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Production Role Activity To Be Completed Target Date for Completion Group Dances and Who's In Them

Costume/props/set Who needs any costumes/props/set for their fmp- compile a list Friday 19th March Lovely- Paris Cavanagh:
Ragan Check costume/prop cupboard to see what's in there. Friday 23rd April Rehearsal Directors: Ragan and Ruby
Tia Find out of everyone's sizes and compile a list Friday 12th March Dancers; Ragan, Ruby, Sam, Molly, Emma, Esme, Beth U, Tia, Beth U
Kamille Prepare for costume rehearsal Friday 14th May Costumes: Oversized nude t-shirts, long socks and black shorts
Lighting: Warm sidelights

Aladdin Medley (Friend Like Me, Arabian Nights, etc)- Musical Theatre
Rehearsal Directors: Molly and Emma
Dancers; Molly, Emma, Sam, Beth U, Esme
Lighting Find out available light colours, gobos and any effects. Friday 26th March Costumes: Black leotards with different coloured baggy trousers. (props: Silk scarfs)
Esme Look at other gobos/effects online Friday 2nd April Lighting:
Write up list of lighting wants/needs from company and individuals Wednesday 12th May
Liase with James King and others to communicate lighting wants and needs from company Friday 14th May Toronto - Hip Hop
Rehearsal Directors: Megan and Kamile
Dancers; Megan, Kamile, Rose, Beth T, Beth U, Sam
Costumes: Light green tops and socks, with black joggers.

Rehearsal Directors Timetable rehearsals Wednesday 10th March Slave 4 U- Commercial

ragan (contemporary rep) Choose dances for company to dance Friday 12th March Rehearsal Directors: Tia and Beth T
ruby (contemporary rep) Ask the company which dances they'd like to individually learn from the selected dances. Friday 12th March Dancers: Ruby, Tia, Beth T, Beth U, Rose, Ragan, Megan, Kamille, Sam
kamile (hip hop) Learn repetory from selected dances to prepare then to teach Friday 26th March Costumes: Different styled clothing but all white e.g tacksuit bottoms, vests, hoodies, etc. Red lipstick?
megan (hip hop) Taught all choreography to neccesary people Friday 23rd April Lighting: UV, strobe lights
molly (mt) Clean work Monday 10th May
emma (mt) Rehearse in theatre space Friday 14th May
Beth T

Marketing/ Reaching Look at other posters that appeal to you Monday 8th March
audiences Create a mood board with the different poster ideas e.g font, colour scheme, photos, layout, etc Wednesday 10th March
Esme After a discussion with the company, decide on the title of the show Monday 12th April
Rose Create poster and finalise with rest of company Friday 23rd April
Print posters Friday 30th April
Any other methods of marketing: college radio, social media, contacting schools linked to college.

Filming and Photography Compile a list of individuals who may want help filming Wednesday 10th March
Sam Find out about LRC available equipment and share with company Friday 12th March
Photographs for poster- organise a date and time to take photos. Wednesday 21st April
Work out how to show films for the live stream. Friday 19th March

Sam Liase with James King on how we want the livestream to run e.g copyright/platform to stream on Wednesday 15th April

Key: Deadline dates

Green = Completed on Time Recording the show: 18th May
Yellow = Completed Late Tech Run: 17th May
Red = Never Completed Evaluation and Debrief- 17th May -21st May
Website Deadline- 21st May at 5pm
Website Presentations- 14th-18th June

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