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Inquiry Planning

Checklist & Guide

Brief Description of Task:

Complete QFT. Complete the “Is it Bullying, Mean or Rude” nearpod. Students will learn the
difference between bullying, being mean or being rude. They will also learn strategies to deal
with bullying. They will learn who they can talk to and how and when to report incidents. They
will also learn about cyberbullying and the importance of being safe online and how social
media can affect relationships. They will have scenarios and will identify if it’s bullying, mean
or rude. Students will re-write one scenario either as the person being bullied or as a witness
and what they would do. Design a bullying prevention poster in Canva.

Inquiry Task
● Engaging - task ignites student curiosity, wonderment and invites students to learn
● Challenging - to complete the task, students will need to apply standards-driven
knowledge and skills to real-world problems
● Knowledge Construction - during the task, students will construct their own knowledge
● Authentic Product - task completion involves students communicating and
demonstrating their understanding
● Open-ended - students can make the task their own, as the task allows for different
approaches and points of view

Bullying is a situation that everyone has to deal with at some point in their life. Whether they
are being bullied, they are witnessing bullying or they are the bully themselves. They will have
a guided opportunity to learn about bullying, learn differences between bullying, being mean
or being rude and then have the freedom to express their knowledge.

Essential Question
● Question Scope - wide enough that students can approach it from multiple angles and
bring their own experiences and ideas
● Challenging - connects to human efficacy and requires complex thinking
● Deeper Understanding - inquiry about the topic is necessary to answer the question
and provokes the learner to answer beyond an opinion
● Open-ended - no right or wrong answers
● Engaging - meaningful, sparks curiosity and real-world connections

Notes: How does bullying affect you and others? I think it’s important for students to
know what bullying is, but they also need to know how it affects people and why it’s

©2019 The Curators of the University of Missouri.


Formulate Questions (Student-Centered)

● Questioning Model or Strategy - introduces students to question development and
provides a structure for developing and refining questions; students pose higher-level
questions to guide their inquiry
● Essential Question - facilitates connections to the big idea and assists in question
● Aligned to Expectations - questions generated will connect to the curriculum

Notes: Level of inquiry - closed, because it could go terribly awry in this situation if
they were left to themselves. I like the QFT strategy. I plan on asking SEL questions
throughout the lesson to help them come to a conclusion with the essential question.
What is the difference between bullying, being mean and being rude? Why isn’t being
mean or rude bullying? Why does it have to happen multiple times? What do I do if I’m
being bullied? What do I do if I see someone being bullied? What if I don’t trust any
adults? What if I don’t want to get into trouble? Can I report anonymously? How would
it feel to be bullied? What happens when someone is being bullied? Does it affect me
if I don’t report it? How do bullies feel? How does the person being bullied feel? How
does the bystander feel?

Student Questions Drive Inquiry: “What happens next?”

● Cooperative Learning - How can students support each other during the inquiry
● Potential Products - students design or build products that demonstrate and
communicate a fundamental understanding of the topic to prove their learning
● Collecting & Organizing Information - collaboration, process information and drawing
● Student Voice & Choice - students decide the next steps and plan what they will do
with their questions
● Open-ended - aligns to task, can be approached from different perspectives,
unique/individualized (students pick the format)

Notes: Students would choose roles. I will provide each group with a list of roles and
they decide which they will do. Each group will make a bullying prevention poster in
canva that will demonstrate what they have learned. There will be a rubric, but they
have creative license. They will use a graphic organizer to help them keep their ideas
organized. They will have a choice of 2 different kinds and they will have to come to a
consensus as a group as to which they will use.

©2019 The Curators of the University of Missouri.

Assessing for Understanding
● Occurs during the learning
● Provides feedback or redirects misconceptions
● Used to make informed instructional decisions
● Ensures students have a clear understanding of expected outcomes
● Allows for opportunities for student self-assessment, peer assessment and
● Includes informal assessments

Notes: Groups will have a form that I will provide as to what they are doing and they
can check off as they go. They will write down who is doing which role. They will
evaluate each other as they go through the scenarios and follow the rubric for the

©2019 The Curators of the University of Missouri.

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