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Below are some fragments of language taken from different contexts. Suggest a possible source
for each (a TV weather report, notes on a record sleeve, a book review). Compare your
suggestions with those of others in the group, and then with the actual sources.
1... a cool, dry place. Keep well out of...
2... magnificent vistas of coastline, beautiful beaches, ...
3... my whole body is caressed by a protective, creamy moisturizer...
4... the Canadians were hammered...
5... bringing scattered thundershowers...
6... faces stern new tests in coming months.
7 Simmer gently...
8... to turn it on. You’ll hear a beep...
9 Trap for catching birds or animals, esp. one made...

In each of the sets of words below, one word or expression stands out as being in some way
different from the others. This is the ‘odd man out’. Which do you think it is, in each case, and
why? When you have made your choice, explain your reasons.
1 showery unstable lovely changeable
2 criminal culprit wrongdoer villain

Below is a selection of titles of books, films, TV programmes, and advertising slogans. Imagine
in each case that the book, product, or programme is to be distributed in a Spanish speaking
country. Suggest how the title or slogan could be rendered in Spanish.
1 A Taste of India (title of an illustrated book on Indian cooking)
2 Manwatching (title of a book on human behaviour - gesture and movement)
3 Heineken - Refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach (advertisement for Heineken beer)
4 Johnny Walker - Born 1820, and still going strong (advertisement for Johnny Walker whisky)


Translate the following sentences, paying special attention to aspects related to the expression of verbal

politeness. What type of relationship do you think there is between the interlocutors in each case?

1. Pásame la sal.

2. ¿Sería tan amable de alcanzarme esa botella de agua?

3. Dame un cigarro, anda.

4. Muchísimas gracias. Me has salvado la vida.

5. Gracias. Eres un sol.

6. You have a book I need. Could I please borrow it to photocopy a few pages?

7. Is there any chance I can make a quick call on your phone?

8. Do you think you would have the time to read through my paper and make some suggestions?

9. I can’t reach that book. Could you grab it for me?

10. Would it be okay to use this phone? It’ll only be a minute.

11. ¿Me dejas tus apuntes un segundo?

12. I was just wondering if you had any time to have a look at a paper I’ve been writing.

13. Could you possibly read the outline of my work and give me a few pointers?

14. Perdona, es que necesito ese libro, ¿te importa dejármelo un momentito?

15. Lo siento muchísimo. Ha sido sin querer.

16. Oye, gracias, te debo una.

17. Muchas gracias. Ha sido muy amable.

18. Cheers. You’ve really helped me out.



Translate the following sentences, paying special attention to the slang and unconventional terms

(associated to a given situational context) and trying to find equivalent expressions in the target


1. The only thing I can say about him is that he’s a real bastard.

2. Beat it! I’m busy.

3. He says he saw Nancy and Peter in the toilet, belly to belly.

4. He’s got a real nerve!

5. Charlie is bent out of shape.

6. Does that muscleman work here?

7. Tony es un empollón.

8. No, I’m not interested. No deal!

9. No vales una mierda.

10. My sister is going out with that number from New York.

11. He finally went nuts.

12. You can’t take him seriously because he’s plain sick in the head.

13. I got pissed off as hell when I saw what he’d done to my car.

14. Jack es un fantasma.

15. I was sitting here talking to him when he just croaked.

16. Entró la policía y los pilló despelotados.

17. Nancy is the town bike.

18. Creo que voy a echar la pota aquí mismo.

19. She came lit up like a Christmas tree.

20. Es alto, delgado y lleva gafas de culo de vaso.

21. El examen estaba tirado.

22. Tom always wears designer-label clothes and his hair is all smarmed down. He’s the typical preppy.

23. Pareces hecho polvo.

24. It’s cold as all creation.

25. El nuevo portero pierde aceite.

26. Siempre le está haciendo la pelota a los profesores.

27. Everybody says that he’s an asslicker.

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