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1. Ifa says that you are going to become a respected person

in the world. Ifa assures you that when you are coming
from heaven, Orisa-Oko had promised that it will not be
difficult for you to become a leader on earth. All your
followers shall adore and respect you and your leadership
style shall be acceptable and satisfactory to your
followers. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with four pigeons,
four guinea-fowls and money. You are also expected to
feed Orisa-Oko as requested. On this aspect, Ifa says:

Ofun fun ningin-ningin

Mariwo Ope fun tile doke
Dia fun Oosa Oko agba Irawo
Ti nraye apesin pitipiti
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu ire

Ofun fun ningin-ningin
Mariwo Ope fun tile doke
Ifa’s message for Oosa-Oko the Elder in Irawo land
When going into the world of leadership
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire

2. Ifa assures you that you are going to live an enduring

legacy on earth. Ifa says that even when you die, you will
never be forgotten. This is the reason why you need to
work very hard to ensure that you leave positive legacy on
earth. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with 16 land snails, four
hens, four pigeons and money. On this, Ifa says:

Oje e mi gbongudu
Oje e mi oje Olufon
Ileke e mi jingbinni
Ileke e t’Orisa
Aso ti mo wo
Ti Ope lo da
Dia fun Orunmila
Eyi tii nremu okun loo se
Ti yoo pada ti yoo sidi Olokun nisinyi-sinyi
Ebo ni won ni ko wa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ipa okun o pare
Ipa Orunmila o nii pare to fi dale Ife
Ipa okun ko le run

My thick lead bangle
It is the lead of Olufon
And my beautiful beads
The beads of Orisa
The dress that I put on
It belongs to the holy palm-tree
Ifa’s messages for Orunmila
When going to the high sea to exhibit his potentials
And who will become the Olokun immediately
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The part of Olokun can never vanish
And the part of Orunmila will never perish up to Ile-Ife
The part of the ocean can never perish

3. Ifa assures you that you are going to be blessed with all
the Ire of life. The reason for this, is that you are a
beloved child of Orunmila from heaven. That is why
Orunmila as considered it to be his personal responsibility
to ensure that you are blessed with all the Ire of life. Ifa
advises you to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, four
pigeons, four hens, four guinea-fowls, four roosters, four
ducks and money. You are also advised to feed your Ifa
with plenty of Alcohol. Your Ifa loves to be immersed in
alcohol most of the time. If this can be done ifa will
immerse you in all the Ire of life that you request for. On
this, Ifa says:

Omo ode nii ji, nii tafa oro

Omo alasegun nii ji, ni tafa oogun
Omo Babalawo nii ji, nii tafa Oti
Bomo Ode ba tafa Oro
Eran gbogbo aku lo ni berere ni berere
Bomo alasegun ba tafa Oogun
Eeyan a ku lo iberere-iberere
Bi Babalawo ba tafa Oti
Eni ti o laje a maa laniimo aje
Okunrun ti nbe nile a si maa dide
Kiwo bu mu, kemi bu mu
Abumu kasikasi
Dia fun Orunmila
Yoo tode orun wa gbe Akapo re lode Isalaye
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Oti wa doti Ofun nagbe e wa
Atewe, atagba e je ka jo muu

The child of the hunter is he who wakes up and
shoots poisonous arrows
The child of the herbalist is he who wakes up and
shoots medicine laden arrows
The child of a babalawo is he who wakes up and
shoots the arrow of alcohol
If the child of a hunter shoots his poisonous arrows
Many animals will die in droves
When the child of the herbalist shoots his medicinal
People will fall sick in multitude
And when the child of a babalawo shoots his
alcoholic arrows
Those who lack wealth will be blessed with abundant
The invalids will rise up and walk
You partake in drinking and let me partake in its
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
Who will come from heaven to give his Akapo his full
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The alcohol has become the alcohol of Ofun
Let both youth and elders partake in its drinking

4. Ifa says that you are going to be protected against all evil
principalities such as death, affliction, contention, loss etc. ifa says
that as is bossom child you will not be allowed to face all this
problems. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with plenty of plaintains,
three roosters, and money. You are also advised to feed Ifa with
plenty of plantains and to feed the Elders of the Night with another
set of plantains. On this, Ifa says:

Arurumarun awo arurumarun

Arurumaru awo arurumaru
Babalawo sofa da
Ko ma baa d’onte
Agba tule mu
Koo ma baa monro loko
Boo ba de Iko Awusi
Forunku otun kunle, koo k’Ofun
Ofun o si maa fun o nire titiiti
Boo ba de Idoro-Mawuse
Forunkun osi kunle koo kogbe
Ogbe o si maa gbe o lo titiiti
Bi a ko ba nika ninu
A kii gbawin Ika
Dia fun Orunmila
Baba nloo joye gbanigbani lojude Ibini
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ifa o gba mi lowo o kinleyi o se
Ogede agbagba

