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From: Yvette Aguiar <aguiar@townofriverheadny.

Subject: response
Date: May 21, 2021 at 2:04:10 PM EDT
To: Denise Civiletti <>


Here is my response, to the press conference.

Councilwomen Kent has unfortunately adopted political tactics to thwart

the redevelopment of EPCAL at the expense of and to the detriments of
the taxpayers of the Town. Not only does she compromise the Town's
legal position by talking out of turn and potentially slandering the
purchaser without any direct information, she clearly is unaware, and
does not understand basic real estate principles.  
For example, before the Town can sell the property to Triple 5 anyone, it
needs to be subdivided. This administrative procedure has to be
completed and we have to continue to do so as mandated by the
contract. Should Triple 5 be unable to purchase the property, we need to
be ready to sell in an effort to enhance our tax base sooner rather than
The vacant land taxes alone (which cannot be abated by the IDA) are 4
million dollars per year. The interest on 40 mil dollars at 3% is
approximately 1.3 million per year. These funds will keep our taxes in
check, fund our schools and create opportunities for our Town to build
parks, improve our facilities and better serve our taxpayers in general
with raising taxes!  I am committed to address comprehensively the
financials of whoever purchases the EPCA property. Whatever we
receive next Thursday will not be sole source of providing solvency. If
and when EPCAL closes, at that time, we will have a more accurate and
true perspective of Triple 5's solvency. 
Each year we delay the sale, taxpayers are losing a minimum of $10 mil
dollars. Funds which we can use to pay down debt and create a tax
stabilization fund. 
Should the Councilwomen have consulted with the attorneys or for that
matter my office, she would have known that Triple 5 are in fact
providing financials to the board at next week’s Work Session. In
addition, holding a press conference without notifying the board to
garner publicity solely for her run for office on a property the town is in
contract,  is most certainly a misstep. She should have addressed her
concerns with her colleagues and the attorneys to ensure her actions
does not bring about further litigation, which the taxpayers will have to
absorb. A Town Board member, in any municipality should not be this
neglectful to the residents they swore to protect simply because they are
running for office. Shame on her.  


 Yvette Aguiar, Ph.d

 Riverhead Town Supervisor
 631.727.3200 X654
 200 Howell Avenue | Riverhead, NY 11901

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