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4.2 P300 MERMER






Brain fingerprinting is based on finding that the brain generates a unique brain
wave pattern when a person encounters a familiar stimulus Use of functional
magnetic resonance imaging in lie detection derives from studies suggesting
that persons asked to lie show different patterns of brain activity than they do
when being truthful. Issues related to the use of such evidence in courts are
discussed. The author concludes that neither approach is currently supported by
enough data regarding its accuracy in detecting deception to warrant use in

In the field of criminology, a new lie detector has been developed in the United
States of America. This is called “brain fingerprinting”. This invention is
supposed to be the best lie detector available as on date and is said to detect
even smooth criminals who pass the polygraph test (the conventional lie
detector test) with ease. The new method employs brain waves, which are useful
in detecting whether the person subjected to the test, remembers finer details of
the crime. Even if the person willingly suppresses the necessary information,
the brain wave is sure to trap him, according to the experts, who are very
excited about the new kid on the block.


Figure No. Title Page No

1.1 Testing of brain fingerprinting device 3

2.1 EEG test to measure mathematical brain activity 4

2.2 Adaptive noise module 5

4.1 The person undergoing Brain Fingerprinting 11

5.1 Block diagram of fingerprinting technology 12

5.2 Testing the brain activity using brain fingerprinting technology 13

5.3 Information is present 14

5.4 Information is absent 14

5.5 Brain Waves 15

Brain Fingerprinting Technology


Brain Fingerprinting is a controversial proposed investigative technique that measures
recognition of familiar stimuli by measuring electrical brain wave responses to words, phrases,
or pictures that are presented on a computer screen. Brain fingerprinting was invented by
Lawrence Farwell. The theory is that the suspect's reaction to the details of an event or activity
will reflect if the suspect had prior knowledge of the event or activity. This test uses what
Farwell calls the MERMER ("Memory and Encoding Related Multifaceted
Electroencephalographic Response") response to detect familiarity reaction. One of the
applications is lie detection. Dr. Lawrence A. Farwell has invented, developed, proven, and
patented the technique of Farwell Brain Fingerprinting, a new computer-based technology to
identify the perpetrator of a crime accurately and scientifically by measuring brain-wave
responses to crimerelevant words or pictures presented on a computer screen.


Brain Fingerprinting is designed to determine whether an individual recognizes specific

information related to an event or activity by measuring electrical brain wave responses to
words, phrases, or pictures presented on a computer screen. The technique can be applied only
in situations where investigators have a sufficient amount of specific information about an event
or activity that would be known only to the perpetrator and Investigator.
Test, where the "guilty" party is expected to react strongly to the relevant detail of the event of
activity.Existing (polygraph) procedures for assessing the validity of a suspect's "guilty"
knowledge rely on measurement of autonomic arousal (e.g., palm sweating and heart rate),
while Brain Fingerprinting measures electrical brain activity via a fitted headband containing
special sensors.Brain Fingerprinting is said to be more accurate in detecting "guilty" knowledge
distinct from the false positives of traditional polygraph methods, but this is hotly disputed by
specialized researchers.

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Brain Fingerprinting Technology


The person to be tested wears a special headband with electronic sensors that measure
the electroencephalography from several locations on the scalp. In order to calibrate the brain
fingerprinting system, the testee is presented with a series of irrelevant stimuli, words, and
pictures, and a series of relevant stimuli, words, and pictures. The test subject's brain response
to these two different types of stimuli allow the testor to determine if the measured brain
responses to test stimuli are called probes, are more similar to the relevant or irrelevant
The technique uses the well known fact that an electrical signal known as P300 is
emitted from an individual's brain approximately 300 milliseconds after it is confronted with a
stimulus of special significance, e.g. a rare vs. a common stimuls or a stimulus the proband is
asked to count. The novel interpretation in brain fingerprinting is to look for P300 as response
to stimuli related to the crime in question e.g., a murder weapon or a victim's face. Because it
is based on EEG signals, the system does not require the testee to issue verbal responses to
questions orstimuli.
Brain fingerprinting uses cognitive brain responses, brain finger printing does not
depend on the emotions of the subject, nor is it affected by emotional responses. Brain
fingerprinting is fundamentally different from the polygraph (lie-detector), which measures
emotion-based physiological signals such as heart rate, sweating, and blood pressure. Also,
unlike polygraph testing, it does not attempt to determine whether or not the subject is lying or
telling the truth.
When a crime is committed, a record is stored in the brain of the perpetrator. Brain
Fingerprinting provides a means to objectively and scientifically connect evidence from the
crime scene with evidence stored in the brain. (This is similar to the process of connecting DNA
samples from the perpetrator with biological evidence found at the scene of the crime; only the
evidence evaluated by Brain Fingerprinting is evidence stored in the brain.

