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Republic of the Philippines


College of Agriculture
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan

Mid-Term Examination
Crop Science 100- Principles of Crop Production
First Semester A.Y. 2020-2021

Name: _____________________________ Date: __________

Course, Yr. & Sec. ____________________ Score: _________

I. Multiple choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.

_______ 1. The other term for grain crops is divided from which Grain Deity?
a. The Egyptian God Neper c. The Egyptian Goddess Nepit
b. The Greek Goddess Demeter d. The Roman Goddess Ceres
_______ 2. Cow pea is an example of family Leguminosea. Leguminosea is synonymous to?
a. Papilinoidea c. Pedaliacea
b. Fabaceae d. All of the above
_______ 3. Grass family is the same with I. Graminae II. Poacea III. Monotyledonae
a. I and II is True c. III is True
b. I and II is False d. All of the above
_______ 4. Which of the following crops is not under the family of leguminosea?
a. Pachyrohizus erosus c. Sesbania grandifeora
b. Psophocarpuz tetragonolobus d. Sesamus indicus
_______ 5. Which of the following root crops thrives best in cool condition particularly in the
highlands of Benguet, Mt. Province?
a. Potato c. Cassava
b. Carrot d. A & B
_______ 6. Pomology is the study of fruit crops whereas olericulture is the study of?
a. Ornamental crops c. Vegetable crops
b. Plantation crops d. Oil crops
_______ 7. A leguminous crop that produces pods and produce edible fleshy roots.
a. Arachis hypogaea c. Pachyrrhizus erosus
b. Psophocarpuz tetragonolubus d. Cajanus cajan
_______ 8. Most economically important plants are:
a. Xerophytes c. Mesophytes
b. Hydrophytes d. Halophytes
_______ 9. A fruit with undesirable odor. It is commonly produced in the Island of Mindanao.
a. Durio zibethinus c. Artocarpuz altilis
b. Lansium domesticum d. Averhoa bilimbi
_______ 10. Which does not belong to this group of fruit crops
a. Lanzones c. Durian
b. Dragon fruit d. Rambutan
_______ 11. A crop that support for upright growth is vine of non-woody, what is woody?
a. Determerate c. Liana
b. Prostrate d. Shrubs
_______ 12. In the folk songs “Bahay Kubo” how many crops under leguminousea family are
a. 4 c. 6
b. 5 d. 7
_______ 13. Which among the following are the two agronomical field/crops that are mentioned
in the folk song “Bahay Kubo”
a. Batao at Patani c. Mani at linga
b. Singkamas at Linga d. Sigarillas at mani
_______ 14. Which of the following crops can be categorized as fruit and vegetable crops?
a. Carica papaya c. Tamarinduz indicus
b. Artocarpus heterophyllus d. A & B
_______ 15. Which of the following crops can be categorized as agronomic and horticultural
crops under the Philippines condition?
a. Vigna radiata c. Zea mays
b. Carica papaya d. A & C
_______ 16. Which of the following crops differs in terms of cultural management practices?
a. Solanum melongena c. Capsicum frutescens
b. Solanum tuberosum d. Lycopersicum esculentum
_______ 17. This is annual crops and used as the staple food of many Filipinos. The
International Research Institute for the crop is located in Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija
a. Oryza sativa c. Vigna radiata
b. Zea mays d. Arachis hypogea
_______ 18. The crops below are under the Fabacea family. This crop has a seed which look
like the head of the Chicken
a. Cajanus cajan c. Cicer arietinum
b. Phaseoluz lunatus d. Vigna senensis
_______ 19. It is considered by many people in Southeast Asia as the “King of Fruits” because
of its large size, strong odor and formidable thorn covered husk
a. Durio zibethus c. Artocarpus altilis
b. Lansium domesticum d. Averhoa bilimbi
_______ 20. In English word, what are the solaneceous crops mentioned in the folk song
“Bahay Kubo”?
a. Sweet pepper and hot pepper c. Eggplant and tomato
b. Sweet potato and white potato d. All crops mentioned below
________ 21. The crop that twine due to certain parts of the crop that touches an external
stimulus the tendency is to wrap or go around the stimulus
a. Mungbean c. Peanut
b. Soybean d. Longbean
________ 22. Bitter gourd is a plant that their shoots continue to grow until the plant
senescence. The type of growth habit is?
a. Indeterminate c. Determinate
b. Perineal d. Biennial
________ 23. The crops below are examples of grass family. Majority of these crops mature in
105-120 days. Which crop has longer maturity?
a. Triticum aestivum c. Zea mays
b. Oryza sativa d. Saccharus officirarum
_______ 24. Is the primary ingredients in the preparation of breads? This crop is imported from
temperate countries.
a. Triticum aestivum c. Solanum tuberosum
b. Sorghum bicolor d. Glycine max
_______ 25. Select crops which can be classified both as an organic crops and horticultural
crops based on their uses under Philippine condition.
a. Rice c. Mungbean
b. Sorghum d. Peanut
_______ 26. Grass family is the same with I. Graminae II. Poacea III. Monocotylidonae
a. I and II are true c. III is true
b. I and II are false d. All are true
_______ 27. An example of pulse crop is?
a. Cowpea c. Tomato
b. Squash d. Eggplant
_______ 28. Among these vegetables which is not under the family leguminosae
a. Phaseolus lunatus c. Lageraria siceraria
b. Vigna unguiculata d. Phaseoluz vulgaris
_______ 29. These are annual herbaceous plants that are grown on the farm under extensive
or large scale culture.
a. Agronomic crops or field crops c. Vegetable crops
b. Ornamental crops d. Pomological crops
_______ 30. Example of plants that has tendrils
a. Squash c. Eggplant
b. Cowpea d. Tomato
_______ 31. A plant of growing in salty soil
a. Halophytes c. Heliophytes
b. Sciophytes d. None of the above
_______ 32. Which is not a root crop?
a. Sweet potato c. Potato
b. Yam d. Cassava
_______ 33. Which does not belong to the group?
a. Centrosema c. Stylosanthes
b. Siratro d. Paragrass
_______ 34. Which is not under the family leguminosae?
a. Phaseoulus lunatus c. Lageraria siceraria
b. Vigna unquiculata d. Phaseoulus vulgaris
_______ 35. An example of small fruit is?
a. Pineapple c. Tamarind
b. Lanzones d. Duhat
