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Name : Maile Sachin Kumar

Reg No. : 18BEI0006

Lab Slot : L29 + 30
Faculty : Prof Abhishek G
IoT Domain Analyst
Lab Assignment-4
Things Board
Aim : To create a device using Things Board and input the data using the
command prompt and then display that result by creating a widget in the
Software Required : Things Board
Procedure :
1. Create a device in the things board
2. Go to the details of the devices and make the device as public and also copy
the access token and device id

3. Paste that access token in the curl given and run that in the command
prompt so that the details get updated in the devices under latest telemetry
Output :
1. Details updated in the latest telemetry which are entered using the
command prompt

2. Dashboard
3. Displaying the output through the widgets in the dashboard

Link for the dashboard :
Things Board – 2
To push the data into Things board using mqtt protocol
Aim : To push the data into things board using mqtt protocol
Software Required: Things Board, Pycharm
• Installing the paho-mqtt using the command prompt
• Code for pushing the data into things board using mqtt protocol

• Output :
• Device creation using the Things Board and copying the new access
token which should be placed in the code and selecting one of the last
telemetry which should also have dashboard created

• Dashboard Link :


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