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Tunnelling and

Underground Space
incorporating Trenchless
Technology Research
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 514–524

Back analysis for tunnelling induced ground movements and

stress redistribution
a,* b
M. Karakus , R.J. Fowell
Department of Mining Engineering, Inonu University, 44280 Malatya, Turkey
Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, The University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK

Received 10 August 2004; received in revised form 14 February 2005; accepted 16 February 2005
Available online 3 June 2005


Analysing tunnelling process in 2D plane strain conditions is widely used method to calculate tunnelling induced settlement pro-
files as well as soil structure interactions. Possibility of damage to the surface and/or underground structures can be estimated using
powerful finite difference method (FDM) and finite element method (FEM) of analysis. However, setting up a realistic model that
would be able to achieve this goal is rather difficult. In this paper, 2D FDM analysis has been conducted to assess tunnelling induced
settlement, stress redistribution phenomena along with movements around shallow soft ground tunnels excavated in accordance
with the New Austrian Tunnelling Method. Measurements recorded during construction of the Heathrow Express Trial Tunnel
in London Clay were compared with the predicted values to validate numerical estimations. As a soil model, the Mohr–Coulomb
plasticity model has been used in the FDM analysis. Results obtained from 2D FEM are also included in this paper for comparison
purposes to evaluate performance of both numerical analysis procedures. Predictions from both FDM and FEM analyses proved to
be procedures used within this work can be a tool in practical engineering applications to simulate tunnelling operations.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: The Heathrow Express Trial Tunnel; FEM; FDM; London Clay; Surface and sub-surface settlement; Cable elements; Stress redistrib-
ution; NATM

1. Introduction There are empirical models developed to estimate sur-

face settlements in both transverse and longitudinal
Overpopulation leading to an increase in the number of directions to the tunnel axis (Peck, 1969; New and OÕR-
commuters in urban areas has caused acceleration in con- eilly, 1978; OÕReilly, 1988; Mair et al., 1993; New and
structing underground Metro tunnels to overcome trans- Bowers, 1994). These empirical models produce very
portation problems. Therefore, all the parameters having good surface settlement predictions. However, consider-
influences on the magnitude and the profiles of the surface ing that the empirical models are mainly based on past
settlement have to be investigated thoroughly as the ma- experience, these models are conservative for a ground
jor concern in constructing such tunnels in urban areas that has not had any tunnelling process conducted in.
is to reduce and/or to control settlement. Using numerical In the preliminary tunnel design stage, not only
analysis can often predict the consequences without using employing correct soil stiffness properties but also self-
any full scale trial tunnels. weight of structures on the surface to numerical models
can predict the probability of damage to surface struc-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 422 341 00 30; fax: +90 422 341 00
tures. Therefore, there have been large numbers of
46. numerical analyses in 2D and 3D conducted to assess
E-mail address: (M. Karakus). tunnelling induced damage (Swoboda, 1979; Gunn,

0886-7798/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Karakus, R.J. Fowell / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 514–524 515

