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Astrological Cycles in History

by Palden Jenkins

History and the cycles of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

When I was young I asked my history teacher whether there were such things
as cycles in history. He told me to get on with my work, since questions like
that would not help me pass my exams. Hmmph! From that moment on,
something in me resolved to find out the answer to this question. Little was I
to know that I was to become an astrologer seven years later, and that, twelve
years after that, I would start studying astrological cycles in history. What a
fine way to advance a career! Historians won't touch it because it's
ideologically way-out, and astrologers hardly touch it because of a lack of
knowledge of history - and also because of a fixation on birth charts and
specific events.

So here, in this short series on astro-history, I shall be examining some of the

major cycles of history - focusing not on events but on trends and timespans.
Now, here, it's dead easy to pluck events out of history to prove one's point
and, hopefully, I'm not going to do that. Nevertheless, some remarkable
perspectives on history arise.
In this article, I want to look simply at the conjunctions of Neptune and Pluto,
the slowest simple cycle of time (unless one wants to get esoteric or
precessional about it). Before starting, however, here are some initial

We're looking at historical trends, undercurrents and threads. Trends take at

least decades, if not centuries, to unfold. Therefore, there can often, but not
always, be a time-delay between an astrological and an historical event. Also,
as astrologers, we're privy to understanding the underlying tides of human
thought and feeling. In other words, we're looking at humanity's
'psychosphere' - its body of collective psychological motion and the way it
oozes, leaks and expresses itself into the world. This means we can
(theoretically, at least) detect the points at which historical thought-processes
begin, change and go through their modulations. It also means there can be a
time-delay between inner process and noticed event. However, this said, there
are exceptions. Sometimes a thought-form can surface before an astrological
event - especially if there is receptivity to it. One recent example is the
surfacing of the idea of perestroika (restructuring) which emerged in the mind
of Mikhail Gorbachev and his mates on behalf of the Russian collective
psyche a few years before the Saturn-Neptune-Jupiter-Chiron aspect which
brought down the Iron Curtain in 1989, and some seven years before the
Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn in 1993. Though seven yers in
history is small-fry - and perestroika is yet to hit the more resistant capitalist
West! But it's coming.

So, in examining longterm cycles, we need to be discerning in our

interpretation, non-simplistic. Nevertheless, direct hits do occur - and 1989
was a recent example. The Wall fell down within a couple of days of the
conjunction. We need also to watch out for our own prejudices and
misunderstandings of history. An example: we are taught that the 'New World'
was 'discovered' by Columbus in 1492. Historically, this is incorrect (there
was much more transoceanic traffic than we are taught). Now, while it so
happens that Pluto went into Scorpio in 1491 and that Pluto was in Perihelion
in 1493 (which are significant in themselves), this 'discovery', and the
widening of public horizons that it meant for Europeans, Columbus is really
an expression of a dynamic which arose long before, in 1394-98, during a
super-configuration involving Neptune conjunct Pluto in Gemini opposed by
Uranus in Sagittarius. It would be easy to ascribe the 'opening of the New
World' to, say, Pluto perihelions, but this would be inaccurate. Here one
wouldn't be entirely incorrect - we had another Pluto perihelion in 1988, at the
time of a dawning into world consciousness of the full impact of the Global
Village. It's probably more correct and relevant to connect the 'discovery' of
1492 to the undercurrent of the 1380s and the massive turning-point which
occurred then. A symptom of this is seen, in the 1390s, in the form of the
Genoese Prince Henry the Navigator, who sponsored the earliest Portuguese
explorations down the coast of Africa. Astrologically, this was the real
symptom of the times, and Columbus, in this light, was but an effect of this. In
other words, astrology can help us identify the really significant points in
history which other historians might pass over. Let's look at some examples.
Neptune-Pluto cycles last about 495 years - half a millennium. They
characterise an underlying driving-force behind history, an undertow of reality
which marries the inevitable ram-force of Pluto with the imaginal, ideational
power of Neptune. This combined force helps us define our underlying
historical reality on a collective-unconscious level - this world-view being a
combination of actualities and perceptions.

Immediately, one absolutely major time-point emerges if we look at the

tables, and another follows up behind. The first is the -570s, and the second is
the +1390s. Between -579 and -577 there was a pretty exact mutual conjuction
of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, at 8-10° Taurus. How amazing. How can that
happen? Well, it's part of the remarkable elegance of planetary motion which
reveals itself when we study these things! This represents a mega new start, an
entirely new cycle for humanity. By the way, the next event of such
magnitude comes around the year 3370! So, stick around for some more
action! The 1390s (Neptune-Pluto conjuncting at 2° Gemini, with Uranus
opposing just beforehand), represents a half-way point in this cycle. What is
amazing is the relative accuracy of these configurations: the -570s one
happened in just two years, and the 1390s one (a bit more staggered) took just
eight years (peanuts when we're talking millennia).

It just so happens that the -570s represent the beginning of history as we know
it. Before this, we rely on archaeology and mythology. After this, we have
written history (and newer mythologies!). There's more. This was a time of
transition of consciousness, worldwide. It was as if humanity was really
beginning to think about its situation - and new cultures emerged in the
succeding centuries to prove the point. Some of the world's most influential
thinkers were alive around this time and in succeding decades - and for a
configuration like this, 100 years (at least between semisextiles in the cycle) is
an acceptable historical 'orb'. Lao Tzu was active within this period, as was
Confucius, Sakyamuni Buddha, Zoroaster, the first Greek philosophers and
reformers (Peisistratus, Xenophanes and the Seven Wise Men), the Jewish Old
Testament writers (often called Deutero-Isaiah) - and things were happening
in the Americas too, such as the beginnings of the pre-classical Mexican and
Peruvian civilisations. I'd hazard to guess that the Arthurian cycle, as a
religious-magical path of the West, was cooked up at this time - the
ascendancy of the Celts. Humanity was becoming more objective, more
individualised, and it was tearing itself away from its roots. The ancient
civilisations of Egypt and Mesopotamia were on their way out.

Humanity was beginning to look afresh at statecraft, psychology, technology,

science, society and rationality. I fact, this was the undercurrent-start of the
modern world. Across the world, within 400 years, new civilisations had
grown up, of a newly-materialistic bent: Greece and Rome, Han China,
Mauryan India, Persia, Olmec Mexico and Chavin Bolivia. Humanity was
beginning to get more large-scale, more rumbustuous, more mass-oriented.
All sorts of aspects and details of human culture can be read into this - it
deserves a whole book. What about the 1390s? This marked the very
begiining of the Global Village we all now know and love. It was at this time
that the peripheral, undercultured Europeans, a smelly, flea-ridden, boozing,
cannon-firing lot with big pretensions and a greed for gizmos, undertook to
start taking over the world. At this time, the Medicis were in the ascendancy
in Florence (the San Francisco of the Renaissance), and Europe was within
reach of developing printing, changing its religion and society and exploring
the world. There was a post-medieval questing for something new (Gemini-
Sagittarius!). Not only in Europe: the Ottomans were about to take over
Constantinople, the Incas and Aztecs were on the rise, and Ming China was
getting adventurous too. The world was up for grabs, and it could have been
the Chinese, the Arabs or the Europeans who globalised it. Let's look briefly
at the other conjunctions of Neptune and Pluto. Following the -570s was the
conjunction of -84/-83. This represented the dawning of a new secularism and
materialism across the world.
Specifically, it took the form of the civil wars of Rome (Julius Caesar et al),
the institutionalisation of classical China by Han Wu Ti, the collapse of
Parthia, the rise of the Kushans and the spread of Buddhism outside India.
Generally, it meant a watershed, a "well, what next?" phase, in which newer
civilisations and cultures were now challenged to make something of it. In
terms of Arnold Toynbee's understanding of the rise and fall of civilisations
(see his Study of History OUP, many editions), various civilisations, having
made themselves evident, were confronted with a crisis of meaning, a need for
choice. Interestingly, Rome and China of this time have many parallels and
synchronicities: around the time of Jesus, for example, both were undergoing
major crisis and change - Rome under Augustus and China under Wang
Mang. Meanwhile, India, Greece, Babylon and the Olmecs had stumbled.

On the next conjunction in 411-412, Rome fell (to the Visigoths in 410),
Japan and China opened up to foreign influence, Churchianity was on a roll in
Byzantium and West Europe, the Europeans (former 'barbarians') were
settling into their places after the Folk-Wandering period, Teotihuacan and the
earlier Mayan cities were being built, Tiahuanacu (Peru) and classical Gupta
India were at their zenith and China was in disarray. Civilisations of the
previous millennium were proving either to be transitory, by dint of choices
perhaps not made at the previous conjunction, or to have lasting qualities
which carried them through, because they had changed themselves. This was
the beginning of the world's medieval (in-between) period. The following
conjunction was in 905. This marked the fall of Tang China (one of China's
greatest phases), the birth of Russia (Kiev), the emergence of strong European
nations, of Fujiwara Japan and Toltec Mexico, the prelude to the Muslim
invasions of India and the zenith of Arabic and Byzantine civilisations. Things
were changeful and turbulent, and something was trying to come through:
world medieval cultures were painfully giving birth to something. This was to
come in the 1390s.
In retrospect, the world sought unconsciously to globalise, and the only
civilisation capable of doing it was the Europeans - mainly because they were
sufficiently violent and uncultured to overcome all resistance. The Mongols
gave it a try in the 1200s, though, and the Muslims before that. The 1390s saw
the downfall of most African civilisations, and most of the Old World
civilisations were in bad shape, mainly due to the Black Death 50 years before
- a wipe-clean of history. The Americas were in transition too: the Mayans,
Mississippians and other cultures were gone, and new militaristic,
materialistic empires (Aztecs and Incas) took their place. This was the
beginning of the European Renaissance, which was to lead to the subsequent
Reformation (religious change) and the scientific, industrial and political
revolutions which were to characterise an utterly new civilisation. During this
Neptune-Pluto cycle, Europe was to dominate the world, and by 1891-92, the
next conjunction (in Gemini), the job was complete. The world was carved up,
mapped out, bought up, buzzing. Entirely new cities like New York,
Shanghai, Bombay, Joburg and Buenos Aires had appeared.

In terms of specific events, the 1890s were a relatively quiet period - the
Euros were by now world masters, by both fair means and foul - and they
were beginning to lose the initiative too, to their colonised subjects. But first,
there were some seeds to sow. The decades around the 1890s saw the
beginning of flight, the internal combustion engine, electrical technologies,
plastics, pharmaceuticals, corporate multinationals, telegraphy,
psychotherapy, the new age movement (Theosophy and spiritualism), socialist
parties, third world nationalism, feminism (suffragettes), quantum physics,
nuclear technologies... and a few other things which, within a century, were to
change our world. Not a small, uneventful seed-point! The action lay not in
major events, but in rooms and workshops where major innovations were
gaining ground.

In this light, the late 20th Century and the Bi-millennium are not so much a
new beginning, as an expression of a previous beginning. The next Neptune-
Pluto conjunction is in the 2390s (again in Gemini). This means that we are in
the opening stages of a cycle (amidst a long-running waxing sextile of
Neptune and Pluto), not the end-beginning of one. Many things might end in
the coming decades but, astrologically, this is a progression of themes already
established, not an utterly new start. The new start already happened in the
1890s. Perhaps 1900 might have been a better Millennium than 2000.

What is this current cycle about? Certainly it concerns whole-planet issues,

and we know what they are so (especially since the 1960s, though all the
pieces were in place in 1900). The questions of this cycle concern humanity
(our numbers and the real quality and purpose of our lives), Earth and its
ecosystem (an old question, since environmental devastation started 5,000
years ago, though it mushroomed from the 1390s onward), the mass human
psyche and its dubious health and, probably, the relationship between
Earthlings and others in this universe. And it's in the global domain where the
nexus lies - this is new territory.

Inside Neptune-Pluto cycles

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto do a slow zodiacal dance. Their orbital periods are
elegantly synchronised: Uranus' orbit is approximately half the length of
Neptune's, Neptune's is two-thirds that of Pluto, and Uranus' one-third of
Pluto's. Uranus' orbit of the Sun takes 84 years, Neptune's 165 years and
Pluto's 248 years.

Most of the planets have close-to-circular orbits, but Pluto's is eccentric, and
swings emphatically. Its distance from the Sun varies by a factor of one
quarter. As a result it spends around 36 years in Taurus and 12 years in
Scorpio. This makes for an interesting pattern of inter-aspects between Pluto,
Neptune and Uranus. Uranus-Neptune cycles are quite regular, while Uranus-
Pluto and Neptune-Pluto aspects have interestingly varying rhythms. We'll
tackle Uranus-Pluto cycles in a later article.
Conjunctions and oppositions

In one conjunction-to-conjunction cycle of about 493 years, Pluto goes round

the zodiac twice, while Neptune does it three times. Interestingly, successive
conjunctions take place at roughly the same zodiacal position, with a creep of
5-6° each cycle. Here are the figures:

578 BCE 8 Taurus

84/83 BCE 15-16 Taurus
411/412 CE 22-23 Taurus
905 28 Taurus
1398-99 2-3 Gemini
1891-92 7-8 Gemini
2384 12-13 Gemini

Note how the conjunction positions shifted from Taurus to Gemini just before
that of 1398-99, which marked the very beginning of the Renaissance - a
massive, quantum swing in human history. The first conjunction of the Taurus
series was in 1071 BCE, and the first of the Gemini series was in 1398-99 CE.
Here astrology can help us identify longer periods of history. The conjunction
of 1071 BCE marked a prehistoric watershed, when many early civilisations
faded into the past. These included Sumer, Egypt, Crete and Mycenae,
Megalithic NW Europe, Harappa and Shang China. These had thrived in the
Aries phase, which began around 3540 BCE. During the Taurus phase, and
after a slow start, increasingly mercantile, urban and imperialistic civilisations
arose. These included Babylon, Greece, Rome, Persia, Mauryan India, Han
China, Olmec and Mayan Mexico and Chavin Peru. This phase lasted 2,469
years, drawing to a close at the end of Medieval times, near the 1398

The Renaissance was born at the start of the Gemini phase. This 'eventually-
to-be-global' cultural revolution originated in Europe, penetrating most of the
world by 1892, within one Neptune-Pluto cycle. The Gemini phase lasts until
the 3800s. The urban-industrial and global village eras of recent times
constitute but the early parts of this long Gemini phase. Owing to the cyclic
co-ordination of Neptune and Pluto, oppositions take place when Pluto sits in
the sign of the conjunction, and Neptune in the opposite sign. In about 247
years, Pluto moves one turn of the zodiac, and Neptune one-and-a-half turns.
The issues explored in the conjunction sign are therefore given a further airing
at the opposition.

Sextiles and Trines

When on the Scorpio side of the zodiac, Pluto moves fast - at a similar pace to
Neptune. The two planets stay in aspect for around 80 years. We are in one
such period today. Neptune and Pluto formed a waxing sextile in 1950,
between Libra and Leo, which will end in 2031, between Aries and Aquarius.
The periods of exactness are 1950-55, 1976-84 and 2026-31. When Pluto was
in Scorpio (1984-96) it reached its perihelion (closest point to the Sun) and
fastest speed in 1988. Previous instances occurred in 1741 (start of the
Industrial Revolution), 1493 (Columbus) and 1246 (the Mongols). At the
waxing sextile and the waning trine of every cycle, when Pluto returns to
Scorpio, such a protracted aspect happens. The last waning trine period was
1704-1785 (continuously exact 1704-39 and 1777-85). Over many millennia,
as the conjunctions creep round the zodiac, these protracted periods shift to
other aspects. Imagine an 80-year square! This creep-cycle lasts
approximately 29,600 years and, if one takes Aries as the start, the current
megacycle started in 3540 BCE.

Waxing hemicycles

When a cycle starts at the conjunction, its seeds are already laid. Things don't
usually happen in big, dramatic ways (a marked exception being the fall of
Rome to the Visigoths in 410). At the 1398 and 1892 conjunctions, few
blatantly world-shattering events took place. Yet telltale tendencies were
there, hidden away in the drawing rooms of Florence in 1398, or in
workshops, societies and consulting rooms in 1892. These tendencies were to
change the world.

At the waxing semisextile (30°), new developments ferment surreptitiously.

Situations arising or initiatives taken set the stage for future growth, though
people might not see this at the time. At the semisquare (45°), vital longterm
decisions/adjustments are made, as amassing facts present potent possibilities
and their implications. Seeds germinate, and ideas, visions and predicaments
spark the need for long-haul action, for 'staying on the case'. At the waxing
sextile (60°), germinated seeds become visible plants, growing wildly,
everywhichway. This rushing time of escalation and unfoldment, in Neptune-
Pluto's case, can be drawn-out but intense, as the 1950s-80s have been in our
own time.
Then comes the waxing square (90°). Possibilities must become more actual,
get real and work, or crash or dwindle. It's crunch-time, and reality wrings out
the excess and the unlikely. These can be testy times, times of showdowns,
disintegrations, reintegrations and shifting agendas. At the waxing trine (120°)
things are developing well, or willy-nilly, settling in, establishing roots,
extending - or, at times, lapsing into chaos or doldrums. The doors are open
and the buds are showing. At the sesquiquadrate (135°), there can be snags
and hurdles, cutting away the dross. It's a course-adjustment and final check,
as if to say "Are you sure?". Sharp distinctions, rivalries, hidden agendas or
inevitabilities show themselves, and some hard swallowing or clinching
events can occur. Intention and reality can grate. At the waxing quincunx
(150°), if intention and reality are disjunctive, weird situations develop, and if
they are 'in order', then a new reality presents itself. The flowers are coming
out. This new reality, and its implications, fully present themselves at the
opposition (180°). Whatever was sought, it is answered by reality, and
whatever was unfolding becomes fact. This is it. Whatever was born on or
after the conjunction has now become established fact - or it proves itself to be
unrealisable. Whatever the case, reality shifts, and there's no going back. Now
that we've got here, what do we do?

