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Connecting the Concepts of Physical, Brain and Cognitive Development

to the Learning Process in Behavioral Theory, Neuroscience Theory,
Cognitive, and Constructivistics Theory

Supporting Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sri Milfayetty, MS.Kons., S.Psi.

Arraged By :

Feby Nabila Safira (4202131001)

Gracia Kristy Tarigan (4201131003)
Rahma Safitri (4203332024)
Vira Maharani (4202431018)

CESP 2020



1.1 Background
1.2 Formulation of the Problem
1.3 Purpose
2.1 Behavior Theory
2.2 Neuroscience Theory
2.3 Cognitive Theory
2.4 Constructivistics Theory
3.1 Conclusion
3.2 Suggestion

Praise be to God for His blessings and gifts, the writing of this paper can be
completed. This paper discusses " Connecting the Concepts of Physical, Brain and Cognitive
Development to the Learning Process in Behavioral Theory, Neuroscience Theory, Cognitive, and
Constructivistics Theory". We compile this paper with the intention of being a subject
assignment in Psychology Education and adding insight and understanding of the material.
We hope that after completing this paper we will understand more about how to write a
good and correct paper and an explanation of human nature.
We also express our deep gratitude to our supervisor, Prof.Dr.Sri
Milfayetty.,MS.Kons.,S.Psi., as well as to all of our classmates, students of the Bilingual
Chemistry Education class, and all who have supported us in completing this paper.
We realize that the preparation of this paper is still far from perfect, therefore we
are looking forward to the criticism and suggestions and guidance from the lecturers for the
improvement of this paper in the future. Hopefully this paper is useful for all.

Medan, February 21th,2021


1.1 Background
Early childhood children aged 0-6 years who have faster and more fundamental
growth and development in the early years of life. Where is the development points to a
process towards a more perfect and not just like that can be repeated again. Hence, the
quality of development children in the future, is very much determined by the stimulation
they get since early stage. Providing educational stimulation is very important, because
80% of brain growth develops in children from an early age. Then, the elasticity of early
childhood brain development is greater at birth to age before 8 years of life, 20% were
defined as defined for the rest of his life after childhood. Form of stimulation should be
given in a manner appropriate to the level development.
Cognitive development shows the development of the means the child thinks. The
child's ability to coordinate a variety ways of thinking to solve various problems can be
used as a measure of intelligence growth. View of whim laku (Behaviorism) argues that
the growth of intelligence through the accumulation of information is increasing. While the
flow 'Interactionist' or 'depelopmentalis', argues that knowledge comes from the child's
interaction with the child's environment. Development cognitive development is expressed
by the ability to design, remembering and looking for solutions to problems at hand
(Patmodewo, 2003: 27). Jean Piaget (1896-1980) saw children as parsipan active in the
process rather than as a development-active recipient biology. Obviously, Piaget believed
that emotional children were seen as such a scientist who is looking for answers who
conducts experiments to the world to see what happened (Atkinson, 1986: 145). So,
cognitive development is a very significant aspect. Process cognitive related to the level of
intelligence (intelligence) marking a person with multiple interests is particularly
concerned to ideas and to learn. In providing stimulation to develop cognitive aspects, of
course, understanding the method of development related to it is very necessary. The
presence of this book will explore various things related to concepts and theories as well
methods that can be used to develop cognitive abilities early childhood, in order to make it
easy for educators / people parents in order to understand about the nature of cognitive, and
how development of cognitive abilities possessed by children in each level of
development. So that educators or parents can anticipating problems that arise in each
development.Then this will help the child to optimize cognitive development, so that will
affect its success in the future.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

1. What is the relationship between the concepts of physical, brain and cognitive
development according to the learning process in behavioral theory, neuroscience
theory, cognitive, constructivist?
2. What is the definition of behavioral theory, neuroscience theory, cognitive,

1.3 Purpose
1. To determine the relationship between the concepts of physical, brain and cognitive
development according to the learning process in behavior theory, neuroscience
theory, cognitive, constructivist.
2. To find out the meaning of behavior theory, neuroscience theory, cognitive,