Brain Fingerprinting measures electrical brain activity in response to crime-relevant

words or pictures presented on a computer screen, and reveals a brain MERMER (memory and
encoding related multifaceted electroencephalographic response) when, and only when, the
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Brain Fingerprinting Technology

evidence stored in the brain matches the evidence from the crime scene. Thus, the guilty can be
identified and the innocent can be cleared in an accurate, scientific, objective, non-invasive,
nonstressful, and non-testimonial manner.

Fig: 1.1: Testing of brain finger printing device.

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Brain Fingerprinting Technology



Electroencephalography (EEG) is the measurement of electrical activity produced by the

brain as recorded from electrodes placed on the scalp. Just as the activity in a computer can be
understood on multiple levels, from the activity of individual transistors to the function of
applications, so can the electrical activity of the brain be described on relatively small to
relatively large scales. At one end are action potentials in a single axon or currents within a
single dendrite of a single neuron, and at the other end is the activity measured by the EEG
which aggregates the electric voltage fields from millions of neurons. So-called scalp EEG is
collected from tens to hundreds of electrodes positioned on different locations at the surface of
the head. EEG signals (in the range of milli-volts) are amplified and digitalized for later
processing. The data measured by the scalp EEG are used for clinical and research purposes.

Brainwave (EEG) measurements and event-related brain potentials (ERPs) The neurons
in the brain fire electrically, forming a vast network of electrical potential conduits.
Electroencephalography (EEG) involves the measurement of these patterns of electrical voltage
changes that originate in the brain. These measurements are made non-invasively from the
scalp. When the brain conducts certain tasks, specific patterns of EEG (or ‘‘brainwave’’)
activity are produced. An example of such a specific task is noticing, recognizing, and
processing the information contained in a significant stimulus such as a murder weapon
presented on a screen in a brain fingerprinting test. These specific patterns of brainwave activity
are known as event-related brain potentials, or ERPs. This is based on how the brain processes
specific information such as the features of a crime that are presented on a computer screen.

Fig: 2.1: EEG test to measure mathematical brain activity

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Brain Fingerprinting Technology


Scalp EEG activity oscillates at multiple frequencies having different characteristic

spatial distributions associated with different states of brain functioning such as waking and
sleeping. These oscillations represent synchronized activity over a network of neurons. The
neuronal networks underlying some of these oscillations are understood (such as the
thalamocortical resonance underlying sleep spindles) while many others are not (e.g. the system
that generates the posterior basic rhythm.

2.2: Adaptive noise

2.3 EEG VS

EEG has several strong sides as a tool of exploring brain activity; for example, its time
resolution is very high (on the level of asingle millisecond).o Other methods of looking at brain
activity, such as PET and FMRI have time resolution between seconds and minutes.

EEG measures the brain's electrical activity directly, while other methods record
changes in blood flow (e.g., SPECT, FMRI) or metabolic activity (e.g., PET), which are
indirect markers of brain electrical activity.EEG can be used simultaneously with FMRI so
that high-temporal- resolution data can be recorded at the same time as high-spatial-resolution
data, however, since the data derived from each occurs over a different time course, the data
sets do not necessarily represent the exact same brain activity. There are technical difficulties
associated with combining these two modalities like currents can be induced in moving EEG
electrode wires due to the magnetic field of the MRI.

