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Skilling Nfuture
BIT Embedded | VLSI | IoT | Applications | Design | Develop | Deploy

Tkinter Project – Rock Paper Scissors Game

Embedded | VLSI | IoT | Applications | Design | Develop | Deploy
Skilling for future

Project Overview
In this project , a GUI based Rock Paper Scissors game will be designed .
User can compete against the bot in thrilling game of Rock Paper Scissors.
It will be a 3 point game. First one to score 3 points will win the game.
We will be using the Fundamentals of Programming & GUI Designing which we
have learned during this course for designing this game.
Embedded | VLSI | IoT | Applications | Design | Develop | Deploy
Skilling for future

Steps for Implementation

Import the required libraries (tkinter, random).
Create the window & configure it.
Create the variables for keeping the record of score secured during the game.
Create the required labels for managing the scoreboard.
Configure the graphical images required during the game.
Define the StartGame function.
Inside the StartGame function define the 3 button widgets represented as Rock,
Paper, Scissors. For command option of Button widget use Lambda function.
Define Computer_Choice function .
Define User_Choice function
Embedded | VLSI | IoT | Applications | Design | Develop | Deploy
Skilling for future

Inside User_Choice function define all the logics required for evaluating the score
and displaying it over scoreboard. (Note: Game will be of 3 points)
At the end of the game results will be declared using Message Widget.
At end of the game, all the score keeping variables need to be reset to 0.
Create a mainloop() & Run the code.
Embedded | VLSI | IoT | Applications | Design | Develop | Deploy
Skilling for future

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