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US 2011 0212424A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0212424 A1
Smith (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 1, 2011
The present invention method provides personal fitness train
(76) Inventor: Craig Smith, San Diego, CA (US) ers online training method, for use across an electronic com
munications network transmitting messages, exercise rou
(21) Appl. No.: 13/035,595 tines, videos, usage of the Internet and web pages “web
1-1. sessions' for video and audio streaming between the personal
(22) Filed: Feb. 25, 2011 trainer and the client one on one. The online personal fitness
O O is a method for a database of personal trainers whom become
Related U.S. Application Data members of the named business “Fitness Is Online' or any
(60) Provisional application No. 61/339,136, filed on Mar named business, individually consulting individual user cli
1, 2010 s u - sis ents, and providing all aspects of the fitness plan online,
s particularly email custom personalized exercise routines,
O O workouts. The method for all purpose's including muscle
Publication Classification building, muscle toning, cardio, aerobics, health tips, diet
(51) Int. Cl. plans, follow up evaluation, feedback, personal workout vid
A63B 69/00 (2006.01) eos, one on one web sessions, and other applicable actions
implemented by the personal trainer, all personal, one on one
52) U.S. Cl. ........................................................ 434/247 to a client, not computer generated.

“Web page”
hyperlink to “Web page'
manage “Web page” hyperlink
aCCOunt Trainers Profile Select Trainer
hyperlink to view
personal trainers

“Web page
hyperlink for, the
trainee to Submit
fitness goal “Web page”
hyperlink for
“Why join'
Patent Application Publication Sep. 1, 2011 Sheet 1 of 9 US 2011/0212424 A1

Figure 1

Web server' hosting web site Fitness Is Online

Patent Application Publication Sep. 1, 2011 Sheet 2 of 9 US 2011/0212424 A1

Figure 2 - 130

“Web page'
hyperlink to “Web page'
manage “Web page' hyperlink
aCCOunt Trainers Profile Select Trainer
hyperlink to view
personal trainer's

“Web page'
hyperlink for, the
trainee to Submit
fitness goal “Web page”
hyperlink for
“Why join'
Patent Application Publication Sep. 1, 2011 Sheet 3 of 9 US 2011/0212424 A1

Figure 3 140

“Web page'
hyperlink to
“Web page”
hyperlink to
99 "Select Trainer'
Web page form
members entries e-mailed to
FIO Staff and account
database is updated

“Web pages'
displaying multiple personal
trainers credentials and more, with
hyperlinks to their individual home

“Web page'
hyperlink for the
trainee, to Submit
“Fitness goal”

“Web page form”

fitness goal recorded in records
database, and trainer Selected
or omitted
Patent Application Publication Sep. 1, 2011 Sheet 4 of 9 US 2011/0212424 A1

Figure 4
210 N. 200
“Web page”
with hyperlinks to “Web page form'
Personal Trainers fitness goal recorded
Home page in records database,
and trainer Selected or

“Web page “
Personal Trainers Home Page
with links to Submission form

“Web page form'

Trainee Submits the form and
fitness goal

“Electronic mail 'email'

Sent from Submission form to the
personal trainers email account in
box and FIO email in-box

250 Computer terminal

Personal trainer log-on to FIO web
site and checkS email account
Patent Application Publication Sep. 1, 2011 Sheet 5 of 9 US 2011/0212424 A1

Figure 5

Personal trainer log-on to

FIO web site and checks
email account

N “Viewing email"
Personal Trainer evaluates and
accepts client

“Web s page form”
Personal Trainer completes and
Submits acceptance form, automatic
email sent to FIO Staff
Patent Application Publication Sep. 1, 2011 Sheet 6 of 9 US 2011/0212424 A1

Figure 6 D 1.

280 Computer terminal

Personal trainer emails client with

welcome and introduction, and
Schedule initial web session for
consultation, and discuss fitness goal

Personal computer Computer terminal

Client Acknowledges introduction

and accepts web session scheduled,
telephone consultation may be
Patent Application Publication Sep. 1, 2011 Sheet 7 of 9 US 2011/0212424 A1

Figure 7
g 1
Computer terminal


"Audio and Video streaming,

Web session between personal trainer and
client, usage of a third party web server
and their Software Service.