EEG can be recorded at the same time as MEG so that data from these complimentary
high-time-resolution techniques can be combined. Magneto-encephalography (MEG) is an

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Brain Fingerprinting Technology

imaging technique used to measure the magnetic fields produced by electrical activity in the
brain via extremely sensitive devices such as superconducting quantum interference devices
(SQUIDs). These measurements are commonly used in both research and clinical settings.
There are many uses for the MEG, including assisting surgeons in localizing pathology,
assisting researchers in determining the function of various parts of the brain, neuro-feedback,
and others.


Scalp EEG, the recording is obtained by placing electrodes on the scalp. Each electrode
is connected to one input of a differential amplifier and a common system reference electrode is
connected to the other input of each differential amplifier. These amplifiers amplify the voltage
between the active electrode and the reference (typically 1,000–100,000 times, or 60–100 dB of
voltage gain). A typical adult human EEG signal is about 10µV to 100 µV in amplitude when
measured from the scalp and is about 10–20 mV when measured from subdural electrodes. In
digital EEG systems, the amplified signal is digitized via an analog-to-digital converter, after
being passed through an anti-aliasing filter. Since an EEG voltage signal represents a difference
between the voltages at two electrodes, the display of the EEG for the reading
encephalographer may be set up in one of several ways.

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The application of Brain Fingerprinting testing in a criminal case involves four phases:
investigation, interview, scientific testing, and adjudication. Of these four phases, only the
third one is in the domain of science. The first phase is undertaken by a skilled investigator,
the second by an interviewer who may be an investigator or a scientist, the third by a scientist,
and the fourth by a judge andjury.

This is similar to the forensic application of other sciences. For example, if a person is
found dead of unknown causes, first there is an investigation to determine if there may have
been foul play. If there is a suspect involved, the suspect is interviewed to determine what role,
if any, he says he has had in the situation. If the investigation determines that the victim may
have been poisoned using ricin or cadmium, two rare and powerful poisons, then scientific
tests can be conducted to detect these specific substances in the body. Then the evidence
accumulated through the test, the investigation, and the interview are presented to a judge and
jury, who make the adjudication as to whether a particular suspect is guilty of a particular
crime. In such a case, the science of forensic toxicology reveals only whether or not specific
toxins are in the body. It does not tell us when or where to look for toxins, or which toxins to
look for. We must rely on investigation to provide the necessary guidance on these issues. The
science of forensic toxicology also does not tell us whether a particular suspect is innocent or
guilty of a crime. The question of guilt or innocence is a legal one, not a scientific one, and the
adjudication is made by a judge and jury, and not by a scientist or a computer.


The first phase in applying Brain Fingerprinting testing in a criminal case is an

investigation of the crime. Before a Brain Fingerprinting test can be applied, an investigation
must be undertaken to discover information that can be used in the test. The science of Brain
Fingerprinting accurately determines whether or not specific information is stored in a specific
person’s brain. It detects the presence or absence of specific information in the brain. Before

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we can conduct this scientific test, we need to determine what information to test for. This
investigation precedes and informs the scientific phase which constitutes the Brain
Fingerprinting test itself. The role of investigation is to find specific information that will be
useful in a Brain Finger printing test. As with any scientific test, if the outcome of the Brain
Fingerprinting test is to be useful evidence for a judge and jury to consider in reaching their
verdict, then the information tested must have a bearing on the perpetration of the crime.


