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Peer review article summaries


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The article presents the developmental perspective of kindness. The study of kindness

and developmental psychology has gained interest over the past years. Kindness is considered a

virtue and is described as the inner states, emotions, and cognition. Kindness is also depicted by

benevolence and gentleness. Kindness orientation can either be directed to others or self via

certain behaviors such as gentleness. The article proposes an approach that distinguishes between

self and other-directed signs of kindness. There are three major components of kindness:

behavioral, affective, and cognitive. Kindness is displayed as the behaviors of deep concern for

others and their wellbeing. Kind individuals show empathetic concern for others, either known or

unknown to them. The virtue of kindness is limitless and is displayed in various instances, either

self or other-directed. Kindness as a developmental framework goes beyond the reaction,

emotions, or inner states. The conceptualization of kindness is based on self-knowledge and self-

awareness. The core component of kindness includes kind behaviors, kind emotions, and kind

cognitions. The developmental aspect of kindness relies on the argument that human beings are

born with a blank mind, therefore, are not kind upon birth. Various components of kindness are

linked and develop at age 3-5 years during a child’s development. However, it is unclear the

exact age when the various components (cognition, emotion, and behaviors) are integrated within

a person. The developmental model emphasizes that kindness can be nurtured through learning. I

am more interested in this developmental model because nurturing kindness focuses on

education components and the optimistic view of real life.


Malti, T. (2020). Kindness: a perspective from developmental psychology. European Journal of

Developmental Psychology, 1-29.


Aging comes with changes in the physiological functions of the body. The study of aging

and psychology is of significant value to the community and society at large. In addition to the

physiological changes, aging is associated with psychological challenges. The psychology of

aging is unarguable of great importance in developing interventions for the affected groups.

Psychologists present valuable information about aging and associated challenges—the concept

of psychology and aging addresses various domains such as cultural, biological, social, and

historical. An analysis of the various domains helps understand their relationship to human

thinking and behavior over time. The components presented in the article are significant to the

aging population and the members of society. Individuals caring for older adults can obtain vital

information about interventions and management options. Also, the article addresses real-life

issues affecting older adults. The elderly population faces the challenges of mental health and

biological alterations. Also, the article challenges society to adopt appropriate interventions and

programs that are elderly-centered. Societies have different ways of addressing aging. The

psychology of aging enhances the societal view towards the positive direction and therefore

likely to change the future perceptive of aging.


Lang, F. R., Albert, I., & Kliegel, M. (2020). Psychology and Aging: European Perspectives.

Several studies reveal a positive association between music therapy and a child’s

development. I am more interested in the components presented in the article because of the

argument that music intervention is associated with the positive development of emotions and

skills in children. The critical review included recent studies on school-aged children and

revealed that children subjected to music interventions developed social skills. The study

population exposed to music intervention exhibited a behavioral change compared to the non-

exposed group. The reviews confirmed an association between music therapy and academic self-

concept. Language development is an important milestone in a child. Music interventions have

shown a positive association with phonological awareness. Schools are recommended to

implement music therapies in the learning curriculum to help children with learning difficulties.

The auditory process is also linked to music interventions. Attention and executive skills are

essential in a child’s learning process. Music interventions are linked to the development of

attention and executive skills. In summary, the review analyzed several studies (46) dealing with

five major domains of development: motor, academic, social, language, and cognitive. The

studies revealed a positive influence of music on the major developmental domains.


Dumont, E., Syurina, E. V., Feron, F. J., & van Hooren, S. (2017). Music interventions and child

development: a critical review and further directions. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1694.

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