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P r epar ed by :
Ifitkhar Hussa in Rizvi

Email: iftkha

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1-Islam, a religion of peace

Islam and terrorism
1. All the religions and laws give the message of peace.
2. People of all the religions have committed terrorism.
3. Miss-interpretation of Islam.
4. Like all the other religions of the world, Islam promotes peace, love
and harmony.
5. Islam forbids killing of innocent people.
6. Acts of different terrorist groups do not represent Islam.
7. Conclusion.
All the religions and laws give the message of peace. It is man who distorts their true sense.
This does not make these religions and laws evil.
People of different religions have committed terrorism. History shows that Christians and
Jews had committed it in past and are still committing it. Islam is basically miss-interpreted by those
who do not comprehend it or distort it for their own interests. Actually, it is conspiracy which is
hatched by Western media.
Like all other religions Islam promotes peace, love and harmony among people. Actually the
word Islam is derived from the Arabic word „Slam‟ which means peace. The Muslims greet each
other by saying „Slam‟ (peace be upon you). Islam advocates peace and rejects aggression. The
relation of Muslims depends on peace, mutual respect and trust. The theme of Quran is peace.
Islam forbids killing of innocent people. Islam condemns killing of people merely because
they belong to different religion. The Quran gives absolute freedom of religion in a society. It does
not allow Muslims to fight except for self defense or to enforce peace.
Regrettably, many terrorist groups are using the name of Islam for their own benefits. This
gives non-Muslims a chance to declare Islam and Muslims terrorists. On the other hand, other
Christians and Jewish terrorists are deliberately ignored. Attacks on the civilians are condemned by
all the religions, including Islam. Some of the terrorist groups which kill innocent people consider
themselves martyrs. But they should think twice. Their acts are strongly condemned by God in the
verses of Quran. The Quran is very clear that the believers must defend themselves but never to
To conclude, it can be said that our creator is one and same. The God of Muslims is the same
as that of Jews and Christians. God does not permit one group to kill innocent people of other group.
Islam should not be confused with what these so called Muslims have done. They actually, by the
definition of Quran are not Muslims. In short, Islam is a religion of peace and condemns terrorism in
form and manifestation.

2-Suicide Bombing and Islam

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1. Introduction.
2. Islam condemns suicide bombing.
3. In Middle East, suicide bombing was carried out by uninformed youth.
4. We have full sympathy with those who are suffering but we cannot
agree with breaking God’s commandments.
5. Islam urges the followers to adopt the way of peace.
6. Blame can be placed both on oppressors and suicide bombers.
7. Conclusion.
A suicide bomb attack is an attack in which the bomber himself also dies. This term was first
used by Western media during the Second World War to describe the actions of Japanese Kamikaze
Pilots. But in recent times, it is used to describe the attacks of Muslim Jehadists.
In Middle East, suicide bombing was carried out by uninformed youth. It was mainly done to
avenge the loss of their freedom. But, now it has spread to the whole world. It is carried out by the
youth who have lost all hopes of peaceful settlements. They witnessed their families suffering in the
hands of occupying forces. Despite this intolerable situation, no permission in Islam can be found to
avenge by suicide.
Islam condemns suicide. Though it asks its followers to stand for their rights and defend
themselves but they are told to adopt peace and tolerance first. The Quran does not promise
„Heaven‟ who commits suicide but rather warns of hell. Probably, these wrong thoughts originated
from manmade books of „Hadiths‟ and „Sunnah‟. Suicide is a state of disbelief and loss of faith that
is condemned by God.
We have fully sympathy with those who are suffering but we cannot agree with breaking
God‟s commandments. Oppression is not a reason to break God‟s laws, rather is a good reason to
hold tight to them. We should know that by achieving peace, love and tolerance, we will gain
dignity. We should show the world true face of Islam.
Islam urges the followers to adopt the way of peace. They may fight when peaceful means
fail. But fighting does not include the killing of innocent civilians. This does not reflect true picture
of Islam.
The blame can be placed both on oppressors and suicide bombers. The oppressors should
give a chance to youth to live in dignity and freedom. The world has to speak up against the
oppressors. No divine law allows the oppression or occupation of others houses. Peace can only be
achieved by mutual understanding.
To conclude, it can be said that we should tell our youth about the true Quranic
commandments. But the world should also make efforts to stop this aggression. As the young
generation of theses nations find no other way except to die.