Once evidence has been accumulated through investigation, and before the Brain
Fingerprinting test is conducted to determine if the evidence can be linked to the suspect, it
can in some cases be very valuable to obtain the suspect‟s account of the situation. For
example, if an investigation shows that specific fingerprints are found at the scene of a
murder, a suspect can be interviewed to determine if there may be some legitimate reason that
his prints are there. If the suspect‟s story is that he was never at the scene of the crime, then a
match between his fingerprints and the fingerprints at that scene would
behighlyincriminating.If,ontheotherhand,thesuspect‟sstoryisthathewasat the scene for some
legitimate reason just before the crime, then fingerprints must be interpreted differently,
particularly if there is corroborating evidence of the suspect‟s presence at the scene before the
The interview with the suspect may help to determine which scientific tests to conduct,
or how to conduct the tests. For example, a suspect may say that he entered and then left the
room where a murder was committed a short time before the murder, and that he never saw or
handled the murder weapon. In this context, a finding that the suspect‟s fingerprints matched
the fingerprints on the doorknob would have little value, but a finding that his fingerprints
matched those on the murder weapon would provide incriminating evidence.
Prior to a Brain Fingerprinting test, an interview of the suspect is conducted. The suspect is
asked if he would have any legitimate reason for knowing any of the information that is
contained in the potential probe stimuli. This information is described without revealing which
stimuli are probes and which are irrelevant. For example, the suspect may be asked, “The
newspaper reports, which you no doubt have read, say that the victim was struck with a blunt
object. Do you have any way of knowing whether that murder weapon was a baseball bat, a
broom handle, or a blackjack?” If the suspect answers “No,” then a test result indicating that
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his brain does indeed contain a record of which of these is the murder weapon can provide
evidence relevant to thecase.


It is in the Brain Fingerprinting test where science contributes to the process. Brain
Fingerprinting determines scientifically whether or not specific information is stored in a
specific person‟s brain.
Brain Fingerprinting is a standardized scientific procedure. The input for this scientific
procedure is the probe stimuli, which are formulated on the basis of the investigation and the
interview. The output of this scientific procedure is a determination of “information present”
or “information absent” for those specific probe stimuli, along with a statistical confidence for
this determination. This determination is made according to a specific, scientific algorithm,
and does not depend on the subjective judgment of the scientist.
Brain Fingerprinting tells us the following, no more and no less: “These specific details about
this crime are (or are not) stored in this person‟s brain.” On the basis of this and all of the
other available evidence, a judge and jury make a determination of guilty or innocent.


The final step in the application of Brain Fingerprinting in legal proceedings is the
adjudication of guilt or innocence. This is entirely outside the realm of science. The
adjudication of guilt or innocence is the exclusive domain of the judge and jury. It is not the
domain of the investigator, or the scientist, or the computer. It is fundamental to our legal
system that decisions of guilt or innocence are made by human beings, juries of our peers, on
the basis of their human judgment and common sense. The question of guilt or innocence is
and will always remain a legal one,and not a scientific provides evidence,but a
judge and jury must weigh the evidence and decide the final vedict.

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The procedure used is similar to the Guilty Knowledge Test; a series of words, sounds,
or pictures are presented via computer to the subject for a fraction of a second each. Each of
these stimuli are organized by the test-giver to be a “Target,” “Irrelevant,” or a “Probe.” The
Target stimuli are chosen to be relevant information to the tested subject, and are used to
establish a baseline brain response for information that is significant to the subject being tested.
The subject is instructed to press on button for Targets, and another button for all other stimuli.
Most of the non-Target stimuli are Irrelevant, and are totally unrelated to the situation that the
subject is being tested for. The Irrelevant stimuli do not elicit a MERMER, and so establish a
baseline brain response for information that is insignificant to the subject in this context. Some
of the non-Target are relevant to the situation that the subject is being tested for. These stimuli,
Probes, are relevant to the test, and are significant to the subject, and will elicit a MERMER,
signifying that the subject has understood that stimuli to be significant. A subject lacking this
information in their brain, the response to the Probe stimulus will be indistinguishable from the
irrelevant stimulus. This response does not elicit a MERMER, indicating that the information is
absent from their mind. Note that there does not have to be an emotional response of any kind
to the stimuli- this test is entirely reliant upon recognition response to the stimuli, and relies
upon a difference in recognition- hence the association with the Oddball effect.