Arurumarun is the awo of arurumarun
Arurumaru is the awo of arurumarun
Babalawo be careful with your consultations
For you not to reveal a delicate Odu
And farmer be careful
For you not to cultivate an infertile land
When you arrive at Iko Awusi
Kneel down with your right knee
And greet Ofun
Ofun will give you many Ire of life
When you arrive at Idoro Mawuse
Kneel down with your left knee
And greet Ogbe
And Ogbe will give you his maximum support
If we are not wicked
We cannot listen to wicked advice
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
Who will be conferred with the title of Rescuer in Benin land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ifa please rescue me from slanderers
Ogede Agbagba, the Plantain

5. Ifa says that all the things that you are pursuing which you have
not being able to get shall be given to you by Ifa and Egbe. Ifa
says that the reason why you are having this problem is because
you have not yet being able to identify the preferred meal of your
Egbe. Ifa says that what your Egbe love more than any other thing
is Ekuru (bean pudding without salt, pepper or other condiments).
Ifa advises you to give your Egbe this food as regularly as you can
and you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Ifa also
advises you to offer ebo with two beautiful mats, two pigeons, two
guinea-fowls and money. On this, Ifa says:

Ofun n sa gbere
Ogbe n sa gbere
Dia fun Akapo
Ti nmenu sungbere ire gbogbo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko si tun bo Egbe
O tun bo Egbe
O waa teni kan ara
O teni kan tooto
Ko pe, ko jinna
Ire gbogbo waa ya de tuturu

Ofun n sa gbere
Ogbe n sa gbere
They were the one who cast Ifa for Akapo
When lamenting his inability to secure all Ire of life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
He was also advised to feed Egbe
He also complied
He spread a mat of wonder
And spread another mat of reality
Before long, not too far
All Ire of life came trooping in

6. Ifa says that you are going to be blessed with a child who will
become a leader in life. Ifa says that this child is a male child and
the child will make you proud and great. Ifa advises you to offer
ebo with one guinea-fowl and money. You also need to feed Ifa
with one matured he-goat. On this, Ifa says:

Ofun nara
Ajan nara patipati
Dia fun Ope-Segisegi
Ti yoo looyun apesin ninu
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Oyun ojo wonni la fi njoba o

Ofun nara
Ajan nara patipati
They were the ones who cast Ifa for Ope-Segi-segi, the holy
palm tree
Who was carrying the pregnancy of a leader
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Now Ope-Segisegi
The pregnancy of that day has become an Oba
You Ope Segisegi

7. Ifa cautions you that all the great things that you are going to make
in your life will be laced with some measure of irritation, insult, and
unacceptable conduct from other people surrounding you. Ifa
advises you to know how to accommodate all these in order to be
able to attain your goal in life. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with two
guinea-fowls, two pigeons and money. You also need to be
extremely patient in handling all your affairs in life. On this, Ofun-
Nara says:

K’Ofun o na Ogbe
K’Ogbe o na Ofun
Ki oun olohun o le baa di teni
Dia fun Aatan gegere
Ti yoo Koro aye je
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Orunmila lo di ogiri-yanda
Aatan gegere, Ifa ni yoo koro aye je o
Ifa je ki nkoro aye je o

Let Ofun strike Ogbe
And let Ogbe strike Ofun back
For other peoples belonging to become ours
Ifa’s message for Aatan gegere, the Refuse dump hill
Who would receive all the prosperity of the world
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Orunmila declared that it has become Ogiri yanda
Aatan gegere, Ifa will end up becoming the owner of all the
prosperity of the world
Ifa please let me become the recipient of all the properties of
the world

8. Ifa says that there is a younger sibling of yours who is

experiencing a lot of hardship right now. Ifa advises you to offer
ebo for this sibling in order to avert a situation where this sibling
will suffer until he/she dies. The ebo materials here are three
guinea-fowls, three roosters and money. You also need to feed Ifa
with eight rats and eight fish. On this, Ifa says:

Ofun na’ra
Ajan na’ra
Ajan nara patipati
Dia fun Gudugudu
Tii somo leyin-i Dundun
Won ni ko rubo iya fun aburo re
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Iya Gudugudu nje kiri ode

Ofun na’ra
Ajan na’ra
Ajan nara patipati
They were the one who cast Ifa for Gudugudu
The younger sibling of Dundun
He was advised to offer ebo against suffering for his younger
He refused to comply
Gudugudu continues to suffer everywhere

9. Ifa says that you need to change your name to Oladeyi because
that is your name from heaven which made you a very successful
person. Ifa says that if you can adopt this name, your success and
prosperity will have no bound. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with four
white pigeons, two bundles of white clothe and money. On this, Ifa
Ofun fun ninginningin
Mariwo Ope tile fun roke
Dia fun Oladeyi, omo ere Otunmoba
Eyi ti yoo lalaala
Ti yoo s’atan ola kanle aye
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ba wowo ire gbogbo

