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English Task

Nathalie Toar/20031105031

Chapter 2: Present and Past, Simple and Progressive

Worksheet 1 (page 2)
Comprehension practice

Decide whether each sentence is true or false, according to the reading. Circle T if
the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false.
1. A group of tough men in New York City takes good care of animals. T/F
2. These men are professional veterinarians T/F
3. The men have know each other all their lives T/F
4. The name of their group is Rescue Ink T/F
5. They conduct educational programs in schools T/F
6. All of the men have regular jobs T/F
7. One of the men is a firefighter T/F
8. Rescue Ink pays the men T/F
9. People donate money to Rescue Ink T/F
10.The men in the group are happy with their volunteer jobs T/F
Worksheet 2.
Definition practice

Write the letters of the correct completions in the blanks.

1. In Line 1, tough means strong and hard (C.)
2. In Line 2, leather is a material (A.)
3. In Line 3, tenderness means gentleness (C.)
4. In Line 3, a mission is a strong purpose (B.)
5. In Line 6, shared means wanted (C.)
6. In Line 8, double refers to two (B.)
7. In Line 15, notify means to inform (C.)
8. In Line 16, retired means no longer working at a paid job (B.)
9. In Line 16, former means previous (C.)
10.In Lines 16-17, a bodybuilding champion must have large, strong muscles
11.In Line 17, a shaved head means that the man took off his hair with a razor
12.In Line 21, skinny means very thin (C.)
13.In Line 23, dispatches means sends with a purpose (A.)
14.In Line 25, donate means give (C.)
15.In Line 26, be passionate about means love very strongly (A)
16.In Line 27, volunteer means work for no salary (B.)

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