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First Semester 2015-2016

Assignment 2
Analog and Digital VLSI Design

Assignment Due Date: 29th October 2015 11:59 PM Max Marks: 15M
Tools and files you need:

• Java
• Electric CAD tool “jar” file
• LTSPICE “scad.exe” file
• Technology ‘model’ file
Before starting the assignment, refer to the following link for better understanding on how to draw layout in
Electric tool.
Perform the following:
The W of the transistors should be in the following pattern with respect to your ID number.
If ID number: 20XXXXXXX23H, then Wp = 2*L and Wn =3*L
If your ID number contains ‘0’ in the last two digits then consider ‘0’ as ‘10’. For example, If ID number:
20XXXXXXX03H, then Wp = 10*L and Wn = 3*L. If ID number: 20XXXXXXX30H, then Wp = 3*L and Wn =
If the last two digits of your ID number are same, then consider Wp = 10*L and Wn as your last digit. For
example, If ID number: 20XXXXXXX55H, then Wp = 10*L and Wn = 5*L
1. Draw the layout for CMOS inverter in Electric CAD tool with the above W/L ratios of MOS transistors.
2. Verify the layout with Design rule checks (DRC).
3. In the assignment 1, schematic of CMOS inverter was designed in Electric with the above W/L ratios. Use that
schematic for layout verses schematic (LVS) checks. (In Electric LVS is under tools->NCC menu)
4. Verify the layout for ERC well checks.
Your design must pass all checks without any error.
Submission Procedure:
 Upload the “.zip” file containing Electric design library file “.jelib” of this assignment and a PDF(name it as
IDNO_NAME.pdf) file containing image of layout.
 The ZIP file name should be in the format “”. Don’t place any passwords for the zip file.

• If you have any queries please attend the doubt clearing session (which will be scheduled on Monday 26/10/2015)
• Please visit for Electric tool reference and for layout design and for DRC, LVS and ERC

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