1992; Shohrour and Ghorbanbeigi, 1994; Swoboda effective stress values effective Young modulus (E 0 ) and
et al., 1994; Dasari, 1996; Swoboda et al., 1999; Mroueh effective poissonÕs ratio (v 0 ) (Burland and Kalra, 1986).
and Shahrour, 2003; Karakus and Fowell, 2003). In Made ground and Terrace gravel (Thames gravel) were
the present work, 2D plane strain Finite Difference modelled using the drained material properties. Proper-
analyses have been conducted to investigate ground ties adopted for the numerical analysis are given in
movement profiles and stress redistribution around a Table 1. Grose and Eddie (1996) suggested that the
NATM tunnel. Fast Lagrangian analysis of continua cohesion of the London Clay is 10 kPa and earth pres-
(FLAC) (Itasca, 1993) program has been utilized to sim- sure at rest, K0 = 1 when analysing the Heathrow Trans-
ulate tunnel construction. Tunnel Excavation process fer Baggage System tunnel. On the other hand, it was
has been modelled using the hypothetical modulus of found by Atzl and Mayr (1994) and Ryley and Carder
elasticity (HME) soft lining approach (Powell et al., (1995) that the cohesion of the London Clay varies be-
1997). Mroueh and Shahrour (2003) has studied interac- tween 0 and 30 kPa. Earth pressure at rest (K0) value
tions of buildings with tunnels using 3D finite element for made ground and Thames gravel was predicted using
analysis. They concluded that self weight of buildings well known JakyÕs formula (Konc = 1  sin / 0 ) and
on the surface has a major role on determination of ini- adopted in the FDM analysis (see Fig. 1).
tial stresses in the ground and neglecting this results in According to the data derived from different sites in
underestimation of tunnelling induced forces leading London, Burland and Kalra (1986) proposed a relation
to less settlement predictions. Therefore, surcharge of for the drained Young Modulus of London Clay in both
80 kPa (Bowers, 1997) due to existing car park over vertical and horizontal directions. These relationships
the Heathrow Trial Tunnel excavation has been in- show that stiffness of the London Clay varies with depth
cluded within the analysis. (z).
Surface and subsurface transverse settlement troughs,
E0m ¼ 7.5 þ 3.9z ðMN=m2 Þ; ð1Þ
along with horizontal stress distributions measured dur-
ing the Heathrow Trial Tunnel construction in 1992 have
E0h ¼ 1.6E0m ðMN=m2 Þ. ð2Þ
been compared with the predicted results (Bowers, 1997).

Values of the London Clay Modulus, MPa

2. Geology at the site and construction processes
0 50 100 150 200 250
Materials encountered at the site consist of Thames
E'v (Burland, 1986)
Depth below clay surface (z),m

gravel, made ground and London Clay. The London 10 Bulk Modulus (K)
Clay is clearly dominant at the site and is found below Shear Modulus (G)
a depth of 4.2 m. This is overlain by coarse gravel, with 20
0.3 m of cement-stabilised material and above this a
bitumen covered car park (Ryley and Carder, 1995). 30
Dean and Basset (1995) reported that London Clay is
generally homogenous with very few major discontinu- 40
ities and it has a good stand up time of at least 18 h.
Trial tunnel construction was carried out approximately 50
16.8 m crown depth. The analyses were carried out in
terms of effective stress parameters, in other words, 60
drained analyses were conducted. Therefore, London Fig. 1. Variation of London Clay Modulus with depth adopted in
Clay properties were expressed in terms of equivalent FLAC analysis (Burland and Kalra, 1986).

Table 1
Drained material properties at the site (Powell et al., 1997; Burland and Kalra, 1986)
Parameters, units and symbols London Clay Thames Gravel
Bulk unit weight, kN/m , c 20 19
Cohesion, MPa, c 0 10 0
Earth pressure at rest, K0 1.15 0.43
Internal friction angle, / 0 (°) 25° 35°
Dilation angle, u 0 (°) 12.5° 17.5°
PoissonÕs ratio, m 0 0.125 0.3
Effective bulk modulus, MPa, K 0 See Fig. 1 23.8E3
Effective shear modulus, MPa, G 0 See Fig. 1 19.23E3
Effective YoungÕs modulus (in vertical), MPa, E0m See Fig. 1 50E3
516 M. Karakus, R.J. Fowell / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 514–524