3-Social Evils

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Corruption in Society
1: Man is a social animal by nature.
2: Man has deviated (‫ )بھٹک جانا‬from true concept of Islam.
3: Different social evils are causing damage to our society.
4: Bribery is the worst social evil.
5: Hoarding (‫ )ذخیرہ اندوزی‬and black marketing are also serious crimes.
6: Nepotism (‫ )اقربا پروری‬and jobbery (‫ )سرکاری افسران کی بدعنوانی‬are also very common.
7: These evils can be eradicated, if we act according to the principles of Islam.
Man is a social animal by nature. The lust of wealth and property breeds (‫ )پیدا کرنا‬many evils
in human beings. People are ready to whatever suits them to gather wealth. They do not bother about
moral values and laws of the country. Our society is a Muslim society, but it is pity that today almost
all the social evils are prevailing around us. The cause of this is our deviation from the true concept
of Islam. Today man has so much fallen a victim to material benefits that his survival is now at
stake. This all shows how adversely evils have affected our society. The different social evils such
as bribery, nepotism, jobbery, beggary, drug addiction, smuggling, dowry system and many other
are causing a great damage to our social life and individual dignity (‫)عظمت‬. They are in fact a
hindrance (‫ )رکاوٹ‬in our way to progress and prosperity in life.
Bribery is the worst social evil, our society is suffering form. From top to the toe the
members of our society are indulged (‫ )عادت ہونا‬in this evil, directly are indirectly. And the worst is
that nobody is ashamed of taking are giving bribery. The situation has worsened to such an extent
that even the most honest persons have been left with no alternative. It seems almost impossible to
get one‟s work done in any department without greasing the palm of the authorities.
Hoarding and black marketing are also very common. Hoarders and black marketers play
with the fate of the people. Food adulteration is also a serious crime committed openly in our
society. You can hardly buy anything pure from market. Adulterated food stuff is damaging the
public health.
Another social evil which is at peak now a day is nepotism and jobbery. Nepotism means
doing undue favour in appointing one‟s relatives to office. The appointment of inefficient relatives
of the ruling classes to office might lead us to destruction if it is not checked very soon.
Sectarianism, theft, dacoities, swindling (‫)فریب دے کے لوٹنا‬, cheating, corruption, forgery (‫)جعل سازی‬,
delay in justice and so many other social evils have spread in our society at a large scale.
To conclude, we may say that almost every part of our society is corrupt and every attitude
shameful. The society cannot change until everyone changes himself and act according to the
Islamic principles. However, the time has come when all these above mentioned evils should be
uprooted and ended without delay if we want to make our country a true Islamic state.

4-The UNO

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The United Nations Organization

Is the UNO a success or failure?
1. Introduction.
2. Structure of UNO.
3. The aims of UNO are to promote world peace.
4. It is useful in many ways but it has failed to promote peace in the world.
5. The body should be activated and re-organized.
The UNO is a world organization. Different nations of the world formed it in 1945, after the
Second World War. There are two main parts of UNO. One is the General Assembly and other is the
Security Council. The General Assembly considers the questions of war, peace, development and
justice. It tries to give help to poor countries to improve the condition of their people. The Security
Council has fifteen members. Five of these are permanent. Each of these permanent members has a
right to reject any decision of the Security Council. Urgent matters of war are considered here. There
are many other organizations which are working under UNO.
The main aim of UNO is to prevent war. When there is a serious dispute between member
countries it tries to solve it through different ways. It discusses the causes of the war with the
representatives of the fighting countries and tries to end the conflict between them. Apart from that,
it tries to solve the problems of health, education, agriculture etc of member countries. It provides
medicine, useful books, educational films etc to member countries. It sends trained persons in
different fields to member countries to help them.
As a peace loving body the UNO has utterly failed. It can stop Russia and America from
invading Afghanistan. It even cannot stop America from attacking Iraq. It has done nothing to stop
killing of Muslims in Kashmir, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and in other countries of the world. We
can say that UNO has failed to restore peace in any part of the Muslims world. Big powers like
America and Russia can easily reject the decisions of the Security Council by using their “Veto”
power of rejection. The result is that justice is not done to smaller powers or weaker countries. The
UNO has not been very successful in preventing war. So there have been wars between India and
Pakistan and between Arab countries and Israel.
There is a dire need of improvement in the working of UNO. The UN cannot become truly
powerful unless all the big powers agree to destroy their atomic weapons and decide not to make any
more. The UN should be having its own armed forces, more powerful than any one single country.
None of the big powers should have the right to reject the decisions of Security Council. The
decisions of General Assembly should be implemented by force. But the UN should at the same time
be completely impartial in giving its decisions on dispute between member countries.