Waning hemicycles

At the opposition, it's too late to regret or change anything. Reality has
changed, and reassessment is needed. Now we have to handle the outcome!
Many consequences reveal themselves during the waning quincunx (210°),
and successes and failings, achievements and shadows, are all visible,
bringing unforeseen rewards or problems, and usually both. At the waning
sesquiquadrate (225°), something must be done with this. We're much the
wiser, yet a crisis of reorientation appears. Fruits are developing, but if people
are lax the harvest will be wasted. Then comes the waning trine (240°): what
once was new is now settled, established and normalised, for better or worse.
This is what we have become. Things trundle along the groove they have
settled into, though the possibilities inherent in that can now be drawn out. In
Neptune-Pluto's case, this is a protracted aspect, lasting up to 80 years.

Then comes the waning square (270°), and trouble. Whatever is now
established and routine, whether helpful or problematic, is thrown into
question. It's harvest-time, with a lot of work to do. What was once new is
now a thing of the past, busily delivering consequences, even holding things
back. Yet the harvest produces seeds for the next cycle. The world must now
build on this, and lessons learned must be applied. The past dominates.
Change becomes advisable, though the preference is to continue with tried and
tested habits. However, dross and dead leaves must be cleared away. During
the waning sextile (300°), dividends are reaped, feasts are held and
conclusions drawn, or stultification and gridlock set in. Usually it's a mixture
of both. Now we are definitely continuing tradition for its own sake. At the
waning semisquare (315°) the past must be released and wrapped up. If
anyone is unhappy, too bad. Final details must now be put in place. Future
possibilities emerge, though immediate change seems improbable or
unwanted. The past dominates. Lessons must be learned and issues clarified.
The wish to move forward into the future is now generated. During the
waning semisextile (330°) it's reminiscence, understanding, forgiveness and
completion time. We're stuck with what we have. Things must be put in
perspective and in context. The next conjunction approaches, bringing a new
start, bringing a new agenda and starting-point.

Now we shall review a whole cycle of Neptune-Pluto aspects - the last full
cycle and the opening of the modern age.

Renaissance and Discovery, 1398-1644

This whole cycle brought Europe's ascendancy. The 1398 conjunction came
just fifty years after the Black Death, one of humanity's greatest ever crises.
One third of Eurasia's population died. Whole towns, regions and institutions
dwindled. God and reality came into question. The Medieval order crumbled.
Humanity suddenly became more materialistic and pragmatic. Around 1400,
the new Ming dynasty was modernising China. West African states such as
Songhai were wealthy, educated and advanced. The Incas and Aztecs were on
the rise. Turks were impacting seriously on the Middle East and the Balkans.
Northwest Europe was rising in momentum and influence. Quietly,
Renaissance ideas, arts and letters were being incubated in places like
Florence, under the patronage of mercantile families such as the Medicis. And
a quiet development happened in Portugal: Prince Henry the Navigator
opened a mariner's college, sponsoring Atlantic and African explorations.
Something enormous was beginning.

Around the semisextile of 1423-24 (Cancer-Gemini), early Protestants

(Bohemian Hussites) started causing trouble for Catholic Rome, and the
Portuguese occupied Ceuta, their first north African outpost. Holland became
the centre of European business and music. The ingredients of change were
building up. At the 1438-1440 semisquare (Virgo-Cancer), Gutenberg
published his first printed book - this alone was an incredibly significant
event. Africa's richest state, Songhai, was at its peak, the Inca conquering
period was starting and, before long, Byzantium was finally to fall to the
Ottoman Turks. Admiral Zheng He took a Chinese fleet to India, Mecca and
Africa - though these imperial probings later came to nothing. At this time,
China, the Muslim bloc, the Incas and the Europeans were all subconsciously
contemplating continental-scale expansion.
The extended sextile came in two phases, from 1461 to 1480 (Libra-Leo to
Sagittarius-Libra) and 1536 to 1540 (Aries-Aquarius) - generally in effect for
80 years. This was the High Renaissance and the Reformation in Europe, a
veritable rush of ideas, creativity, social and economic change. Many wars
and conquests occurred world-wide, the biggest being Spain's destruction of
the Aztec, Mayan and Inca civilisations in the 1520s-30s. The sextile brought
relentless change and development in technology, ideas, beliefs and
geopolitics - just as the 1950s-70s sextile period was also to do. The square
occurred in 1568-72 (Gemini-Pisces), during the time of Elizabeth I in
England, Nobunaga in Japan and Akbar the Great in India. Protestants and
Catholics, modernists and traditionalists angled for dominance in Europe,
while Akbar's 'reformation' attempted a reconciliation of Hindus and Muslims.
Russia found its feet and Europe grew richer - thanks partially to Mexican
gold and the African diaspora (slave trade). In China, conservatives slowed
modernisation and returned China to an isolationism which was to last until
the end of the cycle. The wide open world-wide possibilities emergent at the
conjunction were now narrowing down: the American civilisations were dead,
China and India, after a burst, failed to take their expansion further, Africa
was being co-opted by Europe, and Europe was on an unstoppable roll.

During the trine of 1594-98 (Leo-Aries), all these developments grew

sounder. Tokugawa Japan and Elizabethan England were on the rise, merchant
adventurers plied the waves, and the Spanish American empire reached its
peak. This was the time of Shakespeare, Galileo, Kepler and Bacon. European
modernism was now serious and spreading. By 1607-1609, at the
sesquiquadrate (Virgo-Taurus), England and France started colonising North
America, Holland found independence (symptomising the growth of
mercantile capitalism), the scientific revolution was starting, and Europe was
on the edge of an enormous power-showdown, the Thirty Years' War.

The Pilgrim Fathers landed in America at the quincunx of 1619-23 (Scorpio-

Gemini). The Thirty Years' War broke out over confused religious conflicts,
wrecking Germany. The Manchus, soon to take over China, were mustering
power. Traditional and modernistic power each vied for influence, world-
wide. This friction reached a climax at the opposition of 1644-48 (Sagittarius-
Gemini, with a Uranus-Neptune conjunction too).

Revolution and imperialism, 1644-1892

Europe, especially Germany, was carved up afresh by 1648, the end of the
Thirty Years' War. The Manchus took China, the English civil war and the
French Fronde rebellion inadvertently squeezed Western Europe into modern
times, and European world-dominance accelerated. Capitalism, urban life,
scientific thinking and popular opinion were creating a new reality. Europe
was tired of God, kings, lords and a fixed social order. It was seeking
something new. This would painfully, lengthily unfold during the waning
Neptune-Pluto hemicycle.

On the waning quincunx of 1672-73 (Aquarius-Cancer), Manchu China

entered a century of greatness and stability, Moghul India passed its peak and
European science, architecture and society were transforming the very shape
of life. The 1685-89 sesquiquadrate (Pisces-Cancer) established England as
the world's leading economic power. China closed itself off and the Ottomans
passed their zenith.

Then came the 80-year waning trine, 1704-39 (Aries-Leo to Cancer-Scorpio)

and 1777-85 (Libra-Aquarius). The modern world clearly emerged: financial
markets, banks and the first multinational corporations appeared, with 'cabinet
politics', a growing sense of social rights, and a profusion of scientific,
agricultural and technological discoveries. The first modern industrial
factories and cities were built, Moghul India turned into the British Raj,
Germany was reborn, and USA was founded. All this just flowed out like a
torrent - topped by the French Revolution and Napoleonic wars afterwards!

The Neptune-Pluto square of 1817-20 (Sagittarius-Pisces) came close to a

Uranus-Neptune conjunction in 1821. Here came the reconstitution of Europe
after Napoleon's attempt to unite it. The first railways began to link the
smoky, clanking cities of the Industrial Revolution in Britain. Trades unions
were founded. Latin Americans won independence. The modern world was
going strong. The friction between 'progress' and tradition went through
another major shift.

The waning sextile of 1844-45 (Aquarius-Aries) clearly underpinned the 1848

European revolutions, the growing workers' movements, the Communist
Manifesto, the California Gold Rush (making USA a transcontinental power)
and the growth of Australia. Capitalism now dominated the world. The
semisquare in 1856-57 (Pisces-Taurus) saw the Crimean War (the first truly
modern war), the opening of Japan, the peak of Victorian culture and the
Indian Mutiny - glory with complications. Modern society, with serious

In 1868-69, the semisextile (Aries-Taurus) saw the modernising Meiji

Restoration in Japan, the first American transcontinental railroad, the
unification of Germany, the rise of the European 'scramble for Africa'.
Victorian urban-industrial reality was an established fact, and the world was
being reshaped. The dynamic of the Renaissance was fulfilled. Seeds were
settling for the future too - their germination, at the next waxing semisextile,
came in 1916-17, the First World War.
In 1891-92 came the Neptune-Pluto conjunction. The world made another
quantum leap, now interlinked by railways, steamboats and telegraph wires.
The 1890s were unremarkable for big events, though rich in trends and
initiatives. First the trends: millionaire-driven, big-capital, corporate America,
while rising in power, was mirrored by the growth of international socialism;
modern world-cities such as New York, Bombay, Shanghai, Rio and
Johannesburg were now prominent; modern Japan made its mark; the last
corners of the world were explored; Europe was unwittingly passing its world
leadership to Russia (then the 'hotbed of capitalism') and USA. Here are some
inventions of the 1890s: automobiles, aeroplanes, electrical systems, frozen
and canned foods, plastics and artificial fibres, X-rays, photographic film, the
oil and advertising industries, phonographs, radio and mass media,
skyscrapers and pharmaceuticals. Some big ideas of the 1890s: nuclear
physics, new age beliefs (spiritualism, parapsychology and Theosophy),
socialism, feminism, electoral democracy, social insurance, psychoanalysis,
sociology, independence movements, art nouveau and pre-modern music
(Mahler, Debussy and others). The 1890s represented a massive turning-point
in history. The 20th Century was defined in this decade, around the Neptune-
Pluto conjunction.


The movements of Pluto, in history, seem to chart the actual mechanics of

fundamental factual change. Pluto's keyword, 'transformation', has 'form' in
the middle of it. The movements of Neptune chart evolving social imagery
and perceptual constructs - ideas, beliefs and contexts of understanding. When
event-fundamentals and beliefs-perceptions interact, we get the basic
undertow of history and its themes. Thus, in Neptune-Pluto cycles, we see a
basic driving-force which moves and drives historic tendencies and trends.
What humans do with this is what makes our world.

Groupthink, awareness and Uranus-Neptune cycles

Uranus and Neptune have relatively regular cycles - their orbits around the
Sun are close-to-circular, so the complexities brought along by eccentric Pluto
do not apply here. Successive conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune roll along
every 170-172 years, and there's a certain consistency to their positioning too.
Each conjunction occurs roughly half a sign (16-18°) further along the zodiac,
which means that, usually, each sign receives two conjunctions, covering a
two-cycle period lasting 240-245 years. This is close to the zodiacal cycle of
Pluto at 250 years, almost half the length of a Neptune-Pluto cycle of 495
years and roughly twice the average length of Uranus-Pluto cycles.
All three planets' mutual cycles coincided between -578 and -576. This was a
fundamentally formative period across the world. Many important ways of
thought were laid down, affecting us to this day. It was an exceptionally tight
sequence of conjunctions: Neptune conjunct Pluto in 578 (8° Taurus), Uranus
conjunct Pluto in 577-76 (10-11° Taurus) and Uranus conjunct Neptune in
576-75 (14-15° Taurus). Very elegant, very remarkable.
The -570s must have been an amazing time - though no one knew of these
outer planets at the time and, therefore, people will not have consciously felt
or been able to identify these influences. This said, pieces of evidence hint
inconclusively that the ancients indeed did know of the existence of these
planets - just as they knew that the Earth orbited the Sun. Yet there is no
notable evidence from written history that the ancients of the -570s
objectively knew that this decade would be so crucial to human history. No
one at that time had heard of Greek rationalism, Buddhism, Taoism,
Confucian philosophy, the Old Testament or the Grail legends, yet these
sprang out of the decades which followed, unfolding their stories therefrom.
Hidden history

Astrological energies do not cause events to happen. Historical events are but
symptoms of motions and rumblings within the individual and collective
psyches of local and world society. Astrological energies generate ever-
varying, yet quite specific kinds of 'energy-weather' - time-holograms of
possibility, with their themes, nuances and parameters. Humans respond
variously to the vibrational atmospheres and prompts of the time. Human
response is the incalculable Factor-X in astro-history.

Though certain things might be expected to occur during aspects or

configurations, there is no guarantee that they will do so, or that predictable,
habitual human responses might prevail. Historical events often come about
with a large dose of fluke and a tenuous thread of intention. An empire can
start from an argument between a prince and his mistress, one rainy day. The
Wright Brothers won the race to fly because most other aviators had died in

All this makes it difficult reliably to prognosticate precisely how things will
pan out when we look into the future, yet a study of how things have panned
out in the past helps enormously. Nothing in astrology indicates how
humanity will respond to time's energy-pressures: astrology shows only what
is feasible, encouraged and allowed by the underlying swell of the time-
energies it studies - often more in retrospect than in advance.

Gods of the sky and sea

Here Uranus and Neptune step in. The Uranus-Neptune conjunction of 1993
was expected by some astrologers to bring noticeable, definitive, even
disastrous events - such as financial market dramas or systemic collapses. Yet,
if anything, the time passed off with no greater blockbuster events than most
years, and less than some.
Did this transit have hardly any effect? No. Uranus-Neptune energies work
surreptitiously. They influence awareness and the inner movies playing within
the world psyche. Thus, if we seek definitive events, we can miss a lot. Outer-
planet astrology identifies background, underlying forces, so we need to look
for signs and symbols of these.

Dramatic front-of-stage events connected with the 1993 conjunction started in

1986 with Chernobyl. Then, in 1989, Saturn, Jupiter and Chiron activated the
impending conjunction, and the Berlin Wall and Iron Curtain fell, Russia
radically changed and China nearly transformed itself (but then backed off -
this change will presumably come surreptitiously instead, by 'accident'). In the
early 90s we had Gulf War Two, Bosnia, Rwanda and South Africa, and the
upswinging 'tiger economies'. All these manifested powerful undercurrents,
but what was their real meaning? The meaning lies several layers further
This conjunction operated in the wider context of the Neptune-Pluto
conjunction of 1892, which had launched us into the electronic global village,
and the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1965-66, in which Twentieth Century
issues reached a critical point. Ideas and radical shifts of world-view, bubbling
under since the 1890s, broke into the public domain.

The 1993 Uranus-Neptune conjunction slotted a further something into place -

the beginnings of a genuinely global mindset, a background shift of
perspective and identification, a fundamental and surreptitious break with
tradition - particularly on the female side. A new level of world
interdependence and integration had taken hold, finding new life on Internet,
moving from the background to the foreground of public awareness. This was
not primarily visionary or idealistic - more a pragmatic mass subconscious
response to the growing 'post-modern' situation, to our new global reality and
its experienced facts and side-effects.

Those who believe in a secretive, centralised conspiracy controlling world

affairs overlook one big factor: not even the world's greatest power-holders
have a sure grasp on everything - especially when contexts shift. They
managed to stop and tame erupting social revolutions around 1968, yet it was
touch-and-go. They managed to head off rising public feelings of freedom and
empowerment after 1989, yet they can never control what goes on secretly,
within the social unconscious, in response to the events of the time.

By 1993, public ignorance of the major issues at stake worldwide had

disappeared. Life continued more or less as normal, as if people were
savouring its hardships and artificial consumptive freedoms. We found ever-
new and intricate ways of complicating, avoiding and delaying an acceptance
of our true planetary situation. People sought radical changes without things
changing radically. Yet, deep down, beliefs, values and understandings were
eroding, losing power, creating a blank slate for whatever is next to unfold.
This syndrome is typical of a Uranus-Neptune period: powerful issues ferment
underneath, without necessarily emerging in drastic forms and events.

Uranus-Neptune cycles

These 170-year cycles seem to affect the way we feel about our slot in history,
and how we see the world from there. Between the Uranus-Neptune
conjunctions of 1821 and 1993 we saw the rise of the Victorian-colonial
world-view, which then melted into the Twentieth Century world-view. The
latter arose out of the former, yet they fundamentally differed both in terms of
perception/experience and presented reality. The depth-attitudinal watershed
between them started in 1892 with the Neptune-Pluto conjunction and
completed itself with the 1906-1910 Uranus-Neptune opposition. Our planet
has changed drastically during this Uranus-Neptune cycle, and this opposition
period marked a cruxpoint.

During the preceding cycle, 1650-1821, in Europe, we saw the Age of Reason,
the Enlightenment and the seed-sowing of modern life and values. The cycle
of 1478-1650 encompassed the Renaissance and Reformation, a struggle of
ideas, initiatives, outbreaks and insecurities as Europe birthed a new
civilisation-paradigm. The conjunctions of 1307, 1136 and 965 neatly
circumscribe the late, high and early medieval periods, and those of 794, 623-
4 and 452 outline distinct stages in Dark Ages Europe.


