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Apsrtc physically handicapped bus pass application pdf

BUS PASS ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TYPE OF PASS CONDITIONS 1. STUDENTS BELOW 12 YRS. The School / Institution shall be of Govt.,Govt. aided or private registered one. The Head of the Institution shall certify the date of birth and bonafides of the students. Free route pass between residence and school will be issued by the nearest Depot
Manager. 2. GIRL STUDENTS STUDYING UPTO CLASS X Girl students up to an upper age limit of 18 years studying class X and below shall be issued with free route pass between the residence to school and back up to a maximum distance up to 20 KMs. in rural areas and 22 KMs. in cities / towns. The students studying in Govt., Govt. aided or private
registered school are eligible for which the Head of the school shall certify the date of birth and bonafides of the students. 3. STUDENTS MONTHLY / QUARTERLY ROUTE PASSESGENERAL BUS PASSES The school / college / higher educational and Technical institution where the student is studying shall have recognition of the State or Central Govt.
The courses shall be of full time in nature. The students shall not be in receipt of any stipend / fellowship and should not have been employed. The institution shall have affiliation to any Board or University of the State / Central Govt. which conducts examinations and issues certificates. The students shall obtain certification of the Head of the Institution in the
application form prescribed and submit to obtain the bus pass from the nearest Unit Manager. 4. PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED Physically challenged, mentally retarded, blind, deaf & dumb shall produce certificate issued by the District Medical Board concerned. The blind are those in whom the sight is totally absent i.e., loss of sight in both eyes. Mentally
retarded person is he who is under the category of IQ-49 and below.Deaf & Dumb are those in whom the sense of hearing and speaking is fully nonfunctional for ordinary purpose of life. He does not hear / understand sound at all even with amplified speech.Orthopaedically challenged are those who have 40 % and above disability.Escorts for mentally
retarded and blind persons are allowed based on the certification of the Medical authorities.Deaf & Dumb are those in whom the sense of hearing and speaking is fully nonfunctional for ordinary purpose of life. He does not hear / understand sound at all even with amplified speech.Orthopaedically challenged are those who have 40 % and above
disability.Escorts for mentally retarded and blind persons are allowed based on the certification of the Medical authorities. 5. STUDENT EXCLUSIVE BUS PASS Students numbering not less than 60 willing to avail exclusive student special shall be provided with exclusive bus facility. The minimum route length for operating the service is 16 KMs. in cities /
towns and 20 KMs. in rural areas. The tariff shall be collected extra on pro-rata basis, depending upon the additional distance involved. 6. NGOs BUS PASS AP State Government employees working in twin cities, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada and Warangal and whose pay is below the scale of Rs.8335/- to 17905/-(pre-revised) , are issued NGOs bus passes
priced at Rs.310/- and Rs.370/- for City and Sub-urban travel respectively. The Controlling Officer will certify the bonafides of the NGO for obtaining this pass. The NGO will pay 1/3rd cost of the pass and the balance 2/3rd's cost will be reimbursed by AP State Government. 7. MONTHLY SEASON TICKETS / MONTHLY ROUTE PASSES / MONTHLY G.B.T.