5-The Choice of a Profession

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The choice of a career

1. In the modern world, the choice of a profession is a very difficult thing.
2. Our career is determined by number of factors.
3. Personal likes and dislikes play an important role in deciding one’s profession.
4. The parents and teachers should guide the young men to adopt the right type of
5. The responsibility of the parents in the selection of right type of profession is great.
In this modern world the choice of a profession is a very difficult thing. In a country like
Pakistan, where unemployment among the educated people is great, the selection of right type of
career is very difficult. In our country, population is increasing every year. The opportunities of
doing job are minimizing. The educated people are forced to do jobs contrary to their taste due to
shortage of jobs.
Looking a doctor sitting for a competitive exam is quite heartbreaking. The proper place for a
doctor is a hospital and not the court. But he is helpless. He does not get a job. We can say for the
most of qualified people the choice of a profession has become difficult.
In past, no one worried about the choice of a profession. The son of a blacksmith became a
blacksmith (‫)لوہار‬. A businessman would leave behind his business for his son. But now the things
have changed. Even the uneducated parents are worried about the careers of their children.
The career of a young man is determined by many factors. Some children follow the career
chosen by their parents; others decide a career for themselves. Children born in the house of a
merchant likes to become a businessman. The business is already established; therefore, it requires
little effort to adopt it. The educated find it hard to adopt the profession of their choice.
Before the selection of a career, we must take into account our aptitude (‫)ردجان‬, taste and
mental ability. A young man who wants to become a lawyer must possess argumentative ( ‫دالٴیل دینے‬
‫ )واال‬brain and capacity to convince others. A teacher must have ability to teach the children. He
should not be guided by material interests. A doctor must be technically sound and should possess a
tender heart for suffering humanity. A timid and weak person cannot succeed in business.
Personal likes and dislikes play an important part in deciding one‟s profession. A person
with poetic bend ( ) of mind will not succeed in business. Children with bold nature will be great
success in independent profession like law or medicine.
Parents and teacher should help the children in deciding right profession. Especially, parents
can play a big part in helping their children in choosing a profession according to their children‟s
likening and disliking. They should not force their children to adopt a profession they like rather
they should help their children in choosing a profession which they like. In this way every individual
will work to his full capacity.

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Nationalism and Internationalism

1. Introduction: meaning of patriotism.
2. Good points of patriotism.
3. Dangers of patriotism.
(a) Narrow mindedness.
(b) War.
(c) Selfishness.
(d) Sentimentality.
4. Conclusion.
Patriotism means love for one‟s country. It is a noble instinct ( ). It is born with our birth
and grows with our growth. Love for one‟s country is a natural thing. We live in it; we breathe in it;
we drink its water and eat its food and we enjoy its rights. Even beasts love their homes. Traitors
like Mir Jafar and Mir Sadiq are always looked down upon (‫)دقارت سے دیکھنا‬. While those like Tipu
Sultan, Sirajuddaula, Major Aziz Bhati and Quaid-e-Azam who suffer or die in a patriotic cause are
ever respected by their fellow-men. Patriotism makes a man brave. It enables him to face dangers. It
makes a man sacrifice pleasure and hope of gain. Surely, patriotism is desirable and the absence of it
is a bad thing.
But patriotism has its dark side too. It has certain dangers. First, it often makes a man narrow-
minded and unfair. A partite finds no fault with his country. He cannot bear criticism on his country.
To a Pakistani, everything Pakistani is good. To the English, everything English is faultless. This
attitude helps us to develop hater towards all the other countries. The German national song opens
with this “Germany over all”. The Japanese place themselves at the top of the list of nations.
Secondly, patriotism is there behind all wars of aggression and all form of imperialism ( ‫برطانیہ‬
‫)کی توسیع سلطنت کی پالیسی‬. Hitler exploited (‫ )ناجاٴیس فاٴیدہ اٹھانا‬the patriotism of the German Youth and
Mussolini of Italian Youth. People cut each other‟s throat without any remorse (‫ )افسوش‬in the name
of patriotism. Patriotism seems to be a justification (‫ )صذیخ ثابت کرنا‬of every kind of international
crime, every kind of offence of against humanity.
Thirdly, within the country itself, patriotism has its danger too. Many wicked persons turn
into patriots in order to escape the consequences of their evil deeds. The selfish join the patriotic
parties for their own benefits. Under the name of patriotism, they think that they are free to whatever
they like.
Lastly, too much of patriotic feelings are necessary to make a man idealist. He emotionally
works for his goodness of his country. Such patriots often become a positive source of danger. They
do not realize the importance of compromise in the affairs of men.
To conclude, we may say that one may love one‟s country but one should try to develop an
international outlook. True patriotism should never go against internationalism. To save himself
from these dangers, a man must always remember he is first a human being and then a citizen of
some country.
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7-The Place of Women in our Society