Personal computer Computer terminal

Patent Application Publication Sep. 1, 2011 Sheet 8 of 9 US 2011/0212424 A1

Figure 8 D-120
R Computer terminal

Personal Trainers personal computer

“Email “
Personal Trainer assigns
fitness workout routines
and Suggest diet plan to


Personal trainer emails
client with personal
health tips


personal trainer emails Email
client for evaluation
Client confirms with
and follow up on health personal trainer fitness
and fitness routine
routine and diet plan

s Omputer terminal
Clients Personal computer
Patent Application Publication Sep. 1, 2011 Sheet 9 of 9 US 2011/0212424 A1

Figure 9

Personal Trainers personal computer


Personal trainer uploads
personal fitness video and
send via email to client

Postal mail
Personal trainer mails
personal fitness video
to clients home

“Web Server.' Web Site “FIO'

120-y O
FNS Computer terminal
Clients Personal computer
US 2011/0212424 A1 Sep. 1, 2011

PERSONAL FITNESS TRAINERS ONLINE is Online will provide trainers with their own internal home
page on the web site. The personal trainer will pay a monthly
0001. This application claims benefit of provisional appli 0010. The fitness client browse the internet to the web site,
cation Ser. No. 61/339,136, filed on Mar. 1, 2010. and evaluates the desired personal trainer credentials, and the
trainee signs up for membership, Submits their fitness goal. A
TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION personal trainer is then selected or obtained, after confirma
METHOD tion of a personal trainer the interaction is between the client
0002 The present invention method relates to personal and the personal trainer providing that the personal trainer
fitness trainers, specifically online based personal fitness follows the preset guidelines. The personal trainer may
trainers. modify, or alter some steps as long as the personal trainer is
within the guidelines.
The Guidelines for Personal Trainers:
0003 More and more people desired to be fit and find that 0011 1. Initial consultation one on one with trainee.
it is often difficult to do on their own. Most people do not 2. Have video, audio web session, one on one with the client,
know what exercise to do, or they lack the motivation. It is minimum once per month.
well known that personal trainers can provide proper workout 3. Provide daily routines for workouts in a gym or without a
routines, build self esteem, reduce health risk and dietary gym, with equipment or without, routines will include cardio,
plans and more, but the idea of a personal trainer in today's aerobics, muscle building, muscle toning and other via elec
society is that it is to expensive, and how do I find the right tronic mail.
personal trainer. Some people see or hear of personal trainers 4. Provide step by step illustration if needed.
on television, or of one who lives in another state, or just too 5. Provide fitness video if capable, if notable post as such on
far away, obesity in far too common reducing mental and their home page.
physical health risk, are some of the reasons people workout. 6. Provide Dietary plans, minimum once per month.
0004. Therefore, there is a need to have a personal trainer 7. Provide health tips, minimum of once per month.
not limited by the distant miles away and can be affordable to 8. Provide evaluations and feedback, minimum once per
all most everyone. Whereas now can be achieve with this month.
invention method.
0005 Without, limiting the scope of this invention 9. Client monthly membership fees minimum of $50.00not to
method, the method described is with online personal fitness. exceed $250.00 US, fees subject to change, excluding addi
This method differs from the tradition of personal fitness tional requirements.
trainers where there is physical contact, and there is a physical BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
appearance between the trainer and client, and exercise work
outs, routines, tips are physically delivered, or observe physi 0012 To better understand this present invention method
cally. Some technologies provide automatic computer gener and the advantages, drawing illustrations and drawing blocks,
ated workouts after data gets entered into a computer system, each with an assigned numerical identification number within
or a device. a figure diagram.
0006. This method will described personal fitness trainers 0013 FIG. 1 is the communication network diagram illus
online, personally providing a personal workout, routines, trating the method of contact from a personal computer to a
illustrations, health tips, evaluations, diet plans, videos, and web server. The web site "Fitness Is Online” hosted on a third
any graphics using a personal computer, or terminal keyboard party web server.
and electronic mail, directly to a fitness client, this method 0014 FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating the web site domain
will also include web sessions “video/audio streaming. name “Fitness is Online' illustrating links to web pages on the
site. Usage, for the initial visit to the website and navigation.
0015 FIG. 3 is a diagram illustrating web site-web page
0007. The present invention method provides a database navigation for initial registration.
of multiple personal trainers whom is available to any person 0016 FIG. 4 is a diagram illustrating web page navigation
with a home computer, or computer terminal, and a valid on a web server, and electronic mail correspondence between
email account. The personal trainer online method will a web server and a personal computer.
involve personal computer or computer terminal access for 0017 FIG. 5 is a diagram depicting a personal trainer
the personal trainer and the client, with access to the Internet, logging on to the website “Fitness is Online', from a personal
email interaction, a web hosting service and a web server, and computer, and checks email in-box and responds to FIO staff.
will include databases of records and account information. 0018 FIG. 6 is a diagram depicting introduction and web
0008. A certified personal trainer, or renown personal session consultation-scheduling, emails between the personal
trainer uses their personal computer with Internet access, and trainer and the client, and telephone consultation if web ses
browse to the web site “Fitness is Online' abbreviation is sions are not capable.
“(FIO)” hosted on a web server, and navigate the web site to 0019 FIG. 7 is a diagram illustrating a personal trainer and
join membership of said business “Fitness Is Online' or other the client using their personal computer with access to a video
business name derived from this invention method. and audio streaming service, on a web server Such as
0009. This now give the personal trainer the abilities to “Skype”.
expand their horizons with the capabilities to reach global 0020 FIG. 8 is a diagram illustrating the personal trainer
clients in different States of the USA or miles away, provide electronic mailing the client with fitness routines, workouts,
details about their credentials, and training expertise, Fitness and more, and the client replying by means of email.
US 2011/0212424 A1 Sep. 1, 2011