There is a fascinating relationship between Chinese dynasties and Uranus-

Neptune cycles. Dynasties loosely represent cultural-social periods in Chinese
history. Their rises, peaks and falls have an astrological timeliness to them.
The Qin, the first classical Chinese dynasty, who established a unified
imperial Chinese system from -221, probably started hatching their plot
around the conjunction of -233, just twelve years earlier. The Early Han soon
took over, stabilising Chinese institutions. They reached their zenith around
the next conjunction of -62. Things deteriorated after some decades and went
into free-fall. Then the Later Han rose to power on the opposition of +22-26.
Though they survived until 220, their legitimacy subsided at the following
opposition of 194-97. During the complex period which followed, the linkages

Then the Tang reunified China in 618-24, on a conjunction. They declined on

the opposition of 878-81, after 11/2 cycles. China fell apart, and was reunited
by the Song around the conjunction of 965, and divided between the Chin and
the Song around the conjunction of 1136. The Ming broke the pattern. Yet
their era, from 1368 to 1644, properly lifted off at the major configuration of
the 1390s, when Uranus opposed both Neptune and Pluto. The Qing
(Manchus) replaced the Ming in 1644 on another major configuration - this
time Uranus conjuncting Neptune, opposing Pluto. The Qing fell in 1911 just
after the opposition. Also, the Communists nearly fell (over Tienanmen
Square) on the run-up to the 1993 conjunction. Russian history, though
shorter, has a similar connection with Uranus-Neptune cycles.

The most recent cycle

The 1821-1993 cycle began in the context of the American and French
revolutions, Napoleonic wars and early industrial revolution. On the 1821
conjunction in Capricorn the first public railways opened. The Romantics
were the first environmental protesters. In England, new industrial cities
mushroomed - a boom time accompanied by environmental and social
devastation. Colonialism and industry were now big business. On the sextile
in 1853-56 the Victorian age was in full swing, and urban-rational-industrial
values - and trains and telegraphs - were settling in. Darwin wrote his
ideologically-defining Origin of Species.

The square of 1868-70 saw the opening up of Japan (the Meiji Restoration),
the French Third Republic and empire, and the unification of Germany. This
was the rather pompous peak of the Victorian era, the steam age. Escalating
competition for world dominance became a 'mission to civilise', a scramble
for Africa and a seriously large-scale worldwide venture on the trine of 1880-
83. USA and Russia were becoming great powers too.
The opposition of 1906-1910 brought Einstein's Theory of Relativity, the first
Russian Revolution, and an intense transition into the twentieth century
world-view. Dominated by USA and USSR, the century was to buzz with
airplanes, cars, telephones and movies, isolating people into busy, complex,
torn lives. At the waning trine of 1939-43 all hell broke loose - humanity was
wrenched around by warfare, with its sweeping changes and force. On the
square of 1954-56 colonial empires fell, and Elvis Presley, TV and nuclear
power rose - the high-tech age crept in. The sextile of 1966-67 added extra
energy to the Uranus-Pluto conjunction and the radical, longterm-oriented
contextual shift of that time.

Between 1821 and 1993, worldwide, human awareness made perhaps its
biggest leap ever, with ever more people making it. To understand what's
really happening underneath, look at protest movements, which express
humanity's conscience and heartfelt responses to presented realities. Around
the opposition of 1906-10, protest movements fought mainly for social,
political and economic causes, yet by the 1990s they concerned
environmental, lifestyle, racial and technological causes in the richer world,
and nationalist, ethnic and political issues in the 'developing' world.

Truths and illusions

Our world-view is made up of truths, half-truths and untruths, discussed,

believed and quietly felt, en masse. Individuals and subgroups in the public
eye embody tendencies within the collective psyche, all vying and jostling for
airspace and influence. Though subgroup tensions have grown much more
complex, mass-consciousness is nevertheless being welded into a more
globally-unified wholeness, interlinked by travel, communications and media.
In the next Uranus-Neptune cycle, up to 2165, we are challenged to build a
genuine, globally-consensual, planetary world-view, embracing our
differences and variety. And the scenario following the opposition of 2080 is
likely to sharply contrast that which we are now evolving as the cycle begins.

Uranus-Neptune frequencies resonate through groupthink - through the

underlying assumptions, conventions, hidden agendas and values of our
world. Groupthink perpetually changes, and it's the stuff of collective life. It's
what lies behind what people believe is going on. Uranus and Neptune seem
to drive this along. Imagination, aspiration and genius pull from the front, and
lies, avoidances and fears drag it back - and somewhere in the middle there is
the median point of real human evolution.

Uranus-Pluto cycles and the storms of history

Default human behaviour

Trouble is, we humans tend to avoid exploiting many of our big opportunities
when they're offered. We drag our feet and resist change until our arms are
twisted behind our backs and the pain excludes other alternatives. We're very
accustomed to this behaviour. The outcome is that change-potential
accumulates until the dam bursts - and then babies get thrown away with
bathwaters. This happens particularly when Uranus and Pluto plant hidden
mines and lob missiles at all regularity and stability. Blessings and cruelties
unite in their hammer action, hitting masses of people, and conscripting those
individuals who, by choice or mishap, are called to ride the wave of destiny or
go through the mangle on everyone's behalf.

The Chinese and Russian revolutions of 1911 and 1917 rode on the back of
the 1901-02 Uranus-Pluto and the 1906-10 Uranus-Neptune oppositions. The
time-delay between energy and outcome, caused mainly by the conservatism
of the Manchu and Romanov dynasties, did not stem the pressure for change.
It gave change more time to build up into an unstoppable force. Had these
dynasties chosen reform decades earlier, they might have fared much better in
history - not to mention the people they ruled. The grief Russia and China
have seen in the 20th Century could have been very different.

The adoption of default resistance-patterns makes the joined action of Uranus

and Pluto a radical and overwhelming force in history - a structure-buster.
Thunder (Pluto) and lightning (Uranus)! Frequently - though not always -
these two planets can precipitate several leaps in one jump. Then it can take
decades to assimilate the outcomes. Evidence can be found from most readers'
own lifetimes, through looking at the global and social effects of the 1965-66
conjunction in Virgo - about which more later.

Radicalism and conservatism

Uranus and Pluto do not automatically signify forward change. They bend the
bars and blow holes in the walls, leaving us to respond to the acute options
presented. One sector of society might take one path, and another sector might
take another. It's not always 'the people' who lead and the saturnine authorities
which resist - 'revolution from above' happens too, as Mao Tsedong attempted
in the 1960s Chinese Cultural Revolution.
Uranus and Pluto have their own characteristic styles of creating resistance
and conservatism. They can push people up against their fears, exacerbating
resistance to change by threatening insecurity or disaster. Uranus' resistances
include the diversion of social energies. Two examples are the starting of the
Napoleonic wars and of WW1, both of which captured nascent popular
energies which became dangerous to the established order. Yet when one
plays with such forces, they can backfire. Uranus can hijack new initiatives by
forms of trickery too, as in the revolutions of 1848, when European
bourgeoisies filched the restless energies of factory workers to strengthen their
own power.

Pluto's resisting patterns include outright oppression and escalation of social

control. Two relatively recent examples were the stamping out of protest and
the illegalisation of LSD around 1968-70 or, worse, the Nazi takeover in
Germany in 1933 (during a Uranus-Pluto square). Here, suppression of
minorities disguised the subtle control and coercion of majorities. Another
Plutonine example is the use of abject fear and destruction - a recent example
being the use of defoliants and napalm in Vietnam in the late 1960s.

Genghiz Khan, master of medieval blitzkrieg, set the Mongols on the rampage
around the 1201 Uranus-Pluto conjunction (in Cancer). By the square of 1236-
39 they threatened Eurasia, and by the opposition of 1283-86 they ruled much
of it. The zenith of the neo-Mongol terror-merchant Timurlenk, reputed for his
piles of skulls, occurred later during the major configuration of the 1390s
(mentioned in an earlier article), with Uranus and Pluto in opposition. Terror

There's a hidden twist and kick-back: these forces are, after all,
uncontrollable. The energy of revolutions can often turn to chaos, leading to
the re-creation in new form of what was destroyed: Louis XVI's execution in
1793 turned into the emperorship of Napoleon by 1799, and Czar Nicholas'
death in 1917 lead to the rise of Stalin in 1924. The historical lesson here is
that, if forces of change are blocked, they turn savage, leading to excess and
consequent reaction, giving power to historical figures with the spunk to take
advantage of a situation. Yet such power-holders usually embody something
in the collective psyche which craves authoritarian control, even if demanding
the opposite.

The influences of Uranus and Pluto are not simple and clear-cut. During the
Uranus-Pluto square of 1933-34, a pressing need to reactivate sagging
economies after the worldwide crash of 1929 led in Germany to Hitler's rise
(he was seen at first as a reformer and national saviour) and in USA to
Roosevelt's New Deal (an enlightened move which actually gave background
military-business interests an insidious leg-up). Similarly, in the mid-1960s
conjunction, there was a mixed outpouring in pop music of both light ("All
you need is love") and dark energies ("I am the god of hell-fire..."), bringing
very confused archetypes into the public domain.

Chips and peaceniks

Let's look more deeply at the mid-1960s. The enormous breakthroughs

occurring at this time were so enormous, rampant and fundamental that, even
though there was much subsequent suppression of its fomenters, such
breakthroughs crept indelibly into wider public consciousness during the
subsequent decades. Their implications have still not been fully absorbed by
society. Over time, the scale of suppression has actually helped the growth
what has been suppressed: the repeated denial in recent decades of ecological,
health, human rights and military issues by politicians, media, scientists and
other authorities have led to the undermining of those very authorities' power
in the public eye.

Let's take but two elements characteristic of the 1960s (and of the sign Virgo):
the microchip and the social movements of protest and awakening. It took
until the late-1970s, with the rise of the personal computer, for the effects of
the microchip to impact on wider society. Today, at year 2000, the unfolding
social implications of this key technological item are but young and
incomplete, despite the proliferation of Internet, mobile phones and gizmos
Society has used such technological gains to extend and reinforce its
established patterns of business- and media-dominance and artificial
amphetamine economics, established a century ago, yet the true social and
global transformation arising from these technologies is yet to come. Advance
waves of this transformation are symbolised in the nationalist-globalist
tensions of our time, in enormous shifts in social values and in the erosion of
traditional centralised institutions. More is to come. These technologies have
not been suppressed, but co-opted for use in commercial-scientific-military
applications, instead of their engagement in public awakening, welfare and

Flower Power was a catalyst of many emergent movements which had been
lurking under the surface since the 1890s: spiritual and conceptual awakening,
ecological awareness, the women's movement, minority and human rights,
diet and lifestyle. These impulses erupted in the 1960s on a surprised world,
yet they soon went underground, to emerge covertly later on, in little
pervasive bits. By 1989 (the Uranus-Pluto semisquare) many of these
principles were nominally accepted, or noted, by the world's mainstream. The
full tidal power of the changes involved are yet to come. Yes, many women
now have jobs and power, yet the integration of feminine values into society is
much slower. Yes, consciousness-growth and lifestyle-change have crept in,
yet only to the extent that they are kept comfortable and personal. Their wider
social, civilisational implications are yet to dawn. But they're closer now than
thirty years ago.

In the case of both of these deep historical threads, the likely integration-point
is probably the coming Uranus-Pluto opposition of 2046-48, or even the
conjunction of 2104. This statement might disappoint some new-agers who
prefer transformative quick-fixes, yet the extent of change involved is so great
and so deep that it takes such a length of time. History irritatingly transcends
our own short life-spans! Planted trees take over a century to become a mature
forest. Sure, we reached the Moon in 1968, yet the deeper assimilation of the
implications of space travel are still far away - even if ETs landed tomorrow!

Uranus-Pluto conjunctions and oppositions might bring sudden and radical

changes, like a cathartic diarrhoea, yet their full integration takes ages.
Uranus-Pluto cycles certainly stir things up, yet Neptune-Pluto cycles act as a
more fundamental engine of change. If we take the radical teachings on love
spread by Jesus, born during the Uranus-Pluto opposition of 6 BC to AD1,
we've so far taken two millennia, and we still haven't created Heaven on
Earth! So much for quick Uranian action! Yet this man's essential teachings
are not obsolete.

Uranus' and Pluto's cyclic antics

Uranus has a reasonably constant cycle of motion lasting 84-85 years,
spending seven years in each zodiac sign. Pluto orbits eccentrically in 250ish
years, spending anything from 12 to 35 years in a sign (fastest and closest to
the Sun when in Scorpio, slowest and furthest when in Taurus). Uranus' cycle
is roughly one-third of the duration of Pluto's, and there's an elastic twang to
their inter-aspects which is elegantly irregular. Their stretchy orbital antics
make for a regular pattern of mutual conjunctions, alternately 111ish and
143ish years apart. The short interval takes place when Pluto moves slowly
between Aquarius and Cancer, during which time Uranus easily outpaces
Pluto. The long interval happens when Pluto moves fast (Leo to Capricorn),
meaning that Uranus takes longer to catch up with Pluto.

Another interesting pattern emerges too. Successive conjunctions usually take

place in two signs of the same element (with a little elasticity). Also, Uranus
positions during oppositions alternate between one of the conjunction signs
and the third sign of the element being featured. Examine the table to
understand this. There are exceptions, and the pattern of opposition positions
is not exact. Air sign conjunctions and oppositions were dominant from the
200s BC to the 500s AD (the Roman and Han Chinese periods), water signs
from the late 500s to the late 1200s (the Middle Ages), fire signs from the
1300s to 1900 (the early-Modern period), and we are now in a period of
predominantly earth sign conjunctions and oppositions.

Classic quakes of Roman history

Here we shall pick out some instances of Uranus-Pluto conjunctions and

oppositions, with reference to the fortunes of Rome. Now, it's easy to pluck
out examples to reinforce one's point, and the details below might appear like
a convenient biased selection. However, anyone who understands Roman
history will verify that these stated events indeed are significant - though
space prevents their full contextualisation here.

The conjunction of 323 BC (Taurus) brought the sudden death in Babylon, at

age 33, of Alexander the Great - his startling Greek empire-building career
collapsed. Greek influence continued, though the fall of Alexander's
multinational imperial aspirations gave Rome a vacuum to fill. The
subsequent opposition in 264-261 (Aquarius-Leo) saw the first Punic War, a
struggle between the Romans and Carthaginian Phoenicians for control of the
Mediterranean, marking the rise of Rome as a great power. During the next
opposition (127 BC, Libra-Aries), Rome underwent attempted reform by the
Gracchus brothers (reputedly pre-incarnations of the Kennedy brothers), later
undermined and ended by vested interests. The Gracchi at least tried!

In the conjunction of 70-69 BC (Gemini) Rome became a military

dictatorship, then to be consolidated into a empire around the opposition of 6
BC to AD1 by Octavian Augustus - one of those 'revolution from above' rulers
mentioned earlier. At the conjunction of 74 AD, Rome's army was seriously
tied up with serious revolts by the British and the Jews - and the Jews revolted
again on the following opposition. At the conjunction of 185-186 the Scots
and Britons again revolted, and Rome also nearly fell in an orgy of crime,
corruption, plague and civil war.
On the opposition of 256-261 the Persians seriously beat the Romans,
capturing the emperor and forcing him onto his knees, and France and Britain
became virtually autonomous. Following the 328 conjunction, Constantine
moved the capital to Constantinople, since Rome was turning in on itself.
Around the opposition of 381-382 the Visigoths stormed parts of the empire,
causing panic and retreat, then later sacking Rome itself on the waning square
of 409-410.

From this quick, cursory review of Roman events, it can be seen that Uranus-
Pluto turning-points bring a variety of symptoms and mechanisms of change.
They signify unexpected wobbles, at times drastically affecting the course of
history. One fine example was the ending of Roman republican democracy
(such as it was) around 70 BC, leading to the later foundation of the empire -
and to Rome's transformation from a brick-built to a marble city. Another
example was the founding of Constantinople around 330, leading to a Roman
rebirth in Byzantine form. To end this tale, Byzantium eventually fell to the
Turks, a millennium later in 1453, two years before a Uranus-Pluto
conjunction in Leo.

Inspiration and perspiration

There's a close connection between genius and Uranus-Pluto energy-blips.

Virtually every conjunction and opposition coughs up remarkable advances in
culture, invention or instigation. The hitch is that, once the excitement is over,
longterm reality strikes again. The 1901-02 opposition in Sagittarius-Gemini
brought us Quantum Theory, Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams", radio, public
electrical systems and flight, and the effects of these have been unfolding ever
since - with a mixture of enlightening and polluting effects. A previous
opposition in the same signs in 774-76 saved civilisation in Europe (during the
Carolingian Renaissance and in the Cordoba Caliphate, Spain). Unbeknownst
to Charlemagne, the foundations of the European Union of 1200 years later
were laid at this time. Such prescient developments do happen when
transpersonal forces work their magic.

This spotlights one characteristic of genius - it anticipates and caters for

possibilities unknown at the time. Little did Alcuin the Monk, Charlemagne's
scholarly mentor, know that Belgium would later become central in Europe,
and little were the Wright brothers to suspect that aviation-driven package
holidays would impact so much on Sri Lanka. The wringing action on the
public unconscious of Uranus and Pluto squeezes out images and initiatives
which speak to history: in but one Uranus-Pluto hemicycle a paper-and-wood
biplane became a lunar landing module, and Freudianism became a sexual
revolution. Things move a long way fast, yet much intervenes in between.

At present, many prophecy buffs look toward the year 2012 as a time of
drastic change. Though end-of-the-world type anticipations might turn out to
be exaggerated, there nevertheless is a Uranus-Pluto square from 2012-15. At
a square, new impulses arising from a conjunction are put to the test - there is
a manifestation crisis. The astrologically-logical likelihood for 2012 is that the
paradigm-shift issues of the 1960s will be forced by circumstance to deliver
their goods: ecological ideas, women's power and techno-globalism, to name
but three bundles of issues, will probably have to handle an emergency. War,
institutions and boundaries (Aries-Capricorn) are predictable front-runners for
likely trouble. Knowing how things are nowadays, this aspect is likely
actually to bring a hailstorm of major issues.