2.1 Behavior Theory

Behavior learning theory is a theory adopted by Gage and Berliner about changes
in behavior as a result of experience. Some of the scientists who are founders and
adherents of this theory include Thorndike, Watson, Hull, Guthrie, and Skinner. This
theory then developed into a flow of learning psychology which influences the direction of
developing the theory and practice of education and learning known as the behavior flow.
This flow emphasizes the formation of behavior that appears as a result of learning.
Learning is due to the interaction between stimulus and response. A person is considered
to have learned something if he can show a change in behavior. According to this theory,
what is important in learning is input in the form of a stimulus and output in the form of a
response. Stimulus is whatever the teacher gives to students, while the response is in the
form of reactions or student responses to the stimulus provided by the teacher. The process
that occurs between stimulus and response is not important to pay attention to because it
cannot be observed and cannot be measured. What can be observed is the stimulus and
response, therefore what is given by the teacher (stimulus) and what is received by students
(response) must be observed and measured. This theory prioritizes measurement, because
measurement is an important thing to see whether the behavior change occurs or not.

A. Characteristics of Behavior Learning Theory

To make it easier to get to know behavior learning theory, its characteristics can be
used, namely :
1. Concerned with the influence of the environment (environmentalist)
2. Concerned with parts (unitary)
3. Concerned with the role of reaction (response)
4. Concerned with the mechanism for the formation of learning outcomes

B. Relationship Concepts of Physical, Brain, and Cognitive Development in the

Learning Process
❖ Physical Development Relationships : A student (response) can play an active role
in carrying out whatever the teacher instructs (stimulus) with the help of the brain
(thinking first).
❖ Brain Development Relationship : A student (response) can think first before
interacting with the teacher (stimulus) in order to form good and maximum learning
❖ Cognitive Development Relationship : A student (response) can think more
carefully after going through various events which will be made into a good or bad
experience depending on the incident.

2.2 Neuroscience Theory

Neuroscience learning theory is a learning theory that emphasizes the performance
of the brain, which is how the whole process of thinking, the process of thinking also
includes a broad range of thought processes that produce knowledge, attitudes, and
behavior or actions. This theory studies about the brain and all nerve functions. This
theory also studies about various diseases of the brain. If we look at when humans are
born humans are gifted with the same brain, according to Adi Gunawan (2006) the brain
consists of about one trillion brain cells, each of which consists of about one hundred
billion active brain cells and the remaining around nine hundred billion are supporting
brain cells. However, why the level of human intelligence varies is due to differences in
increasing the potential that is owned, human intelligence is not only determined by the
number of brain cells but rather how many connections can occur between each brain cell.
This is very important, especially in the learning and learning process because whether or
not a person is able to capture the information or knowledge conveyed is determined by the
readiness of the brain to capture information or knowledge, if the brain is not ready, the
learning process will never happen.

A. Advantages and disanvantages of Neuroscience Learning Theory

1. Advantages of Neuroscience Learning Theory :
o Provide a new thought about how the human brain works.
o Paying attention to the natural work of the learner's brain in the learning
o Creating a learning climate where learners are respected and supported.
o Avoid overuse of brain work.
o Can use various learning models in applying this theory.
2. Disanvantages of Neuroscience Learning Theory :
o Education personnel in Indonesia are not fully aware of this theory (still new).
o It takes a lot of time to understand (learn) how our brains work.
o Requires a lot of money in creating a good learning environment for the brain.
o Requires adequate facilities to support the practice of learning this theory.

B. Relationship Concepts of Physical, Brain, and Cognitive Development in the

Learning Process
❖ Physical Development Relationships : A student is emphasized to learn more about
diseases that exist in the brain and also the nervous systems in the brain. This
learning process is of course guided by a teacher.
❖ Brain Development Relationships : A student is invited to think more critically
about the problems that exist around the brain and nervous systems.
❖ Cognitive Development Relationships : The critical way of thinking in a student is
also determined by the readiness of the brain to capture information or knowledge,
if the brain is not ready, the learning process will never occur.

