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1 Action Plan “STEM in the Classroom”

You will now consider each of the 3 presentations you experienced tonight. Summarize what you
saw and explain how you could use each in your classroom that would connect to or be in support of
one ISTE Educator standard and one ISTE Student standard. Submit your completed action plan

Tool Summary ISTE Standards &

Classroom Use
Interactive There are a lot of awesome tools Teacher Standard Student Standard
to take learning out of the
Experiences classroom without actually 5A 3D
leaving. I would like to help
AR facilitate my teachers to Classroom Use:
incorporate more technology in Science fieldtrips
VR their classroom through VR and Viewing organs and cells
I think it would be great to help
our health and science teachers
find more hands on (or eyes on)

Gamification Teacher Standard Student Standard

Minecraft can be used to help 4C 1C
students become more actively
Minecraft engaged in their learning by
solving problems. Classroom Use:
Our U.S. history class does a “create a
There are a lot of different lesson nation” project on paper every year.
plans available that teachers can Doing this via Minecraft would be simpler
download and have their students and more interactive.
directly involved in problem

Circuitry & Teacher Standard Student Standard

Makey Makeys are great for 5B 1D
Robotics teaching science and circuitry.
When paired with some simple
Makey Makey programs it can be used to teach Classroom Use:
some basic coding. Teaching science and MESA
Ozobots Come up with ways to measure perimeter
using an ozobot
Modern Art
Ozobots offer some coding and
robotic experiences for all
classes. Having a class set of
ozobots could allow for teachers
to create new ways for students to
interact with the material.

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