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Writing II (BING4105)
Tutor Alfian

Nama : Ratna Sari

NIM : 042330691
Prodi : Sastra Inggris Bidang Minat Penerjemahan

1.Write an advice letter to your friend who feels discourage

because he/she lost his/her job.

Natuna , 09 May 2021

Dear My Bestfriend , Ary
I was sorry to hear about dismissal in Yamaha workshop ,
It would be a good idea if you want to try the automotive training
provided in our city, I'm sure you will be proficient and can get a suitable
job after taking this training because this is also in accordance with your
This is what I think you should do first ,
-Search for training sites on the web and start register by
online .
- fill in as directed
- prepare important files such as identity cards ,etc
Delivery of files is carried out offline at the Disnaker office with the
address listed on the web
I Hope this has helped and see you on next year .
2. Write a process analysis with the theme: How to achieve
academic success as a university student.

How to achieve academic success as a university student.

have a hard time during their first semester in college because they
never learn the best study habits while in high school. Each student
should figure out the study method that works best for them; not
everyone can write a quality essay while the music is loud and the
television is on. Poor study habits may cause a student to struggle but
they can overcome this by joining clubs or a sport in campus where they
become connected, balance their life and become happier individuals. It
is important students get involved; college does not have to be only
about class work. Students should identify an activity their school offers
and if their schedule allows, they should not hesitate to join. Some
people, however, have a hard time than others adjusting to college life
and may feel that it is impossible to be successful students. Success can
be attained indifferent ways such as proper time management,always
being in time for class and keeping a notebook about assignments.
For anyone to be a successful student, being on time for class is
paramount. This can be achieved by preparing for the morning on the
night before through activities such as ironing clothes.
and be diligent in repeating lessons every day. it can be a trick to get
good academic grades in each semester .

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