General public are issued with monthly season tickets in rural areas and route passes in cities/towns. The holders of this pass will be charged 20 days (one 'Up' and one 'Down') fare i.e., 1/3rd concession allowing them to perform journey on all days of the month. Monthly General Bus Tickets are issued for travel by City Ordinary, Metro Express and Metro
Liner services at a monthly cost of Rs.310/-, Rs.400/- and Rs.450/- respectively. Holders of the pass are permitted to perform unrestricted journey by the services for which the pass is valid. 8. TRAVEL AS YOU LIKE Travel As You Like Tickets are issued to all general public allowing the holder to perform unrestricted travel on that day by the City / Suburban
services under operation in the city / town. These tickets are available with conductors of all services. There are two types of Travel As You Like viz., Travel As You Like Ordinary and Travel As You Like Metro.9. GREATER HYDERABAD / KRISHNAVENI DARSHAN / VISAKHA DARSHAN These passes are issued to general public and students. The cost of
the pass is fixed at the base rate of Suburban General bus ticket and additional fare beyond Suburban limits depending upon the distance involved. APSRTC Student Bus Pass Fares are available through our website. APSRTC (Andhra Pradesh Road Transport Corporation) has started the new system for the passengers to apply for the bus pass i.e., online
applications. Online bus pass application is the latest service implemented by APSRTC web portal in Andhra Pradesh. Please go through this article for the APSRTC Bus Pass Fares, Bus pass online, Application Form Details etc.APSRTC Student Bus Pass Fares – Through OnlineAPSRTC Student Bus Pass Application – Upto SSCStudents who are going
to apply for APSRTC bus pass below SSC should fill the following detailsStudent Details (Mandatory Fields)NameFather’s/Guardian’s NameDate of BirthGenderMobile NumberAadhaar NoScanned Photo/ webcam photo (Size: Width=3.5cm, Height=4.5cm, size of the scanned image is not more than 50kb).Residential Full AddressSchool Details: District,
Mandal, School Name, Class, Admission No (*), School Address.Route Details: Center(*), Pass Type (*)APSRTC Student Bus Pass Application above SSCThe students who are going to apply for APSRTC bus pass above SSC have to fill the following details.Student 10th DetailsSSC Board Type (AP SSC, CBSE, ICSE, ORIENTAL, APOS, OTHER
BOARD),Type of SSC (Regular/Supplementary),SSC Year of Pass,SSC Hall Ticket No (*)Date of Birth.Student Details (Mandatory Fields)Name, Father’s/Guardian’s NameDate of Birth, GenderMobile NumberAadhaar NoScanned Photo/ webcam photo (Size: Width=3.5cm, Height=4.5cm, size of the scanned image is not more than 50kb).Residential Full
AddressInstitution Details: District, Mandal, Institution Name/College Name, Course Name, Present Course Year, Admission No (*), Institution Address.Route Details: Center(*), Pass Type (*)APSRTC Application form for NGO Bus PassThe applicants who are going to apply for APSRTC NGO bus pass have to fill the following details.Name of the
ApplicantDesignationDepartmentDate of BirthDate of AppointmentDate of RetirementResidential AddressOffice AddressType of Pass RequiredID No.Mobile NoLatest PhotographHow to Apply APSRTC Student Bus Pass OnlineStep by step process for How to apply for APSRTC Bus pass online.Go to the APSRTC official website online.apsrtcpass.inThen
click for fresh registration.And then select the link forStudent Bus Pass below SSCStudent Bus Pass above SSC according to your choice.Please fill the ASRTC application form by entering all the required details.And then click on “Submit” button to finish the process.APSRTC Bus Pass Renewal OnlineOnline bus pass renewal system will help the applicants
to reduce the required paperwork, time consumption and facilitates an easy process to get bus pass in an easy way with less time.APSRTC has announced that students can renew their general bus pass in Online. In order to avail the service, students have to produce their old Identity card and old general bus pass ticket.How to Check APSRTC Online Bus
Pass Application StatusStudents can track their bus pass application status online by providing few basic details such asRegistration ID,Mobile number,Email address,Aadhar Number,Date of Birth.Types of Bus PassesStudent General Bus Pass: who study under full-time course are only eligible for this pass.Student Monthly Route Bus PassesKrishnaveni
Bus PassFree Bus PassSpecial General Bus PassPhysically Handicapped Bus PassesNGO Bus PassHope now you will get an idea of how to apply for the bus pass through online. All the details regarding APSRTC are also provided in this article.Disclaimer: The contents of this page are to the best of our knowledge and accuracy and are based on the
latest notification published by official site (preceding or current year as applicable) of authorities. shall not be responsible for any inaccuracy or omission in the information posted on this page in form of article, comments.

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