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TAR0010.1177/1753465817744960Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory DiseaseK Farsalinos

Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease Review

E-cigarettes: an aid in smoking cessation,

Ther Adv Respir Dis

2018, Vol. 12: 1­–20

or a new health hazard? DOI: 10.1177/

© The Author(s), 2017.

Reprints and permissions:

Konstantinos Farsalinos

Abstract:  The issue of electronic cigarettes is one of the most controversial topics in public
health. There is intense debate and dividing opinions about their use patterns, health effects
and association with smoking. This is expected since they were only recently introduced to
the market and they refer to a harm-reduction approach and strategy that is not universally
accepted for smoking and tobacco use in the public health community. Three main factors
determine the public health impact of electronic cigarettes: (1) their safety/risk profile, both
relative to smoking and in absolute terms; (2) their effectiveness for smoking reduction
and cessation; (3) the patterns of use by different population subgroups, especially never-
smokers, and adoption of use by youth. This analysis presents a brief overview of currently
available evidence and gaps in research covering these three factors.

Keywords:  smoking, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, nicotine, public health

Received: 8 August 2017; revised manuscript accepted: 7 November 2017.

Introduction the tobacco epidemic. The responsibility of the Correspondence to:

Konstantinos Farsalinos
Smoking is a substantial global public health con- FCTC was to develop guidelines and policy Department of Cardiology,
Onassis Cardiac Surgery
cern. In 2015, the World Health Organization options and recommendations that can be imple- Center, Sygrou 356,
calculated that 22.7% of the global population mented globally. To this end, the FCTC created Kallithea 17674, Greece
Department of Pharmacy,
above the age of 15 was smoking tobacco ciga- MPOWER in 2008, a collection of policies aim- University of Patras,
rettes, which represents 1.1 billion people.1 Most ing to reduce demand for tobacco. The core prin- Rio-Patras 26500, Greece
National School of Public
importantly, there are six million deaths annually ciples of MPOWER are to Monitor tobacco use Health, Athens, Greece
due to smoking, and it is predicted that one bil- and prevention policies, to Protect people from
lion people will die prematurely from smoking- tobacco smoke, to Offer help to quit tobacco use,
related disease during the 21st century. In the to Warn about the dangers of tobacco, to Enforce
United States alone, cigarette smoking causes bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and
about one in every five deaths, with the death toll sponsorship, and to Raise taxes on tobacco.
estimated at 480,000 people every year.2 In Although these efforts have substantially reduced
Europe, the number of annual smoking-related smoking prevalence in the past, smoking remains
deaths is estimated at 700,000.3 As a result, inten- the most important preventable risk factor for
sive tobacco control efforts to reduce uptake and morbidity and premature mortality.
convince established smokers to quit have been
undertaken over the past decades. Measures such Smoking-cessation medications have been devel-
as educational campaigns, taxation, restriction of oped since the 1970s, starting with nicotine replace-
smoking in public places and providing smoking- ment therapies and progressing to oral medications.
cessation services have been used widely to com- All medications have been proved relatively safe
bat the smoking epidemic. Globally, the need to and to increase the odds of smoking cessation com-
reduce smoking prevalence resulted in the pared to placebo,4–8 but the long-term success rate
creation of the Framework Convention on is limited. Nicotine replacement therapies have a
Tobacco Control (FCTC) by the World Health success rate of less than 7% when assessing the
Organization (WHO). The treaty came into force smoking status at 1 year.9 Despite the delivery of
in 2005 and comprised 168 signatory countries the main addictive compound of smoking, nico-
that shared the common dedication to eliminate tine, the limited success of nicotine replacement 1

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Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 