Construction of the trial tunnel started in February 1992 the cable element develops forces along its length as the
with the Type-1 (TS1) method of advance, a double side grid deforms. Cable elements are used to model rock
drift sequence, followed by Type-2 (TS2), single side bolts, cable bolts. Cable element formulation in FLAC
drift sequence, and Type-3 (TS3), crown, bench, and in- considers deformations along entire length of bolts
vert face excavation (Fig. 2). This work was completed rather than a specific point and thus it is useful model-
by 16 June 1992. Measurement and monitoring of the ling such reinforcement systems as rock bolts where
construction process was conducted by the Transport grout material may fail in shear in some length of the
Research Laboratory (TRL). The project provided reinforcement (Itasca, 1993). Fig. 3 illustrates the cable
information on ground movements in the London Clay element behaviour implemented in FLAC.
to tunnel designers. As the input parameters for cable elements, grout stiff-
Each trial section progressed for at least 30 m in or- ness (Kbond), grout shear strength (Sbond), and area (A),
der to obtain adequate and meaningful data over each YoungÕs Modulus (E), diameter (D), length (L) and ulti-
section. Trial tunnel construction was carried out at mate strength of cable are required. A 1D constitutive
16.8 m crown depth below the surface with having model is used to model axial behavior of the reinforcing
7.9 m height and 9.2 m width, producing a 100-metre element in FLAC. The axial stiffness is described in terms
long running tunnel. From the field observations, of the reinforcement cross-sectional area, A, and YoungÕs
Type-2 (TS2) produced the minimum transverse surface modulus, E(w), the incremental axial force, DFt, is calcu-
settlement profile among the Trial tunnels and TS2 was lated from the incremental axial displacement by
subjected to the FDM analysis in this research.
EA t
The shotcrete has been represented by elastic beam DF t ¼  Du ; ð3Þ
elements in the analysis. The elasticity modulus of the L
½b ½a ½b ½a
beam elements was divided by (1  m2) in order to take where Dut ¼ ðu1  u1 Þt1 þ ðu2  u2 Þt2 . The super-
account the plane strain conditions since beam element scripts [a], [b] refer to the nodes in the grid. The cosines
formulation is a plane stress formulation implemented t1, t2 are the tangential (axial) direction of the cable. As
in the FLAC. Beam elements attached to the ground a consequence of relative shear displacement, ut, be-
and cable elements were used to simulate rock tween the tendon surface and the borehole surface, the
bolts. Properties of these structural elements are given shear force, Ft, mobilized per length of cable is related
in Table 2. to the grout stiffness, Kbond – i.e. (Itasca, 1993),
Cable elements are 1D axial structural elements an-
chored at a specific point in the grid or grouted so that F t ¼ K bond ut . ð4Þ

Fig. 2. The Heathrow Express Trial Tunnel, Type-2 (Bowers, 1997).

Table 2
Structural element properties used in the FDM analysis (Itasca, 1993; Bowers, 1997)
Parameters, symbols and units Beam elements Cable elements
Inner lining Outer lining
Area, A, m2 0.15 0.25 0.0005
PoissonÕs ratio, m 0.15 0.15 –
YoungÕs modulus, E, MPa 5000 5000 40000
Moment of inertia, I, m4 0.000281 0.0013 –
Cable diameter, D, m n/a 0.025
Cable length, L, m n/a 3
Ultimate strength of cable (force), MN n/a 0.225
Bond stiffness of grout, Kbond, MN/m/m n/a 6000
Bond strength of grout, Sbond, MN/m n/a 0.320
n/a: not applicable.
M. Karakus, R.J. Fowell / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 514–524 517

was measured using spade cells and push-in soil stress

cells that were inserted near to the tunnel crown and
at axis level. To measure the horizontal total stresses,
these cells were incorporated with the pneumatic piez-
ometers to record pore water pressures. Pneumatic piez-
ometers were installed in sand cells within the spade cell
boreholes with bentonite plugs above and below. Three
extensometers were placed over the axis perpendicular
to the Tunnel Type-2 and one on the tunnel centreline.
The magnetic rings located at various depths, which
were ranged from 3 to 27 m depth. Biaxial inclinometers
with automatic loggers were used to record the horizon-
tal movements using techniques developed by TRL
(Bowers, 1997). A detailed location drawing for the
inclinometers are given in Fig. 4.
As in-tunnel instrumentation, convergence-measuring
pins were used to measure horizontal and vertical move-
Fig. 3. Cable element behaviour in FLAC (Itasca, 1993).
ments of the shotcrete with time. These were installed
on the tunnel periphery when the shotcrete was installed.
If laboratory pull-out tests are available, Kbond can be
measured directly, else the stiffness can be calculated 2.2. General numerical analysis procedure
from a numerical estimate for the elastic shear stress,
sG, obtained from an equation describing the shear Mohr–Coulomb plasticity model has been adopted
stress at the grout/rock interface (Itasca, 1993): throughout the FLAC analysis to represent stress–strain
G Du behaviour of not only London Clay but also Thames
sG ¼ ; ð5Þ gravel and made ground.
ðD=2 þ tÞ lnð1 þ 2t=DÞ
Mohr–Coulomb criterion has a linear failure surface
where Du is relative displacement between the element
corresponding to shear failure as described in the follow-
and the surrounding material; Gw is grout shear modu-
ing equations:
lus; Dw is reinforcing diameter; and tw is the annulus pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
thickness. fs ¼ r1  r3 N / þ 2c N / ; ð9Þ
Consequently, the grout shear stiffness, Kbondw ( N/
m/m ‘ w, is simply given by N / ¼ ð1 þ sin /Þ=ð1  sin /Þ; ð10Þ
2pG where r1 is major principal stress; r3 is minor principal
K bond ¼ . ð6Þ
lnð1 þ 2t=DÞ stress; / is friction angle and c is the cohesion. Shear
Other important parameter which has to be defined is yield is detected if fs<0 (Itasca, 1993).
Sbond. This may also be deduced from the following For modelling of the tunnelling process in 2D, an ap-
expressions when ignoring frictional confinement effects proach has to be adopted to take into account the defor-
(Itasca, 1993): mation occurring prior to shotcrete installation and the
S bond ¼ pðD þ 2tÞspeak ; ð7Þ