But the choices now are fundamental. We need to realise, for example, that
war no longer resolves conflicts as once it did. This is now a pragmatic issue,
not solely a moral one or the domain of lettuce-eating pacifists. In the twelve
years up to this aspect, we possess the choice to make major proactive
forward-steps, or to continue delaying and avoiding such challenges as long as
possible. As in 1930, on the previous square, when economic and social crisis
demanded drastic action, so around 2012 we tread perilous paths along which
the choices we make might have enormous and rapid outcomes. Ten years
after 1930 the world was at war. What will the world be like in the decade
following 2012?

Since Planet Earth is a world of variety, a variety of things will undoubtedly

happen. There will no doubt be both horrors and deeply moving
breakthroughs, and (especially for reincarnate Mayans!) it could be the end
and beginning of a new age - of some sort! However, this is a square,
concerning concrete issues, and the Uranus-Pluto cycle began back in the
1960s. Perhaps the new age began back then, without our realising it, and
perhaps, with visionary and bloody stuff included, the full variety is already
showing itself.

Appendix 1
Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Conjunctions
600 BCE - CE 2200
Neptune-Pluto conjunctions
-578 4 16 5:44 Nep CONJ Plu 8Ta40 8Ta40
-84 6 16 1:09 Nep CONJ Plu 16Ta44 16Ta44
-84 11 19 1:59 Nep CONJ Plu 16Ta13 16Ta13
-83 3 17 15:54 Nep CONJ Plu 15Ta48 15Ta48
411 6 24 3:23 Nep CONJ Plu 23Ta11 23Ta11
411 11 22 15:34 Nep CONJ Plu 22Ta41 22Ta41
412 3 24 22:30 Nep CONJ Plu 22Ta14 22Ta14
905 5 25 18:35 Nep CONJ Plu 28Ta26 28Ta26
1398 7 1 21:07 Nep CONJ Plu 3Ge51 3Ge51
1398 12 5 14:42 Nep CONJ Plu 3Ge20 3Ge20
1399 4 2 19:19 Nep CONJ Plu 2Ge55 2Ge55
1891 8 2 18:15 Nep CONJ Plu 8Ge37 8Ge37
1891 11 5 19:52 Nep CONJ Plu 8Ge19 8Ge19
1892 4 30 16:46 Nep CONJ Plu 7Ge42 7Ge42

Uranus-Neptune conjunctions
-576 7 11 20:40 Ura CONJ Nep 15Ta52 15Ta52
-576 10 16 13:25 Ura CONJ Nep 15Ta29 15Ta29
-575 4 4 16:49 Ura CONJ Nep 14Ta47 14Ta47
-404 5 28 16:17 Ura CONJ Nep 2Ge21 2Ge21
-233 7 6 5:34 Ura CONJ Nep 19Ge20 19Ge20
-232 1 20 17:13 Ura CONJ Nep 18Ge28 18Ge28
-232 3 19 9:12 Ura CONJ Nep 18Ge13 18Ge13
-62 8 2 22:10 Ura CONJ Nep 5Cn50 5Cn50
-61 1 19 8:58 Ura CONJ Nep 5Cn05 5Cn05
-61 4 21 20:46 Ura CONJ Nep 4Cn39 4Cn39
110 8 27 23:26 Ura CONJ Nep 22Cn17 22Cn17
111 1 20 17:07 Ura CONJ Nep 21Cn37 21Cn37
111 5 20 8:30 Ura CONJ Nep 21Cn03 21Cn03
281 9 14 11:09 Ura CONJ Nep 8Le26 8Le26
282 2 3 6:28 Ura CONJ Nep 7Le47 7Le47
282 6 6 12:30 Ura CONJ Nep 7Le12 7Le12
452 9 17 18:22 Ura CONJ Nep 24Le09 24Le09
453 3 11 22:59 Ura CONJ Nep 23Le20 23Le20
453 6 4 21:54 Ura CONJ Nep 22Le55 22Le55
623 9 24 20:31 Ura CONJ Nep 9Vi49 9Vi49
624 4 28 11:56 Ura CONJ Nep 8Vi48 8Vi48
624 5 24 10:33 Ura CONJ Nep 8Vi40 8Vi40
794 10 6 17:18 Ura CONJ Nep 25Vi41 25Vi41
965 10 15 2:04 Ura CONJ Nep 11Li26 11Li26
1136 10 24 22:18 Ura CONJ Nep 27Li07 27Li07
1307 11 15 2:09 Ura CONJ Nep 13Sc14 13Sc14
1478 12 15 2:42 Ura CONJ Nep 29Sc40 29Sc40
1479 7 5 3:31 Ura CONJ Nep 28Sc48 28Sc48
1479 8 29 13:14 Ura CONJ Nep 28Sc33 28Sc33
1650 1 18 2:06 Ura CONJ Nep 16Sg11 16Sg11
1650 6 13 13:50 Ura CONJ Nep 15Sg35 15Sg35
1650 10 16 1:19 Ura CONJ Nep 15Sg03 15Sg03
1821 3 22 0:20 Ura CONJ Nep 3Cp01 3Cp01
1821 5 3 11:38 Ura CONJ Nep 2Cp51 2Cp51
1821 12 3 15:24 Ura CONJ Nep 1Cp59 1Cp59
1993 2 2 12:28 Ura CONJ Nep 19Cp34 19Cp34
1993 8 19 21:44 Ura CONJ Nep 18Cp49 18Cp49
1993 10 25 5:06 Ura CONJ Nep 18Cp33 18Cp33
2165 1 17 16:21 Ura CONJ Nep 6Aq27 6Aq27

Uranus-Pluto conjunctions
-577 6 27 6:07 Ura CONJ Plu 11Ta10 11Ta10
-577 10 22 2:46 Ura CONJ Plu 10Ta45 10Ta45
-576 3 25 15:38 Ura CONJ Plu 10Ta10 10Ta10
-437 3 16 7:10 Ura CONJ Plu 20Cp16 20Cp16
-437 6 17 1:03 Ura CONJ Plu 19Cp56 19Cp56
-437 12 12 18:19 Ura CONJ Plu 19Cp17 19Cp17
-323 5 27 5:32 Ura CONJ Plu 20Ta54 20Ta54
-182 3 14 0:32 Ura CONJ Plu 4Aq38 4Aq38
-182 7 25 6:46 Ura CONJ Plu 4Aq10 4Aq10
-182 12 14 19:48 Ura CONJ Plu 3Aq38 3Aq38
-70 8 23 17:29 Ura CONJ Plu 1Ge45 1Ge45
-70 10 3 4:08 Ura CONJ Plu 1Ge37 1Ge37
-69 5 3 23:18 Ura CONJ Plu 0Ge47 0Ge47
74 2 7 17:48 Ura CONJ Plu 17Aq08 17Aq08
185 7 18 5:47 Ura CONJ Plu 12Ge04 12Ge04
185 12 5 22:53 Ura CONJ Plu 11Ge32 11Ge32
186 4 14 13:43 Ura CONJ Plu 11Ge02 11Ge02
328 3 17 16:34 Ura CONJ Plu 29Aq30 29Aq30
328 9 21 20:08 Ura CONJ Plu 28Aq51 28Aq51
328 12 13 18:00 Ura CONJ Plu 28Aq33 28Aq33
439 7 3 15:01 Ura CONJ Plu 22Ge40 22Ge40
440 2 14 22:47 Ura CONJ Plu 21Ge47 21Ge47
440 3 3 15:16 Ura CONJ Plu 21Ge43 21Ge43
582 4 4 11:11 Ura CONJ Plu 10Pi47 10Pi47
582 9 20 3:37 Ura CONJ Plu 10Pi12 10Pi12
583 1 3 22:41 Ura CONJ Plu 9Pi49 9Pi49
693 7 2 12:12 Ura CONJ Plu 3Cn52 3Cn52
836 4 8 1:50 Ura CONJ Plu 21Pi21 21Pi21
836 10 12 16:55 Ura CONJ Plu 20Pi43 20Pi43
837 1 4 1:20 Ura CONJ Plu 20Pi25 20Pi25
947 7 13 2:25 Ura CONJ Plu 15Cn54 15Cn54
1090 3 29 12:37 Ura CONJ Plu 1Ar11 1Ar11
1201 8 5 17:57 Ura CONJ Plu 28Cn54 28Cn54
1343 6 19 14:03 Ura CONJ Plu 11Ar29 11Ar29
1343 8 24 15:06 Ura CONJ Plu 11Ar15 11Ar15
1344 3 10 18:49 Ura CONJ Plu 10Ar33 10Ar33
1455 10 1 21:19 Ura CONJ Plu 13Le35 13Le35
1456 1 21 23:46 Ura CONJ Plu 13Le07 13Le07
1456 6 24 19:59 Ura CONJ Plu 12Le27 12Le27
1597 5 2 2:50 Ura CONJ Plu 20Ar17 20Ar17
1597 11 24 10:34 Ura CONJ Plu 19Ar35 19Ar35
1598 1 22 0:48 Ura CONJ Plu 19Ar22 19Ar22
1710 9 7 17:16 Ura CONJ Plu 28Le53 28Le53
1850 6 26 2:28 Ura CONJ Plu 29Ar40 29Ar40
1850 9 25 12:18 Ura CONJ Plu 29Ar21 29Ar21
1851 3 23 20:31 Ura CONJ Plu 28Ar43 28Ar43
1965 10 9 19:58 Ura CONJ Plu 17Vi10 17Vi10
1966 4 4 21:11 Ura CONJ Plu 16Vi28 16Vi28
1966 6 30 9:24 Ura CONJ Plu 16Vi06 16Vi06
2104 4 24 11:30 Ura CONJ Plu 7Ta35 7Ta35