2.3 Cognitive Theory

The theory of cognitive development was developed by Jean Piaget, a Swiss
psychologist who lived 1896-1980. This theory discusses the emergence and acquisition
of schemata (schemes of how a person perceives their environment) in developmental
stages, when a person obtains new ways of representing information mentally. This theory
is classified under constructivism, which means that unlike the theory of nativism (which
describes cognitive development as the emergence of innate knowledge and abilities), this
theory argues that we build our cognitive abilities through self-motivated actions towards
the environment. Piaget divides the schema that children use to understand their world
through four main periods which correlate with and become more sophisticated as they
1. Sensorimotor Period (age 0–2 years)
Sensorimotor period is the first period of the four periods. Piaget argues that this
stage marks the development of important spatial understanding and abilities in six sub-
2. Preoperational Period (ages 2-7 years)
According to Piaget, the pre-operational stage follows the sensorimotor stage and
appears between two and six years of age. In this stage, children develop language skills.
They began to represent things with words and pictures.
3. Concrete Operational Period (ages 7-11 years)
This stage is characterized by the use of adequate logic. Important processes
during this stage are the ability to sort things, the ability to name and identify a series of
objects, the child begins to consider several aspects of a problem to be able to solve it, the
child begins to understand that numbers or objects can be changed, and the ability to see
something from someone else's point of view.
4. Formal Operational Period (ages 11 years to adults)
The formal operational stage is the final period of cognitive development in Piaget's
theory. This stage begins in children at the age of eleven (at puberty) and continues into
adulthood. The characteristic of this stage is the ability to think abstractly, reason
logically, and draw conclusions from the available information. In this stage, one can
understand things like love, logical evidence, and value.

A. Characteristics of Cognitive Learning Theory

1. The teacher provides a variety of learning experiences for children in a concrete
2. The teacher provides various alternative learning experiences for children
3. The teacher tries to integrate the learning process with situations that are realistic
and relevant in the real life of the child
4. The teacher tries to integrate the learning process by utilizing various learning
5. The teacher engages children to be physically, emotionally and socially active.

B. Relationship Concepts of Physical, Brain, and Cognitive Development in the

Learning Process
❖ Physical Development Relationships : The teacher provides learning media and
learning experiences to students, then students must be able to take advantage of
the learning media that the teacher provides.
❖ Brain Development Relationships : A student can think abstractly, logically and can
draw conclusions from the information the student gets when the student reaches
❖ Cognitive Development Relationships : A student can build cognitive abilities
through self-motivated actions towards the environment. For example, if in the
neighborhood where the student lives there are people with good character, then
automatically the student will automatically be motivated to be good too.

2.4 Constructivistics Theory

Constructivistic learning theory is a theory that gives freedom to humans who want
to learn or seek their needs with the ability to find their wants or needs with the help of
others, so this theory provides activity for humans to learn to find their own competence,
knowledge, or technology and other things. necessary to develop himself. Constructivist
learning theory argues that people generate knowledge and form meanings based on their
experiences. In constructivism, learning is represented as a constructivist process in which
students construct internal illustrations from knowledge, interpretations of personal
experiences. Constructivist teaching is based on learning that occurs through the active
involvement of students in the construction of meaning and knowledge. Teaching science
from a constructivist perspective aims to impart science knowledge to students in such a
way that they understand not only the concepts and principles of science, but also the
importance of science learning. Emphasis on constructivism and direct inquiry-oriented
learning to promote children's conceptual knowledge by building on prior understanding,
active engagement with subject content, and application to real-world situations has been
made. The constructivist view emphasizes discovery, experimentation, and open

A. Characteristics of Constructivistic Learning Theory

Yuleilawati (2004: 54) suggests the characteristics of constructivist learning
according to several literatures, namely as follows :
1. Knowledge is built on experience or pre-existing knowledge
2. Learning is a personal interpretation of the world
3. Learning is an active process in which meaning is developed based on experience
4. Knowledge grows because of the negotiation (negotiation) of meaning through
various information or agreeing on a viewpoint in interacting or cooperating with
5. Learning must be situated in a realistic setting, assessment must be integrated with
the task and not a separate activity

B. Relationship Concepts of Physical, Brain, and Cognitive Development in the

Learning Process
❖ Physical Development Relationships : A student can play an active role when
solving a problem such as giving opinions to other friends about the problem.
❖ Brain Development Relationships : The teacher provides learning strategies in
problem solving, the teacher can create collaborative learning strategies that allow
discussion of a problem from various perspectives so that the problem is easier to
❖ Cognitive Development Relationships : In this theory, a student is given a problem
to be solved by a student either with his group or alone. Giving problems is
intended to stimulate students to have an opinion and think more critically when
faced with new facts about the problem.

3.1 Conclussion
The application of cognitive theory to learning depends on accommodation. The
student must be given an unknown area for him to do can learn, because he cannot learn
from what he already knows. With the new area, students will make efforts to get it
accommodate. Students must be given an award in the form of praise, good numbers, a
sense of accomplishment, and so on so that more learners attracted by the lesson. Success
achieved in interactions with learning environment can lead to a sense of satisfaction. This
condition is the source motivation. If it continues to appear in students, then students will
be able to learn all his life

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