speak ¼ sI QB ; ð8Þ
where speak is the maximum shear force per cable length
in the grout, sI is about 50% of the uniaxial compressive
strength of the weaker of the rock and grout, and QB is
the quality of the bond in between grout and rock
(QB = 1 is for perfect bonding) (Itasca, 1993).

2.1. The Heathrow Express Trial Tunnel Type-2 and

instrumentation methodology

Sub-surface measuring equipment consists of extens-

ometers, inclinometers and push-in pressure cells and
piezometers. Magnetic probe extensometers were used Fig. 4. Surface, subsurface and in-tunnel instrumentation around the
to measure vertical displacement. Horizontal soil stress Heathrow Trial Tunnel Type-2 (Bowers, 1997).
518 M. Karakus, R.J. Fowell / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 514–524


3 3

1 2
50 m

1-Outer lining300 mm, 2-Inner lining250 mm, 3-Cablebolts

Fig. 5. Model grid used in the FLAC.

3D tunnelling problem. There are different approaches and the bottom part of the boundary was pinned, so nei-
to consider aforementioned deformations such as the ther vertical nor horizontal movements were allowed. As
convergence confinement method (Panet and Guenot, can be seen in Fig. 5, the top surface of the model was
1982), the progressive softening method (Swoboda, free in both directions. The construction process of the
1979), volume loss control method (Potts and Zdravko- Trial Tunnel Type-2 consists of a left hand heading,
vic, 2001). The hypothetical modulus of elasticity bench and invert excavation. This was followed by the
(HME) soft lining approach, a relatively new technique excavation of the right hand heading, bench and finally
developed for the simulation of Heathrow Express tun- closing the ring of support. In order to imitate the same
nel at Terminal 4 by Powell et al. (1997), has been em- construction process in FLAC analysis, sequential exca-
ployed in the analysis. Essential to this approach is to vation model (SEM) was employed (Karakus and Fo-
introduce a lower elasticity modulus for the shotcrete well, 2003). The SEM excavation process was
to represent the excavation process and subsequently in- modelled with the following main stages:
crease it to the assumed short-term modulus of elasticity
for the shotcrete. The approach is believed to model the 1. Establishing the equilibrium condition for the model
shotcrete behaviour until it gains strength. More de- body by setting up a gravitational stress field and
tailed explanation of this approach is given by Karakus introducing 80 kPa surcharges owing to the car park.
(2000) and Karakus and Fowell (2003).
The model grid used in the analysis is shown in Fig. 5.
The model was fixed in the horizontal direction at each
side, which means that vertical movement was allowed, Offset from tunnel centreline, m
50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50
Offset from tunnel centreline, m
50 30 10 -10 -30 -50
0 5
Surface settlement, mm

