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16/5/2021 pref_5_Reading 3.

5: Revisión del intento


Comenzado el domingo, 16 de mayo de 2021, 16:36

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Finalizado en domingo, 16 de mayo de 2021, 16:51
Tiempo empleado 15 minutos 20 segundos
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16/5/2021 pref_5_Reading 3.5: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1

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The American Press Tradition

Adapted from:

Americans hold few principles more rmly than our commitment to a free press. We protect it as critical to the operation of our democratic
political process, and we celebrate it as essential to the vitality of our free society.

Yet neither the full meaning of a free press nor the actual character of the press itself had fully matured at the time of the nation's founding.
America's newspapers in 1776 barely resembled those of today in either form or content, and the legal understanding of the freedom owed
to the press was just as poorly developed.
For example, in recent years both conservatives and liberals have argued that the "mainstream media" has lost its objectivity and become
biased toward the other side. But at the time of our nation's birth, all American newspapers were highly partisan. They had no sense
whatsoever that their primary responsibility ought to be simply to report the news, or to provide a balanced and objective analysis of
events. They believed it was their duty to engage fully, and without apology, on one side or the other of the political disputes that
surrounded them. 

The evolution of America's newspapers and the evolution of our legal understanding of their freedoms have occurred side by side. But it
has not been a simple, linear process. By the middle of the nineteenth century, America's newspapers shed their partisan excess, but only
by reaching out to the interests—often the vulgar interests—of the mass urban audience. They traded partisanship for sensationalism,
political a liation for the shallowness and indulgence of the tabloid. And when the newspapers of the early twentieth century nally
adopted a more sober, balanced tone, they were driven as much by the demands of their business character and a liations as by their
commitments to a more responsible form of journalism.
Some might argue that we are only now getting it right—that America's newspapers and the protections they need are only now reaching
full maturity in American society. But if true, these developments are occurring just as American newspapers confront their most serious
challenge ever. The rise of the internet has destroyed traditional sources of advertising revenue, forcing newspaper closures, staff
reductions, and a mad scramble to gure out how the newspaper as an institution can survive in the digital age. Some newspapers have
embraced the challenge, while others have simply shut down their presses—but if the history of the newspaper tells us anything, it is that
while its form may change, the market for the news will persist and a group of journalistic entrepreneurs will rise to make sure the public
gets the kind of news it wants to read.

Now, answer the questions:

1. What is the main topic of the text?  press freedom 

2. Both, conservatives and liberals say that press nowadays is  biased 

3. What is the real responsibility of press?  both options are correct 

4. Newspapers are threaten by the  internet  .

5. Some newspapers have had to  close  their doors because of the digital media rise. 2/3
16/5/2021 pref_5_Reading 3.5: Revisión del intento

Decide if each statement is true, false or not mentioned.

1. The evolution of Amercica's newspapers is a linear process.  False 

2. One of the most important commitments of America is the free press.  True 

3. Nowadays, newspapers confrnt their most serious challenge ever.  True 

4. Newspapers won't survive the digital age.  Not mentioned 

5. The market of the news will persist.  True 

◄ pref_5_Listening 3.5

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