therapies can be attributed to the low speed of nico- e-cigarettes could help smokers to quit and accel-
tine delivery and to the absence of the rituals associ- erate the smoking decline by supplementing other
ated with the psycho-behavioral aspect of smoking tobacco control measures, resulting in a net pub-
dependence.10–13 Oral medications also have a low lic health benefit.35–37 Another part considers
success rate even in well-designed controlled tri- e-cigarettes as a threat that could undo the pro-
als,14 while the effectiveness in real-world clinical gress made by the tobacco control movement
practice is even lower.15 Additionally, a substantial over the past decades by making smoking and
proportion of smokers do not seek help from a nicotine use socially acceptable again.38–40 This
smoking-cessation service. As a result, the most analysis will discuss the main factors that deter-
popular method for smoking cessation is quitting mine the public health impact of e-cigarettes and
without any aid.16,17 To further enhance the tobacco present a brief overview on the evidence related to
control goal of reducing smoking prevalence, a each factor.
strategy of harm reduction for smoking has been
proposed. Harm reduction is a strategy and policy
of reducing the adverse health consequences of rec- Factors determining the public health
reational drug use to those who cannot or are not impact of electronic cigarettes
willing to achieve complete abstinence. It was Electronic cigarettes could have intended and
developed mainly for psychoactive drugs and has unintended public health consequences, depend-
proven effective in reducing health risks and ing on several factors (Table 1). It is possible to
improving quality of life.18–20 This approach has present the calculation of the public health impact
been actively endorsed by authorities such as the of e-cigarettes (and any other tobacco harm-
WHO, and is now officially legislated in several reduction product) with the formula:
countries worldwide. A harm-reduction strategy
for smoking has been proposed for decades, related Public health impactEC = (hazardSM-EC × smoking
to the use of lower-risk alternatives to combus- cessation) − (hazard EC × use among non −
tible cigarettes. The basis for this approach was smokers ) − (hazard SM × smoking initiation)
first mentioned by Michael A.H. Russell,
who noted in 1976 that the combustion process, where EC = e-cigarette, SM = smoking, SM-EC
rather than nicotine, is responsible for smoking- = difference in hazard between smoking and
related disease.21 Subsequently, smokeless tobacco e-cigarettes use, hazardSM = smoking initiation
products were suggested as a harm-reduction due to e-cigarettes (gateway to smoking effect).
approach.22,23 A proof of concept about the use of
lower-risk alternatives exists in Sweden, where men The safety/risk profile of e-cigarettes is particularly
have a high prevalence of tobacco use, but most of important. Tobacco cigarette smoke contains
it is snus rather than tobacco cigarettes. Because of thousands of compounds, many of which are offi-
this pattern of tobacco use, Sweden has the lowest cially classified as toxic and carcinogenic. Smoking
death rates from cancer and cardiovascular disease is a major risk factor for a plethora of diseases, par-
in men compared to any other European Union ticularly cardiovascular disease, respiratory dis-
country.24 However, unlike the situation with harm ease and cancer of the lungs and other organs.
reduction for psychoactive drugs, tobacco harm The 10-year fatal cardiovascular risk is approxi-
reduction remains a controversial issue with strong mately doubled in smokers compared to non-
support and opposition within the public health smokers, while the relative risk for myocardial
community.25–28 infarction in smokers aged less than 50 years is
four-fold higher compared to non-smokers of sim-
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are electronic ilar age.41,42 Smokers also have 3–5-fold higher
devices that evaporate a liquid consisting of risk for developing chronic obstructive pulmonary
humectants (mainly propylene glycol and glyc- disease compared to non-smokers.43 Additionally,
erol), flavorings and nicotine, although solutions one in nine smokers develop cancer, having a
are also available without nicotine. They were 20-fold higher risk compared to non-smokers.44,45
invented in 2004 and both awareness and use has Importantly, smoking cessation lowers the risk for
grown exponentially, especially since 2009.29–34 developing disease or halts disease progression
This resulted in a heated debate about the poten- and improves future prognosis.46–48 Therefore, it
tial public health effects of e-cigarette use. One is very important to assess the relative safety of
part of the public health community thinks that e-cigarettes compared to tobacco cigarettes.

K Farsalinos

Table 1.  Main factors determining the public health impact of electronic cigarettes.

Factor Details
Safety/risk profile The safety/risk profile of e-cigarettes should be
  determined both relative to smoking, to inform
  smokers about the relative risks, and in absolute
  terms to inform never-smokers about potential
risks from adoption of use.
Effectiveness on smoking cessation and reduction The intended use of e-cigarettes (from a public
  health perspective) would be as smoking
  substitutes. Studies need to assess their real-world
effectiveness in this aspect as well as any possible
  unintended consequences such as delaying or
  hindering smoking cessation.
Patterns of use by population subgroups Ideally, e-cigarettes should be used only by current
  and former smokers. Their popularity among
  never-smoking adults needs to be monitored.
Additionally, monitoring use by adolescents is
  important to determine how it affects smoking
  initiation and prevalence at a young age, which is a
  major predictor of long-term sustained smoking.

Additionally, their safety/risk profile in absolute smoking consumption. Due to this and for sim-
terms (i.e. compared to not using any other prod- plification, the effect of smoking reduction is not
uct) is important in determining the residual risk displayed in the formula above.
for smokers compared to quitting without the use
of any substitute and the risk of e-cigarettes users The third factor that needs to be considered is the
who were never smokers. This may be of particu- prevalence and patterns of e-cigarettes use in dif-
lar interest for smokers with pre-existing smoking- ferent population subgroups. E-cigarette use is an
related disease, since smoking cessation in this inhalational habit that closely resembles the
population is a very effective secondary prevention act of smoking and can deliver nicotine. These
measure,49 but many smokers fail to quit even characteristics could create dependence and
after they develop such disease.50 sustained long-term use by never-smokers, which
would result in added health risk compared to not
A second factor that determines the public health using any inhalational product. Therefore, it is
impact of e-cigarettes is their effect on the smok- important to assess which population subgroups
ing status and consumption of smokers. The are using e-cigarettes, with particular attention to
intended role (from a public health perspective) the smoking status before initiation of e-cigarette
of e-cigarettes is to be used as smoking substi- use. Additionally, the adoption of use by adoles-
tutes. Therefore, their success in achieving smok- cents needs to be monitored. Most long-term
ing abstinence is a major determinant of their smokers start at a young age and early initiation
public health impact. Reduction in smoking con- predicts regular smoking in adulthood.58–63
sumption is also expected to result in some ben- Adolescents are more prone to test things and
efit, although it will certainly be less pronounced engage in risky behaviors. In that respect, e-ciga-
compared to complete abstinence. It should be rettes could attract their attention and curiosity
noted that although there seems to be a dose– but could also theoretically serve as a ‘distraction’
response relationship between smoking consump- from use of tobacco cigarettes. Another reason for
tion and duration and disease risk as well as monitoring the prevalence of use among never-
all-cause mortality,51–53 there are conflicting data smokers is the possibility that e-cigarettes might
about the effects of smoking reduction on disease have a gateway effect to smoking. This means that
risk.54–57 Since reduction in smoking consump- people who have never and would have never
tion can vary widely, it will be difficult to quantify smoked become addicted to e-cigarettes and then
the risk reduction among smokers who lower their transition to tobacco cigarette use. Finally, it is 3
Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 