Appendix 2
Uranus-Neptune-Pluto conjunctions, squares and
600 BCE - CE 2200
-578 4 16 5:44 Nep CONJ Plu 8Ta40 8Ta40
-577 6 27 6:07 Ura CONJ Plu 11Ta10 11Ta10
-577 10 22 2:46 Ura CONJ Plu 10Ta45 10Ta45
-576 3 25 15:38 Ura CONJ Plu 10Ta10 10Ta10
-576 7 11 20:40 Ura CONJ Nep 15Ta52 15Ta52
-576 10 16 13:25 Ura CONJ Nep 15Ta29 15Ta29
-575 4 4 16:49 Ura CONJ Nep 14Ta47 14Ta47
-552 11 10 8:39 Ura +SQR Plu 7Vi41 7Ge41
-551 2 23 14:30 Ura +SQR Plu 6Vi14 6Ge14
-551 9 17 16:48 Ura +SQR Plu 9Vi33 9Ge33
-538 1 4 11:28 Ura +SQR Nep 7Sc45 7Le45
-538 5 11 4:40 Ura +SQR Nep 5Sc52 5Le52
-538 12 4 10:38 Ura +SQR Nep 10Sc35 10Le35
-537 6 24 10:57 Ura +SQR Nep 9Sc02 9Le02
-537 11 2 1:08 Ura +SQR Nep 12Sc52 12Le52
-521 3 6 8:04 Ura OPPN Plu 18Cp53 18Cn53
-521 5 26 6:29 Ura OPPN Plu 19Cp27 19Cn27
-520 2 3 3:07 Ura OPPN Plu 21Cp14 21Cn14
-520 7 4 23:07 Ura OPPN Plu 22Cp18 22Cn18
-519 1 10 12:16 Ura OPPN Plu 23Cp39 23Cn39
-519 8 7 19:28 Ura OPPN Plu 25Cp09 25Cn09
-519 12 17 19:31 Ura OPPN Plu 26Cp06 26Cn06
-518 9 18 18:42 Ura OPPN Plu 28Cp05 28Cn05
-518 11 14 8:25 Ura OPPN Plu 28Cp29 28Cn29
-492 6 26 20:17 Ura OPPN Nep 16Ta17 16Sc17
-492 10 2 18:05 Ura OPPN Nep 17Ta05 17Sc05
-491 6 1 0:37 Ura OPPN Nep 19Ta04 19Sc04
-491 11 5 10:32 Ura OPPN Nep 20Ta21 20Sc21
-490 5 10 5:20 Ura OPPN Nep 21Ta53 21Sc53
-490 12 6 23:02 Ura OPPN Nep 23Ta37 23Sc37
-489 4 16 4:52 Ura OPPN Nep 24Ta42 24Sc42
-488 1 16 4:11 Ura OPPN Nep 26Ta58 26Sc58
-488 3 13 8:30 Ura OPPN Nep 27Ta26 27Sc26
-473 8 14 2:51 Ura -SQR Plu 11Le29 11Sc29
-473 12 9 20:35 Ura -SQR Plu 15Le08 15Sc08
-472 7 9 17:44 Ura -SQR Plu 13Le46 13Sc46
-471 1 26 19:27 Ura -SQR Plu 18Le33 18Sc33
-471 6 5 14:28 Ura -SQR Plu 16Le42 16Sc42
-454 11 2 22:31 Ura -SQR Nep 9Sc40 9Aq40
-453 3 14 8:25 Ura -SQR Nep 13Sc35 13Aq35
-453 10 1 23:55 Ura -SQR Nep 12Sc00 12Aq00
-452 4 27 0:29 Ura -SQR Nep 16Sc44 16Aq44
-452 9 1 11:27 Ura -SQR Nep 14Sc52 14Aq52
-437 3 16 7:10 Ura CONJ Plu 20Cp16 20Cp16
-437 6 17 1:03 Ura CONJ Plu 19Cp56 19Cp56
-437 12 12 18:19 Ura CONJ Plu 19Cp17 19Cp17
-407 8 6 4:11 Nep +SQR Plu 27Ta50 27Aq50
-407 11 22 15:05 Nep +SQR Plu 26Ta31 26Aq31
-406 7 9 18:28 Nep +SQR Plu 29Ta26 29Aq26
-406 12 25 12:25 Nep +SQR Plu 27Ta58 27Aq58
-405 6 13 15:50 Nep +SQR Plu 0Ge47 0Pi47
-405 7 10 21:40 Ura +SQR Plu 0Ge32 0Pi32
-405 12 15 12:13 Ura +SQR Plu 28Ta56 28Aq56
-404 1 27 13:57 Nep +SQR Plu 29Ta45 29Aq45
-404 5 15 13:18 Nep +SQR Plu 1Ge52 1Pi52
-404 5 21 0:56 Ura +SQR Plu 1Ge54 1Pi54
-404 5 28 16:17 Ura CONJ Nep 2Ge21 2Ge21
-381 11 26 7:47 Ura OPPN Plu 23Vi53 23Pi53
-380 1 19 3:16 Ura OPPN Plu 24Vi11 24Pi11
-380 10 1 12:06 Ura OPPN Plu 25Vi36 25Pi36
-379 3 29 17:19 Ura OPPN Plu 26Vi35 26Pi35
-379 8 19 17:55 Ura OPPN Plu 27Vi23 27Pi23
-367 2 2 10:46 Ura +SQR Nep 23Sc18 23Le18
-367 5 11 15:03 Ura +SQR Nep 21Sc39 21Le39
-367 12 31 4:44 Ura +SQR Nep 26Sc19 26Le19
-366 6 26 0:30 Ura +SQR Nep 24Sc30 24Le30
-366 12 2 0:01 Ura +SQR Nep 28Sc48 28Le48
-365 8 14 16:09 Ura +SQR Nep 28Sc15 28Le15
-365 10 22 8:47 Ura +SQR Nep 0Sg30 0Vi30
-353 2 19 22:27 Ura -SQR Plu 20Cp15 20Ar15
-353 5 8 8:01 Ura -SQR Plu 21Cp53 21Ar53
-353 12 22 22:39 Ura -SQR Plu 20Cp50 20Ar50
-352 7 24 2:57 Ura -SQR Plu 23Cp44 23Ar44
-352 11 1 4:05 Ura -SQR Plu 22Cp26 22Ar26
-333 12 29 1:34 Nep OPPN Plu 10Sc08 10Ta08
-332 3 11 8:03 Nep OPPN Plu 10Sc25 10Ta25
-332 12 2 10:11 Nep OPPN Plu 11Sc29 11Ta29
-331 4 12 10:10 Nep OPPN Plu 12Sc00 12Ta00
-331 11 12 7:30 Nep OPPN Plu 12Sc51 12Ta51
-330 5 8 15:59 Nep OPPN Plu 13Sc33 13Ta33
-330 10 24 9:09 Nep OPPN Plu 14Sc14 14Ta14
-329 6 3 7:35 Nep OPPN Plu 15Sc07 15Ta07
-329 10 2 17:39 Nep OPPN Plu 15Sc36 15Ta36
-328 7 8 10:16 Nep OPPN Plu 16Sc43 16Ta43
-328 9 3 0:53 Nep OPPN Plu 16Sc56 16Ta56
-323 5 27 5:32 Ura CONJ Plu 20Ta54 20Ta54
-321 7 20 15:12 Ura OPPN Nep 2Ge00 2Sg00
-321 10 7 15:31 Ura OPPN Nep 2Ge39 2Sg39
-320 6 21 11:58 Ura OPPN Nep 4Ge47 4Sg47
-320 11 13 12:19 Ura OPPN Nep 5Ge59 5Sg59
-319 5 29 20:20 Ura OPPN Nep 7Ge38 7Sg38
-319 12 15 12:43 Ura OPPN Nep 9Ge17 9Sg17
-318 5 6 21:31 Ura OPPN Nep 10Ge29 10Sg29
-317 1 23 1:24 Ura OPPN Nep 12Ge40 12Sg40
-317 4 5 0:07 Ura OPPN Nep 13Ge16 13Sg16
-298 9 25 5:04 Ura +SQR Plu 21Vi41 21Ge41
-298 11 15 10:19 Ura +SQR Plu 19Vi51 19Ge51
-297 3 17 13:00 Ura +SQR Plu 18Vi15 18Ge15
-283 12 9 21:43 Ura -SQR Nep 26Sc06 26Aq06
-282 3 6 1:01 Ura -SQR Nep 28Sc54 28Aq54
-282 11 4 12:18 Ura -SQR Nep 28Sc03 28Aq03
-281 4 19 20:29 Ura -SQR Nep 2Sg30 2Pi30
-281 10 6 13:23 Ura -SQR Nep 0Sg38 0Pi38
-280 6 2 6:34 Ura -SQR Nep 5Sg19 5Pi19
-280 9 4 7:48 Ura -SQR Nep 3Sg43 3Pi43
-264 3 20 19:58 Ura OPPN Plu 11Aq38 11Le38
-264 6 26 13:54 Ura OPPN Plu 12Aq23 12Le23
-263 2 25 15:34 Ura OPPN Plu 14Aq16 14Le16
-263 7 27 14:44 Ura OPPN Plu 15Aq26 15Le26
-262 2 7 2:30 Ura OPPN Plu 16Aq57 16Le57
-262 8 23 18:49 Ura OPPN Plu 18Aq29 18Le29
-261 1 20 5:16 Ura OPPN Plu 19Aq40 19Le40
-261 9 20 10:47 Ura OPPN Plu 21Aq35 21Le35
-261 12 29 17:35 Ura OPPN Plu 22Aq23 22Le23
-233 7 6 5:34 Ura CONJ Nep 19Ge20 19Ge20
-232 1 20 17:13 Ura CONJ Nep 18Ge28 18Ge28
-232 3 19 9:12 Ura CONJ Nep 18Ge13 18Ge13
-217 10 6 11:54 Ura -SQR Plu 5Vi28 5Sg28
-217 12 4 7:17 Ura -SQR Plu 7Vi23 7Sg23
-216 8 17 3:29 Ura -SQR Plu 6Vi53 6Sg53
-215 2 4 3:30 Ura -SQR Plu 11Vi09 11Sg09
-215 7 10 19:50 Ura -SQR Plu 9Vi20 9Sg20
-214 4 21 0:21 Ura -SQR Plu 13Vi12 13Sg12
-214 5 6 23:50 Ura -SQR Plu 12Vi53 12Sg53
-195 2 1 13:48 Ura +SQR Nep 11Sg52 11Vi52
-195 6 22 21:58 Ura +SQR Nep 9Sg57 9Vi57
-194 1 4 2:58 Ura +SQR Nep 14Sg34 14Vi34
-194 8 3 22:08 Ura +SQR Nep 13Sg07 13Vi07
-194 12 5 4:42 Ura +SQR Nep 16Sg47 16Vi47
-182 3 14 0:32 Ura CONJ Plu 4Aq38 4Aq38
-182 7 25 6:46 Ura CONJ Plu 4Aq10 4Aq10
-182 12 14 19:48 Ura CONJ Plu 3Aq38 3Aq38
-159 12 8 10:12 Nep -SQR Plu 1Sg11 1Pi11
-158 3 10 13:34 Nep -SQR Plu 3Sg04 3Pi04
-158 11 10 1:00 Nep -SQR Plu 2Sg12 2Pi12
-157 4 13 14:21 Nep -SQR Plu 4Sg54 4Pi54
-157 10 16 11:40 Nep -SQR Plu 3Sg30 3Pi30
-156 5 15 20:45 Nep -SQR Plu 6Sg24 6Pi24
-156 9 21 16:17 Nep -SQR Plu 5Sg00 5Pi00
-155 6 29 3:32 Nep -SQR Plu 7Sg30 7Pi30
-155 8 14 14:51 Nep -SQR Plu 6Sg51 6Pi51
-151 7 5 21:55 Ura +SQR Plu 11Ge48 11Pi48
-150 1 19 3:18 Ura +SQR Plu 10Ge24 10Pi24
-150 5 11 11:11 Ura +SQR Plu 12Ge46 12Pi46
-150 8 14 17:39 Ura OPPN Nep 17Ge53 17Sg53
-150 10 17 14:29 Ura OPPN Nep 18Ge25 18Sg25
-149 7 11 21:58 Ura OPPN Nep 20Ge40 20Sg40
-149 11 26 6:23 Ura OPPN Nep 21Ge49 21Sg49
-148 6 18 3:37 Ura OPPN Nep 23Ge32 23Sg32
-148 12 29 12:47 Ura OPPN Nep 25Ge10 25Sg10
-147 5 25 11:55 Ura OPPN Nep 26Ge25 26Sg25
-146 2 6 19:38 Ura OPPN Nep 28Ge35 28Sg35
-146 4 24 3:43 Ura OPPN Nep 29Ge14 29Sg14
-127 10 30 1:57 Ura OPPN Plu 4Li36 4Ar36
-126 3 14 19:00 Ura OPPN Plu 5Li20 5Ar20
-126 9 17 13:47 Ura OPPN Plu 6Li22 6Ar22
-125 5 20 15:16 Ura OPPN Plu 7Li42 7Ar42
-125 7 24 12:09 Ura OPPN Plu 8Li03 8Ar03
-111 12 15 3:51 Ura -SQR Nep 14Sg27 14Pi27
-110 4 6 12:39 Ura -SQR Nep 17Sg54 17Pi54
-110 11 15 2:42 Ura -SQR Nep 16Sg38 16Pi38
-109 5 16 7:59 Ura -SQR Nep 21Sg13 21Pi13
-109 10 18 14:28 Ura -SQR Nep 19Sg18 19Pi18
-108 6 28 21:32 Ura -SQR Nep 23Sg52 23Pi52
-108 9 15 10:34 Ura -SQR Nep 22Sg27 22Pi27
-99 2 6 16:27 Ura -SQR Plu 0Aq02 0Ta02
-99 6 16 10:06 Ura -SQR Plu 2Aq28 2Ta28
-99 12 19 1:26 Ura -SQR Plu 1Aq01 1Ta01
-84 6 16 1:09 Nep CONJ Plu 16Ta44 16Ta44
-84 11 19 1:59 Nep CONJ Plu 16Ta13 16Ta13
-83 3 17 15:54 Nep CONJ Plu 15Ta48 15Ta48
-70 8 23 17:29 Ura CONJ Plu 1Ge45 1Ge45
-70 10 3 4:08 Ura CONJ Plu 1Ge37 1Ge37
-69 5 3 23:18 Ura CONJ Plu 0Ge47 0Ge47
-62 8 2 22:10 Ura CONJ Nep 5Cn50 5Cn50
-61 1 19 8:58 Ura CONJ Nep 5Cn05 5Cn05
-61 4 21 20:46 Ura CONJ Nep 4Cn39 4Cn39
-44 11 27 4:30 Ura +SQR Plu 2Li28 2Cn28
-43 4 1 13:07 Ura +SQR Plu 0Li50 0Cn50
-43 10 10 17:27 Ura +SQR Plu 4Li26 4Cn26
-24 3 11 20:54 Ura +SQR Nep 27Sg11 27Vi11
-24 6 12 16:52 Ura +SQR Nep 25Sg36 25Vi36
-23 2 7 20:26 Ura +SQR Nep 0Cp11 0Li11
-23 7 25 7:15 Ura +SQR Nep 28Sg19 28Vi19
-22 1 11 20:49 Ura +SQR Nep 2Cp43 2Li43
-22 9 5 20:25 Ura +SQR Nep 1Cp43 1Li43
-22 12 10 16:24 Ura +SQR Nep 4Cp43 4Li43
-6 5 25 10:35 Ura OPPN Plu 9Pi41 9Vi41
-6 6 16 12:49 Ura OPPN Plu 9Pi52 9Vi52
-5 4 19 3:00 Ura OPPN Plu 12Pi26 12Vi26
-5 7 28 5:19 Ura OPPN Plu 13Pi16 13Vi16
-4 4 1 7:26 Ura OPPN Plu 15Pi21 15Vi21
-4 8 22 13:36 Ura OPPN Plu 16Pi34 16Vi34
-3 3 17 20:42 Ura OPPN Plu 18Pi19 18Vi19
-3 9 13 20:58 Ura OPPN Plu 19Pi51 19Vi51
-2 3 4 9:35 Ura OPPN Plu 21Pi19 21Vi19
-2 10 5 21:17 Ura OPPN Plu 23Pi09 23Vi09
-1 2 18 9:36 Ura OPPN Plu 24Pi19 24Vi19
-1 10 29 4:35 Ura OPPN Plu 26Pi30 26Vi30
+1 1 31 16:09 Ura OPPN Plu 27Pi19 27Vi19
22 9 4 8:49 Ura OPPN Nep 3Cn51 3Cp51
22 10 28 4:37 Ura OPPN Nep 4Cn18 4Cp18
23 7 30 12:01 Ura OPPN Nep 6Cn38 6Cp38
23 12 11 0:23 Ura OPPN Nep 7Cn46 7Cp46
24 7 5 0:27 Ura OPPN Nep 9Cn32 9Cp32
25 1 13 3:29 Ura OPPN Nep 11Cn10 11Cp10
25 6 10 23:57 Ura OPPN Nep 12Cn26 12Cp26
26 2 21 23:56 Ura OPPN Nep 14Cn36 14Cp36
26 5 10 9:11 Ura OPPN Nep 15Cn16 15Cp16
40 9 26 10:44 Ura -SQR Plu 25Vi45 25Sg45
41 2 1 10:13 Ura -SQR Plu 29Vi11 29Sg11
41 8 15 18:41 Ura -SQR Plu 27Vi38 27Sg38
42 4 3 12:09 Ura -SQR Plu 1Li46 1Cp46
42 6 30 3:44 Ura -SQR Plu 0Li21 0Cp21
62 12 29 14:45 Ura -SQR Nep 2Cp59 2Ar59
63 4 28 8:11 Ura -SQR Nep 6Cp35 6Ar35
63 12 1 9:52 Ura -SQR Nep 5Cp13 5Ar13
64 6 5 4:26 Ura -SQR Nep 9Cp50 9Ar50
64 11 5 1:07 Ura -SQR Nep 7Cp54 7Ar54
65 7 16 21:19 Ura -SQR Nep 12Cp29 12Ar29
65 10 4 12:34 Ura -SQR Nep 11Cp03 11Ar03
74 2 7 17:48 Ura CONJ Plu 17Aq08 17Aq08
88 8 31 13:31 Nep +SQR Plu 4Ge13 4Pi13
88 11 7 7:41 Nep +SQR Plu 3Ge16 3Pi16
89 7 29 11:01 Nep +SQR Plu 5Ge59 5Pi59
89 12 15 5:00 Nep +SQR Plu 4Ge32 4Pi32
90 7 4 0:03 Nep +SQR Plu 7Ge28 7Pi28
91 1 16 8:19 Nep +SQR Plu 6Ge08 6Pi08
91 6 7 19:42 Nep +SQR Plu 8Ge42 8Pi42
92 2 26 10:40 Nep +SQR Plu 8Ge10 8Pi10
92 5 1 2:13 Nep +SQR Plu 9Ge32 9Pi32
103 8 18 4:37 Ura +SQR Plu 20Ge57 20Pi57
103 12 16 8:35 Ura +SQR Plu 19Ge28 19Pi28
104 6 24 1:11 Ura +SQR Plu 22Ge31 22Pi31
110 8 27 23:26 Ura CONJ Nep 22Cn17 22Cn17
111 1 20 17:07 Ura CONJ Nep 21Cn37 21Cn37
111 5 20 8:30 Ura CONJ Nep 21Cn03 21Cn03
127 11 29 21:34 Ura OPPN Plu 13Li24 13Ar24
128 2 27 2:41 Ura OPPN Plu 13Li53 13Ar53
128 10 12 4:48 Ura OPPN Plu 15Li07 15Ar07
129 4 30 22:10 Ura OPPN Plu 16Li12 16Ar12
129 8 28 20:18 Ura OPPN Plu 16Li51 16Ar51
149 3 21 3:21 Ura +SQR Nep 15Cp31 15Li31
