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Christ Presbyterian Church

Worship Service

May 23, 2021

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Welcome to Sunday Worship Service
Day of Pentecost
May 23, 2021 10:00AM
Welcome and Announcements
Opening Prayer
Call to Worship Psalm 1
One: Happy are those who take delight in the law of the Lord.
All: They are like trees planted by streams of water. In all that they
do they prosper.
One: For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous.
All: May God number us with the righteous as we worship the Lord.
One: Let us worship God!
Spirit of the Living God
Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on me;
Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on me.
Melt me, mold me, Fill me, use me.
Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on me.

Litany of Affirmation
One: The testimony of God is greater than human testimony. God’s
testimony has borne witness to Jesus, the Christ.
All: Whoever receives the Word of God has life.
One: Whoever believes in the One whom God sent has God’s testimony.
All: Whoever receives the Word of God has life.
One: The testimony is this: God gave us eternal life, and this life is in Jesus
Christ, God’s Anointed One.
All: Whoever receives the Word of God has life.
One: I proclaim this to you who confess the name of Jesus Christ, that you
may know that you have eternal life.
All: Whoever receives the Word of God has life.
Words with Young Worshippers

Prayer of Illumination
Reading from the Old Testament
Ezekiel 37:1-14
The hand of the LORD came upon me, and he brought me out by the spirit
of the LORD and set me down in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones.
2 He led me all around them; there were very many lying in the valley, and
they were very dry. 3 He said to me, “Mortal, can these bones live?” I
answered, “O Lord GOD, you know.” 4 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to
these bones, and say to them: O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. 5
Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: I will cause breath to enter you,
and you shall live. 6 I will lay sinews on you, and will cause flesh to come
upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall
live; and you shall know that I am the LORD.” 7 So I prophesied as I had
been commanded; and as I prophesied, suddenly there was a noise, a
rattling, and the bones came together, bone to its bone. 8 I looked, and
there were sinews on them, and flesh had come upon them, and skin had
covered them; but there was no breath in them. 9 Then he said to me,
“Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, mortal, and say to the breath: Thus says
the Lord GOD: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon
these slain, that they may live.” 10 I prophesied as he commanded me, and
the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood on their feet, a vast
multitude. 11 Then he said to me, “Mortal, these bones are the whole house
of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are
cut off completely.’ 12 Therefore prophesy, and say to them, Thus says the
Lord GOD: I am going to open your graves, and bring you up from your
graves, O my people; and I will bring you back to the land of Israel. 13 And
you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and bring
you up from your graves, O my people. 14 I will put my spirit within you,
and you shall live, and I will place you on your own soil; then you shall know
that I, the LORD, have spoken and will act,” says the LORD.
The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version. (1989). (Eze 37:1–14). Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

One: This is the Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God!
Special Music James Wheldon Johnson
Dem Bones
Solo – Susan Taylor
Reading from the Gospel
John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15
“When the Friend I plan to send you from the Father comes—the Spirit of
Truth issuing from the Father—he will confirm everything about me. You,
too, from your side must give your confirming evidence, since you are in
this with me from the start. I didn’t tell you this earlier because I was with
you every day. But now I am on my way to the One who sent me. Not one
of you has asked, ‘Where are you going?’ Instead, the longer I’ve talked,
the sadder you’ve become. So let me say it again, this truth: It’s better for
you that I leave. If I don’t leave, the Friend won’t come. But if I go, I’ll send
him to you. “When he comes, he’ll expose the error of the godless world’s
view of sin, righteousness, and judgment: He’ll show them that their refusal
to believe in me is their basic sin; that righteousness comes from above,
where I am with the Father, out of their sight and control; that judgment
takes place as the ruler of this godless world is brought to trial and
convicted. “I still have many things to tell you, but you can’t handle them
now. But when the Friend comes, the Spirit of the Truth, he will take you by
the hand and guide you into all the truth there is. He won’t draw attention
to himself, but will make sense out of what is about to happen and, indeed,
out of all that I have done and said. He will honor me; he will take from me
and deliver it to you. Everything the Father has is also mine. That is why
I’ve said, ‘He takes from me and delivers to you.’
The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version. (1989). (Jn 15:26-27, 16:4–15). Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

One: This is the Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God!
Sermon Rev. John Scott

“New Life for Dry Bones”

Affirmation of Faith Nicene Creed
We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and
earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus
Christ, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one being with the
Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the
Virgin Mary and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified
under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the Third
day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into
heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again
in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no
end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who
proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son
is worshipped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We
believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church. We acknowledge one
baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the
dead, and the life of the world to come. AMEN.
Invitation to Giving
Prayer of Dedication
Special Music Robert S. Lowry
Shall We Gather at The River
Carl Sarine
The Lord’s Table:
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
One: The Lord be with you.
All: And also with you.
One: Lift up your hearts.
All: We lift them to the Lord.
One: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
All: It is right to give our thanks and praise.
One: It is truly right and our greatest joy to give you thanks and praise …
The Lord’s Prayer
Words of Institution
Communion of the People of God
Prayer after Communion Prayer of Thanksgiving

Open My Eyes That I May See
Open my eyes, that I may see
Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me;
Place in my hands the wonderful key
That shall unclasp and set me free.
Silently now I wait for Thee,
Ready, my God, Thy will to see;
Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine!
Open my ears, that I may hear
Voices of truth Thou sendest clear;
And while the wave notes fall on my ear,
Everything false will disappear.
Silently now I wait for Thee,
Ready, my God, Thy will to see;
Open my ears, illumine me, Spirit divine!