equally important to assess the popularity of e-cig- tobacco plant or are produced during the curing
arettes among smokers. To result in significant process of tobacco leaves.75–77 The combustion
public health benefit, any smoking cessation aid process is critical in the generation of toxic chemi-
needs to be not only effective but also acceptable cals, with the tobacco cigarette reaching up to
and popular among the intended population sub- 900°C during a puff and burning at more than
group (smokers). A product that is more attractive 400°C between puffs.78
for smokers will result in a higher proportion of
them quitting or reducing smoking. A characteris- The main differences between e-cigarettes and
tic example of how popularity affects the public tobacco cigarettes that are expected to largely
health outcome comes from the use of snus by determine the potential risk discrepancies are the
men in Sweden. Ramström and colleagues pre- lack of combustion and tobacco in the former.
sented aggregate data from Your Country and E-cigarettes function by evaporating a liquid,
Your Life (YCYL) 2003–11 studies and reported which is rapidly condensed into an aerosol and is
that the overall prevalence of daily tobacco use then inhaled by the user. The main ingredients in
among Swedish men was 30.8%.64 However, the e-cigarette liquids are compounds that have been
prevalence of daily smoking was 12.3%, while the used extensively in food, pharmaceutical and cos-
prevalence of daily snus use was 20.2% (15.5% metic products. In fact, to the best of my knowl-
non-smoking, 3.0% occasionally smoking and edge, there is no chemical which was specifically
1.7% daily smoking snus users). Additionally, developed to be used in e-cigarettes. Propylene
snus was reported as the most popular smoking- glycol (1,2 propanediol) is a diol (a polyhydric
cessation aid among men. The high prevalence of alcohol with a 2-hydroxyl group) that was discov-
snus and low prevalence of tobacco cigarette use ered in 1859,79 was recognized as safe for use in
among tobacco users is at least partly responsible food products by the US FDA in 198280 and is
for the lowest death rates from cancer and cardio- also used in pharmaceuticals, including intrave-
vascular disease that are observed in Sweden com- nous and inhalational preparations.81–83 In the
pared to any other European Union country.24 human body, it is mainly metabolized to lactate
and then to pyruvate and glucose. Glycerol
An overview of the main findings and challenges (1,2,3-propanetriol) is a polyol (a polyhydric alco-
in e-cigarette research is presented in Table 2. hol with a 2-hydroxyl group) that exists in nature,
is essential for living organisms, was first discov-
ered in 1783 and has been approved for use in
Safety of electronic cigarettes food products since 1959.84 It is also widely used
Smoking causes disease after a period of several in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food products.
years. This means that in order to assess the Propylene glycol and glycerol are mainly used in
health impact of e-cigarettes compared to smok- e-cigarettes as solvents and for the production of
ing in the clinical setting, long-term epidemiolog- visible aerosol. Flavorings are, in most cases, also
ical studies are needed. With e-cigarettes being chemicals approved for use in food products. It
available mostly in the past 10 years, it is not should be noted, however, that e-cigarettes intro-
unexpected that long-term epidemiological evi- duce a new route of long-term daily exposure to
dence of their health effects is still not available. these compounds, through inhalation. There is
However, there is extensive preclinical research, limited evidence from clinical studies about the
mostly on chemistry and toxicology of e-ciga- effects of inhaling these compounds. This creates
rettes. Tobacco cigarette smoke is a complex mix- uncertainty mainly for the local effects in the res-
ture of thousands of chemicals, with many of piratory tract, while the metabolic and excretion
them being linked to cancer and others being pathways once absorbed have been clearly deter-
linked to cardiotoxicity, respiratory toxicity and mined, raising little concern about potential risks.
genotoxicity.65–67 Tobacco cigarette smoke also Studies on exposure to propylene glycol aerosol
contains inorganic compounds such as heavy through inhalation were performed in the
metals. The main pathophysiological mechanisms 1940s because of observations that it had bacteri-
of causing disease are through inflammation, oxi- ostatic and virostatic properties in animals and
dative stress and DNA damage.68–72 Most of these humans.85,86 A study exposing primates to propyl-
toxins are derived from the combustion pro- ene glycol aerosol for 12–18 months showed no
cess,73–75 while some are inherently present in the adverse effects on any organ.87 More recently,

K Farsalinos

Table 2.  Overview of main findings and challenges in e-cigarette research.