_______ 36. The increase in the growth of the stem of dicofy ledenous plant is due to the
division of a meristematic tissue called?
a. Protoderm c. Vascular cambium
b. Procambium d. Apical meristem
_______ 37. A flower that bears both reproductive structure, the pistil and stamens
a. Complete flower c. Determinate flower
b. Perfect flower d. Essential flower
_______ 38. The enlarged fleshly root of some plant like Daucus carota, Ipomea batatas,
Raphanus sativus etc., is a modified root doing then functions of?
a. Water absorption c. Cassava
b. Anchorage d. All of the choices
______ 39. The structure in plants located either at the upper, lower or both epidermis of the
leaves responsible for exchange of gases is known as?
a. Root hairs c. Crystal
b. Stomata d. Trichrome
______ 40. The particular chemical compounds thought to be responsible for most of the
durians. Unpleasant smell are known as?
a. Thiols or men capstans c. Amino acids
b. Lipids d. Steroids
______ 41. The ultimate origin of all the primary tissues in the root and the stem is?
a. Protoderm c. Procambium
b. Ground meristem d. Apical meristem
______ 42. Stems of monocot plants are generally small compared to the dicot plant because of
the absence of meristematic tissue that is responsible for the production of secondary elements
of xylem and phloem. The meristematic primary tissue is called?
a. Cork cambium c. Cortex
b. Phellogen d. Vancular cambium
______ 43. The leaf sheath of monocot plant is attached throughout the entire node of a stem.
This prevents water from slipping into the enclosed area by means of hairy structure called?
a. Ligule c. Auricle
b. Petiole d. None of the above
______ 44. Oryza sativa L. is the Filipino staple food and it represent a kind of indehiscent fruit
a. Caryopsis c. Samara
b. Schizocarp d. Achene
______ 45. In coconut, Cocos nucifera L. the endosperm is classified into coconut meat and
coconut water. The botanical term for the coconut meat is?
a. Liquid endosperm c. Solid endosperm
b. Endocarp d. Misocarp
______ 46. Sucrose is known as the table sugar needed by man for his daily existence. This
organic molecule can be extracted from a monocot plant, Saccharum officinarum L. from its.
a. Root c. Stem
b. Leaf d. All of these
______ 47. The transformation of one plastid to another plastid like the transformation of
leucoplast to chloroplast is manifested in?
a. Senescence of a green leaf c. Ripening of a fruit
b. Greening of a potato tuber d. Abscission of a leaf
______ 48. There are common morphological structures in both monocot and dicot leaves such
as margin, base and tip of apex, at the tip of the leaf, an opening is present for the loss of water
in liquid form. This opening is called?
a. Stomata c. Lenticels
b. Hydathode d. Guard cells
_______ 49. The stem that function for support and translocation is generally an aerial organ of
the plant. The stem also perform the functions such as:
a. Food storage and food production c. Asexual production
b. Support and protection d. All of the above
_______ 50. An enlarge portion at the base of the petiole in legumes is called?
a. Nodes c. Pulvinus
b. Stipules d. Collar
_______ 51. Seed coat is the outer layer of the seed which develops from the integument of the
ovule. It is so called?
a. Pericarp c. Tegmen
b. Teesta d. NOTA
______ 52. The cuticle is a waxy layer on the surface of a leaf. Its function is to?
a. Reduce water loss c. Protect the plant from viruses
b. Take in gases needed for photosynthesis d. for light absorption
______ 53. Which part of the plant help it keeps from being blown away by wind or washed
away by the rain?
a. Leaves c. Stem
b. Roots d. Seed
______ 54. Which part of a plant absorbs most of the water and minerals taken up from the
a. Tap roots c. Root hairs
b. The thick part of the roots near the base of the stem d. Storage roots
______ 55. What part of the woody stem forms rings that indicate the tree age?
a. Xylem c. Phloem
b. Pith d. inner back
______ 56. The main photosynthesis area of a leaf is compared of?
a. Mesophyll c. Cortex
b. Xylem d. Epidermis
______ 57. Which is not a characteristic of dicotyledonous plants?
a. Netted venation c. Floral parts in 5’s or multiple 5
b. Tap root system d. Distinct nodes and internodes
______ 58. The increase in the girth of the stem of dicotyledonous plants is due to the division
of meristematic tissue called?
a. Protoderm c. Procambium
b. Vascular Cambium d. Apical meristem
______ 59. The structure in plants located either at the upper lower or both epidermis of the
leaves responsible for exchange of gases is known as?
a. Root hair c. Stomata
b. Crystal d. Trichrome
______ 60. Corn or Zea mays, is a monocot plant that uses its terminal bud for the formation of
staminate flower and the lateral bud in the formation of the distillate flower. Such condition is
considered as?
a. Dioecious c. Indeterminate
b. Determinate d. monoicous
______ 61. Adjacent cell wall are cemented together by means of?
a. Cell Membrane c. Middle lamella
b. Plasma membrane d. Lipid membrane
______ 62. There are colorless plastids that stores oil, starch and protein
a. Chloroplast c. leucoplast
b. Chromoplast d. NOTA
______ 63. These are colorless plastids that stores oil, starch and protein
a. Chloroplast c. leucoplast
b. Chromoplast d. NOTA
______ 64. What happens in xylem?
a. Water moves c. Food moves up
b. Food moves down d. Water moves down
______ 65. A flower is pollinated when?
a. Pollen falls on the sepals’ c. A zygote is formed
b. Pollen falls on the stigma d. Pollen falls on the ovary
______ 66. What is not a function of leaf veins?
a. To bring water to the leaf cells c. to trap energy of sunlight
b. To connect the leaf with the rest of the plant d. to transport food to the rest of the plant
______ 67. Which is not a leaf structure?
a. Lenticels c. Guard cells
b. Stomata d. Epidermis
______ 68. The main photosynthetic area of a leaf is composed of?
a. Mesophyll c. Xylem
b. Cortex d. Epidermis
______ 69. The most useful part in crop improvement
a. Flower c. Roots
b. Stems d. Leaves
______ 70. The achene is the base of a seed that is attached to the pericarp. An example of
this type is?
a. Sunflower c. Watermelon
b. Squash d. Rice

