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University corporation god’s minute

Presented by:

Alexandra Naranjo Reyes

ID: 363551

Liliana Marcela Orjuela

ID: 363581


Diego donoso

English II

ABRIL 2021
1. you’ve called the movers, haven’t you?
2. they’re comig tomorrow, aren’t they?
3. this isn’t going to be cheap, is’it?
4. you haven’t finished packing, have you?
5. we don’t need any more boxes, do we?
6. pablo is going to help us, isn’t he?
7. we can put some thinhs in storage, can’t we?
8. Jack isn’t buying our bookcases, is he?
9. We need to disconnect the pone, don’t we?
10. The movers aren’t packing the books for us, are they?
11. We can’t turn off the electricity yet, can we?
12. Moving is hard, isn’t it?
13. Open the door, will you?
14. They didn’t go to class last week, did they?
15. He was the best in the class, wasn’t he?

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