Factor Findings Challenges

Safety/risk profile  
Chemistry Most potentially toxic compounds are either Many studies do not ensure realistic use
absent or substantially lower compared to conditions and avoidance of ‘dry puffs’.
tobacco cigarettes. Lack of standardized testing conditions.
Some studies show extremely high levels of The amount of exposure determines the risk.
some toxic compounds (mainly aldehydes). Particle size and number have little value
E-cigarettes emit a lot of small particles that in assessing harm without considering the
easily penetrate deep into the lungs and are composition of the particles.
Toxicology Potential mechanisms for adverse health effects Difficult to interpret absolute effects in the context
identified (e.g. inflammation and oxidative of clinical risk.
stress). Toxicological studies have more value when
Comparison with smoking almost always shows comparing e-cigarettes with tobacco cigarettes
reduced toxicological effects. at equivalent exposure levels, to examine relative
Clinical Limited studies show some clinical benefit Acute effects rarely predict long-term harm.
(asthma, blood pressure). Sympathetic activation has been observed
Other studies show adverse effects, mostly in caffeine intake or post-exercise, with no
relevant to sympathetic stimulation. prognostic value.
Biomarkers of exposure studies show reduced Long-term epidemiological studies are needed to
exposure among e-cigarette users, similar to accurately quantify the absolute and relative risk.
smoking cessation.
Efficacy in  
smoking cessation
  Randomized controlled trials show limited Low quality of available evidence.
efficacy. Randomized controlled trials need to use new-
Cohort studies show mixed results. generation products and allow product choice to
Reviews have identified positive, no or negative participants.
effects of e-cigarettes in smoking cessation. Cohort studies until now suffer from strong bias.
Cross-sectional studies show e-cigarettes help Ever or current use is a poor measure to assess
smokers quit. efficacy in smoking cessation.
Use by population  
Adults Experimentation has grown among adults, Regular use is an important factor is estimating
including non-smokers. public health effects.
Regular use is largely confined in current and Dual use is vaguely defined and includes people with
former smokers. very diverse use patterns; better definition needed.
Dual use of tobacco and e-cigarettes is the most The health effects of dual use will be determined
common pattern with few exceptions (UK). by the amount of smoking reduction.
Youth Experimentation has grown among youth, Among youth, e-cigarette use predicts tobacco
including non-smokers. cigarette use and vice versa.
Regular use is largely confined in current and Regular use, nicotine use and smoking status of
former smokers; poly-tobacco use is common. users are important determinants of potential harm.
Ever e-cigarette use at baseline predicts ever Smoking prevalence decreases considerably in
smoking at follow up in youth. youth, but how this is affected by e-cigarettes is

studies of short-term exposure in animals and some compounds, although safe to be ingested,
humans did not find any significant adverse health might be harmful when inhaled. Examples of this
effects.88,89 Concerns exist for flavorings because include the food-approved additives diacetyl and 5
Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 