1. Women are as important as men.
2. The Position of women in villages and cities.
3. The position of women in other countries.
4. Better opportunities should be provided to women to work.
5. Women should not forget their basic duties.
6. Conclusion.
Women in our society are as important as men. In fact, they both are important for the
existence of a society. Though there is some improvement, yet it is a sad fact that the position of
women in our society, on the whole, is not satisfactory.
Most of the village women are uneducated and uncultured. They don‟t enjoy even some basic
rights. Mostly, they depend on their husbands or other male family members for the fulfillment of
their basic needs. Even they don‟t have a right to marry according to their will. However, now a
happy change is coming in the situation of village women. Now they also are getting education and
compared to past they are enjoying more freedom.
Women in cities are in somewhat better position. They are getting education and are working
independently. Now city women are working almost in every field of life and are supporting their
families. They are enjoying more freedom compared to village women. But in poor families, even in
cities, the situation is not much different from village women. Most of the women of poor families
work hard in their houses and then have to support their families by doing some kind of labour. It is
also a fact that women either living in cities or villages have to face the torture from their male
family members, especially from their husbands.
Compared to our society, in advanced countries women enjoy more respectable position.
They are treated equal with men in almost every field of life. There is not much difference in the
position of village and city women. They are independent and can work in every field. They even
decided some important matter of international importance.
We know women in our country are enjoying more freedom than ever before. They are
working in every field of life and have better representation in assembly than ever before. But still
they are facing the problem of gender discrimination. Hence, we should change our thinking and
should provide better working conditions for them, so that they can also their role in national
But in all this women should also not ignore their basic duties. Their first duty is to look after
their family and if they can manage then they should come out and work.
To conclude, it can be said that though a welcome change can be witnessed in the condition
of women yet much more is needed to improve the condition of these poor creatures.

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8-The value of press

The newspaper can do a lot of good as well as harm
1. The newspapers have a tremendous influence in the modern world.
2. The newspapers keep us in touch with the world.
3. The newspapers satisfy the taste of people belonging to different fields of life.
4. They have harms also. They can widen the gulf (‫ )خلیج‬between the different sections of
society by publishing false news.
5. The management of newspapers should be in the hands of responsible people.

The newspapers have a tremendous influence in the modern world. They are a powerful mean of
spreading all sorts of news and views. There are hundreds of newspapers in the world. Some of them
have wide circulation and are read by millions of people. Some are published daily and others weekly
or monthly. They bring many advantages to their readers.
First, the newspapers keep us in touch with the world. Without them we cannot know all the
news of even our own town or village. They extend our knowledge and keep up-to-date. They bring the
people of different countries close together. They contain news for almost all classes of people.
Secondly, the sportsmen find in them the news of their interest. Commercial news is published
for businessmen. Lovers of the Radio and the cinema can find detail of daily program. The
advertisements help the advertiser in selling their goods better and quick. A man of literature can find
stories and articles in them. The unemployed can see wanted column for a job. Those in search of
brides can look up the matrimonial wants. Aggrieved persons can write to the editors.
Thirdly, they can raise morality of their readers. They can lead a powerful revolt against all types
of tyranny (‫ )جبر‬and injustice. They can make their readers better citizens by giving them right
guidance. They can create feeling of good-will between the various classes, races and nations of the
world. Thus we find that they can do a lot of good. But they can do a lot of harm also:
First, they are double edged weapons and cut both ways. By publishing false news, they can give
wrong and false information to the people. By means of inflammatory (‫ )آگ بڑھکانے والے‬articles, they
can widen the gulf between the various races and nations of the world. By publishing all sorts of war
news, they can, sometimes, make people nervous and excited.
Secondly, the newspapers can disturb the peace of a country by printing articles likely to set one
community to another. They sometimes, do irrevocable (‫ )ناقابل اصالح‬harm by publishing even true news
of communal riots. Such news should either not be published or published after restoration of normal
conditions. Some newspapers accept bribes and become mere tools in the hands of some persons. They
can become a mere machine for party propaganda.
To conclude, it can be said the management of newspaper should be in the hands of some sensible
people who should use the newspaper for something good not for mere material benefits.

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9-Is war necessary?

1. Man is passing through the most delicate phase of his history.
2. Reasons for fighting war.
3. Is war necessary?
4. The way to solve the problem of war.
5. Conclusion.