149 7 11 1:35 Ura +SQR Nep 13Cp45 13Li45
150 2 20 2:18 Ura +SQR Nep 18Cp22 18Li22
150 8 19 12:44 Ura +SQR Nep 16Cp34 16Li34
151 1 24 16:46 Ura +SQR Nep 20Cp48 20Li48
151 10 1 12:37 Ura +SQR Nep 20Cp04 20Li04
151 12 22 2:58 Ura +SQR Nep 22Cp40 22Li40
156 1 28 1:13 Ura -SQR Plu 9Aq53 9Ta53
156 7 18 21:33 Ura -SQR Plu 12Aq43 12Ta43
156 12 10 4:44 Ura -SQR Plu 11Aq11 11Ta11
163 1 18 9:41 Nep OPPN Plu 16Sc41 16Ta41
163 3 5 2:22 Nep OPPN Plu 16Sc52 16Ta52
163 12 16 23:40 Nep OPPN Plu 18Sc01 18Ta01
164 4 10 19:10 Nep OPPN Plu 18Sc28 18Ta28
164 11 24 22:47 Nep OPPN Plu 19Sc23 19Ta23
165 5 7 16:38 Nep OPPN Plu 20Sc02 20Ta02
165 11 6 0:10 Nep OPPN Plu 20Sc45 20Ta45
166 6 2 16:59 Nep OPPN Plu 21Sc35 21Ta35
166 10 17 4:50 Nep OPPN Plu 22Sc08 22Ta08
167 7 3 13:25 Nep OPPN Plu 23Sc10 23Ta10
167 9 21 20:40 Nep OPPN Plu 23Sc30 23Ta30
185 7 18 5:47 Ura CONJ Plu 12Ge04 12Ge04
185 12 5 22:53 Ura CONJ Plu 11Ge32 11Ge32
186 4 14 13:43 Ura CONJ Plu 11Ge02 11Ge02
194 8 18 4:35 Ura OPPN Nep 22Cn41 22Cp41
194 12 23 11:50 Ura OPPN Nep 23Cn46 23Cp46
195 7 24 5:39 Ura OPPN Nep 25Cn36 25Cp36
196 1 27 3:41 Ura OPPN Nep 27Cn11 27Cp11
196 6 29 4:48 Ura OPPN Nep 28Cn31 28Cp31
197 3 6 11:54 Ura OPPN Nep 0Le40 0Aq40
197 5 29 9:41 Ura OPPN Nep 1Le23 1Aq23
212 1 2 5:15 Ura +SQR Plu 15Li16 15Cn16
212 3 20 21:38 Ura +SQR Plu 13Li59 13Cn59
212 11 11 14:52 Ura +SQR Plu 17Li46 17Cn46
213 5 28 21:56 Ura +SQR Plu 16Li17 16Cn17
213 9 26 18:12 Ura +SQR Plu 19Li18 19Cn18
235 1 25 6:40 Ura -SQR Nep 21Cp43 21Ar43
235 5 9 1:59 Ura -SQR Nep 24Cp56 24Ar56
235 12 27 6:28 Ura -SQR Nep 23Cp51 23Ar51
236 6 15 23:17 Ura -SQR Nep 28Cp18 28Ar18
236 12 1 22:17 Ura -SQR Nep 26Cp25 26Ar25
237 7 23 12:01 Ura -SQR Nep 1Aq06 1Ta06
237 11 4 18:19 Ura -SQR Nep 29Cp22 29Ar22
256 6 17 5:41 Ura OPPN Plu 18Ar36 18Li36
256 8 11 8:42 Ura OPPN Plu 19Ar05 19Li05
257 5 23 15:47 Ura OPPN Plu 21Ar35 21Li35
257 9 12 11:00 Ura OPPN Plu 22Ar33 22Li33
258 5 6 23:48 Ura OPPN Plu 24Ar38 24Li38
258 10 6 21:41 Ura OPPN Plu 25Ar58 25Li58
259 4 22 6:13 Ura OPPN Plu 27Ar41 27Li41
259 10 29 22:48 Ura OPPN Plu 29Ar21 29Li21
260 4 6 11:05 Ura OPPN Plu 0Ta45 0Sc45
260 11 22 9:05 Ura OPPN Plu 2Ta45 2Sc45
261 3 20 14:12 Ura OPPN Plu 3Ta47 3Sc47
261 12 24 0:45 Ura OPPN Plu 6Ta12 6Sc12
262 2 24 2:14 Ura OPPN Plu 6Ta45 6Sc45
281 9 14 11:09 Ura CONJ Nep 8Le26 8Le26
282 2 3 6:28 Ura CONJ Nep 7Le47 7Le47
282 6 6 12:30 Ura CONJ Nep 7Le12 7Le12
295 10 16 18:55 Ura -SQR Plu 12Li45 12Cp45
296 2 19 21:15 Ura -SQR Plu 15Li58 15Cp58
296 9 1 13:05 Ura -SQR Plu 14Li26 14Cp26
297 4 26 6:37 Ura -SQR Plu 18Li17 18Cp17
297 7 12 10:10 Ura -SQR Plu 17Li03 17Cp03
321 4 9 21:56 Ura +SQR Nep 3Aq35 3Sc35
321 7 29 14:55 Ura +SQR Nep 1Aq51 1Sc51
322 3 12 10:07 Ura +SQR Nep 6Aq27 6Sc27
322 9 5 23:37 Ura +SQR Nep 4Aq38 4Sc38
323 2 14 14:54 Ura +SQR Nep 8Aq55 8Sc55
323 10 16 21:37 Ura +SQR Nep 8Aq03 8Sc03
324 1 13 17:25 Ura +SQR Nep 10Aq51 10Sc51
328 3 17 16:34 Ura CONJ Plu 29Aq30 29Aq30
328 9 21 20:08 Ura CONJ Plu 28Aq51 28Aq51
328 12 13 18:00 Ura CONJ Plu 28Aq33 28Aq33
336 12 18 16:35 Nep -SQR Plu 7Sg43 7Pi43
337 3 12 15:18 Nep -SQR Plu 9Sg27 9Pi27
337 11 18 23:05 Nep -SQR Plu 8Sg42 8Pi42
338 4 17 20:45 Nep -SQR Plu 11Sg21 11Pi21
338 10 26 5:55 Nep -SQR Plu 9Sg58 9Pi58
339 5 19 21:49 Nep -SQR Plu 12Sg53 12Pi53
339 10 1 21:14 Nep -SQR Plu 11Sg27 11Pi27
340 6 28 15:39 Nep -SQR Plu 14Sg03 14Pi03
340 8 27 9:48 Nep -SQR Plu 13Sg14 13Pi14
357 7 29 20:08 Ura +SQR Plu 1Cn42 1Ar42
358 2 2 1:52 Ura +SQR Plu 0Cn15 0Ar15
358 6 3 13:54 Ura +SQR Plu 2Cn40 2Ar40
365 9 4 6:01 Ura OPPN Nep 8Le52 8Aq52
366 1 9 3:45 Ura OPPN Nep 9Le57 9Aq57
366 8 9 21:39 Ura OPPN Nep 11Le48 11Aq48
367 2 13 13:36 Ura OPPN Nep 13Le25 13Aq25
367 7 16 11:38 Ura OPPN Nep 14Le44 14Aq44
368 3 25 2:26 Ura OPPN Nep 16Le55 16Aq55
368 6 13 19:20 Ura OPPN Nep 17Le36 17Aq36
381 11 7 13:59 Ura OPPN Plu 23Li43 23Ar43
382 4 16 5:21 Ura OPPN Plu 24Li34 24Ar34
382 9 26 17:50 Ura OPPN Plu 25Li27 25Ar27
407 2 28 20:14 Ura -SQR Nep 10Aq39 10Ta39
407 5 9 22:38 Ura -SQR Nep 12Aq55 12Ta55
408 1 25 3:31 Ura -SQR Nep 12Aq28 12Ta28
408 6 21 21:47 Ura -SQR Nep 16Aq36 16Ta36
408 12 30 7:59 Ura -SQR Nep 14Aq54 14Ta54
409 3 20 12:27 Ura -SQR Plu 19Aq16 19Ta16
409 6 6 14:05 Ura -SQR Plu 20Aq55 20Ta55
409 7 27 22:26 Ura -SQR Nep 19Aq36 19Ta36
409 12 5 13:00 Ura -SQR Nep 17Aq42 17Ta42
410 1 22 1:13 Ura -SQR Plu 19Aq52 19Ta52
410 8 20 10:32 Ura -SQR Plu 22Aq50 22Ta50
410 9 12 8:49 Ura -SQR Nep 21Aq58 21Ta58
410 10 29 9:45 Ura -SQR Nep 21Aq02 21Ta02
410 12 2 19:00 Ura -SQR Plu 21Aq29 21Ta29
411 6 24 3:23 Nep CONJ Plu 23Ta11 23Ta11
411 11 22 15:34 Nep CONJ Plu 22Ta41 22Ta41
412 3 24 22:30 Nep CONJ Plu 22Ta14 22Ta14
439 7 3 15:01 Ura CONJ Plu 22Ge40 22Ge40
440 2 14 22:47 Ura CONJ Plu 21Ge47 21Ge47
440 3 3 15:16 Ura CONJ Plu 21Ge43 21Ge43
452 9 17 18:22 Ura CONJ Nep 24Le09 24Le09
453 3 11 22:59 Ura CONJ Nep 23Le20 23Le20
453 6 4 21:54 Ura CONJ Nep 22Le55 22Le55
466 12 29 1:44 Ura +SQR Plu 1Sc37 1Le37
467 4 29 13:19 Ura +SQR Plu 29Li54 29Cn54
467 11 18 11:03 Ura +SQR Plu 4Sc00 4Le00
468 6 28 15:50 Ura +SQR Plu 2Sc49 2Le49
468 10 3 21:26 Ura +SQR Plu 5Sc31 5Le31
493 4 30 8:39 Ura +SQR Nep 21Aq39 21Sc39
493 8 12 13:18 Ura +SQR Nep 19Aq58 19Sc58
494 4 1 6:44 Ura +SQR Nep 24Aq32 24Sc32
494 9 19 21:03 Ura +SQR Nep 22Aq41 22Sc41
495 3 6 16:27 Ura +SQR Nep 27Aq02 27Sc02
495 10 28 23:26 Ura +SQR Nep 26Aq00 26Sc00
496 2 4 8:53 Ura +SQR Nep 29Aq03 29Sc03
516 6 29 5:56 Ura OPPN Plu 24Ta13 24Sc13
516 10 13 16:44 Ura OPPN Plu 25Ta07 25Sc07
517 6 6 17:46 Ura OPPN Plu 27Ta07 27Sc07
517 11 13 7:41 Ura OPPN Plu 28Ta27 28Sc27
518 5 17 17:55 Ura OPPN Plu 0Ge01 0Sg01
518 12 13 0:16 Ura OPPN Plu 1Ge46 1Sg46
519 4 26 6:09 Ura OPPN Plu 2Ge54 2Sg54
520 1 19 19:25 Ura OPPN Plu 5Ge08 5Sg08
520 3 25 16:38 Ura OPPN Plu 5Ge41 5Sg41
535 10 28 17:39 Ura OPPN Nep 22Le20 22Aq20
535 12 10 22:56 Ura OPPN Nep 22Le43 22Aq43
536 9 18 13:04 Ura OPPN Nep 25Le09 25Aq09
537 1 26 17:07 Ura OPPN Nep 26Le17 26Aq17
537 8 24 13:21 Ura OPPN Nep 28Le06 28Aq06
538 3 3 1:24 Ura OPPN Nep 29Le45 29Aq45
538 7 31 6:29 Ura OPPN Nep 1Vi03 1Pi03
539 4 13 4:25 Ura OPPN Nep 3Vi16 3Pi16
539 6 29 4:26 Ura OPPN Nep 3Vi56 3Pi56
549 12 8 3:26 Ura -SQR Plu 27Li23 27Cp23
550 1 24 0:35 Ura -SQR Plu 28Li42 28Cp42
550 10 8 3:35 Ura -SQR Plu 28Li09 28Cp09
551 4 9 5:45 Ura -SQR Plu 1Sc51 1Aq51
551 8 24 13:26 Ura -SQR Plu 0Sc10 0Aq10
580 2 25 17:01 Ura -SQR Nep 1Pi12 1Ge12
580 6 25 15:55 Ura -SQR Nep 4Pi47 4Ge47
581 1 29 1:41 Ura -SQR Nep 3Pi26 3Ge26
581 8 1 5:40 Ura -SQR Nep 7Pi59 7Ge59
582 1 5 4:22 Ura -SQR Nep 6Pi04 6Ge04
582 4 4 11:11 Ura CONJ Plu 10Pi47 10Pi47
582 8 30 1:16 Nep +SQR Plu 10Ge37 10Pi37
582 9 8 5:10 Ura -SQR Nep 10Pi40 10Ge40
582 9 20 3:37 Ura CONJ Plu 10Pi12 10Pi12
582 11 23 6:36 Nep +SQR Plu 9Ge29 9Pi29
582 12 7 20:43 Ura -SQR Nep 9Pi04 9Ge04
583 1 3 22:41 Ura CONJ Plu 9Pi49 9Pi49
583 7 31 1:01 Nep +SQR Plu 12Ge19 12Pi19
583 12 28 4:53 Nep +SQR Plu 10Ge50 10Pi50
584 7 5 2:06 Nep +SQR Plu 13Ge45 13Pi45
585 1 28 7:59 Nep +SQR Plu 12Ge29 12Pi29
585 6 8 11:03 Nep +SQR Plu 14Ge56 14Pi56
586 3 15 22:01 Nep +SQR Plu 14Ge41 14Pi41
586 4 27 1:22 Nep +SQR Plu 15Ge35 15Pi35
610 8 31 2:12 Ura +SQR Plu 10Cn26 10Ar26
611 1 11 19:31 Ura +SQR Plu 8Cn55 8Ar55
611 7 7 9:14 Ura +SQR Plu 11Cn49 11Ar49
623 9 24 20:31 Ura CONJ Nep 9Vi49 9Vi49
624 4 28 11:56 Ura CONJ Nep 8Vi48 8Vi48
624 5 24 10:33 Ura CONJ Nep 8Vi40 8Vi40
634 11 29 17:23 Ura OPPN Plu 2Sc15 2Ta15
635 4 8 17:38 Ura OPPN Plu 2Sc56 2Ta56
635 10 18 7:32 Ura OPPN Plu 3Sc58 3Ta58
636 6 11 15:41 Ura OPPN Plu 5Sc14 5Ta14
636 8 27 21:08 Ura OPPN Plu 5Sc39 5Ta39
657 1 14 9:19 Nep OPPN Plu 22Sc58 22Ta58
657 3 21 19:47 Nep OPPN Plu 23Sc13 23Ta13
657 12 17 12:38 Nep OPPN Plu 24Sc18 24Ta18
658 4 24 0:37 Nep OPPN Plu 24Sc48 24Ta48
658 11 27 3:53 Nep OPPN Plu 25Sc40 25Ta40
659 5 20 9:33 Nep OPPN Plu 26Sc21 26Ta21
659 11 8 5:15 Nep OPPN Plu 27Sc02 27Ta02
660 6 14 20:11 Nep OPPN Plu 27Sc54 27Ta54
660 10 17 18:22 Nep OPPN Plu 28Sc24 28Ta24
661 7 18 18:33 Nep OPPN Plu 29Sc30 29Ta30
661 9 19 5:17 Nep OPPN Plu 29Sc45 29Ta45
663 3 7 7:39 Ura -SQR Plu 28Aq55 28Ta55
663 7 13 10:11 Ura -SQR Plu 1Pi23 1Ge23
664 1 17 13:35 Ura -SQR Plu 29Aq56 29Ta56
664 9 26 22:08 Ura -SQR Plu 2Pi44 2Ge44
664 11 17 5:47 Ura -SQR Plu 1Pi57 1Ge57
665 5 25 2:04 Ura +SQR Nep 9Pi40 9Sg40
665 8 25 18:45 Ura +SQR Nep 8Pi05 8Sg05
666 4 24 21:57 Ura +SQR Nep 12Pi38 12Sg38
666 10 3 14:29 Ura +SQR Nep 10Pi45 10Sg45
667 3 30 12:18 Ura +SQR Nep 15Pi12 15Sg12
667 11 9 23:44 Ura +SQR Nep 13Pi57 13Sg57
668 2 29 20:18 Ura +SQR Nep 17Pi20 17Sg20
693 7 2 12:12 Ura CONJ Plu 3Cn52 3Cn52
706 11 20 3:24 Ura OPPN Nep 8Vi40 8Pi40
706 12 21 19:16 Ura OPPN Nep 8Vi56 8Pi56
707 10 8 13:33 Ura OPPN Nep 11Vi27 11Pi27
708 2 11 3:41 Ura OPPN Nep 12Vi33 12Pi33
708 9 12 11:45 Ura OPPN Nep 14Vi24 14Pi24
709 3 17 16:01 Ura OPPN Nep 16Vi01 16Pi01
709 8 19 11:42 Ura OPPN Nep 17Vi22 17Pi22
710 4 26 18:24 Ura OPPN Nep 19Vi32 19Pi32
710 7 19 18:01 Ura OPPN Nep 20Vi15 20Pi15
722 2 1 5:38 Ura +SQR Plu 18Sc36 18Le36
722 5 1 5:37 Ura +SQR Plu 17Sc07 17Le07
722 12 23 18:20 Ura +SQR Plu 21Sc28 21Le28
723 6 23 14:46 Ura +SQR Plu 19Sc46 19Le46
723 11 19 20:12 Ura +SQR Plu 23Sc42 23Le42
752 3 31 7:27 Ura -SQR Nep 19Pi59 19Ge59
752 6 29 7:33 Ura -SQR Nep 22Pi47 22Ge47
753 2 27 21:11 Ura -SQR Nep 21Pi57 21Ge57
753 8 9 0:49 Ura -SQR Nep 26Pi16 26Ge16
754 2 3 2:07 Ura -SQR Nep 24Pi27 24Ge27
754 9 14 17:50 Ura -SQR Nep 29Pi08 29Ge08
755 1 7 18:21 Ura -SQR Nep 27Pi19 27Ge19
773 7 23 0:11 Ura OPPN Plu 18Ge56 18Sg56
773 11 11 15:38 Ura OPPN Plu 19Ge49 19Sg49
774 6 25 23:20 Ura OPPN Plu 21Ge38 21Sg38
774 12 17 11:09 Ura OPPN Plu 23Ge01 23Sg01
775 6 1 3:33 Ura OPPN Plu 24Ge20 24Sg20
776 1 24 11:13 Ura OPPN Plu 26Ge13 26Sg13
776 5 1 2:57 Ura OPPN Plu 26Ge59 26Sg59
794 10 6 17:18 Ura CONJ Nep 25Vi41 25Vi41
804 11 5 19:44 Ura -SQR Plu 11Sc10 11Aq10
805 4 3 9:03 Ura -SQR Plu 14Sc26 14Aq26
805 9 21 6:06 Ura -SQR Plu 12Sc47 12Aq47
830 12 9 14:23 Nep -SQR Plu 13Sg37 13Pi37
831 4 3 14:57 Nep -SQR Plu 15Sg51 15Pi51
831 11 13 18:40 Nep -SQR Plu 14Sg45 14Pi45
832 5 5 12:14 Nep -SQR Plu 17Sg35 17Pi35
832 10 20 7:52 Nep -SQR Plu 16Sg07 16Pi07
833 6 8 1:38 Nep -SQR Plu 19Sg00 19Pi00
833 9 23 16:16 Nep -SQR Plu 17Sg43 17Pi43
836 4 8 1:50 Ura CONJ Plu 21Pi21 21Pi21