5 10
Surface settlement, mm


Sidewall with cable
20 Sidewall without cable
FLAC_SEM sidewall Enlargement with cable 30
Measurements sidewall 25
FLAC_SEM enlargement
Measurements enlargement 35
Fig. 7. Predicted surface settlement with and without cable elements
Fig. 6. Predicted surface settlement profiles by FDM. by FDM analysis.
M. Karakus, R.J. Fowell / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 514–524 519

Horizontal Displacement, mm
0 10 20 0 20 40 -5 0 5 10 15 -40 -20 0
0 0 0 0
(10.04m) 5 (7.62m) 5 (4.35m) (-7.69m) 5

10 10 10

Depth, m
15 15 C
15 15
20 20
20 20
25 25 Tunnel
25 25
30 30
30 FLAC predictions 30
35 Field measurements
35 35

Fig. 8. Predicted horizontal movements compared to field measurements.

Subsurface settlement, mm Subsurface settlement, mm

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
0 0
Measurement MB1 FLAC MB2
5 5 Measurement MB2

10 10
Depth, m

15 15

20 20

25 25

30 30

Subsurface settlement, mm Subsurface settlement, mm

-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 0
5 5 Measurement MB4
Measurement MB3
10 10
Depth, m

15 15

20 20

25 25

30 30

Subsurface settlement, mm
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Depth, m

16 Measurement MT1

Fig. 9. Predicted subsurface settlements profiles.

520 M. Karakus, R.J. Fowell / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 514–524

2. Having reached equilibrium conditions, elements in crete. Total amount of reduction in stiffness of shotcrete
the left hand heading were removed, followed by acti- is (1  d) which is 92% in this case. This value indicates
vation of the beam elements in this section with a that beam elements used to represent shotcrete behaves
lower elasticity modulus of 0.40 GPa assigned which in a very stiff manner as supported by Augarde and
was found from the back analysis. Burd (2001) who reported that structural elements such
3. Removing elements in the left hand bench and invert as shell elements to model liner may behave in an over-
and activating the beam elements for this section with stiff manner when embedded in a mesh of continuum
an elasticity modulus of 0.40 GPa. At the same time element.
the HME value of the left heading beam elements
was increased to 5 GPa, assumed to be the short-term
modulus of the shotcrete. Offset from tunnel centreline, m
50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50
4. The same procedures in stage 2, and stage 3 have
been applied to the right hand heading, bench and
invert excavations.

Surface settlement, mm
5. Removing the inner wall was the final step of the
FDM analysis.

0.40 GPa of HME value found from back analysis.

According to Karakus and Fowell (2003), HME value
can be found from the following expression which is
similar to the progressive softening method (Swoboda, ABAQUS sidewall
1979): FLAC sidewall
Measurements sidewall
Cable elements were ABAQUS enlargement
FLAC enlargement
HME ¼ dEShort term ð11Þ included in FLAC analysis Measurments enlargement

where d is the reduction factor as percentage and the Fig. 11. Predicted transverse surface settlement profiles by FLAC and
EShort term is the Short term YoungÕs modulus of shot- ABAQUS.

700 800

600 FLAC SB1 700 FLAC SB2

Measurement SB1 Measurement SB2
500 600
Stress, kPa

Stress, kPa

100 100
0 0
04/11/92 04/18/92 04/25/92 05/02/92 05/09/92 05/16/92 04/11/92 04/18/92 04/25/92 05/02/92 05/09/92 05/16/92
Dates Dates

04/11/92 04/18/92 04/25/92 05/02/92 05/09/92 05/16/92 04/11/92 04/18/92 04/25/92 05/02/92 05/09/92 05/16/92
500 600

400 500
Stress, kPa

Stress, kPa

100 300

0 200
100 FLAC ST 1
-200 FLAC SB3
Measurement SB3 Measurement ST 1
-300 0

Fig. 10. Predictions for the horizontal stress redistribution around the tunnel.
M. Karakus, R.J. Fowell / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 514–524 521

