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Thean Noble Titles

The Avalonian nobel system is the system after which most other nation's have modeled their nobel

Male Female Form of Adress

King Queen Your Highness
Duke Duchess Your Grace
Marquess Marchioness Most Honorable
Earl/Count Countess Right Honorable
Viscount Viscountess Right Honorable
Baron Baroness Your Lordship
Baronet Baronet Sir/Mylady
Knight Lady Sir/Mylady

In Castille all the nobles (except the King) are technically all called Don, or Donna. Nobles actually
have roughly the same amount of land area under their direct control. So they claim domain over
that of their children’s land as well. So noble title becomes not only a measure of power, but also of
how high you stand in your own family. Adding the title is optional and only used for formal
occasion or when you want to point out how much land you control.

Male Female Form of Adress

Duque Duquesa Don/Donna
Marqués Marquesa Don/Donna
Conde Condesa Don/Donna
Visconde Viscondesa Don/Donna
Barón Baronesa Don/Donna
Baronet Baronet Señor/Señora
Caballero Lady Señor/Señora
Hidalgo* Hidalga* Señor/Señora
Gentilhombre* Galantería* Señor/Señora
* These are non-hereditary titles

Male Female Form of Adress

Imperator** Imperatrice Seine Kaiserliche Hoheit
Eisenfürst Eisenfürstin Seine Exzellenz
Graf Gräfin Seine Erlaucht
Vizegraf Vizegräfin Seine Erlaucht
Freiherr Freifrau Herr/Frau
Knight Lady Herr/Frau
** The last imperator hung himself almost 2 years ago, since then the Eisenfürsten rule absolute


Male Female Form of Adress

L'Empreur L'Imperatrice Your Highness
Duc Duchesse Your Grace
Marquis Marqesse Most Honorable
Comte Comtesse Right Honorable
Viscomte Viscomtesse Right Honorable
Baron Baronesse Your Lordship
Chevalier Dame Sir/Mylady
Chevalier Bachelier* Dame Bachelière* Sir/Mylady
* This tile is non-hereditary


Who Function Form of Adress

Gaius White-haired Matoushka's Chosen
Knias Ruler of a Kingdom, advisor to the Gaius The <familyname>
Voevod Ruler of a Province
Boyar Lesser Landowning noble
Dvoryan Retired Boyar or Boyar's child
Bogatyr Wandering Knight

Who Function
Chairman 9 permanent Chairs (8 Leaders of the best Guilds + Eisen Imperator's Butler)
Leaguer 91 Seats held by highest bidder for 3 years
Lord Mayor City leaders, elected for 5 years by the citizens


Who What
High King Missing
Jarl Equivalent rank of an Earl, rules over a herding
Hersar Noble who has not or cannot prove himself worthy of becoming a Jarl
Huskarlar Knights to the Jarls en Hersars

Like the titles of other countries, lesser nobles are granted dominion over a part of the Prince’s
estate. However in Vodacce they do not mark this estate in land so often as in responsibility. Many
of the lesser nobles do own and run land for their lord, but rarely does that land equate in size to
that of their equivalent in other countries. In true Vodacce style, few nobles admit to their title. They
are simply noble and that along grants respect. What they actually do for their lord is no one else’s

Male Female Form of Adress/Function

Principe Principessa Your Excellency
Don Donna Princely Heirs
Duca Duchessa Military Leader
Marchese Marchesa Spy Master *
Conte Contessa Steward of a County **
Visconte Viscontessa County Agent ***
Barone Baronessa County Assistent ****
Patrizio Patrician ²
Cavaliere del Mano Lord's Hand ³
* Many of the Lord's Hands report first to the Marchese
** Hereditary title, appointed by the Hierophant, to protect the people in a County (a part of the
Prince's domain)
*** As the Princes can not remove any Counts, they send their agents to reminde them of the
Prince's interests.
**** Lowest land owning noble, appointed by the Prince, but serves under a Count
² A Steward, appointed by the Prince, to run the affairs of a city or island
³ Agent, Warrior, Spy, Assassin, Guard, they do whatever their Lord orders them to

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