Open my mouth, and let me bear
Gladly the warm truth everywhere;
Open my heart, and let me prepare
Love with Thy children thus to share.
Silently now I wait for Thee,
Ready, my God, Thy will to see;
Open my heart, illumine me, Spirit divine!


Phone: 727-584-8695 • Fax: 727-585-1079 • 3115 Dryer Ave, Largo FL 33770 • email:
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9 AM – 11:30 AM or by appointment.
Face covering and social distancing is required for in-person assistance.

Pastor & Teaching Elder Rev. John A. Scott, Jr. email:
Secretary Sarah Reeves email:
Director of Music Steven Radeck email:
Custodian June Sanchez email:
Youth Coordinator Sean Myers email:
All songs used by permission CCLI #863215 and streaming CPSL 139714, Expiration date 7/31/2021
The use of video and audio recording equipment is in use during worship.
By participating in this service, you consent to being recorded for this purpose.

Friends, The Session met this past week and have made a few changes to the requirements for
our in-person worship services. Beginning May 30, 2021, we will no longer require reservations to
attend worship in the sanctuary. Social distancing while inside the building will continue, but
seating will no longer be assigned. Keep in mind that we encourage those who are able to climb
steps to use the open transepts for seating to allow those who are unable to do so to have a seat
on the floor level. Face coverings will be optional for those who are fully vaccinated. If you have
not been fully immunized, you are encouraged to wear a face covering when indoors in group
situations like worship. We will continue to provide our virtual worship connections if you would
prefer to continue to join us for worship from home.

Church Office Hours

Office volunteers are available to assist you in the office Monday through Thursday 9 AM – 11:30
AM or by appointment. Face coverings and social distancing are required for in-person assistance.
Memorial Day
The church office will be closed on May 31, 2021 in observance of Memorial
Day. The office will reopen on Tuesday June 1st @ 9 AM.
Blessings Box
Did you know that one in five Floridians are presently food insecure? In the
Tampa Bay area, food insecurity has doubled since the pandemic began. The
demand on our outdoor food pantry confirms this need. Please help us keep the
pantry full as our community continues to struggle with hunger. Presently we
have a great need for canned veggies – green beans, corn, peas, & mixed
veggies. Please avoid glass containers. Food items can be dropped off on
Sunday mornings prior to service and placed in the wheeled grocery cart, at the
church office any morning, Monday through Thursday, or Tuesday between 4 PM and 6 PM. Thank
you for your continued support as we bring hope to our neighborhood.
Wednesday Boxed Dinners
The chef will be taking a summer break, and this will the last
Wednesday meal until September. Menu this week is: hamburgers,
hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, and chocolate mousse cake.
If you need a break from preparing a meal just let us know to be added
to the list. If you are able too, we are asking for donations to help with
the cost of food and preparation. If interested in receiving a meal,
please contact June Sanchez at 727-409-4199. Delivery area is limited.
Christ Presbyterian Church continues to serve students through the
Pack- a-Snack 4 Kids at Anona Elementary has been active for
several years. We help meet the weekend food needs of these
children. Currently, we are providing 26 students with food bags. The
cost of each bag is approximately $3 and this underwritten by your
continued support. If you would like to contribute to this effort please
mark your gifts “Pack a Snack 4 Kids.”
CPC Neighborhood Meals
We continue to provide weekly bagged meals on Tuesdays at 5 PM in
front of the church. We assemble them at 4 PM in Don Airey Hall following
COVID-19 precautions. You can make a difference by sending in a
donation to “Neighborhood Meals” to help us continue this vital
ministry. The approximate cost of this ministry is $140 per week for these
meals. We are presently falling short of our expenses and need your support
to keep sharing these meals. If you would like to sponsor meals for a week
in memory or honor of someone, let us know and we will post your dedication
it in our announcements and online.

Ways to support your church in tithes and offerings from home

1. Online at
2. Through GIVEplus App on Apple or Android devices
3. Mail a gift directly to the church or drop in office mail slot
4. Use the bill pay option through your bank

The pastor and staff of Christ Presbyterian Church, Largo will never email or text you
asking for money, gift cards or any financial help in an emergency. Such "urgent"
requests are scams and should be deleted. The only appeals the church makes are
for the regular offerings of the church, given through our regular donation methods.


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