836 10 12 16:55 Ura CONJ Plu 20Pi43 20Pi43
837 1 4 1:20 Ura CONJ Plu 20Pi25 20Pi25
837 6 19 11:10 Ura +SQR Nep 27Pi42 27Sg42
837 9 5 16:56 Ura +SQR Nep 26Pi19 26Sg19
838 5 17 11:44 Ura +SQR Nep 0Ar47 0Cp47
838 10 16 22:37 Ura +SQR Nep 28Pi52 28Sg52
839 4 21 9:19 Ura +SQR Nep 3Ar24 3Cp24
839 11 23 4:40 Ura +SQR Nep 2Ar01 2Cp01
840 3 22 23:58 Ura +SQR Nep 5Ar36 5Cp36
863 10 7 9:17 Ura +SQR Plu 18Cn49 18Ar49
863 12 17 17:47 Ura +SQR Plu 17Cn47 17Ar47
864 8 4 0:13 Ura +SQR Plu 20Cn39 20Ar39
865 3 14 8:23 Ura +SQR Plu 19Cn33 19Ar33
865 5 30 16:19 Ura +SQR Plu 21Cn12 21Ar12
878 10 25 16:30 Ura OPPN Nep 27Vi46 27Pi46
879 2 23 10:47 Ura OPPN Nep 28Vi48 28Pi48
879 9 30 13:32 Ura OPPN Nep 0Li42 0Ar42
880 3 29 21:40 Ura OPPN Nep 2Li16 2Ar16
880 9 6 3:37 Ura OPPN Nep 3Li39 3Ar39
881 5 7 5:04 Ura OPPN Nep 5Li45 5Ar45
881 8 8 12:31 Ura OPPN Nep 6Li34 6Ar34
887 12 29 11:58 Ura OPPN Plu 10Sc41 10Ta41
888 3 21 9:00 Ura OPPN Plu 11Sc07 11Ta07
888 11 10 6:30 Ura OPPN Plu 12Sc23 12Ta23
889 5 23 18:57 Ura OPPN Plu 13Sc24 13Ta24
889 9 28 12:53 Ura OPPN Plu 14Sc05 14Ta05
905 5 25 18:35 Nep CONJ Plu 28Ta26 28Ta26
917 3 1 11:38 Ura -SQR Plu 8Pi53 8Ge53
917 8 10 7:50 Ura -SQR Plu 11Pi46 11Ge46
918 1 13 23:57 Ura -SQR Plu 10Pi12 10Ge12
924 5 4 5:26 Ura -SQR Nep 8Ar50 8Cn50
924 7 2 13:04 Ura -SQR Nep 10Ar46 10Cn46
925 3 26 14:41 Ura -SQR Nep 10Ar31 10Cn31
925 8 18 23:54 Ura -SQR Nep 14Ar33 14Cn33
926 2 28 9:29 Ura -SQR Nep 12Ar53 12Cn53
926 9 25 3:29 Ura -SQR Nep 17Ar34 17Cn34
927 2 2 6:52 Ura -SQR Nep 15Ar40 15Cn40
927 11 14 1:11 Ura -SQR Nep 19Ar51 19Cn51
927 12 23 5:44 Ura -SQR Nep 19Ar04 19Cn04
947 7 13 2:25 Ura CONJ Plu 15Cn54 15Cn54
965 10 15 2:04 Ura CONJ Nep 11Li26 11Li26
978 3 14 19:22 Ura +SQR Plu 9Sg23 9Vi23
978 5 1 5:03 Ura +SQR Plu 8Sg29 8Vi29
979 1 31 10:55 Ura +SQR Plu 12Sg49 12Vi49
979 6 23 9:08 Ura +SQR Plu 10Sg56 10Vi56
980 1 3 22:25 Ura +SQR Plu 15Sg36 15Vi36
980 8 2 15:43 Ura +SQR Plu 14Sg13 14Vi13
980 12 5 11:41 Ura +SQR Plu 17Sg57 17Vi57
1009 7 13 7:17 Ura +SQR Nep 15Ar50 15Cp50
1009 9 20 2:39 Ura +SQR Nep 14Ar34 14Cp34
1010 6 8 4:56 Ura +SQR Nep 19Ar00 19Cp00
1010 11 2 5:13 Ura +SQR Nep 17Ar05 17Cp05
1011 5 12 13:11 Ura +SQR Nep 21Ar40 21Cp40
1011 12 9 17:41 Ura +SQR Nep 20Ar12 20Cp12
1012 4 12 22:32 Ura +SQR Nep 23Ar54 23Cp54
1028 9 10 6:41 Ura OPPN Plu 6Cn46 6Cp46
1028 10 29 7:16 Ura OPPN Plu 7Cn08 7Cp08
1029 7 29 12:49 Ura OPPN Plu 9Cn14 9Cp14
1029 12 19 5:48 Ura OPPN Plu 10Cn18 10Cp18
1030 6 30 6:20 Ura OPPN Plu 11Cn46 11Cp46
1031 1 29 7:06 Ura OPPN Plu 13Cn23 13Cp23
1031 5 29 19:41 Ura OPPN Plu 14Cn17 14Cp17
1049 11 13 0:01 Ura OPPN Nep 14Li07 14Ar07
1050 3 10 12:13 Ura OPPN Nep 15Li08 15Ar08
1050 10 19 9:19 Ura OPPN Nep 17Li03 17Ar03
1051 4 14 7:34 Ura OPPN Nep 18Li34 18Ar34
1051 9 26 20:39 Ura OPPN Nep 20Li00 20Ar00
1052 5 19 16:10 Ura OPPN Nep 22Li01 22Ar01
1052 8 30 8:18 Ura OPPN Nep 22Li54 22Ar54
1058 11 20 20:36 Ura -SQR Plu 23Sc23 23Aq23
1059 4 15 5:06 Ura -SQR Plu 26Sc30 26Aq30
1059 10 5 9:15 Ura -SQR Plu 24Sc53 24Aq53
1075 9 21 8:13 Nep +SQR Plu 14Ge56 14Pi56
1075 11 10 23:23 Nep +SQR Plu 14Ge12 14Pi12
1076 8 14 14:12 Nep +SQR Plu 16Ge49 16Pi49
1076 12 21 7:01 Nep +SQR Plu 15Ge23 15Pi23
1077 7 19 22:45 Nep +SQR Plu 18Ge20 18Pi20
1078 1 22 0:05 Nep +SQR Plu 16Ge56 16Pi56
1078 6 24 16:13 Nep +SQR Plu 19Ge38 19Pi38
1079 2 27 16:07 Nep +SQR Plu 18Ge51 18Pi51
1079 5 23 12:44 Nep +SQR Plu 20Ge36 20Pi36
1090 3 29 12:37 Ura CONJ Plu 1Ar11 1Ar11
1096 5 31 10:04 Ura -SQR Nep 27Ar30 27Cn30
1096 7 13 8:39 Ura -SQR Nep 28Ar55 28Cn55
1097 4 16 10:35 Ura -SQR Nep 28Ar57 28Cn57
1097 9 5 2:07 Ura -SQR Nep 2Ta56 2Le56
1098 3 19 13:23 Ura -SQR Nep 1Ta18 1Le18
1098 10 14 0:59 Ura -SQR Nep 5Ta59 5Le59
1099 2 19 23:13 Ura -SQR Nep 4Ta05 4Le05
1099 12 9 7:04 Ura -SQR Nep 8Ta09 8Le09
1100 1 3 13:02 Ura -SQR Nep 7Ta38 7Le38
1117 8 27 0:24 Ura +SQR Plu 29Cn12 29Ar12
1118 3 1 12:33 Ura +SQR Plu 27Cn46 27Ar46
1118 6 29 22:05 Ura +SQR Plu 0Le06 0Ta06
1136 10 24 22:18 Ura CONJ Nep 27Li07 27Li07
1141 1 28 23:37 Ura OPPN Plu 19Sc08 19Ta08
1141 3 7 18:13 Ura OPPN Plu 19Sc19 19Ta19
1141 11 30 1:25 Ura OPPN Plu 20Sc45 20Ta45
1142 5 19 15:32 Ura OPPN Plu 21Sc39 21Ta39
1142 10 20 3:30 Ura OPPN Plu 22Sc28 22Ta28
1151 1 4 10:17 Nep OPPN Plu 29Sc00 29Ta00
1151 4 15 12:30 Nep OPPN Plu 29Sc24 29Ta24
1151 12 12 14:39 Nep OPPN Plu 0Sg21 0Ge21
1152 5 13 0:21 Nep OPPN Plu 0Sg57 0Ge57
1152 11 22 1:47 Nep OPPN Plu 1Sg43 1Ge43
1153 6 8 6:37 Nep OPPN Plu 2Sg30 2Ge30
1153 11 2 7:56 Nep OPPN Plu 3Sg05 3Ge05
1154 7 7 17:25 Nep OPPN Plu 4Sg04 4Ge04
1154 10 9 12:30 Nep OPPN Plu 4Sg27 4Ge27
1170 4 30 5:27 Ura -SQR Plu 18Pi35 18Ge35
1170 6 22 8:01 Ura -SQR Plu 19Pi48 19Ge48
1171 2 26 19:40 Ura -SQR Plu 19Pi04 19Ge04
1171 9 6 12:55 Ura -SQR Plu 22Pi10 22Ge10
1172 1 11 14:02 Ura -SQR Plu 20Pi38 20Ge38
1181 8 1 7:04 Ura +SQR Nep 4Ta11 4Aq11
1181 10 7 20:53 Ura +SQR Nep 2Ta56 2Aq56
1182 6 25 22:43 Ura +SQR Nep 7Ta23 7Aq23
1182 11 21 8:59 Ura +SQR Nep 5Ta27 5Aq27
1183 5 29 6:03 Ura +SQR Nep 10Ta03 10Aq03
1183 12 30 15:18 Ura +SQR Nep 8Ta40 8Aq40
1184 4 27 20:22 Ura +SQR Nep 12Ta15 12Aq15
1201 8 5 17:57 Ura CONJ Plu 28Cn54 28Cn54
1220 12 3 19:18 Ura OPPN Nep 0Sc26 0Ta26
1221 3 20 19:29 Ura OPPN Nep 1Sc21 1Ta21
1221 11 8 14:41 Ura OPPN Nep 3Sc21 3Ta21
1222 4 24 23:25 Ura OPPN Nep 4Sc47 4Ta47
1222 10 17 13:46 Ura OPPN Nep 6Sc17 6Ta17
1223 5 29 16:28 Ura OPPN Nep 8Sc12 8Ta12
1223 9 23 1:23 Ura OPPN Nep 9Sc11 9Ta11
1236 4 3 8:08 Ura +SQR Plu 8Cp09 8Li09
1236 6 10 9:03 Ura +SQR Plu 6Cp54 6Li54
1237 3 4 7:44 Ura +SQR Plu 11Cp36 11Li36
1237 7 19 21:21 Ura +SQR Plu 9Cp42 9Li42
1238 2 10 18:07 Ura +SQR Plu 14Cp38 14Li38
1238 8 21 1:18 Ura +SQR Plu 12Cp58 12Li58
1239 1 20 21:35 Ura +SQR Plu 17Cp24 17Li24
1239 9 25 2:53 Ura +SQR Plu 16Cp42 16Li42
1239 12 26 9:52 Ura +SQR Plu 19Cp47 19Li47
1268 6 9 11:06 Ura -SQR Nep 15Ta38 15Le38
1268 8 11 20:41 Ura -SQR Nep 17Ta41 17Le41
1269 4 30 0:17 Ura -SQR Nep 17Ta18 17Le18
1269 9 30 4:26 Ura -SQR Nep 21Ta29 21Le29
1270 4 1 15:30 Ura -SQR Nep 19Ta43 19Le43
1270 11 9 17:51 Ura -SQR Nep 24Ta25 24Le25
1271 3 2 18:07 Ura -SQR Nep 22Ta36 22Le36
1283 9 22 20:00 Ura OPPN Plu 23Cn22 23Cp22
1283 11 19 23:28 Ura OPPN Plu 23Cn47 23Cp47
1284 8 9 11:30 Ura OPPN Plu 25Cn43 25Cp43
1285 1 10 2:25 Ura OPPN Plu 26Cn49 26Cp49
1285 7 8 18:52 Ura OPPN Plu 28Cn08 28Cp08
1286 2 25 19:17 Ura OPPN Plu 29Cn48 29Cp48
1286 6 1 10:50 Ura OPPN Plu 0Le29 0Aq29
1307 11 15 2:09 Ura CONJ Nep 13Sc14 13Sc14
1312 11 25 23:48 Ura -SQR Plu 4Sg58 4Pi58
1313 5 5 17:06 Ura -SQR Plu 8Sg09 8Pi09
1313 10 10 6:44 Ura -SQR Plu 6Sg31 6Pi31
1323 12 19 11:27 Nep -SQR Plu 18Sg06 18Pi06
1324 4 1 14:09 Nep -SQR Plu 20Sg12 20Pi12
1324 11 22 5:23 Nep -SQR Plu 19Sg13 19Pi13
1325 5 4 11:31 Nep -SQR Plu 21Sg59 21Pi59
1325 10 30 8:35 Nep -SQR Plu 20Sg33 20Pi33
1326 6 5 5:29 Nep -SQR Plu 23Sg28 23Pi28
1326 10 5 14:22 Nep -SQR Plu 22Sg06 22Pi06
1327 7 22 21:39 Nep -SQR Plu 24Sg31 24Pi31
1327 8 24 21:02 Nep -SQR Plu 24Sg02 24Pi02
1343 6 19 14:03 Ura CONJ Plu 11Ar29 11Ar29
1343 8 24 15:06 Ura CONJ Plu 11Ar15 11Ar15
1344 3 10 18:49 Ura CONJ Plu 10Ar33 10Ar33
1353 8 11 12:38 Ura +SQR Nep 22Ta48 22Aq48
1353 11 3 12:41 Ura +SQR Nep 21Ta18 21Aq18
1354 7 8 14:02 Ura +SQR Nep 25Ta54 25Aq54
1354 12 16 2:11 Ura +SQR Nep 24Ta00 24Aq00
1355 6 10 7:28 Ura +SQR Nep 28Ta31 28Aq31
1356 1 27 1:49 Ura +SQR Nep 27Ta25 27Aq25
1356 5 6 16:59 Ura +SQR Nep 0Ge34 0Pi34
1370 9 19 11:57 Ura +SQR Plu 7Le34 7Ta34
1371 2 15 17:00 Ura +SQR Plu 6Le02 6Ta02
1371 7 25 15:31 Ura +SQR Plu 8Le47 8Ta47
1391 12 29 23:54 Ura OPPN Nep 16Sc40 16Ta40
1392 3 26 2:02 Ura OPPN Nep 17Sc24 17Ta24
1392 12 2 0:37 Ura OPPN Nep 19Sc32 19Ta32
1393 5 1 12:55 Ura OPPN Nep 20Sc49 20Ta49
1393 11 10 13:49 Ura OPPN Nep 22Sc27 22Ta27
1394 6 3 2:46 Ura OPPN Nep 24Sc11 24Ta11
1394 10 19 16:24 Ura OPPN Nep 25Sc21 25Ta21
1394 12 21 13:21 Ura OPPN Plu 29Sc06 29Ta06
1395 5 9 19:22 Ura OPPN Plu 29Sc50 29Ta50
1395 7 12 12:02 Ura OPPN Nep 27Sc36 27Ta36
1395 9 19 16:54 Ura OPPN Nep 28Sc11 28Ta11
1395 11 10 21:15 Ura OPPN Plu 0Sg50 0Ge50
1396 7 11 22:23 Ura OPPN Plu 2Sg08 2Ge08
1396 9 20 10:46 Ura OPPN Plu 2Sg31 2Ge31
1398 7 1 21:07 Nep CONJ Plu 3Ge51 3Ge51
1398 12 5 14:42 Nep CONJ Plu 3Ge20 3Ge20
1399 4 2 19:19 Nep CONJ Plu 2Ge55 2Ge55
1424 4 19 14:32 Ura -SQR Plu 28Pi39 28Ge39
1424 7 23 11:43 Ura -SQR Plu 0Ar44 0Cn44
1425 2 27 6:29 Ura -SQR Plu 29Pi32 29Ge32
1425 9 28 21:04 Ura -SQR Plu 2Ar45 2Cn45
1426 1 10 21:10 Ura -SQR Plu 1Ar19 1Cn19
1440 6 10 1:23 Ura -SQR Nep 3Ge32 3Vi32
1440 9 21 12:17 Ura -SQR Nep 6Ge43 6Vi43
1441 5 6 15:08 Ura -SQR Nep 5Ge34 5Vi34
1441 11 4 19:46 Ura -SQR Nep 10Ge07 10Vi07
1442 4 7 2:03 Ura -SQR Nep 8Ge11 8Vi11
1442 12 22 20:02 Ura -SQR Nep 12Ge41 12Vi41
1443 2 27 12:48 Ura -SQR Nep 11Ge25 11Vi25
1455 10 1 21:19 Ura CONJ Plu 13Le35 13Le35
1456 1 21 23:46 Ura CONJ Plu 13Le07 13Le07
1456 6 24 19:59 Ura CONJ Plu 12Le27 12Le27
1478 12 15 2:42 Ura CONJ Nep 29Sc40 29Sc40
1479 7 5 3:31 Ura CONJ Nep 28Sc48 28Sc48
1479 8 29 13:14 Ura CONJ Nep 28Sc33 28Sc33
1496 4 29 0:06 Ura +SQR Plu 13Aq53 13Sc53
1496 7 28 12:28 Ura +SQR Plu 12Aq20 12Sc20
1497 4 4 23:18 Ura +SQR Plu 17Aq09 17Sc09
1497 8 30 5:37 Ura +SQR Plu 15Aq15 15Sc15
1498 3 16 3:21 Ura +SQR Plu 20Aq07 20Sc07
1498 9 28 20:42 Ura +SQR Plu 18Aq30 18Sc30
1499 2 23 20:22 Ura +SQR Plu 22Aq48 22Sc48
1499 11 1 21:34 Ura +SQR Plu 22Aq10 22Sc10
1500 1 28 21:02 Ura +SQR Plu 25Aq04 25Sc04
1525 8 16 6:46 Ura +SQR Nep 11Ge40 11Pi40
1525 12 8 12:47 Ura +SQR Nep 9Ge51 9Pi51
1526 7 15 22:10 Ura +SQR Nep 14Ge36 14Pi36
1527 1 19 5:00 Ura +SQR Nep 12Ge52 12Pi52
1527 6 15 12:49 Ura +SQR Nep 17Ge01 17Pi01
1528 3 15 11:57 Ura +SQR Nep 17Ge00 17Pi00
1528 4 26 23:50 Ura +SQR Nep 18Ge26 18Pi26
1538 9 7 15:35 Ura OPPN Plu 8Le57 8Aq57
1539 1 10 6:57 Ura OPPN Plu 9Le49 9Aq49
1539 8 3 3:27 Ura OPPN Plu 11Le15 11Aq15
1540 2 27 16:37 Ura OPPN Plu 12Le42 12Aq42
1540 6 26 8:56 Ura OPPN Plu 13Le32 13Aq32
1563 1 30 16:53 Ura OPPN Nep 2Sg53 2Ge53
1563 3 27 13:22 Ura OPPN Nep 3Sg21 3Ge21
1563 12 29 15:36 Ura OPPN Nep 5Sg41 5Ge41
1564 5 6 16:36 Ura OPPN Nep 6Sg46 6Ge46
1564 12 7 1:03 Ura OPPN Nep 8Sg34 8Ge34
1565 6 7 10:00 Ura OPPN Nep 10Sg05 10Ge05
1565 11 16 17:40 Ura OPPN Nep 11Sg27 11Ge27
1566 1 28 0:07 Ura -SQR Plu 15Sg31 15Pi31
1566 3 16 23:41 Ura -SQR Plu 16Sg42 16Pi42
