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There are those that think the Draenei are a form of Aasimar, celestial-
blooded mortals with ties to the Heavenly Realms. And they are wrong.
The Draenei are a race unto themselves, having arisen on a corner of the
Material Plane. But they suffered a terrible schism amongst the race as
a whole. Many of them fell to the temptations of power offered by a dark
god, and their original name for their race, the Eredar. Over two-thirds of
them fell to these temptations, and the rest fled their world, seeking relief
from their now fallen brethren. They have since spread across the planes,
looking for a home away from the predations of their kin. Draenei are a
tall race, with the males prone to very thick builds, and both genders being
known for statuesque beauty. They wield all types of magic very handily,
and have a magically-advanced society that even the elves admire. In
addition, they are extremely long lived, but the consequences of reality
often end those lives early, as it is rare for a Draenei not to take a stand
for what they believe in. They still fall to the darkness, and doing so
often is often accompanied by physical changes, such as their skin tone
changing from the white and azure hues to that of ebony and crimson,
and their eyes go from pools of pure golden-silver light, to that of sullen
red, green, or even sulfurous yellow. All Draenei have digitigrade legs
that end in split hooves, but have smooth skin like most other humanoid
races. They tend to wear their hair long, and see a kempt appearance as
an expression of personal dedication.
Draenei Names
Female Names: Aelesia, Adrielle, Ceyla, Chellan, Dornaa, Fhaemia, Iridi,
Ishanah, Iza’harr, Moraa, Talaara, Treali, Valaatu, Valustraa, Zhanaa, Zuriah.
Male Names: Achelus, Akham, Edrem, Feruul, Guvan, Huraan, Iravar, Joraal,
Kaalif, Kellag, Lyceon, Modoru, Olus, Ramuun, Rumatu, Semid, Taluun, Valok.

Playing a Draenei
 Add 1 to your Willpower ability.
 Pick one of the following ability focuses: Intelligence (Arcane Lore or Religious Lore), Perception (Empathy), or
Willpower (Faith).
 You have Dark Sight, which allows you to see up to 20 yards in darkness without a light source.
 You have the ability to use the spell healing touch. You have only 1 MP while you are at the Novice level, 2 MP at
Journeyman level, and 3 MP at Master level of accomplishment.
 Your speed is equal to 10 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if applicable).
 You can speak and read the Common Tongue and Celestial.
 Roll twice on the Draenei Benefits table for additional benefits. Roll 2d6 and add the dice together. If you get the same
result twice, re-roll until you get something different.
Draenei Benefits
2d6 Roll Result Benefit
2 +1 Intelligence
3-4 Focus: Fighting (Bludgeons)
5 Focus: Constitution (Stamina)
6 Focus: Accuracy (Arcane Blasts)
7-8 +1 Strength
9 Focus: Communication (Leadership)
10-11 Focus: Willpower (Self-Discipline)
12 +1 Fighting

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