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Cecilia Sais

Pathways Exhibition
Strengths, Interests, Values Reflection

Part 1: Do What You Are

Complete the Do What You Are survey in Naviance. Use your report to answer the
questions below.

1. What is your personality type?

Introversion,sensing, thinking, perceiving.

2. What does each aspect of your personality mean about you?

Says I focus attention inward, apply past experience to problem solving, motivated by
achievement, tough negotiator, needs to have fun in my work.

3. List two strengths indicated on your report. Give an example from your
life that demonstrates that these qualities are strengths.
-One strength listed is independent. I get my own money and don't like to
receive handouts is an example from my life.
- Another strength listed is practical. I expect what is to be expected, I
don't overset things.

4. What qualities should a career have in order to satisfy your particular

personality? A friendly work environment, own set of responsibilities.

Career Results Comparison

1. Review the career lists provided at the end of each survey. Identify three
careers that are similar across the lists. List the careers and explain why
each career may be satisfying to you, citing evidence from your survey
Retail salesperson is one of the careers recommended. Child, family, and school social
workers is one of my interests. Both require social skills which I have. I “Connect and interact
with people quickly and easily”. I love to help others and satisfy others so both these
jobs would be a good fit. I already have experience working with children and elders as

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