0021 FIG. 9 is a diagram illustrating the personal trainer selected, or will determine which trainer is best suited for the
uploading workout videos and products to the web site “Fit clients fitness goal if a trainer is not selected, and email that
ness is Online' for electronic mail to the client, or postal mail. trainer.
(0029. Still in FIG. 2, web page (180) is a hyperlink for
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION information about Fitness Is Online and why to join. This link
METHOD takes any user to a web page with information about “FIO’,
0022 While the method, usage, components and hardware and why to join.
of various embodiments of the present invention method dis 0030 it should be appreciated that additional web pages,
cussed in detail below, it should be appreciated that the inven or hardware upgrades are some variation could occur due to
tion method provides many applicable inventive concepts that advanced technology, current and future.
may be embodied in a wide variety of specific contexts. The 0031 FIG. 3, displays the web pages 140, 150, 160, 170,
particular invention method discussed herein is merely illus and 180 for better understanding. Web page (190) illustrates
trative of the specific ways to make use of the invention the next step after the “Create my Account” option is com
method, and do not delimit the scope of the invention method. plete, this is the same as previous, with the “Fitness Goal
0023 The present invention method provides personal fit form, all data electronic mailed to FIO staff, and the account
ness that would beachieved by an individual, personal trainer records database gets updated by “FIO staff.
all online. The mechanism of this invention method provides 0032 FIG. 3, in (210) is web pages posting multiple per
a database of personal trainers, whereas a fitness client cus Sonal trainers independently displaying their fitness exper
tomer, and a personal trainer not physically visible to each tise, history, background and more, personal trainers have a
other, the fitness client will receive an exclusive personal hyperlink to their own “web site' home page. A client will
trainer, and communication for the workouts, routines and view all posted informational data about the personal trainers
more as detailed below, are by means of electronic mail and have the opportunity to choose which personal trainer fits
“email'. Providing the personal trainer adhere and comply their desired needs. Once a fitness client select an individual,
with preset guidelines, to obtain the personal affect. The personal trainer, they may click the hyperlink for that per
concept derives from traditionally personal trainers have a sonal trainer to view the personal trainers “web site' home
physical presence and are expensive, and computer generated page, to get more information about that personal trainer.
workouts have only a standby personal trainer. This invention 0033 FIG.3. The link (170) links to web page form"(200)
method is a personal trainer online, for the instructions, '; the fitness client fills out the submission form with detail
advice, exercise routines, health tips, feedback and all aspects description about their fitness goal, and may or may not
offitness is “exclusive” “one on one' directly from the online choose the personal trainer at this point. When the client
personal trainer. submits this form an email gets sent to FIO staff, and their
0024. In FIG. 1, (120) is the general depiction of a personal fitness goal gets entered into a records database, if no personal
computer define same as a computer terminal there maybe trainer selected, then FIO staff will accommodate the client
one or more personal computers with Internet, global access. and provide the client with a personal trainer from the data
A personal trainer or a fitness client browses the Internet to base that best fits the client's requirements.
the web site “Fitness Is Online” hosted on a third party web 0034 FIG. 4, displays the web pages 210, 200 for better
server (130). understanding of the flow. The web page (210) links to web
0025 FIG. 2, illustrates web pages configured for the web page (220), which is the personal trainers “web site' home
site, a personal trainer or a fitness client after connection to the page, within this page is more informational data about the
web site "Fitness is Online' can click the menu bar item personal trainer Such as their history, fitness expertise, fitness
Manage Account, as illustrated on the web page (140) a background and more. This page may differ from one per
hyperlink to create their membership account and log-in to Sonal trainer to another, for it is in the personal trainers own
their account. After linking to the “Manage Account' web words. When the fitness client visits this page and feels this is
page, displaying information and links, the create my account the right personal trainer for their needs, they may select this
link is to be clicked. personal trainer, and an email gets sent to FIO staff and the
0026. Still in FIG. 2, web page (150) is a hyperlink for the records database.
fitness client to view multiple personal trainers home page, 0035 FIG.4, the web page (220), links to web page (230),
with introduction in their own words, credentials, expertise, in (230) the fitness client completes the submission form
history, and products. The client selects which personal which will include the personal trainer selected with personal
trainer to view. information Such as their name, contact information, and
0027 Still in FIG. 2, web page (160) is a hyperlink for the fitness goal. If they have already completed the fitness goal
fitness client, to select a personal trainer by viewing the per this web page gets skipped, upon Submitting this form an
Sonal trainers credentials, expertise, capabilities, these web email gets sent to FIO staff, and the records database gets
pages are for viewing information only, before selecting. updated.
0028. Still in FIG. 2, web page (170) is a hyperlink for the 0036 FIG. 4, after completing web page form (230) or
client, to submit their fitness goals and provide brief details. web page form (200), an email gets sent upon Submission of
The menu item “Fitness Goal', this link is to the same web the form as illustrated on the web Page (240) the email from
page as for "creating my account. This page is a form and the the form Submission gets sent to the personal trainer that the
client will Submit information Such as name, email address, fitness client selected. A copy of this email is also automati
height, weight, gender, age, waist line, also within this page cally sent to the staff of FIO.
the fitness goal, water intake, current diet. To complete the 0037 FIG. 4 in (120) the personal trainer logs-on to the
form, client selects a trainer or neglects selecting a trainer. website “FIO and in (250) checks his/her email account
The client must also select the membership type. The form in-box. The personal trainer must check daily their email
submits to FIO staff. FIO staff will email the personal trainer in-box of “FIO for new potential clients.
US 2011/0212424 A1 Sep. 1, 2011

