats have received a LOT of unnecessary bad press in recent years.


Comprised of Saturated, Mono-unsaturated and and poly-unsaturated. Each of

which has an essential role or function in the body. Most of the press is given to
Omega 3 fatty acids because of their direct correlation with decreasing inflammation
and heart disease. It is necessary to maintain a balance of Omega 3, 6 and 9 for
optimal health. So rotate your fat sources often. 47
1) Walnuts Walnuts are one of the best plant sources of protein. They are
rich in fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, and antioxidants such as
Vitamin E.

2) Almonds Loaded with vitamin E and magnesium. A great fat source.

3) Brazil nuts Packed with selenium. Essential for testosterone production.

4) Avocado Distinct fruits with high fat content and calories. Subtly flavorful
yet buttery, they are amongst the most popular fruits having
nutrition profile similar to that of some edible nuts and seeds.

5) Coconut Oil A saturated fat, with many health benefits. Ideal or cooking.

6) Olive Oil High ratio of monounsaturated fats to saturated. Use less often
for cooking.

7) Fish Oil Omega 3 is the name of a type of fat that is found in oil-rich fish
and some plant oils and is also known as ‘n-3‘. They are from
the family of ‘good’ fats - polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
that are not only beneficial for health but are essential in the
diet. Do not heat!

8) Walnut Oil

9) Macadamia Loaded in B vitamins and manganese. Great for cooking.

Nut Oil

10) Flax Oil Great source of Plant based omega 3, rich source of energy
and contain many health benefiting nutrients, minerals,
antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for optimum health. 48
6 3 ratio
Canola Oil 8 61 21 10 2:1 Recommended
Flax Seed Oil 9 18 16 57 1:3.5 Recommended
Safflower Oil 10 13 77 0 77:0 Somewhat Recommended
Sunflower Oil 11 20 69 0 69:0 Somewhat Recommended
Corn Oil 13 25 61 1 61:1 Somewhat Recommended
Olive Oil 14 77 8 1 8:1 Recommended
Soyabean Oil 15 25 53 7 8:1 Somewhat Recommended
Sesame Oil 15 42 43 0 43:0 Recommended
Peanut Oil 18 49 33 0 33:0 Not Recommended
Salmon Fat 24 34 0 42 0:42 Recommended
Cotton Seed Oil 27 19 54 0 54:0 Somewhat Recommended
Chicken Fat 32 47 21 0 21:0 Somewhat Recommended
Palm Oil 40 48 11 1 11:1 Somewhat Recommended
Pork Fat 41 48 11 0 11:0 Not Recommended
Beef Tallow 47 53 0 0 0:0 Not Recommended
Cocoa Butter 64 36 0 0 0:0 Not Recommended
Butter 69 31 0 0 0:0 Not Recommended
Cheese 70 30 0 0 0:0 Not Recommended
76 19 0 0 0:0 Not Recommended
Vegetable Oil
Coconut Oil 92 6 1.6 0.4 4:1 Recommended

SFA = Saturated Fatty Acid

MUFA = Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acid
PUFA = Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acid 49
Frequently Asked Questions
How is 3-PN different?

3-PN is simple in its approach, yet scientific in its nature. You will find no more
effective approach to nutrition anywhere. Your STRICT adherence to this program
is the only factor affecting your growth and progress. Take time to figure out your
calculations, and use them as your baseline from which to grow.

How Many Calories Do I Start With?

The best place to start this program is by calculating your “anabolic number” -- (G)
(see P-1) -- and then calculating your total daily caloric requirement.

If you are adhering strictly to the MI40 training schedule, the calorie calculator is:

LEAN BODYWEIGHT x 15 = daily caloric requirement.

TRAINING DAYS FOLLOW a 30% protein/50% carbs/20% fat - nutrient split

NON-TRAINING DAYS FOLLOW a 50% protein/20% carbs/30% fat - nutrient split

See “Calculating Your Calories”

How Do I Progress?

Caloric Progression is to take place in P-2 ONLY.

You increase the amount of carbohydrates you consume AROUND YOUR


This is something that you make a decision to do, and DO. There is no real factor or 50
indicator as to when to increase calories. If you feel as if you’re working extra hard,
or you feel as if you’re tired, that may be a good time to increase your calories.

The number of carbohydrates you consume in P-1 will go up as your bodyweight


What if I train late in the day?

Don’t worry about it. Eating carbohydrates late will only make you fat if it is in
excess. Reference the diet plan above.

Keep on the same schedule that is provided for you and adjust it so that your
post-workout meal is after training. Keep everything else in order. Reference the
sample diet above.

What if I train first thing in the morning?

Eat one NON-carb meal, and get to work!

After that, everything else is the same.

Reference the sample diet above.

What beverages can I drink?

Anything calorie-free is acceptable. I NEVER encourage or condone the regular

use of “sugar-free” products or drinks, but if you can’t cut them out, the moderation
is key!

The occasional fruit juice is fine.

Alcohol is not recommended, but if you must, limit consumption to 6/week.

Other than that: water, water, water! 51
What if I don’t have an appetite?

Try taking Betaine Hydrochloride with meals, or digestive enzymes. This will help
to make sure you are breaking down the foods you’re already eating. Many people
lose appetite because the food they eat sits in their stomachs.

Another reason for lacking appetite can be food sensitivities. This can cause
bloating and inflammation of the stomach and intestinal wall. Try eliminating
common allergens like wheat (gluten), and dairy, first.

What if I’m gaining too much fat?

Either you’re not training hard enough, or your body simply isn’t using sugar very
well (see controlling insulin resistance).

It might be time to start a little High-Intensity Cardiovascular Training (HICT).

Short duration -- 20 minutes to start.

Start with 3 sessions/week on a stepmill or inclined treadmill. If your fat continues

to go up after one week, increase to 4 times/week.

This is best done first thing in the morning, or at night before your last meal of
the day. Refer to the Cardio Protocol outlined in the printable workout sheets.

What if I’m not growing?

Increase your nutrients in P-1 and P-2.

More carbohydrates during your workout will start pushing that anabolic window
to its maximum potential.

Start with 25% increase in both P1 and P2. This should do the trick.

Example: My “G” value is 50, so I am consuming 50g of carbohydrates during 52
training, and 50g during P-2.

A 25% increase means that I eat 12.5g more at EACH of these two times.
Same goes for protein: 25% increase in P1 and P2.

How much should I expect to gain each month?

I have had test subjects gain up to 19 pounds in 40 days. It all depends on YOU.
You will get out, what you put in. Put the system to the test, and shoot me your
results and pictures!

MI40 is going to be pushing your limits of physical performance and growth.

Your body is going to require a greater amount of nutrients than it is used to.
This is necessary to support all the growth processes.

Be smart and push hard.

Use this manual as your constant companion.

If you take the time to look, all of the answers to your questions already exist
in this manual.

Grow time! 53

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