1566 7 10 15:58 Ura OPPN Nep 13Sg25 13Ge25
1566 10 24 3:34 Ura OPPN Nep 14Sg17 14Ge17
1566 11 24 15:29 Ura -SQR Plu 16Sg00 16Pi00
1567 6 5 19:43 Ura -SQR Plu 19Sg16 19Pi16
1567 10 6 19:33 Ura -SQR Plu 17Sg44 17Pi44
1568 9 26 7:35 Nep +SQR Plu 19Ge07 19Pi07
1568 11 13 13:45 Nep +SQR Plu 18Ge24 18Pi24
1569 8 20 15:03 Nep +SQR Plu 21Ge01 21Pi01
1569 12 24 16:51 Nep +SQR Plu 19Ge35 19Pi35
1570 7 26 11:38 Nep +SQR Plu 22Ge34 22Pi34
1571 1 24 14:59 Nep +SQR Plu 21Ge08 21Pi08
1571 7 2 0:19 Nep +SQR Plu 23Ge53 23Pi53
1572 2 28 5:26 Nep +SQR Plu 23Ge01 23Pi01
1572 5 31 22:34 Nep +SQR Plu 24Ge55 24Pi55
1597 5 2 2:50 Ura CONJ Plu 20Ar17 20Ar17
1597 11 24 10:34 Ura CONJ Plu 19Ar35 19Ar35
1598 1 22 0:48 Ura CONJ Plu 19Ar22 19Ar22
1611 7 18 11:14 Ura -SQR Nep 19Ge56 19Vi56
1611 9 16 16:48 Ura -SQR Nep 21Ge54 21Vi54
1612 6 3 1:30 Ura -SQR Nep 21Ge31 21Vi31
1612 11 8 2:38 Ura -SQR Nep 25Ge48 25Vi48
1613 5 3 0:13 Ura -SQR Nep 23Ge59 23Vi59
1613 12 23 10:00 Ura -SQR Nep 28Ge40 28Vi40
1614 3 29 4:59 Ura -SQR Nep 27Ge01 27Vi01
1623 10 5 21:14 Ura +SQR Plu 15Le52 15Ta52
1624 2 14 23:46 Ura +SQR Plu 14Le22 14Ta22
1624 8 9 8:37 Ura +SQR Plu 17Le12 17Ta12
1644 1 16 21:56 Nep OPPN Plu 3Sg26 3Ge26
1644 4 9 7:38 Nep OPPN Plu 3Sg45 3Ge45
1644 12 21 21:31 Nep OPPN Plu 4Sg46 4Ge46
1645 5 9 18:06 Nep OPPN Plu 5Sg18 5Ge18
1645 12 1 23:14 Nep OPPN Plu 6Sg07 6Ge07
1646 6 4 22:55 Nep OPPN Plu 6Sg51 6Ge51
1646 11 12 15:13 Nep OPPN Plu 7Sg29 7Ge29
1647 7 2 15:33 Nep OPPN Plu 8Sg24 8Ge24
1647 10 21 16:07 Nep OPPN Plu 8Sg50 8Ge50
1648 1 10 22:06 Ura OPPN Plu 7Sg26 7Ge26
1648 5 3 14:05 Ura OPPN Plu 8Sg02 8Ge02
1648 8 14 7:15 Nep OPPN Plu 10Sg01 10Ge01
1648 9 12 5:12 Nep OPPN Plu 10Sg08 10Ge08
1648 11 28 17:08 Ura OPPN Plu 9Sg10 9Ge10
1649 7 2 0:17 Ura OPPN Plu 10Sg19 10Ge19
1649 10 16 8:21 Ura OPPN Plu 10Sg53 10Ge53
1650 1 18 2:06 Ura CONJ Nep 16Sg11 16Sg11
1650 6 13 13:50 Ura CONJ Nep 15Sg35 15Sg35
1650 10 16 1:19 Ura CONJ Nep 15Sg03 15Sg03
1678 4 17 7:34 Ura -SQR Plu 9Ar06 9Cn06
1678 8 15 8:05 Ura -SQR Plu 11Ar41 11Cn41
1679 3 1 14:14 Ura -SQR Plu 10Ar16 10Cn16
1679 10 19 21:24 Ura -SQR Plu 13Ar32 13Cn32
1680 1 11 3:27 Ura -SQR Plu 12Ar17 12Cn17
1696 9 20 12:09 Ura +SQR Nep 27Ge22 27Pi22
1696 12 1 8:32 Ura +SQR Nep 26Ge01 26Pi01
1697 8 13 7:24 Ura +SQR Nep 0Cn37 0Ar37
1698 1 17 17:45 Ura +SQR Nep 28Ge41 28Pi41
1698 7 13 19:47 Ura +SQR Nep 3Cn16 3Ar16
1699 3 4 23:31 Ura +SQR Nep 2Cn16 2Ar16
1699 6 6 13:35 Ura +SQR Nep 5Cn15 5Ar15
1710 9 7 17:16 Ura CONJ Plu 28Le53 28Le53
1735 1 24 18:47 Ura OPPN Nep 21Sg45 21Ge45
1735 5 11 12:56 Ura OPPN Nep 22Sg38 22Ge38
1736 1 1 21:46 Ura OPPN Nep 24Sg35 24Ge35
1736 6 11 19:48 Ura OPPN Nep 25Sg55 25Ge55
1736 12 12 7:33 Ura OPPN Nep 27Sg26 27Ge26
1737 7 12 8:04 Ura OPPN Nep 29Sg11 29Ge11
1737 11 21 20:15 Ura OPPN Nep 0Cp16 0Cn16
1738 8 18 14:01 Ura OPPN Nep 2Cp29 2Cn29
1738 10 24 15:16 Ura OPPN Nep 3Cp02 3Cn02
1755 5 29 4:41 Ura +SQR Plu 15Pi06 15Sg06
1755 8 31 17:34 Ura +SQR Plu 13Pi32 13Sg32
1756 4 30 10:54 Ura +SQR Plu 18Pi07 18Sg07
1756 10 5 22:44 Ura +SQR Plu 16Pi16 16Sg16
1757 4 6 14:27 Ura +SQR Plu 20Pi46 20Sg46
1757 11 9 21:51 Ura +SQR Plu 19Pi26 19Sg26
1758 3 11 0:05 Ura +SQR Plu 23Pi00 23Sg00
1783 6 27 20:31 Ura -SQR Nep 7Cn29 7Li29
1783 11 16 17:19 Ura -SQR Nep 11Cn30 11Li30
1784 5 24 20:02 Ura -SQR Nep 9Cn49 9Li49
1784 12 31 17:28 Ura -SQR Nep 14Cn32 14Li32
1785 4 20 6:50 Ura -SQR Nep 12Cn45 12Li45
1792 9 19 11:54 Ura OPPN Plu 21Le39 21Aq39
1793 1 21 21:37 Ura OPPN Plu 22Le29 22Aq29
1793 8 13 6:08 Ura OPPN Plu 23Le52 23Aq52
1794 3 14 2:55 Ura OPPN Plu 25Le18 25Aq18
1794 7 5 1:48 Ura OPPN Plu 26Le04 26Aq04
1816 12 20 17:38 Nep -SQR Plu 22Sg05 22Pi05
1817 4 7 23:51 Nep -SQR Plu 24Sg16 24Pi16
1817 11 25 4:04 Nep -SQR Plu 23Sg14 23Pi14
1818 5 10 4:50 Nep -SQR Plu 26Sg03 26Pi03
1818 11 2 14:13 Nep -SQR Plu 24Sg36 24Pi36
1819 6 10 15:47 Nep -SQR Plu 27Sg33 27Pi33
1819 10 9 0:36 Nep -SQR Plu 26Sg11 26Pi11
1820 1 1 8:19 Ura -SQR Plu 25Sg36 25Pi36
1820 5 9 23:43 Ura -SQR Plu 28Sg17 28Pi17
1820 7 27 18:26 Nep -SQR Plu 28Sg35 28Pi35
1820 8 26 18:50 Nep -SQR Plu 28Sg09 28Pi09
1820 11 12 9:00 Ura -SQR Plu 26Sg48 26Pi48
1821 3 22 0:20 Ura CONJ Nep 3Cp01 3Cp01
1821 5 3 11:38 Ura CONJ Nep 2Cp51 2Cp51
1821 12 3 15:24 Ura CONJ Nep 1Cp59 1Cp59
1850 6 26 2:28 Ura CONJ Plu 29Ar40 29Ar40
1850 9 25 12:18 Ura CONJ Plu 29Ar21 29Ar21
1851 3 23 20:31 Ura CONJ Plu 28Ar43 28Ar43
1868 9 10 23:45 Ura +SQR Nep 16Cn39 16Ar39
1869 1 21 0:08 Ura +SQR Nep 14Cn43 14Ar43
1869 8 10 1:29 Ura +SQR Nep 19Cn30 19Ar30
1870 3 7 3:41 Ura +SQR Nep 18Cn03 18Ar03
1870 7 6 13:30 Ura +SQR Nep 21Cn44 21Ar44
1876 10 22 0:05 Ura +SQR Plu 24Le03 24Ta03
1877 2 12 8:12 Ura +SQR Plu 22Le38 22Ta38
1877 8 25 5:28 Ura +SQR Plu 25Le32 25Ta32
1891 8 2 18:15 Nep CONJ Plu 8Ge37 8Ge37
1891 11 5 19:52 Nep CONJ Plu 8Ge19 8Ge19
1892 4 30 16:46 Nep CONJ Plu 7Ge42 7Ge42
1901 1 31 13:24 Ura OPPN Plu 15Sg50 15Ge50
1901 4 29 18:24 Ura OPPN Plu 16Sg18 16Ge18
1901 12 17 3:32 Ura OPPN Plu 17Sg33 17Ge33
1902 6 28 12:29 Ura OPPN Plu 18Sg36 18Ge36
1902 11 6 22:45 Ura OPPN Plu 19Sg19 19Ge19
1906 3 1 3:10 Ura OPPN Nep 7Cp42 7Cn42
1906 5 7 12:45 Ura OPPN Nep 8Cp15 8Cn15
1907 2 1 6:52 Ura OPPN Nep 10Cp28 10Cn28
1907 6 13 3:48 Ura OPPN Nep 11Cp32 11Cn32
1908 1 12 9:44 Ura OPPN Nep 13Cp17 13Cn17
1908 7 11 14:11 Ura OPPN Nep 14Cp45 14Cn45
1908 12 23 19:25 Ura OPPN Nep 16Cp06 16Cn06
1909 8 10 17:21 Ura OPPN Nep 17Cp58 17Cn58
1909 12 2 23:25 Ura OPPN Nep 18Cp54 18Cn54
1910 9 23 22:49 Ura OPPN Nep 21Cp18 21Cn18
1910 10 28 8:08 Ura OPPN Nep 21Cp34 21Cn34
1932 4 21 14:08 Ura -SQR Plu 20Ar02 20Cn02
1932 9 2 9:27 Ura -SQR Plu 22Ar55 22Cn55
1933 3 8 18:28 Ura -SQR Plu 21Ar23 21Cn23
1933 11 5 3:17 Ura -SQR Plu 24Ar44 24Cn44
1934 1 18 3:52 Ura -SQR Plu 23Ar35 23Cn35
1954 7 15 17:57 Ura -SQR Nep 23Cn19 23Li19
1954 12 2 18:53 Ura -SQR Nep 27Cn20 27Li20
1955 6 11 11:25 Ura -SQR Nep 25Cn39 25Li39
1956 1 19 11:51 Ura -SQR Nep 0Le22 0Sc22
1956 5 5 12:10 Ura -SQR Nep 28Cn37 28Li37
1965 10 9 19:58 Ura CONJ Plu 17Vi10 17Vi10
1966 4 4 21:11 Ura CONJ Plu 16Vi28 16Vi28
1966 6 30 9:24 Ura CONJ Plu 16Vi06 16Vi06
1993 2 2 12:28 Ura CONJ Nep 19Cp34 19Cp34
1993 8 19 21:44 Ura CONJ Nep 18Cp49 18Cp49
1993 10 25 5:06 Ura CONJ Nep 18Cp33 18Cp33
2012 6 24 8:12 Ura +SQR Plu 8Ar24 8Cp24
2012 9 19 6:55 Ura +SQR Plu 6Ar57 6Cp57
2013 5 20 22:18 Ura +SQR Plu 11Ar14 11Cp14
2013 11 1 11:15 Ura +SQR Plu 9Ar26 9Cp26
2014 4 21 18:35 Ura +SQR Plu 13Ar34 13Cp34
2014 12 15 6:21 Ura +SQR Plu 12Ar35 12Cp35
2015 3 17 1:44 Ura +SQR Plu 15Ar18 15Cp18
2039 10 3 4:36 Ura +SQR Nep 2Le49 2Ta49
2040 1 31 21:58 Ura +SQR Nep 0Le56 0Ta56
2040 8 29 15:56 Ura +SQR Nep 5Le45 5Ta45
2041 3 18 10:56 Ura +SQR Nep 4Le11 4Ta11
2041 7 26 1:36 Ura +SQR Nep 8Le03 8Ta03
2046 9 22 16:25 Ura OPPN Plu 3Vi45 3Pi45
2047 2 15 3:29 Ura OPPN Plu 4Vi42 4Pi42
2047 8 16 5:35 Ura OPPN Plu 5Vi54 5Pi54
2048 4 12 1:22 Ura OPPN Plu 7Vi28 7Pi28
2048 6 30 1:06 Ura OPPN Plu 7Vi59 7Pi59
2061 9 18 23:58 Nep +SQR Plu 23Ge05 23Pi05
2061 11 28 2:23 Nep +SQR Plu 22Ge07 22Pi07
2062 8 18 14:07 Nep +SQR Plu 24Ge54 24Pi54
2063 1 3 2:48 Nep +SQR Plu 23Ge26 23Pi26
2063 7 25 7:09 Nep +SQR Plu 26Ge26 26Pi26
2064 2 2 12:22 Nep +SQR Plu 25Ge03 25Pi03
2064 6 29 18:42 Nep +SQR Plu 27Ge44 27Pi44
2065 3 9 15:47 Nep +SQR Plu 27Ge01 27Pi01
2065 5 28 23:36 Nep +SQR Plu 28Ge43 28Pi43
2073 2 15 11:34 Ura -SQR Plu 5Cp17 5Ar17
2073 4 6 18:23 Ura -SQR Plu 6Cp28 6Ar28
2073 12 13 2:33 Ura -SQR Plu 5Cp44 5Ar44
2074 6 27 2:13 Ura -SQR Plu 8Cp52 8Ar52
2074 10 24 9:37 Ura -SQR Plu 7Cp23 7Ar23
2078 3 7 0:34 Ura OPPN Nep 26Cp15 26Cn15
2078 6 6 6:50 Ura OPPN Nep 26Cp59 26Cn59
2079 2 11 14:25 Ura OPPN Nep 29Cp01 29Cn01
2079 7 8 11:27 Ura OPPN Nep 0Aq12 0Le12
2080 1 23 20:12 Ura OPPN Nep 1Aq48 1Le48
2080 8 4 21:28 Ura OPPN Nep 3Aq22 3Le22
2081 1 4 11:19 Ura OPPN Nep 4Aq36 4Le36
2081 9 4 9:04 Ura OPPN Nep 6Aq33 6Le33
2081 12 13 20:26 Ura OPPN Nep 7Aq21 7Le21
2104 4 24 11:30 Ura CONJ Plu 7Ta35 7Ta35
2125 7 25 1:26 Ura -SQR Nep 9Le06 9Sc06
2125 12 26 1:24 Ura -SQR Nep 13Le21 13Sc21
2126 6 20 20:34 Ura -SQR Nep 11Le33 11Sc33
2127 2 14 10:04 Ura -SQR Nep 16Le13 16Sc13
2127 5 12 8:43 Ura -SQR Nep 14Le41 14Sc41
2129 11 1 10:33 Ura +SQR Plu 2Vi12 2Ge12
2130 2 18 17:06 Ura +SQR Plu 0Vi49 0Ge49
2130 9 4 7:18 Ura +SQR Plu 3Vi44 3Ge44
2137 1 29 15:41 Nep OPPN Plu 7Sg33 7Ge33
2137 4 4 11:43 Nep OPPN Plu 7Sg48 7Ge48
2137 12 31 21:20 Nep OPPN Plu 8Sg52 8Ge52
2138 5 8 14:05 Nep OPPN Plu 9Sg22 9Ge22
2138 12 10 21:54 Nep OPPN Plu 10Sg13 10Ge13
2139 6 4 14:47 Nep OPPN Plu 10Sg54 10Ge54
2139 11 21 6:40 Nep OPPN Plu 11Sg34 11Ge34
2140 7 1 1:49 Nep OPPN Plu 12Sg27 12Ge27
2140 10 29 18:21 Nep OPPN Plu 12Sg55 12Ge55
2141 8 7 9:28 Nep OPPN Plu 14Sg02 14Ge02
2141 9 27 18:09 Nep OPPN Plu 14Sg14 14Ge14
2154 2 23 22:26 Ura OPPN Plu 24Sg13 24Ge13
2154 4 20 4:14 Ura OPPN Plu 24Sg31 24Ge31
2155 1 2 23:38 Ura OPPN Plu 25Sg55 25Ge55
2155 6 23 10:49 Ura OPPN Plu 26Sg51 26Ge51
2155 11 25 20:49 Ura OPPN Plu 27Sg43 27Ge43
2165 1 17 16:21 Ura CONJ Nep 6Aq27 6Aq27
2186 4 30 16:53 Ura -SQR Plu 1Ta23 1Le23
2186 9 13 9:11 Ura -SQR Plu 4Ta25 4Le25
2187 3 19 10:04 Ura -SQR Plu 2Ta51 2Le51
2187 11 13 2:51 Ura -SQR Plu 6Ta23 6Le23
2188 1 31 6:52 Ura -SQR Plu 5Ta07 5Le07

Note: The Historical Ephemeris was compiled in 1989-92 with the help and
encouragement of Rob Hand and the late Neil Michelson in USA. More data
on astrological cycles in history are to be found at the free Historical
Ephemeris website and Palden's free online book "Living in Time" is
at Palden Jenkins lives in Glastonbury, England. He works
as an editor, webmaster (,
astrologer and humanitarian psychic. He is also involved in crop circle
research, several community ventures, and as an historian and geopolitical
analyst. The core focus of his work today is spiritual-psychic work in
connection with current world crises and issues. Palden is currently writing a
book called "Healing the Hurts of Nations", for publication in early 2003.
To cite this page:
Palden Jenkins: Astrological Cycles in History
All rights reserved © 2002 Palden Jenkins



Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie

Web site Designer & Editor: Patrice Guinard
© 1999-2002 Dr. Patrice Guinard

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