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Andres Camilo Tous Arcia

Digital University of Antioquia
Step 1 Routine Activity Unexpected event Emotion
Moment 1 Attending virtual class. Internet Connection Anger.
Sentence 1 My friend gets angry when he’s attending virtual class and his Internet
Connection fails.
Moment 2 Doing test Getting a perfect Happiness.
Sentence 2 My dad feels very happy when he completes a test and gets a perfect
Moment 3 Watching Netflix A Character I like dies Sadness.
Sentence 3 It makes my sister very sad when a character she likes dies while
watching Netflix.
Moment 4 Going to the store. A dog barks at me. Fear.
Sentence 4 My aunt feels scared when I’m going to the store and a dog barks at her.
Moment 5 Walking on the Stepping on poop. Disgust.
Sentence 5 My uncle feels disgusted when he’s walking on the streets and steps on
Moment 6 Walking out the Someone gets hit by a Surprise.
Cinema car
Sentence 6 It surprises my family when they are walking out the cinema and
someone gets hit by a car.

Step 2

I get up at 7:00 AM and sometimes my alarm in my phone is not loud enough to wake me up and it
makes me angry because the time I lose results in me arriving late, doing my homework late or not
using my time correctly.

I prepare my breakfast at 7:10 AM after brushing my teeth. The smell of hot, boiled potatoes with
scrambled eggs always makes me feel satisfied. Sometimes, when I don’t have time to prepare my
breakfast my mom does it for me. She is very skilled at cooking and always gives her best when
she cooks.

At 7:30 AM I shower myself. The floor is very slippery so I am always afraid of losing my balance
and tripping over. After that I wash the dishes and start cleaning the house. I feel very happy when
my stuff are clean. Having my stuff clean gives me satisfaction.

At 8:00 AM, I start working on my obligations with the university like homework and exams. After
that I feel relieved because it feels like freeing myself from a big load.

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