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Q-1 Which of these poems is a figurative satire on the rule of a totalitarian leader?

A) The map of the world confused with its territory

B) Wild geese
C) Yertle the turtle
D) For want of a nail

Q-2 Which of these is a revealing and challenging conversation between a man and his maker after the
man dies in a road accident?

a) The perfect match

b) Marriage is a private affair
c) Simple recipes
d) The egg

Q-3 Which of the following poets writes about relinquishing his loved companion to nature’s will and the
death of whom brings him an opportunity to introspect in his life?

a) ee Cummnings
b) Aja Monet
c) Pablo Neruda
d) Gary Turk

Q-4 Which artist’s work amongst these is interested in placing mankind within a broader sense of
interconnectivity by a combination of patterns and an art form customarily inspired by matriarchal
lineage and bonds?

a) Sister Sledge
b) Miriam Makeba
c) Fra Mauro
d) Juana Gomez

Q-5 If you’d like to spark the fire of rebellion through the means of language, who do you think would be
your best guide?

a) ee Cummings
b) John Donne
c) Joy Harjo
d) Robert Frost

Q-6 Which of the following poems talks about the conflict that exists between the rational mind and the
ever-wandering soul?

a) Margarita Engle
b) Suple Cord
c) I gave myself to him
d) Head,heart

Q-7 Which of these works aims to project how a friend’s absence from an individual’s life can be almost
as haunting as a spooky sequence from a horror flick?

a) Wole Soyinka
b) Adam Zaga jewski
c) Richard Hoffman
d) Tennyson

Q-8 Which of the following poems reflects the mundane ordinariness of day-to-day life juxtaposed with
the reality of death at every nook and corner?

a) Safia Elhillo
b) Li Young Lee
c) Marie Howe
d) Kiki Petrosino

Q-9 Dr.Shakey invents a new age machine capable of erasing memories from the minds of human
beings, this he commercializes on a huge scale and starts memory erasing treatment for lovers betrayed
in love desiring to forget their partners. Which of the following fictional firms resembles Dr.Shakey’s

a) Luna Inc.
b) Loony Inc.
c) Lacuna Inc.
d) Love Eraserz 3000 Inc.

Q-10 Which of the following poems depicts a lamenting poetess’ heartfelt affection for her birth-giver?

a) Elana Bell
b) Carol Ann Duffy
c) Naomi Shihab Nye
d) Margarita Engle

Q-11 Which of the following poets explore the double consciousness,or two realms,that those who are
oppressed,especially women of colour manage everyday through her works involving headstrong female
characters celebrating the spirit of womanness?

a) Marge Piercy
b) Aja Monet
c) Mary Oliver
d) Amy Tan
Q-12 Which of the following poems voices an alliance of two individuals as a mere contractual
agreement rather than the holy communion society perceives it as…

a) [I carry your heart with me(I carry it in]

b) I gave myself to him
c) Supple Cord
d) Valentine

Q-13 This poem hopes to encapsulate the bitter-sweet bond shared by siblings who spend their
childhood under the same roof,parented by the same people but eventually lead themselves to vastly
different paths. Which one’s it?

a) Look up
b) Supple Cord
c) To have without holding
d) Kinship

Q-14 Which of the following poems provides an insight to the swift changing face of the world where
humans have become slaves to the technology they mastered themselves?

a) Try to praise the mutilated world

b) Look up
c) Remember
d) The answer

Q-15 Which of the following poems is based around struggles that people seeking refuge in foreign
countries face while growing up surrounded with confusion and fond remembrance of their past?

a) To have without holding

b) From
c) Kinship
d) The map of the world confused with its territory

Q-16 Which of the following poems,in an almost patronizing fashion guides people to not repent for
their past sins through penance and should instead follow their heart and glide through life?

a) Head, heart
b) Wild geese
c) What the living do
d) Encounter

Q-17 In which of the following poems, poet offers the most widely cultivated vegetable in the world to
her lover as a token of love instead of a red rose or a satin heart?

a) [I carry your heart with me(I carry it in]

b) Valentine
c) Potato,not a red rose
d) Riding alone for thousands of miles

Q-18 Which of the following poems has captured a moment in time of a dynamic,tentative,and
uncomfortable relationship as it is evolving?

a) Elegy for a mother,still living

b) To have without holding
c) Remember
d) No man is an island

Q-19 Which of the following poets would’ve been especially skeptical about Donald Trump’s insistence
on constructing a wall between his country and the neighbouring Mexico, considering his view that the
nature dislikes walls as much as he does.

a) John Donne
b) Robinson Jeffers
c) Czeslaw Milosz
d) Robert Frost

Q-20 Which of the following stories sheds light on the struggles of an incompetent father, trying to build
a loving relationship with his son, but miserably failing to do so due to his anger issues?

a) Unwind
b) Reunion
c) The rules of the game
d) Children of the Earth and sky

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