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 83


  n. : A skin disease, eczema.  adj. : Not broken, uninjured.

  a virgin.
  n. : A kind of game  : vulgarly  n. : plu.
  (lit. unbroken grains) : Grains of
n. : confusion  raw rice, made yellow with saffron.
to be confused.  n. : A rosary, especially of the
n. : The breast or chest.  seeds of the Eleocarpus. 
embracing.   n. : A dice to play with; dice;
  (lit : his breast an axle.  
and cheeks are dried up.) he is
 : The eye.  the
emaciated.  a starveling,
golden eyed one.
a wretch, a fool.
 n. : see 
 n. : A sort of grain called  n. : A degree of latitude.
   or  adj. : Durable, permanent im-
perishable. 
 n. : Commission granted
to the seller of goods, or to the
 the undecaying world,
broker,  heaven. n. : A cup
for receiving alms, a beggar's dish.
n. : A tree the Ficus Racemosa.
n. : Want of order. Irregu- acharacter
n. : A letter, a single syllable,
of the alphabet hand-
larity. Wickedness, crime.   
           
adj. Irregu-  or  n. : A ro-
lar, disorderly, wicked, unjust. sary or string of beads to repeat

 n. : prayers over. 

Indian walnut.  n. : A degree of latitude.
n. : One who is free from  n. : An eye.   a
anger. woman; (lit) she who is tipsy eyed.

 n. : Freedom from sorrow    

the pupil of the eye.

or trouble.
        
the eye-lash,
 a coat
lit. : eyefooted; who has of the eye.
an eye in his foot. An epithet of
the sage Gautama.  : Corruption of 
Brown's Telugu - English Dictionary

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