Man is passing through most delicate phase of his history. Though he has made an astonishing
progress in every field of life and is living a more comfortable life than his ancestors. But, despite all of
his great progress he has to face many challenges in modern day‟s life. One of such challenge is war.
War and fighting has been common since time immemorial. Countries or nations fight wars for a
number of reasons.
Firstly, the two or more countries or nations begin a war for the sake of expansion of their
territories. Secondly, wars are fought by nations to get back their countries from foreign rulers. The
example of War of Independence of 1857 of Muslims of India can be given here. Thirdly, wars may be
fought for religious reasons. Such wars were very common in olden times. For example many wars
were fought between Christians and Muslims hundreds of years ago in Asia and Europe. Apart from
these reasons there may be some other reasons also. But the question here is, is war necessary?
The answer of this question is big „No‟. Though, when we consider the causes of war, it looks as
the war is the only way to settle all the matters between nations. But, that is not right. There are many
other ways to settle the disputes. If all countries agree to accept the decisions of UN in their disputes
war can be avoided. Apart from that being a Muslim we have a personality, whose life provides us a
guiding line. We see that despite having an upper hand over Kufar of Makha, our beloved Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) got ready for “Sulh-o-Hudabia”. Though some of its terms were against
the Muslims but the result of it can open the eyes of some of the big bosses of today‟s world. Our
beloved Prophet showed a way to the all human beings till the Day of Judgment that how should we
live a life and settle our disputes. Though He also fought some wars but when these were entrusted on
him. But whenever he got chance, he adopted the way of peace and he preached this in his whole life.
Hence, to conclude I may say that peace is better than war and war is not the only solution of
any dispute rather it gives air to them. So if this world wants a better and prosperous future for coming
generations, it should adopt the ways shown by our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and
his way definitely not suggest war.

10-The International Disturbance

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The present day Muslim World
Future of the Muslim World
1. The modern world is presenting the most disturbed situation of its
2. After 9/11 incident, America with its allies attacked both Afghanistan
and Iraq.
3. The designs of American attack are very wicked.
4. Actually, America and West are afraid of spreading of Islam in these
5. The future of the Muslims is quite bright.

The modern world is presenting the most disturbed situation of its history. There is disorder and
anarchy everywhere and the Muslim countries are worst sufferers. They are made a victim of barbarity
and cruelty. The Muslims all over the world are backward in the fields of science and technology. They
don‟t have sophisticated weapons to defend themselves. America with its advancement in the field of
sophisticated weapons is ruling all over the world, especially the Muslim world. The rulers of the
Muslim countries are not challenging its authority, just to save their governments.
After 9/11 incident, America with its allies attacked both Afghanistan and Iraq. They are causing
endless destruction in both the countries. Millions of people have been killed and wounded in both the
countries. Still these countries are suffering in the hands of America and its allies. Everyday hundreds
of people are killed. Hospitals, colleges, shopping plazas, hotels and many other important buildings
are dashed to ground. Both the countries are presenting a sorrow picture of mass destruction.
The designs of American attack are very wicked. Actually, it wants to crush the Muslim unity.
In Afghanistan, it did not like the Islamic Movement, where as in Iraq it wanted to take control of the
oil wealth. Now it is planning to attack Iran. The Muslims in occupied Kashmir are also suffering in the
hands of Indian army. Situation in Palestine is also very grave. Apart from that situation in Pakistan is
also disturbing.
America and European countries are carrying this campaign in the name of terrorism and
extremism. But, actually, America and West are afraid of spreading of Islam in these countries.
Thousands of people are embracing Islam in these countries every day. The western scholars and
religion thinkers are afraid of this and are running an unholy campaign against Islam and our beloved
Holy Prophet. They are declaring every practicing Muslim a terrorist and fundamentalist.
The future of the Muslims is quite bright. Allied forces cannot make the people of these
countries their slaves. The freedom fighters of the Muslim countries are putting up great resistance
against the Allied forces. They are committed to expel these forces from their countries. The sacrifices
of the people of these countries will not go waste and one day they will have to leave their countries
and the day is not far.

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11-The Situation of Present Muslim World and its Solutions

1. The modern world in presenting the most disturbed situation of its
2. After 9/11 incident, America attacked both Afghanistan and Iraq.
3. The designs of American attack are very wicked.
4. Actually, America and West are afraid of spreading of Islam in these
5. Steps to solve the problem of the present Muslim world.

