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Well this is a story that happened to me with a friend, we went to dinner and we talked for about

an hour and suddenly a guy comes in and goes directly with a couple and he shouts at her, he
insults her, he didn't tell her but the guy had a lot of reason was his wife and he was with his lover
what I would have done from the beginning was to wait for the wife outside the restaurant I
would have called her I took her home and there we talked about what happened at that time but
how everything was Quickly, all of us in the restaurant found out what happened that there were
even violent blows, but I think that at that moment one has no head and does what his anger first
tells him, for us it was an uncomfortable moment and we could not do anything but talk about it.

bueno esta es una historia que me paso con una amiga fuimos a cenar y estuvimos hablando como
por una hora y derrepente entra un tipo y se va directamente con una pareja y le fue a gritar, la
insulto, que no le dijo pero el tipo tenia mucha razon era su esposa y estaba con su amante lo que
hubiera echo yo desde el inicio era esperar a la esposa a fuera del restaurante la hubiera llamado
me la llevo a la casa y ahi platicamos de lo que paso en ese momento pero como todo fue rapido
todos los del restaurante nos enteramos de lo sucedido que hasta golpes violentos hubieron pero
creo que en ese momento uno no tiene cabeza y hace lo que su enojo de primero le dice para
nosotros fue un momento incomodo y no pudimos hacer nada mas que hablar del tema.

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