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Language A: literature Internal Assessment

Student outline form

Global issue:

The issues brought up by the negligence of mental health

Works chosen

Literary work: “Home Burial” by Robert Frost

Non-literary work: “Mental Illness Is The Most Neglected Health Problem In The
Developing World” article by Forbes

Notes for the oral (maximum of 10 bullet points):


1. The first text is a poem by Robert Frost titled “Home Burial” and the second text
is an article by Forbess titled “Mental Illness Is The Most Neglected Health Problem
In The Developing World”.
2. The global issue we will be focusing on is the Issues that are brought up by the
negligence of mental health in a general context referring to how it has affected the
lives of those in the 1900s as well as now.

Text 1: Introduces conflict as a result of negligence

3. Refusal of the husband to truly listen to his wife: "There’s something I should like
to ask you, dear” but the fact that he ignores his wife’s repeated pleas to drop the
subject indicates he is not really listening.
4. The wife's refusal to try and share her mental anguish with the husband both
during and after the burial stage, thus showing that neither spouse is willing to give
the other’s perspective full attention or respect but rather that both are more
focused on airing their own grievances through whatever means needed.
5. The negligence of each others mental health leads to no hope of resolving the
pain and conflict between the two of them, lending the final lines of the poem to
have an ominous undertone that suggests their marriage is as dead as the child
buried in the graveyard

Text 2: Introduces the issue on a wider real life scale but provides relatable
solutions afterwards

6. Paints the picture of how mental health is the most neglected sickness in the
world with statistics to back it up
7. Refers to reasons for the under evaluation of mental health such as social
stigmas as well as how mental health is considered a “luxury good” due to its
inaccessibility to the general public
8. Brings real world examples of organizations that previously offered HIV/AIDS and
malaria programs but now have shifted their focus to mental health due to it
affecting a majority of the population


9. The negligence of mental health has brought about issues that have affected
people since the 1900s to now
10. The growing concerns of mental health ultimately lead to individuals and
organizations to seek solutions however the inability to reach to a proper
resolution leads to an ending such as the one in “Home Burial” whereas properly
dealing with the issue provides treatment to the following problem as seen by the
article by Forbes

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