The modern world is presenting the most disturbed situation of its history. There is disorder and
anarchy everywhere and the Muslim countries are worst sufferers. They are made a victim of barbarity
and cruelty. The Muslims all over the world are backward in the fields of science and technology. They
don‟t have sophisticated weapons to defend themselves. America with its advancement in the field of
sophisticated weapons is ruling all over the world, especially the Muslim world. The rulers of the
Muslim countries are not challenging its authority, just to save their governments.
After 9/11 incident, America with its allies attacked both Afghanistan and Iraq. They are causing
endless destruction in both the countries. Millions of people have been killed and wounded in both the
countries. Still these countries are suffering in the hands of America and its allies. Everyday hundreds
of people are killed. Hospitals, colleges, shopping plazas, hotels and many other important buildings
are dashed to ground. Both the countries are presenting a sorrow picture of mass destruction.
The designs of American attack are very wicked. Actually, it wants to crush the Muslim unity.
In Afghanistan, it did not like the Islamic Movement, where as in Iraq it wanted to take control of the
oil wealth. Now it is planning to attack Iran. The Muslims in occupied Kashmir are also suffering in the
hands of Indian army. Situation in Palestine is also very grave. Apart from that situation in Pakistan is
also disturbing.
America and European countries are carrying this campaign in the name of terrorism and
extremism. But, actually, America and West are afraid of spreading of Islam in these countries.
Thousands of people are embracing Islam in these countries every day. The western scholars and
religion thinkers are afraid of this and are running an unholy campaign against Islam and our beloved
Holy Prophet. They are declaring every practicing Muslim a terrorist and fundamentalist.
Following steps should be taken to solve the present problems of the Muslim countries. Firstly,
they should unite in the religious matters and should not divide on sectarian matters. Secondly, they
should make a joint army for their common defense. Thirdly, they should pay much attention towards
the fields of science and technology and should develop sophisticated weapons for their joint defense.
Fourthly, the Muslim countries should co-operate in the field of economics. Fifthly, they should be
united in the matters of common international Muslim interests.

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12-The war on Iraq

Out line:
1. The US-led forces attacked Iraq in early 2003.
2. There were some unexplained reasons to start this war.
3. The real war started after the war.
4. Iraqi people started guerilla war against USA occupation.
5. Hundreds of Coalition soldiers have died since the start of this
6. There were many flaws in intelligence reports regarding Iraq’s
weapon capabilities.
7. War on Iraq should not be allowed to continue.
The US-led forces attacked Iraq in early 2003. They were armed with most sophisticated arms.
USA and UK attacked Iraq ignoring the criticism of the entire world. The reasons presented by US to
attack Iraq are well known. Firstly, it said that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).
Secondly, it was told that Saddam Hussain is a dictator and its government is committing cruelty on its
people. Thirdly, that there was a great need to establish a democratic government in Iraq.
But apart from above described reasons there were some unexplained reasons also. Actually,
USA and its allies wanted to take control of vast oil wealth of Iraq. Moreover, America felt that
Saddam Hussain might become a threat to Israel. Hence, it wanted to replace him with some other
government which can work for the benefits of USA in the region.
Being superpower, US thought that it will win the war very easily. It all happened as planned by
US and its allies and no real resistance was faced by them. During the war US and its allies faced no
real loss. America was happy on its win. But the real war started after the war.
The Iraqi people started a guerilla war against US occupation. Everyday hundreds of Iraqi die
either due to bomb explosions carried out by Iraqi freedom fighters or in search operation of Allied
forces. But during all these attacks more Iraqi are dying as compared to allies soldiers.
Hundreds of Coalition Forces soldiers have died since the start of this war and are still dying
every day. But it seems that they are dying without any reason. The reasons explained by America to
start this war have all proved wrong. No WMD have found, Saddam Hussain has been hanged and
new government has been established. But Iraq is still burning. Some of the world‟s largest oil fields
are situated in Iraq. In the result of Iraqi war oil prices have risen, which has affected the world
Just recently many inquiries have found that there were many flaws in the intelligence reports
regarding Iraq‟s weapon capabilities. This challenges the very reason of War on Iraq.
In the end it can be said that War on Iraq has cost many lives and much resources. It seems that
it all may be the revenge of a single man, George Bush. With this proof anyone can see that this war
should not be allowed to continue.

