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Assessment 1


Brand Name Evaluation
Brand name is one of the brand elements which helps the customers to recognize and
differentiate one product from another. Brand name is chosen very carefully as it captures the
key theme of a product in an efficient and economical manner. It can easily be noticed, and
its meaning can be stored and triggered in the memory instantly.
Brand evaluation provides an objective sense of brand’s value and gives a sense of brand’s
worth. It also allows to identify potential problems with the brand.
SWVL Brand Name Evaluation:
Keeping the 7 attributes in mind, I think SWVL brand name is not appropriate for the
consumer market of Pakistan.
Following are some facts and reasons why I disagree:
Firstly, SWVL brand is difficult to pronounce for everyone in Pakistan as pronunciation is a
key element in determining how simple a brand name is. Here SWVL brands name is failed
as brand name should be quick to say without hesitation. If the brand name is easily
pronounced, the likelihood of recalling it is very high.
SWVL name is forgettable name as is difficult to pronounce as the survival of a company
will be based on the memorization power of the brand name. It is also the key element to
represent SWVL’s identity to the Pakistani market. For Pakistan SWVL should make brand
name a strong one which can be memorized at the first sight.
SWVL brand name cannot spell and write easily, the capacity of remembering and
memorization is also very low. When the users in Pakistan get you with wrong spellings, they
cannot find you in any source. It may lead them to go for an alternative to skip SWVL brand.
A trademark is a distinct logo, design, or other means of identity that helps in the recognition
of a brand. A well-known company has a well-known trademark, which encourages
customers in purchasing or using high-quality goods but SWVL has not such trademark in
Lastly from SWVL brand name it is not clearly defined that it is a transport service. As a
functional brand name is clearly describing the product. As well as it is not easily convertible
into local languages of Pakistan.

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