acetylpropionyl. These compounds have been emissions checked for the generation of dry puffs;
associated with respiratory dysfunction and linked as a result, the laboratory testing setup could have
with rare cases of bronchiolitis obliterans, an irre- represented unrealistic conditions and be irrele-
versible obstructive lung disease involving the res- vant to true human exposure. One study already
piratory bronchioles.90–92 A study evaluating 159 showed that a previous report about high aldehyde
sweet-flavored e-cigarette liquids found either or emissions104 was indeed associated with dry puff
both of these compounds in 74.2% of the tested conditions that regular users identified.110 Further
samples.93 These chemicals are also present in research into carbonyl emissions from e-cigarettes
tobacco cigarette smoke at levels 1 to 2 orders of is warranted, as well as into the dry puff phenom-
magnitude higher compared to the e-cigarette liq- enon, to understand inter- and intra-individual dif-
uids tested; however, in e-cigarettes they represent ferences in detecting the unpleasant taste. In any
an avoidable risk since they are added as ingredi- case, it is very important to ensure that realistic use
ents, while in tobacco cigarette smoke they are conditions are adopted during aerosol collection.
formed due to combustion.94 It should be men- Another issue that has been raised is the emission
tioned that no documented cases of bronchiolitis of metals.96,111,112 Electronic cigarettes are metallic
obliterans due to smoking or e-cigarette use have structures that are expected to emit metals to
been reported, but smoking is a major risk factor the aerosol. Some metals have been found at levels
for respiratory dysfunction and chronic obstruc- higher compared to tobacco cigarettes.111
tive lung disease, and these chemicals could con- Although, in general, the levels detected are below
tribute to this high risk. safety limits for inhalational medications or for
occupational exposure and do not seem to repre-
The chemistry profile of e-cigarette liquid and aer- sent any substantial health risk, emissions can be
osol is substantially less harmful compared to further reduced by using appropriate materials.113
tobacco cigarettes for a variety of potentially toxic There is a lot of discussion about the number and
compounds such as tobacco-specific nitrosamines, size of particles emitted from e-cigarettes.114–116
phenols, nitrates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocar- Although particle size determines the penetration
bons, aromatic amines and carbon monoxide.95–100 into the respiratory tract and subsequent absorp-
Many of the toxins present in tobacco cigarette tion potential, it is misleading to assess the risk
smoke are absent from e-cigarettes, while others profile without taking into account the composi-
are present in substantially lower levels. For exam- tion of the particles. The potential toxicity of the
ple, traces of tobacco-specific nitrosamines are emitted compounds is the major determinant of
present in e-cigarette liquids, resulting in non- adverse health effects, while particle size will affect
detectable levels to the aerosol unless the samples the potential for penetration and exposure of tis-
are spiked with standard nitrosamine solutions.99 sues. Therefore, if toxic compounds are transferred
Concern has been recently raised about the emis- in small particles into the lungs, the health risk will
sions of carbonyl compounds from e-cigarettes. be increased compared to larger particles. No
While several studies have shown substantially adverse effects are expected if small particles are
lower levels of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and composed of inert and harmless compounds. In
acrolein compared to smoking,96,98,100–103 some general, it is important to note that a basic princi-
recent studies have found levels similar to or higher ple in toxicology, as defined centuries ago, is that
than in tobacco cigarette smoke.104–106 Carbonyls ‘nothing is a poison and everything is poisonous;
can be derived from thermal degradation of the solely the dose determines that a thing is not a poi-
main ingredients of e-cigarette liquids.107 However, son (Sola dosis facit venenum)’.117 Therefore,
a major sensory parameter of e-cigarettes is that finding potentially toxic emissions from e-ciga-
liquid overheating creates a strong unpleasant taste rettes is only a marker of potential toxicity but is not
that users avoid. This phenomenon, called ‘dry enough to quantify the risk. The accurate determi-
puffs’ has been presented in the literature since nation of amount of exposure under realistic use
2013 and has been explained in detail.101,108,109 conditions is an absolute requirement to determin-
Being an organoleptic (sensory) characteristic, it is ing the potential health effects of any product.
by definition subjectively defined by e-cigarette
users who try the e-cigarettes at the power settings Toxicological studies have detected several mech-
and puffing patterns used in the laboratory. None anisms through which e-cigarettes could cause
of the studies finding very high levels of carbonyl adverse health effects, including oxidative stress,

K Farsalinos

inflammation and gene expression.118–121 Other risk assessment analysis of the carcinogenic
studies have found minimal effects when com- potential of e-cigarettes based on emissions to the
pared with smoking.122,123 It is difficult to inter- aerosol calculated that they have 0.4% of the can-
pret in vitro studies in the context of clinical cer risk from smoking,139 although more research
effects, mainly because the in vitro response on the chemistry is needed. Another area of
depends on the level of exposure, and the dose agreement is that e-cigarettes are unlikely to be
that could better represent realistic clinical effects absolutely safe. In the UK, two major health
has not been determined. Such studies have more organizations, Public Health England and the
value in evaluating comparative effects between Royal College of Physicians, published reports
different products, especially when similar levels reviewing the evidence on the e-cigarette safety/
of exposure are examined. The majority of the risk profile and estimated that the health risks of
studies comparing e-cigarette aerosol with e-cigarettes are at least 95% reduced compared to
tobacco cigarette smoke have found lower toxicity the risks of smoking. Therefore, although not
for e-cigarettes. However, these studies explore risk-free, they can substantially reduce the expo-
potential mechanisms of harm that need to be sure of smokers to harmful toxins. Recently, the
further examined. UK government officially included e-cigarettes as
a harm-reduction approach that will contribute to
Limited clinical studies assessing the effects of the elimination of smoking by 2030. However,
e-cigarettes have been performed. Some evaluated there is also criticism for the position of the UK
the acute effects of use and found elevated blood authorities concerning the estimates of risk and
pressure and aortic stiffness,124,125 which are the endorsement of e-cigarette use,140–142 with the
related to the sympathetic effects of nicotine. authors of the Public Health England report
Similar effects have been observed immediately responding that their intention was to communi-
after use of medicinal nicotine,126 after short- or cate to the public the difference in relative risk
long-term use of caffeine127,128 or after exercise,129 and their estimate was based on the difference in
but none of these factors have any long-term the chemistry profile between tobacco cigarette
adverse health implications. Therefore, their value smoke and e-cigarette aerosol.143
is limited concerning the long-term effects. One
study identified increased cardiac sympathetic
activity in e-cigarette users after abstaining from Efficacy in smoking cessation and reduction
nicotine intake for several hours.130 Although the A major determinant of the public health effects of
study did not include a smoking group for com- e-cigarettes depends on whether they promote or
parison, the effects seem to be lower compared to hinder and delay smoking reduction. Surveys of
other studies evaluating smokers, and this effect e-cigarette users suggest that e-cigarettes are used as
needs to be further explored. Other clinical stud- smoking-cessation aids, while a large proportion of
ies have shown objective improvement in respira- e-cigarette users manage to quit smoking or sub-
tory function of asthmatics after switching from stantially reduce smoking consumption.144–147
smoking to e-cigarette use which was sustained for However, these studies use convenience samples,
2 years, and improvement in blood pressure and suffer from selection bias and cannot represent the
hypertension control.131–133 Of particular impor- general population. A study of vapeshop customers
tance are studies evaluating biomarkers of expo- objectively assessed the smoking status of partici-
sure to toxic chemicals. Such studies have long pants by measuring exhaled carbon monoxide and
been performed to assess smokers’ exposure and identified that 66% of participants had quit smok-
now assess the exposure of e-cigarette users. The ing.148 Again, this study did not assess a random
studies have shown substantial reductions in bio- sample of users and could over-represent more
markers of exposure, which are similar to non- advanced and dedicated consumers. Randomized
smokers or former smokers who use pharmaceutical controlled trials represent the gold-standard in
nicotine products.134,135 assessing the efficacy of any medical intervention.
Three such studies assessed the efficacy of e-
Reviews of the evidence on the safety/risk profile cigarettes and showed modest results for first-
of e-cigarettes agree that current evidence sug- generation devices and somewhat better results for
gests e-cigarettes are less harmful than smoking, newer-generation devices.149–151 Several cohort
although the level of risk reduction is an area of studies have shown mixed results, with some show-
disagreement and intense debate.136–138 A recent ing that e-cigarette use increases the odds of quitting 7
Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 