0038 FIG.5 in (260) personal trainer reads the email from fitness video or product to “FIO web site (330). If the client
the Submission form, and evaluates, and accepts the fitness purchases a fitness video or product after discussion and
client. The personal trainer from his/her personal computer agreement with the trainer, the trainer may email client with
access the Internet, connects to web site "Fitness is Online', downloadable attachment of the fitness video or product. The
checks their "FIO' electronic mail in-box, view the email and personal trainer may use postal mail to ship hard copies of
accept the fitness client. An automatic email gets sent to their fitness video or products (340).
“FIO staff as illustrated by (270). 0045. It will be appreciated that the present invention
0039 FIG. 6, personal trainer logs-on to his/her personal method is not limited by the detailed drawings and descrip
computer, illustrated by “(120). The personal trainer may tion hereinabove. Rather the scope of the present invention
use their personal email account, or may log-in to the web site method includes combinations of the features, and modifica
“FIO and use the email account assign to them by “FIO’. tions and variations that the personal trainer may include in
The personal trainer will email the fitness client (280) with a the features and method described herein above that achieves
Welcome and Introduction email. In which the personal the same objectives.
trainer will schedule a web session for initial consultation,
and to discuss the clients fitness goals; the trainer will provide What is claimed is:
instructions for free services for audio and video streaming 1. A method for operating an online, physical fitness pro
such as Skype whereas the client needs to download Skype to gram wherein personal fitness trainers by means of the Inter
their personal computer, and create an account. This service net, personally trains user clients for better health and fitness
for audio and video streaming is subject to change with new all online, one on one, comprising:
technology and “Fitness is Online' does not intend to limit it providing a database of online personal trainers with an
self from providing this service. individual home page on the web site, initiating fitness
0040 FIG. 6. The client reads their incoming mail on their consultation by means of web sessions with audio and
personal computer (120), and reply to the trainers email with video streaming; and
acknowledgement of the introduction, and accepts the web sending custom personalized electronic mail for all aspects
session schedule; the client may not have web session capa of a fitness plan and routines for a single user client to
bilities and prefer the initial consultation and fitness plan act.
discussion be over the telephone (290). 2. The method according to claim 1, further comprising
0041 FIG. 7, in (300), the personal trainer logs-on to their whereas a personal trainer logs-on to their personal computer,
personal computer (120) and calls the client using a free or computer terminal, and organizing an audio and Video Web
service Such as Skype, for audio and video streaming, pro session with a fitness user client, utilizing a third-party Soft
viding that the client has the service installed on their personal ware for audio and video streaming, for the purpose of an
computer, the client answers the incoming call alert on their actual web session for introduction to the client, and consult
personal computer (120) and audio, video streaming starts. about the clients fitness needs.
Currently, there are services that offer free web sessions for 3. The method according to claim 1, Whereas a personal
live audio and video streaming. FIO looks eventually to pro trainer, logs-on to their personal computer or computer ter
vide this service on a web server, but as it is present this minal, and the utilization of the keyboard, and usage of a third
service is free and can be accommodated. party editing Software that allows the personal trainer to put