Test II. Identification: Identify the following questions.

____________1. Metabolic path ways that release stored energy by breaking down complex
____________2. Is termed aerobic when oxygen is utilized and anaerobic when oxygen is not
____________3. Glycolysis means?
____________4. Is the process that releases energy by breaking down food molecules in the
presence of oxygen?
____________5. Plant used sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into glucose
____________6. Is the phototrophic process of obligate an aerobes where light energy is
captured and converted to ATP, without the production of oxygen?
____________7. Is the most common and is seen in plants, algae and cyanobacteria.
____________8. Chief site of photosynthesis
____________9. Is the principal pigment involved in photosynthesis?
____________10. It take place in the grana of the chloroplast where chlorophyll can be found
located in the membranes
____________11. It take place at the stroma of the chloroplast where it is absent from
____________12. Control each pores opening or closing
____________13. What is the scientific name of rice?
____________14. What is the scientific name of corn?
____________15. Scientific name of wheat
____________16. Scientific name of grain sorghum
____________17. One fruit develop from single ovary of a flower with or without accessory
____________18. Collection of simple fruit developing from apocarps pistil of a flower
____________19. Develop from a number of flower from a number of flower from an
____________20. Have a leathery rind.
____________21. Defined by hard rind and fleshy inner matrix.
____________22. Is a fruit with fleshy exterior and single hand?
____________23. Have a fleshy exterior and center with papery carpels
____________24. Are those that do not slip open at maturity and are usually one or two
____________25. Are fruits that slip open upon maturation?
____________26. Is a single seeded fruit with seed attached in only one place to the pericarp?
____________27. A fruit is similar to an achene
____________28. Is usually single seeded with a membranous wing.
____________29. Is a hard one seeded fruit.
____________ 30. Is like an achene, but the ovary wall fits loosely around the seed.

Prepared by:

Bernadette H. Mendoza, Ph.D.

Associate Professor V

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