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Gentile’s Taxonomy of Motor Skills

Action Function
Body Stability Body Transport
Environmental No Object Manipulation Object Manipulation No Object Manipulation Object Manipulation
Stationary Regulatory 1A 1B 1C 1D
Conditions Body Stability Body Stability Body Transport Body Transport
and No Object Object No Object Object
No Intertrial Variability Stationary Regulatory Conditions Stationary Regulatory Conditions Stationary Regulatory Conditions
Stationary Regulatory Conditions
No Intertrial Variability No Intertrial Variability No Intertrial Variability No Intertrial Variability
- Standing alone in a room - Brushing teeth standing alone - Climbing Stairs - Climbing stairs while holding a
- Practicing a basketball free- at a sink - Running through a basketball book
throw shot without a ball - Shooting basketball free- play several times without a - Running through a basketball
throws ball play several times with a ball
Stationary Regulatory 2A 2B 2C 2D
Conditions Body Stability Body Stability Body Transport Body Transport
and No Object Object No Object Object
Intertrial Variability Stationary Regulatory Conditions Stationary Regulatory Conditions Stationary Regulatory Conditions
Stationary Regulatory Conditions
Intertrial Variability Intertrial Variability Intertrial Variability Intertrial Variability
- Standing on different surfaces - Washing dishes while standing - Walking on different surfaces- Walking on different surfaces
- Swinging a baseball bat at at a sink - Running through several while carrying a bag of
different ball locations without a - Putting golf bals from various basketball plays several times groceries
bat or ball locations on a putting green without a ball - Running through several
basketball plays with a ball
In-Motion Regulatory 3A 3B 3C 3D
Conditions Body Stability Body Stability Body Transport Body Transport
and No Object Object No Object Object
No Intertrial Variability Regulatory Conditions In Motion Regulatory Conditions In Motion Regulatory Conditions In Motion Regulatory Conditions In Motion
No Intertrial Variability No Intertrial Variability No Intertrial Variability No Intertrial Variability
- Walking on a treadmill at a - Walking on a treadmill at a - Standing on a moving escalator - Standing on a moving escalator
constant speed constant speed while reading a at a constant speed while holding a cup of water
- Passing basketballs to a book - Running through a basketball - Running through a basketball
moving player running the - Catching a series of softballs play without a ball but with play with ab all and moving
same pattern several times thrown at the same speed by a moving defenders defenders
without a ball pitching machine.
In-Motion Regulatory 4A 4B 4C 4D
Conditions Body Stability Body Stability Body Transport Body Transport
and No Object Object No Object Object
Intertrial Variability Regulatory Conditions In Motion Regulatory Conditions In Motion Regulatory Conditions In Motion Regulatory Conditions In Motion
Intertrial Variability Intertrial Variability Intertrial Variability Intertrial Variability
- Walking on a treadmill at - Walking on a treadmill at - Walking in a crowded mall - Walking in a crowded mall
different speeds different speeds while reading a - Practicing several soccer plays carrying a baby
- Passing basketballs to a book without a ball but with - Practicing several soccer plays
moving player running different - Catching softballs thrown at defenders with a ball and defenders
patterns, without a ball various speeds by a pitching

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