0042 FIG. 8, the personal trainer logs-on to their personal content in their own words, or, and third party software's that
computer (120) or computer terminal. With the keyboard, and allow the trainer to use their own images, graphics, create
usage of a third party editing Software that allows the personal their own designs or upload files. The personal trainer creates
trainer to put text in their own words, or and third party custom personal fitness routine for a particular fitness client.
Software that allow the trainer to use their own images, graph The personal trainer usage of electronic mail better known as
ics, create their own designs, or upload files. All above to email, and email the fitness routine by means of a third-party
create custom personalized fitness workouts, routines and provider for electronic mail to the fitness user client. The
recommend a diet plan, and provide it all to the client by routines designed for in a gym or outside a gym, with fitness
means of email "electronic mail by way of a third-party equipment or without.
service for electronic mail (310). The workouts, routines, 4. The method according to claim 1, Whereas a personal
designed for in a gym or outside a gym, with fitness equip trainer, logs-on to their personal computer or computer ter
ment or without. The personal trainer will use this same minal, and the utilization of the keyboard, and usage of a third
method to email health tips (350). This method will also be party editing Software that allows the personal trainer to put
use by the personal trainer for fitness evaluations and follow content in their own words, or, and third party software's that
up on health and fitness routines. (360). The client will receive allow the trainer to use their own images, graphics, create
this email in their personal computer or computer terminal their own designs or upload files. The personal trainer creates
email "electronic mail in-box”, provided by a third-party personalized fitness diet plan for a particular fitness client.
electronic mail provider service. The personal trainer usage of electronic mail better known as
0043 FIG. 8, the client logs-on to their computer (120) email, and email the diet plan by means of a third-party
and access their email provider service, and check their in provider for electronic mail to the fitness user client.
box for electronic mail, view incoming email from the per 5. The method according to claim 1, Whereas a personal
Sonal trainer and reply with confirmation, or not, of the fitness trainer, logs-on to their personal computer or computer ter
routines, workouts, diet plans, or recommendations (320). minal, and the utilization of the keyboard, and usage of a third
0044) The personal trainer may have fitness videos or party editing Software that allows the personal trainer to put
products that the client may purchase, the personal trainer content in their own words, or, and third party software's that
may display these products on the home page provided for allow the trainer to use their own images, graphics, create
them on the web site “FIO’. The personal trainer uploads the their own designs or upload files. The personal trainer creates
US 2011/0212424 A1 Sep. 1, 2011

personalized health tips for a particular fitness client. The wherein a personal trainer receives incoming electronic
personal trainer usage of electronic mail better known as mail from the client with the fitness status of the client,
email, and email the health tips by means of a third-party the personal trainer evaluates the fitness status, or
provider for electronic mail to the fitness user client. progress, and reply by personal email to the fitness client
6. A method within operating an online, physical fitness with further instructions to achieve, or maintain the cli
program wherein personal fitness trainers by means of the ents fitness goal.
Internet, personally evaluates user clients for better health and
fitness all online, one on one, comprising: ck

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