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13-Energy crises
Power crises
1. Electricity is very important for the progress of a country.
2. Without electricity a country suffers in every field of life.
3. Electricity is produced by water, gas, oil and coal. The electricity
produced by water is cheap.
4. Our demand of electricity is greater than its production.
5. We should build more dams to meet the requirements of power.
6. We must save energy by different means.
Electricity is very important for the progress of a country. Prosperity of a country is directly
linked with the supply of energy. Electricity is needed in every sector of modern life. The working of
railways, hospitals, business centers and even in our houses entirely depends on electricity. Without
electricity our farms and industry will stop production.
But unfortunately, production of such a vital thing is insufficient in Pakistan. The production is
far less than the demand. The result is that we have to do load shedding of power in the country. The
load shedding of power has affected our country badly. It has disturbed our social, economic and
cultural life. The industry and business of the country come to stand still during the long hours of load
shedding. The hospital and medical centers suffer a lot. The business centers are plunged into
darkness. In short, the whole stream of life stops.
The shortage of power supply is due to following reasons;
First, we produce electricity from water, oil, coal and gas. Water is the cheapest source of
producing electricity. But unfortunately we have failed to build any large dam for a long time. Had it
been built, the power supply should be in surplus. Apart from that water level in Tarbela and Mangla
dams has become very low, which is also affecting our production of energy.
Second, the electricity produced by coal, gas and oil is very costly. The electricity produced by
these elements is called thermal power. The setting up of thermal power station is highly expensive for
developing countries, like Pakistan.
Third, electricity can be produced by nuclear energy. But, it is not easy to set up. Nuclear
reactors are very costly. Moreover, we have to buy nuclear reactors from Western countries which are
not ready to do so.
We are suffering of shortage of electricity due to following reasons also:
1. The demand of electricity has increased many folds due to set up of new industries, new
colonies and electrification of villages.
2. The use of electricity increases in summer due to increasing use of air conditioners.
3. The measures of save energy have badly failed. People use electricity as generously as
possible without any care to save it.
Following measures can improve the situation:

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1. The generation of electricity should be increased by building small dams.

2. Nuclear energy should be used as a major source of energy.
3. A campaign to save energy should be started on mass media.
4. All business centers should be closed after 8‟o clock at night.
In this way we can save a lot of energy.
Rising of prices
1. Prices of necessities of life are increasing constantly.
2. The problem of inflation is a serious headache of every country.
3. Inflation encourages mal-practices in trade and business.
4. There are many factors which cause inflation.
5. Government should adopt healthy measures to stop inflation.
The prices of necessities of life are rising constantly. They are creating serious problems for
everybody in the country. This is a universal problem. But, in developing countries, like Pakistan, it has
assumed an acute form. The majority of people in our country belong to low income class. They find it
hard to buy things of daily use, due to day by day rising prices. The result is that their living standard is
getting low with every passing day.
Inflation has an adverse effect on different sections of society. When people do not find enough
means to buy the necessities of life, they are compelled to use unfair means to buy them. In this way,
the society is troubled by pick-pockets, thieves and robbers etc. Those government servants who cannot
make both end meets become corrupt. They use their power in wrong way and accept bribe. In this
way, injustice and cruelty is promoted in society.
Rising prices also affect national life in the economic field. The businessmen think of
adulteration, black marketing and other methods to maximize their profits. Since the prices of goods
are beyond the reach of common man the standard of living goes on decreasing gradually.
There are many factors which cause rise in prices.
First, the most important of these is increase in population. The population of country is
increasing at rapid rate. But the economic resources are not increasing at the same rate. It results into
Second, if the demand is higher than the supply, the goods will be naturally sold at higher
prices. Sometimes the government imposes higher taxes on certain commodities so that their prices go
Third, if some businessmen have monopoly in production and sale of some certain things, they
raise prices as and when they desire. Such things are happening in our country routinely.
To improve the situation our first duty should be to check the birth rate. We should make great
efforts to promote family planning. The government should not impose much tax on the things
considered necessary for human life.

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15-The role of Mass Media

1. The mass media mean the sources of information and entertainment
which are available to public.
2. There are of two kinds; print media and electronic media.
3. Both the media have great influence on the lives of the people.
4. The electronic media exercise more influence as compared to print
5. They provide us information and knowledge.
6. The build public opinion about politics, religion and culture.
7. They can create negative impact on our character also.
The mass media mean the sources of information and entertainment which are available to
public. These media play an important role in building public opinion in a democratic country. They
are of two kinds; print media and electronic media.
Print media include newspaper, books and magazines. In electronic media radio, television and
internet are included. Media are a great source of information and entertainment to all types of people.
Nobody can deny their influence and importance. If media stop providing information to people the
entire world would become a victim of darkness and ignorance. They control our minds and we believe
whatever they propagate.
The electronic media have affected the minds of the people in a very forceful manner. The radio,
television and internet provide entertainment in the form of music, dramas and films. Apart from that
they provide us religious and cultural programs also. It can also provide us information about the latest
happenings in the world.
The mass media provide us information and knowledge. They have played an important role in
building public opinion about politics, religion and culture. People form their opinion about politics,
religion and business under the influence of mass media. Now even a layman has his own opinion
about the performance of rulers. He can easily decide to whom he should vote.
The mass media educate a domestic woman about cooking, medicine and child care. Children
can also enjoy programs of their own liking. They build their knowledge at a very early stage.
In this modern age, a free mass media is very important. But they are double edged weapons.
Hence, mass media should also show some sense they should not provide false news and information to
people. They should avoid giving such program that can wide the gulf between people. They should be
very careful while providing news about some communal riots. As such a kind of news can create
some serious troubles in the country. Moreover, they should not become