Ofun fun ninginningin
Mariwo Ope tile fun roke
They cast Ifa for Oladeyi, the offspring of ere Otunmoba
He who will be so successful
That he would spread his success round the world
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all ire of life

10. Ifa says that Ogun will always give you victory over all your
enemies. Ifa assures you that Ogun will never let you down even
for one day. This is the reason why you need to offer ebo with two
guinea-fowls, two roosters and money. And feed Ogun with two
tortoises, roasted yam, roasted corn, raffia palm-wine and palmoil.
On this, Ifa says:

Ofun nagbe
Ogbe nnofun
Dia fun Ogun Onija Oole
Ejemu Oluworan
Otele girigiri re’bi ija
Igba ti ngbogun lo Ejigbomekun Eseji
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni aruse ogun

Ofun strikes Ogbe
And Ogbe strikes Ofun back
Ifa’s message for Ogun Onija Oole
The Ejemu of Oluworan land
He who marches majestically to the scene of confrontation
When he was going on military expedition to Ejigbomekun
Eseji land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory

11. Ifa says that you are someone who had been created to
succeed but at the same time to make certain grievous errors that
may tarnish your image and destroy all your achievements in life.
No amount of ebo will prevent you from making that mistake. The
only thing you can do is to offer ebo for such errors not to have
serious negative repercussion against you. Ifa advises you to offer
ebo with three tortoises, three snails, six kolanuts and money. You
also need to procure one snail, one tortoise to feed Ifa. On this, Ifa

Eke ni Olorisa to ni iru oun o si

Ti nyowo aso funfun lala
Dia fun Asise
Tii segbon Orisa
Ebo ni won ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Eegun kan kii seni
Oosa kan kii ro’niyan
Asise nikan lo le loro
Lo ju gbogbo ebo lo o

Only a deceitful Orisa devotee will claim that he has no rival
And will be dangling his white cloth about
Ifa’s message for Asise, Misconduct
The elder sibling of all Orisa
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
No Egungun makes life difficult for anyone
No Orisa makes life unbearable for anybody
Only misconduct is the most difficult
And more grievous than them all

12. Ifa says that you stand the chance of succeeding in life.
However, there are certain things that you need to be mindful of.
One of this is the fact that you must never turn the plates, pots,
basins, or containers in your house upside down. Doing so will
cover up all your success chances and will prevent you from
exhibiting your full potentials. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with
three roosters, three pigeons and money. On this, Ifa says:

Ofun sese n nagbe e bo wa

Seu-seu gboju Olorun
Dia fun won lagbaa-Igbo Ife kiribiti
Igbati won nsunkun awon o ri se
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
A ba ti laje nigbo Ife yii, ojo pe
Opelope ikoko Kudukudu
Ikoko Kudukudu ma ni e
A ba ti laya nigbo Ife yii, ojo pe
Opelope ikoko Kudukudu
Ikoko Kudukudu ma ni e
A ba ti bimo nigbo Ife yii, ojo pe
Opelope ikoko Kudukudu
Ikoko Kudukudu ma ni e
A ba ti kole nigbo Ife yii, ojo pe
Opelope ikoko Kudukudu
Ikoko Kudukudu ma ni e
A ba ti nire gbogbo nigbo Ife yii, ojo pe
Opelope ikoko Kudukudu
Ikoko Kudukudu ma ni e

Ofun had just commenced beating Ogbe
And dust filled the heaven
Ifa’s message for the inhabitants of Agba Igbo, Ife Kiribiti
When they were lamenting their inability to secure all Ire of
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
We would have received the blessing of wealth a long time
But for all these pots
No thanks to these pots
We would have received the blessing of spouse a long time
But for all these pots
No thanks to these pots
We would have received the blessing of children a long time
But for all these pots
No thanks to these pots
We would have received the blessing of properties a long
time ago
But for all these pots
No thanks to these pots
We would have received the blessing of all Ire of life a long
time ago
But for all these pots
No thanks to these pots

13. Ifa advises you to go and feed Obatala with 16 snails so that
Obatala will remove himself on all the Ire that belongs to you which
this divinity as sat upon. Ifa says that you need put the 16 snails
inside a sac made with palm frond. You will offload the 16 snails
at once with a load thud and then use the snails to feed Obatala.
While you are feeding this divinities all your Ire will be released to
you. Ifa also advises you to offer ebo with three pigeons, three
guinea-fowls, three hens, three roosters, and money. On this, Ifa

