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Mohammad Ihsan Ardian Susilo

XII Aph2


It’s estimated that 90% off all «dry clean only» clothing, can be laundered at
home. I remember the moment vividly when I purchased my first silk shirt and
was researching how to care for it. Thanks to the bounty of the internet I
discovered The Laundress and their endless array of products and tips designed to
care for your wardrobe at home - even cashmere and silk.


Next, I follow the instructions on the bottle and add 2 capfuls of detergent, swirl it
around in the water with my hand and submerge the sweater. Once the sweater
is in the basin I’ll agitate it with my hands and then let it sit for up to 30 minutes -
longer depending on how dirty the sweater is. Once the time is up, I’ll come back
and agitate the sweater some more to make sure it’s nice and clean and then
remove it from the basin, run it under cold water to rinse and then press it gently
together to remove excess water. If I have a lot of water left in the sweater, I will
roll it in a towel like a burrito.
To dry the sweater, I never place it in the dryer. The heat will cause your sweater
to shrink, degrade the color and misshape it. Once the sweater is dry, typically
over night, I will steam it to release any wrinkles and then spray it with the Wool
& Cashmere Spray which is antibacterial and helps extend the lovely smell and
keep odors at bay in between washes.


For silk, linen and other delicates, I use the same method I do with my sweaters,
but I wash those a little more frequently and I use the Delicate Wash. Like my
sweaters, also air dry these pieces and I will also spray my delicates with the
Delicate Spray in between washes to keep them fresh and lovely.

It doesn’t matter how careful you are, life always has a way of interfering with our
best laid plans and in the case of our clothes, that means stains.

For tannin and protein stains I spot treat as needed with the Stain Solution before
laundering as usual

For hard to reach areas like collars and armpits, and dirt, grease, and oil based
stains I use the Wash & Stain Bar because it’s easier to work into the marks.


I used to use a lint roller but have since stopped because it was never that
effective and they’re incredibly wasteful. Now, I use a Cashmere Brush that
effortlessly removes lint, is so much better for the environment because it isn’t
disposable and feels so much fancier - which I love.

The last thing I want to go over is some basic storage tips that can help extend the
life of your clothes and ensure they don’t lose their shape or get eaten by moths.

Hang vs Fold: First up is hanging vs folding. I also prefer to hang my silks, blazers
and jackets, trousers and skirts and fold my jeans and t-shirts. I also like to place a
few Lavender Pouches in my drawers and closet to keep thing smelling lovely and
help ward off moths

Hangers: Next I want to talk about hangers. Storing Out Of Season Clothes: I
actually no longer store out of season clothes and instead I like to have everything
out all year long. Jason and I share 1 small closet and a bureau that easily houses
my entire wardrobe but if you have less space or just benefit from having
seasonal clothes out of site, I recommend storing them in a breathable container
like the Canvas Under Bed Storage Bag.

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