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16-The role of mass media

The mass media can do a lot of good as well as harm
1. The mass media mean the sources of information and
entertainment which are available to public.
2. The mass media keep us in touch with the world.
3. The mass media satisfy the taste of people belonging to different
fields of life.
4. They have harms also.
5. The management of mass media should be in the hands of
responsible people.
The mass media mean the sources of information and entertainment which are available to
public. These media play an important role in building public opinion in a democratic country. They
are of two kinds; print media and electronic media. They bring many advantages to their users.
First, they keep in touch with the world. Without them we cannot know all the news of even our
own town or village. They extend our knowledge and keep up-to-date. They bring the people of
different countries close together.
Secondly, they contain information and program for almost all the classes of the people. The
sportsmen can watch or listen programs of sports. The lovers of films can watch films of their liking.
Even women and children can also watch programs of their choice. Commercial news are given for
businessmen. The advertisements help the advertiser in selling their goods better and quick. A man of
literature can also satisfy his taste. Even now matrimonial programs are telecasted on TV.
Thirdly, they can raise mortality of their users. They can lead a powerful revolt against all types
of tyranny and injustice. They can make people better citizens by giving them right guidance. They can
create feelings of goodness among people of different classes of countries. Thus we find that they can
do a lot of good. But they can do a lot of harm also.
They are double edged weapons. Hence, mass media should also show some sense they should
not provide false news and information to people. They should avoid giving such program that can
wide the gulf between people. They should be very careful while providing news about some
communal riots. As such a kind of news can create some serious troubles in the country. Moreover,
they should not become a mere tool in the hands of some persons.
To conclude, it can be said the management of mass media should be in the hands of some
sensible people who should use the news paper for something good not for mere material benefits.

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17-Security measures in and around college

After independence, we are passing through the most delicate phase of our history. Wave of
terrorism is engulfing every nock and corner of our country. No place is safe from the horrible clutches
of terrorism. Even the sacred places like mosques, imam bargahas and shrines of holy persons are at the
hit list of terrorists. According to the canons of war, civilians and educational institutions should not be
attacked. But, it is strange sort of battle that only these places are attacked by the terrorists.
Educational institutes like school, colleges and universities are under severe threat of terrorism and
strong safety measures are needed to save them.
First of all boundary walls of colleges should be made higher than usual and then a barb wire
should be stretched all over it so that no one can enter in the main building of college. The boundary
walls of colleges should be made solid enough so that it can bear a terrorist attack in the shape of a
hand grenade or undertaken in the form of hitting a vehicle full of explosive material. A further step
can also be taken in this regard in the form of construction of main college buildings away from the
boundary walls. This will save human causalities in the case of terrorist attack from outside.
Furthermore, a specific area around the college building should be prohibited for public
vehicles, especially in the opening and closing hours of the college. If possible, rather, a specific area
around college boundary wall should be guarded with special concrete structures and every vehicle
should be made to park well away from the main college building. Parking place should be made at
some distance from the college building and even students should be asked to reach the main building
on foot.
Well trained security guards with sophisticated material should be hired for college security.
These guards should made security check posts at more than one places on the college entrance and
around college boundary wall also. First security check post should be made outside the parking place
to check all those who want to enter the college. Then a further check post should be made at the main
entrance or at the college gate.
It should be made compulsory for every college student to wear his college identity card. But, it
is up to college administration that college cards should be issued with great care so that no outsider
can obtain it easily. Security guards should check these identity cards at the main gate and only
students with these cards should be allowed to enter. No person without ID card should be allowed to
enter college. Even college staff should be issued specific identity cards and makes it compulsory for
them to wear them.
Another good step in this regard is installation of security cameras inside the college building
and around the college wall. Cc TV cameras should be installed to keep watch on the activities of some
alien persons around the college. This will definitely help in improving the security.
Girls guide can also play an important role in security measures. They can work in collaboration
with security guards. Another step that can enhance security is providing marshal art training to the
students. It should be made compulsory for every student to take part in such healthful activities, which
will make them to face the terrorist attack even on their own. It will not only make them physically
strong, but will also increase their mental abilities to face the crises.

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To conclude, we may say that in these critical conditions strict security measures are needed to
save our future generation from the malign designs of our enemy forces. More and more measures
should be adopted to give them an atmosphere in which they can blossom their abilities. But, it is also a
fact that these security measures are not the all thing. Our politicians should show sense and put behind
their own interests in favour of national interests. The above said measures are not permanent solution
but a peaceful society is. But, how this peace can be achieved? That is a question that needs an answer
from all of us, but, especially from our Government and politicians.

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