Agilinti nii gboko o pari

Olonpaara eyin odan nii gboko o ranwu oganranran-
Dia fun Alagemo-Teere kanri ogan
Tii se wole-wode Orisa
Igbati nsunkun owo oun o bare
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Bi n o roko mo, ma jokoo mi
Alagemo teere, afairoko ba won gbele
Bi n o yena mo, ma jokoo mi
Alagemo teere, afaiyena ba won gbele
Bi n o rodo mo, ma jokoo mi
Alagemo teere, afairodo ba won nire gbogbo

The Iguana stays in the farm and became bald-headed
And the spider at the back of the savannah spins wonderful
Ifa’s message for the slender chameleon
The companion of Obatala
When lamenting his inability to secure all Ire of life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Even if I no longer farm
I will stay on my own
Here comes Alagemo
Who receives all Ire of life without farming
And if I no longer engage in road construction
I will stay on my own
Here comes Alagemo
Who receives all Ire of life without constructing roads
Even if I no longer go to the stream
I will stay on my own
Here comes Alagemo
Who receives all Ire of life without going to the stream

14. Ifa advises three of you to offer ebo in order to prevent a

situation where all your efforts will turn to waste and become
useless. Ifa urges the three of you to offer the same ebo so that
the three of you will succeed together. Ifa advises each of you to
offer ebo with two pigeons, two guinea-fowls, two hens, two
roosters and money. On this, Ifa says:

Ele ganngan
Babalawo Ito lo dia fun Ito
Won ni ko rubo si laiku ara a re
Ele ganngan
Awo Ito lo dia fun Ito
Won ni ko rubo si laiku ara a re
Ele ganngan
Babalawo Ato lo dia fun Ato
Won ni ko rubo si laiku ara a re
Ato nikan ni nbe leyin ti ntubo
Nje atunu laa tuto
Atonu laa tito
Ato nikan to gbebo nibe lo ndomo

Ele ganngan
The Babalawo of Ito the Saliva, cast Ifa for the Saliva
He was advised to offer ebo of longevity
Ele ganngan
The Babalawo of Ito, the Urine
Cast Ifa for Urine
He was advised to offer ebo of longevity
Ele ganngan
The Babalawo of Ato, the Sperm
Cast Ifa for Sperm
He was advised to offer ebo of longevity
Only Ato, the Sperm complied
The spitted Saliva is a waste
And Urine is of no use to anyone
Only Ato, the sperm turns to babies

15. Ifa says that on no condition must you change your religion
to Islam. Ifa says that doing so will make all your achievements in
life to collapse. You must also ensure that none of your children is
converted to Islam. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one matured
he-goat and money. On this, Ifa says:

Jeere agbado nii fara j’egungun

Bee ni o lee ri bi Egungun
Dia fun Abiala, omo Orisa
Eyi ti yoo bimo re
Ti yoo soo ni Sanni oun Raji
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ope mi o pohun egbe da
Eni Ifa ba bi
E ma ma kirun o

The corn whisker looks like that of Egungun
But it can never look like Egungun
Ifa’s message for Abiala, the child of Orisa
He who gave birth his children
And named them Sanni and Raji
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ifa I will never deny your support
Those born by Ifa
Please do not go to perform Salat.

16. Ifa says that there is the need for you to ensure that you
keep the secret that were kept in your arms by women. Ifa says
that exposing the secret kept with you may prevent you for
succeeding in life. Ifa advises you to offer ebo with one matured
he-goat and money and at the same time to keep secret secret.
On this, Ifa says:

B’oju ba roran
Momo lenu enii mo
Dia fun Ode
Ti nre Igbo je oun eluju je
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Sugbon ko monu
Ode o ba la

If the eye see something strange
It is advisable for one to keep quiet
Ifa’s message for the hunter
When going to the seven forests and seven wilderness
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
But he did not keep secret secret
And he failed to succeed

Aboru Aboye

1. Ifa – for overall success, elevation and protection

2. Esu Odara – for protection, support and guidance
3. Egbe – for success, support and elevation
4. Orisa-Oko- for support, elevation and fulfillment of destiny
5. Obatala – for success and childbearing
6. Sango – for victory and support
7. Ogun – for victory and support
8. Oya – for child bearing, success and support
9. Osun – for child rearing and matrimonial peace


1. Must never be too conscious of your right – to avoid losing your
success chances
2. Must never be a Muslim- to avoid becoming a total failure
3. Must not expose the secret kept with you – to avoid becoming a
4. Must not underestimate anybody – to avoid failure and
5. Must not sleep with coloured dresses besides white – to avoid
nightmare and restlessness
6. Must not drink excessive alcohol – to avoid becoming a failure
7. Must not turn any plate or pot upside down – to avoid
unconsummated fortune
8. Must not use a chameleon for anything- to avoid unconsummated


1. Oladeyi – honour belong to this one

2. Ifakorede – Ifa has brought all Ire of life

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