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How to Remove Berry Stains From Clothes, Carpet,

and Upholstery
Written by
Mary Marlowe Leverette
Fact checked by
Emily Estep

 Skill Level: Beginner

Strawberries, raspberries, cherries, blackberries, cranberries, and blueberries are healthy and delicious but can
leave a stain that is tough to remove from fabrics and carpet. The tannins in berries is so strong that it can be
used to create natural dyes for yarn or fabrics, but that's not always the best look down the front of your favorite

Stain Type Tannin-based dye

Detergent Type Heavy-duty laundry detergent
Water Temperature Cold to warm
Cycle Type Normal

Click Play to Learn How to Remove Berry Stains From Clothing

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

 1 Soft bristled brush

 1 Dull butter knife
 1 Soaking basin
 Washing machine


 Heavy-duty laundry detergent

 Stain remover
 Water
 Chlorine bleach (optional)
 Oxygen-based bleach (optional)


The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska

Before You Begin

You'll have the most success with stain removal if you treat the berry stains as soon as possible after they
happen. Older stains are much more difficult to remove.

If the item is labeled as dry-clean-only, remove any solids and blot the area with a white paper towel or cloth to
remove as much of the stain as possible. Then as soon as possible, head to your dry cleaner and point out and
identify the stain to a professional cleaner.

If you decide to use a home dry cleaning kit, be sure to treat the berry stain first with the provided stain remover
before putting the garment in the dryer bag.

When a stain happens upholstery, if it is vintage or silk, do not attempt to clean it yourself. Call a professional
especially if you need more stain removal tips.

1. Lift the Solids

Lift away any berry solids from the surface of the fabric with a dull knife or edge of a credit card. Do
not rub because that will press the stain deeper into the fibers. If you can't wash the garment right away,
dip a paper towel or white cloth in plain water and blot the stain.

2. Flush With Cold Water

As soon as possible, hold the stain under a running faucet of cold water. Flush from the wrong side of
the fabric to force out the stain.

3. Pretreat the Stain

If the berry stain has dried, use a stain remover to pretreat the stain. Work the stain remover into the
stain with a soft-bristled brush (like an an old toothbrush) and allow it to remain on the stain for at least
15 minutes before washing. If you don't have a stain remover, use a bit of the heavy-duty liquid
detergent for pretreating.


Never use natural soap in a bar or soap flakes, because they make tannin stains more difficult to remove.

4. Wash With Heavy-Duty Detergent

Wash the garment using a heavy-duty detergent (Tide and Persil are considered heavy-duty and
contain enough enzymes to break apart the stain) and the hottest water recommended on the item's care

5. Check the Stain Before Drying

After washing, always check clothes to be sure that no stains remain before tossing in the dryer. The
high heat of the dryer may permanently set the stains. If a stain remains, move on to one of the soaking

6. Use a Bleach and Water Soak

Some types of berry stains may need to be treated with bleach to remove lingering color. Chlorine
bleach can be used on natural fiber (cotton and linen) white garments and table linens. Mix 1/4 cup of
chlorine bleach per 1 gallon of water. Soak for 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing well.

For white synthetic fabrics or colored clothes, use an oxygen-based bleach instead. Following package
directions, mix a solution of warm water and oxygen-based bleach. Completely submerge the stained
items and allow them to soak at least four hours or overnight. Then wash as usual.

How to Remove Berry Stains From Carpet and Upholstery

To remove berry stains from upholstery, follow the same cleaning recommendations as those for carpet. Take
extra care not to over-saturate the cushions with the cleaning or rinsing solutions which can cause moisture
problems in the cushions.

What You'll Need


 Dishwashing liquid
 Warm water
 Oxygen-based bleach (optional)
 Hydrogen peroxide (optional)
 Paper towels


 Dull-edged knife
 White cloth
 Sponge
 Eye-dropper (optional)

The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska

1. Remove Any Berry Solids and Liquids
Use a dull knife or the edge of a spoon to lift any solids from the carpet. Do not rub, because that will
push the stain deeper into the fibers. Next, use a white paper towel or old white cloth to blot up as much
of the liquid as possible. Try to work from the outside edge of the stain toward the center to keep the
stain from spreading and getting larger.

2. Mix a Cleaning Solution and Blot the Stain

Mix a solution of 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid with 2 cups of lukewarm water. Dip a white cloth,
sponge, or paper towel into the solution and blot the berry stain. Keep moving to a clean area of the
cloth as the stain is transferred out of the carpet.

3. Rinse Well

When no more stain is transferred, dip a clean white cloth in plain water and "rinse" by blotting the stain
again. It is important to rinse the detergent out of the carpet because it can attract soil.

4. Tackle Tough Stains

If the stain doesn't budge, mix a solution of oxygen-based bleach in cool water following package
directions. Dip a clean sponge into the solution or use an eye-dropper to apply to the remaining spot.
Working from the outside edge of the stain toward the center, work the solution into the carpet. Do not
over wet. Allow the solution to remain on the stain for at least 30 minutes before blotting away.

You can also use hydrogen peroxide to remove the berry stain. Drop a few drops of 3-percent hydrogen
peroxide onto the stained area. Let it work for one hour and then blot away. There is no need to rinse,
because exposure to light turns hydrogen peroxide into plain water. Repeat if necessary.

5. Air-Dry and Vacuum

Finally, after treating the stains, use a dry clean white cloth to blot away moisture. Allow the carpet to
air-dry completely and vacuum to restore the pile.

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