while others show the opposite effect.152–157 Several e-cigarette use represents a behavioral change,
meta-analyses have also shown mixed results. with the large variability of devices and liquid
Cochrane reviews reported that e-cigarettes help flavors serving mainly to substitute a positive
smokers to quit.158,159 However, both analyses indi- experience from smoking with another positive
cated that the confidence in the result was rated experience from use of a less harmful substi-
‘low’ by GRADE standards due to the small num- tute.166 Thus, although randomized controlled
ber of trials, low event rates and wide confidence trials are undoubtedly valuable tools, they need
intervals around the estimated means. Similar to be performed in an ‘unconventional’ way,
results and limitations were reported in another allowing participants for product choice based
meta-analysis.160 Another systematic review found on self-preference and use of new-generation
that e-cigarette use was associated with 28% devices that appear to be better in satisfying
reduced chances of quitting,161 while the most smokers’ needs. Finally, these trials do not con-
recent one found limited evidence for a positive or sider that smoking-cessation medications are
negative effect of e-cigarettes on smoking cessation, unpopular among smokers, with most quit
again rating the evidence as low or very low attempts done without the use of any aids.167
certainty.162 These problems raise questions about the ability
to generate valid and useful conclusions from
Although the systematic reviews were of good the meta-analyses performed until now.
quality, there were major problems in the studies
that were included to the analyses. The two ran- Population studies have shown that e-cigarettes
domized controlled trials used outdated and have helped people quit smoking, with increas-
poor-quality products that were already with- ing proportions of e-cigarette users being former
drawn and replaced by more advanced products smokers. In the UK, there has been an increase
at the time of the studies’ publication.149,150 The in prevalence of e-cigarette use from 700,000 in
third study provided nicotine-containing e-ciga- 2013 to 2.9 million in 2017.168 The proportion
rette liquids for a limited period of time, while of e-cigarette users who were former smokers
for the rest of the study follow up participants also rose from 33% in 2012 to 52% in 2017. In
could not easily obtain such liquids because they the European Union, an estimated 6.1 million
were banned in that country at the time of the smokers have managed to quit with the help of
study.151 Several cohort studies suffered from e-cigarettes, while an additional 9.2 million
very strong bias, such as failure to examine moti- smokers have reduced their smoking consump-
vation to quit smoking and reasons for using tion.16 Reported smoking cessation and reduc-
e-cigarettes and no differentiation between regu- tion rates were by far higher when current and
lar versus occasional use and experimentation. daily e-cigarette use was assessed separately
Many studies included subjects who had already from ever-use,16,169 which emphasizes the
failed to quit smoking with the use of e-cigarettes importance of differentiating between experi-
at baseline, resulting in bias of the outcome mentation and regular use. A cross-sectional
being present at the start of the study.153,155,156 survey assessing use of e-cigarettes as part of a
Additionally, they usually assessed ever or cur- quit attempt found that their use was associated
rent (past 30-day) use, definitions that include a with 60% higher odds of quitting compared to
lot of experimenters rather than regular users.163 pharmaceutical nicotine products.170 A time
As expected, it has been shown that frequency of series analysis also reported a significant direct
use is positively associated with both quit association between e-cigarette use and success-
attempts and quit success.164 There are also ful quitting.171 Of course, cross-sectional studies
inherent problems in randomized controlled tri- also have serious limitations, such as the lack of
als, such as the long duration for trial planning, temporal association and causality, self-report
recruitment, implementation and analysis,165 bias and no objective assessment of the smoking
which become more important when you con- status or the duration of smoking cessation.
sider the dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of Also, these studies fail to explore how many of
the e-cigarette market. Additionally, the classical those who claim that they have stopped with the
implementation of randomized controlled trials, aid of e-cigarettes would have stopped anyway
using a single product and evaluating the effects and how many of those who used an e-cigarette
compared to placebo, is largely inapplicable to but failed to stop would have stopped had they
e-cigarette research. Switching from smoking to used another method.172