3. Evaluation of the results fully grouted. The material properties adopted for the
cable elements and beam elements are summarised in
3.1. Transverse surface settlement analysis Table 2.
Fig. 7 illustrates the effects of cable elements on the
Results of the analyses have been shown in three surface settlement. The settlement profiles were not af-
main parts as surface settlement profiles, sub-surface set- fected 1.5-diameter away from either side of the tunnel
tlement profiles and stress redistribution around tunnel. centreline in both including and excluding cable ele-
Surface settlement analysis has been carried out in ments in the numerical analysis. However, the settle-
accordance with the field measurements corresponding ment profiles for the sidewall and the enlargement of
to the completion of the left sidewall excavation and the tunnel are greatly influenced within 1.5D of either
the enlargement of the tunnel as illustrated in Fig. 6. side of the tunnel when no cable elements were present.
Karakus and Fowell (2003) reported that 0.40 GPa of Therefore, the use of cable elements reduced the ground
HME value produced the best results for sequential movements within 1.5D of either side of the tunnel.
excavation model. Thus, for this analysis, 0.40 GPa va- Without cable elements, approximately 2 and 4 mm
lue was taken as HME value. As can be seen from Fig. 6, more surface settlements have been predicted for side-
surface settlement profiles for both sidewall excavation wall and enlargement, respectively. Hence, the use of
and enlargement of the tunnel are in very close agree- cable elements for NATM analysis is considered
ment with the field measurements. important.
Maximum surface settlement predicted by the SEM
model for sidewall excavation and enlargement are 3.2. Subsurface settlement analysis
15.3 and 27.6 mm, respectively. Including cable elements
during numerical analysis prevented excessive settlement The horizontal movements and subsurface settlement
at the either side of the tunnel headings as shown in Fig. 7. predictions from the FLAC are compared with the cor-
Cable elements included in the analysis and assumed to be responding inclinometers measurements and magnetic
ring measurements, respectively. Thus, these compari-
sons provide a verification of the predictions obtained
Table 3 from the finite difference analysis.
Comparison of the maximum surface settlements Fig. 8 illustrates the calculated horizontal movements
Numerical models used Maximum surface towards the tunnel. Although calculated movements for
settlement at tunnel the IB3 was two times greater than the measured values,
centreline predicted horizontal movements are in good agreement
Sidewall Enlargement with the inclinometer measurements IB1, IB2, and
(mm) (mm) IB4. Besides, predictions corresponding to IB1 and
Field measurement 14.6 26.8 IB2 became greater initiating from a depth of 15 m to
FLAC with cable elements 15.3 27.6 the ground surface. On the other hand, predicted sub-
FLAC without cable elements 17.3 31.4 surface settlements for all magnetic measurements are
ABAQUS without cable elements 11.4 27.4
in very good agreement with the measurements (Fig. 9).

Horizontal Displacement, mm
0 10 20 0 0 40 -10 0 10 20 -40 -20 0
0 0 0 0
5 5 (7.62m) 5 (4.35m) (-7.69m) 5

10 10 10 10
Depth, m

15 15 15 15

20 20 20 20

25 Tunnel
25 25 25

30 30 FLAC predictions 30
30 ABAQUS predictions
Field measurements
35 35 35 35

Fig. 12. Comparison of FLAC and ABAQUS predictions for horizontal movements corresponding to inclinometer measurements.
522 M. Karakus, R.J. Fowell / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 514–524

This is believed to be due to adopting variation of General trend of stress changes for both FLAC pre-
London clay Elasticity modulus with depth, which was dictions and the field measurements can be explained
suggested by Burland and Kalra (1986), in the FLAC as follows:
1. When the first heading is excavated, the horizontal
stresses are decreasing sharply from the geostatic
3.3. Stress analysis around the tunnel stress condition to a lower stress level.
2. Then, the application of the shotcrete stabilises the
The locations of the spade cells are illustrated in Fig. 4. stress distribution around the tunnel until a new sec-
The real time of construction was not considered in the tion was excavated.
analysis. However, the stresses at the end of each main
excavation sequences were used for comparison with This phenomenon continues until the entire tunnel
the corresponding field measurements. Thus, only re- construction is completed and the support ring is closed.
lated measurements were used in this analysis. Fig. 10 Calculated horizontal stresses are in close agreement
shows the horizontal stress redistribution around the with the spade cells measurements, SB1, SB2, and
tunnel. ST1, while predictions for the spade cell SB3 is greater