K Farsalinos

Electronic cigarette use by population 69.7% of current e-cigarette users being current
subgroups smokers.183 Dual use of tobacco and e-cigarettes
Since e-cigarettes are supposed to be used as is a vague definition with a large variety of differ-
smoking substitutes, the intended population ent patterns of use. For example, both an occa-
group target is smokers. Use by never-smokers sional e-cigarette user who takes a few e-cigarette
could be associated with health effects consider- puffs per week and smokes daily, and a daily
ing that current evidence suggests they are not e-cigarette user who also smokes but reduced
absolutely harmless. Population studies have tobacco cigarette consumption from 20 to 2 ciga-
been reassuring, showing that current regular use rettes per day are considered dual users. However,
of e-cigarettes is largely confined to current and the health-risk profile of these people is substan-
former smokers. In the UK in 2017, only 2–3% of tially different. Thus, a better definition is needed,
current adult users report being never-smokers, especially by presenting the frequency of use of
with the proportion remaining stable between each product and the smoking reduction in those
2012 to 2017 despite the increased awareness and who were smokers before initiating e-cigarette
popularity of e-cigarettes over this period.168 In use. Dual use is unlikely to increase harm since
the European Union, although 2.3% of never- e-cigarette use represents an alternative source for
smokers reported ever e-cigarette use, current use smokers to obtain the nicotine they need; thus, no
was limited to 0.2%.16 Current or past daily nico- added exposure is expected. Studies on biomark-
tine use was confined to 0.09% of never- ers of exposure have shown that dual use is asso-
smokers,16 while current daily nicotine use was ciated with either no increase or reduction in
even more infrequent (0.04%).169 In the US, the toxin exposure, depending on the level of smok-
situation is similar, with e-cigarette use being ing reduction.135,184,185 In terms of effects on
more prevalent among current and recent former smoking cessation, dual use represents an
smokers while being rare among never-smok- expected transition period, which could lead to
ers.173–175 Daily use was also rare in both never- smoking cessation, although frequently dual users
smokers and former smokers who had quit more abandon e-cigarette use because they find them
than 4 years ago.174 Similar patterns of use have unsatisfactory as smoking substitutes. However,
been observed in other countries.176–181 Several long-term dual use is associated with higher quit
studies raised the issue of accurately defining reg- attempt rates and cessation rates.186 Additionally,
ular e-cigarette use.16,167,182 A detailed analysis of frequent e-cigarette use is associated with reduced
frequency of e-cigarette use among ‘current’ users rates of dual use.183 Available evidence suggests
(defined as any past 30-day use) identified that that it is reasonable to encourage, rather than dis-
this definition includes a lot of infrequent users, courage, dual use of tobacco and e-cigarettes
including 89.5% of never-smoking past 30-day unless the motivation for such use is purely rec-
e-cigarette users.163 Therefore, it is important to reational and not an attempt to quit or substan-
determine the frequency of use in order to accu- tially reduce smoking.
rately examine the impact of e-cigarettes on the
smoking status of users. In any case, current evi- There is an intense debate, especially in the US,
dence suggests that the patterns of e-cigarette use about the adoption of e-cigarette use by adoles-
in the adult population is favorable for public cents and subsequent gateway effects to smoking.
health, clearly showing that e-cigarettes are not In late 2016, the Surgeon General published a
attractive for the vast majority of adult never- report about e-cigarette use among youth and
smokers. Obviously, continuous monitoring is young adults, presenting an explosive rise in ever-
needed in order to rapidly identify any changes in use from 2011 to 2016 and declaring this to be a
the use patterns. major public health concern.187 The report was
mainly based on two large surveys of adolescents,
Another aspect that has generated a lot of con- the National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) and
cern is dual use of tobacco and e-cigarettes. In the the Monitoring the Future Study (MTF).188–191 It
UK, almost 50% of e-cigarette users are current is accurate that ever and current (past 30-day)
smokers (i.e. dual users).168 In Europe in 2014, e-cigarette use have increased over the past few
more than 53% of current daily e-cigarette users years among US youth. However, the report pro-
were dual users.169 The PATH study in the US vides little discussion on frequent regular use, use
found that, among adult tobacco users, the preva- of nicotine-containing e-cigarettes and the smok-
lence of multiple product use was 37.8%, with ing status of e-cigarette users. These are expected 9
Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 

to be important determinants of the effects of use at follow up.201–205 A recent meta-analysis esti-
e-cigarettes on this population subgroup. mated that e-cigarette use at baseline was associ-
Experimentation is unlikely to result in long-term ated with 3–4-fold higher odds of subsequent
regular use at the same rate as regular use and is tobacco cigarette use.206 The authors mentioned
not expected to meaningfully increase health that several criteria suggested a causal link between
risks. Use of nicotine with e-cigarettes is expected e-cigarette use and cigarette smoking, such as
to increase the likelihood of dependence in non- association, consistency, specificity, temporality
smokers, while use by the latter determines if and biological and behavioral plausibility. The
e-cigarettes are recruiting new users to an inhala- studies and subsequent meta-analysis provide suf-
tional habit and nicotine intake. An analysis of the ficient and worrying evidence that there is a tem-
NYTS 2014 found that the majority of past poral transition from e-cigarette to tobacco
30-day e-cigarette users were ever-users of cigarette experimentation among never-smoking
tobacco products, while less than 0.1% of tobacco adolescents. The causal link was based on the
never-users had used e-cigarettes for 10 or more Branton Hill criteria to establish the link between
days in the past month.192 That study also pre- previous exposure and future development of dis-
sented the issue of poly-tobacco use among youth, ease.207 While temporality was established through
which has also been detected in an analysis of the these studies for baseline never-smokers, it should
MTF 2014.191 A secondary analysis of the latter be noted that a reverse temporal association has
survey showed that never-smoking high-school also been established. Leventhal and colleagues
students were highly unlikely to use e-cigarettes found that baseline ever-use of a combustible
in the past 30-days while most of those who used tobacco product was positively associated with
them reported use for 1–2 of the past 30 days.193 e-cigarette use at both 6- and 12-month follow
Additionally, most adolescent users were not up.201 In reality, e-cigarettes seem to have both a
using nicotine-containing e-cigarettes.194 Surveys ‘cause’ and an ‘effect’ role depending on the pop-
in the UK also show that there is considerable ulation studied. Therefore, not only does use of
experimentation among youth but little regular e-cigarettes ‘cause’ use of conventional cigarettes,
use.195,196 A recent analysis of five studies in the but also use of conventional cigarettes ‘causes’ use
UK concluded that there is a consistent pattern in of e-cigarettes.208 Additionally, the biological
terms of e-cigarette use among adolescents, with plausibility would normally require the establish-
most e-cigarette experimentation not turning into ment of addiction to e-cigarettes and then transi-
regular use and levels of regular use in young peo- tion to regular smoking. However, the studies that
ple who have never smoked remaining very low.197 were included in the meta-analysis assessed ever
Similar patterns are observed in the US. The or past 30-day use of e-cigarettes at baseline, and
alarming increase in ever and past 30-day use is, ever, past year or past 30-day smoking at follow
fortunately, not accompanied by elevated regular up. Additionally, none of the studies assessed nic-
use among never-smoking US adolescents.198 otine use with e-cigarettes. Specificity also requires
Despite these findings, the temporal association that no other likely causes can explain the effect.
between smoking and e-cigarette use cannot be However, an alternative explanation is that com-
determined through such cross-sectional surveys. mon factors could lead to both e-cigarette and
Additionally, the rapidly evolving e-cigarette mar- tobacco cigarette use. Factors such as impulsivity,
ket and technology could potentially change the sensation seeking and tendency toward risky
patterns of use by adolescents. Therefore, it is behavior could predispose some adolescents to
important to continuously assess the use of e-cig- trying e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes.208
arettes among youth. The latest data from NYTS Therefore, other confounding factors could
2016 and MTF 2016, which were released after explain this association. In any case, the most cru-
the Surgeon General report, showed a substantial cial factor for public health is the prevalence of
decline in e-cigarette ever and past 30-day use in smoking, especially regular smoking, in adoles-
youth, which is a positive sign.199,200 cents. Data consistently show a substantial decline
in tobacco cigarette use from 2010 until 2016,
Another important research question is to assess despite the huge rise in e-cigarette use experimen-
whether e-cigarettes act as a gateway to or a gate- tation.199,200 This probably suggests that the asso-
way from smoking in the never-smoking youth ciation between e-cigarette use at baseline and
population. Several studies have shown that e-cig- future tobacco cigarette use is affecting a small
arette use at baseline predicted tobacco cigarette proportion of adolescents. Indeed, a secondary

K Farsalinos

analysis of the 2014 NYTS showed that only 3.3% Funding

of adolescents were past 30-day exclusive e-ciga- This research received no specific grant from any
rette users, with two-thirds (2.1%) being ever funding agency in the public, commercial or not-
tobacco users.192 Of course, it cannot be excluded for-profit sectors.
that the decline in smoking prevalence would have
been stronger if e-cigarettes did not exist. Conflict of interest statement
Therefore, continuous monitoring is needed and In the past 3 years, two studies were performed
it remains to be seen whether e-cigarettes repre- using unrestricted funds from the non-profit asso-
sent a source of harm. At the same time, however, ciation AEMSA and one study by the non-profit
the possibility that e-cigarettes might have a pri- association Tennessee Smoke-Free Association.
mary preventive role, promoting a decline in
tobacco cigarette use, should also be considered
and research should also focus on this issue.
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E-cigarettes are one of the most controversial Statistics data visualizations dashboard.
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