Subsurface settlement, mm Subsurface settlement, mm

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
0 0
5 5 FLAC MB2
Measurement MB1 Measurement MB2
10 10
Depth, m

15 15

20 20

25 25

30 30

35 35

Subsurface settlement,mm Subsurface settlement, mm

-5 5 15 25 35 -10 0 10 20 30 40
0 0
ABAQUS MB3 Measurement MB4
10 Measurement MB3 10
Depth, m

15 15

20 20

25 25

30 30

Subsurface settlement, mm
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Depth, m

14 FLAC MT 1
16 Measurement MT 1


Fig. 13. Comparison of predicted subsurface settlement profiles with magnetic ring measurements.
M. Karakus, R.J. Fowell / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 514–524 523

700 800
Measuremenst SB1 Measurement SB2
Stress, kPa

100 100

0 0
04/11/92 04/18/92 04/25/92 05/02/92 05/09/92 05/16/92 04/11/92 04/18/92 04/25/92 05/02/92 05/09/92 05/16/92
Dates Dates
04/11/92 04/18/92 04/25/92 05/02/92 05/09/92 05/16/92 04/11/92 04/18/92 04/25/92 05/02/92 05/09/92 05/16/92
600 600
Measurement SB3 500
Stress, kPa


200 300

100 200
-100 Measurement ST 1
-200 0

Fig. 14. Comparison of FLAC and ABAQUS stress predictions corresponding to spade cell measurements.

than the measured stress. Similar predictions were found Horizontal displacements towards tunnel and subsur-
for SB3 with the finite element analysis (Karakus and face settlements profiles are illustrated in Figs. 12 and
Fowell, 2003). This implies that the accuracy of the 13, respectively. Finite element and finite difference pre-
spade cell measurement SB3 might not be as accurate dictions for horizontal movement are in good agreement
as the other spade cell measurements. with each other. Nevertheless, FDM analysis failed to
predict the horizontal movement 4.35 m away from
3.4. Comparison of FDM and FEM analysis results the tunnel centreline. Also, FDM analysis overestimated
these movements for IB1 and IB2 from above 15 m
In this section, overall comparison of the finite ele- depth towards the ground surface. This can be attrib-
ment and finite difference analysis, is made so that the uted to the use of different soil models considered for
differences between these two powerful modelling tools both analyses.
can be examined. In addition, this comparison will pro- Subsurface settlement calculated from both models is
vide an insight into the effects of using different plasticity well matched to the field measurements. Apparently, the
models for London Clay. For the Finite element analy- contradictions between surface settlement and horizon-
sis, ABAQUS program has been utilized detailed analy- tal movements from both analyses show that anisotropy
sis procedure is given elsewhere (Karakus and Fowell, in the London clay should be considered in the numeri-
2003). During FEM analysis, London Clay stress strain cal analysis. However, plasticity models especially the
behaviour was represented by Modified Cam-clay plas- Modified Cam-clay model did not take into account
ticity with porous elasticity. The Drucker–Prager plas- anisotropy in ABAQUS program as it was originally
ticity model was used for Thames gravel and made developed for isotropic conditions.
ground. Stress redistribution around the tunnel predicted by
As can be seen from Fig. 11 and Table 3, surface set- FDM and FEM are in agreement with the field measure-
tlement predictions by FLAC and ABAQUS for the ments. However, predictions obtained from the finite
tunnel enlargement are in very close agreement with element analysis are much closer to the field measure-
each other and with field measurements as well. Con- ment than the finite difference analysis predictions. Both
versely, FDM analysis produced better settlement pre- analyses have failed to predict the horizontal stresses for
dictions for sidewall excavation. This is believed to be the SB3 spade cell measurement as can be seen from
due to variation of London Clay elasticity modulus with Fig. 14. As explained earlier, this could be due to failure
depth, which was considered in the FDM analysis. in spade cell measurements. Bowers (1997) reported that
524 M. Karakus, R.J. Fowell / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 20 (2005) 514–524

some of the stress cells failed before tunnelling was Bowers, K.H., 1997. An appraisal of the New Austrian Tunnelling
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