4.2 P300 MERMER

The discovery of the P300-MERMER

In the initial brain fingerprinting
research, Farwell and
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Donchin used the P300 event-related

brain potential (Far-
well and Donchin
1986, 1988b, 1991; Farwell 1992a).
Later Farwell discovered that the
P300 can be considered
to be part of a larger response he
called a memory and
encoding related multifaceted
response or P300-MERMER.
The discovery of the P300-MERMER
was one more
step in the ongoing progression from
very short latency
evoked potentials to longer and longer
latency event-rela-
ted potentials as the stimuli and the
processing demanded
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Brain Fingerprinting Technology

by the experimental task become

more rich and complex.
In the 1990s when Farwell and FBI
scientist Drew Rich-
ardson were conducting the brain
fingerprinting research on
FBI agents, P300 latencies of 600 to
700 ms were typically
found in experiments where the
stimuli were information
rich and the cognitive processing
required was substantial
(Farwell and Richardson 2006a, b;
Farwell et al. 2011, i n
press). At that time, in such research a
new stimulus was
typically presented every 1,000–1,500
ms(1–1.5 s).In the
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Brain Fingerprinting Technology

first brain fingerprinting study, for

example, Farwell and
Donchin (1991) presented a stimulus
every 1,500 ms
The discovery of the P300-MERMER.In the initial brain fingerprinting research,
Farwell andDonchin used the P300 event-related brain potential (Far-well and Donchin
1986,1988b,1991; Farwell 1992a).Later Farwell discovered that the P300 can be consideredto
be part of a larger response he called a memory andencoding related multifaceted
electroencephalographicresponse or P300-MERMER.The discovery of the P300-MERMER
was one morestep in the ongoing progression from very short latencyevoked potentials to
longer and longer latency event-related potentials as the stimuli and the processing demandedby
the experimental task become more rich and complex.In the 1990s when Farwell and FBI
scientist Drew Rich-ardson were conducting the brain fingerprinting research onFBI agents,
P300 latencies of 600 to 700 ms were typicallyfound in experiments where the stimuli were
informationrich and the cognitive processing required was substantial(Farwell and Richardson
2006a,b; Farwell et al. 2011,inpress). At that time, in such research a new stimulus wastypically
presented every 1,000–1,500 ms (1–1.5 s). In thefirst brain fingerprinting study, for example,
Farwell andDonchin (1991) presented a stimulus every 1,500 ms.

Go for MERMER, Not Just P300: Dr Lawrence Farwell improvised on the P300 test. He
recognized that the P300 is only a subcomponent of a more complicated response called a
MERMER, which is elicited when a person recognizes and processes a stimulus that is
particularly noteworthy to him/her. The MERMER (Memory and Encoding Related
Multifaceted Electroencephalographic Response) includes the P300 and another longer latency,
electrically negative subcomponent with a latency of up to two seconds post stimulus. In other
words, a positive wave followed by a negative one. Tests using the MERMER produced no
false negatives or positives and no indeterminate. The person undergoing Brain Fingerprinting
The person who is going to be tested wears a special headband with electronic sensors that
measure the EEG from several locations on the scalp.

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Fig: 4.1: The person undergoing Brain




The person to be tested wears a special

headband with electronic sensors that measure the
electroencephalography from several locations on
the scalp. In order to calibrate the brain fingerprinting system, the test is presented with a series
of irrelevant stimuli, words, and pictures, and a series of relevant stimuli, words, and pictures.
The test subject's brain response to these two different types of stimuli allow the tester to
determine if the measured brain responses to test stimuli, called probes, are more similar to the
relevant orirrelevant responses. The technique uses the well known fact that an electrical signal
known as P300 is emitted from an individual's brain approximately 300 milliseconds after it is
confronted with a stimulus of special significance, e.g. a rare vs. a common stimulus or a
stimulus the proband is asked to count. The novel interpretation in brain fingerprinting is to
look for P300 as response to stimuli related to the crime in question e.g., a murder weapon or a
victim's face. Because it is based on EEG signals, the system does not require the taste to issue
verbal responses to questions or stimuli.Brain fingerprinting uses cognitive brain responses,
brain fingerprinting does not depend on the emotions of the subject, nor is it affected by
emotional responses. Brain fingerprinting is fundamentally different from the polygraph
(liedetector), which measures emotion-based physiological signals such as heart rate, sweating,
and blood pressure. Also, unlike polygraph testing, it does not attempt to determine whether or
not the subject is lying or telling the truth.

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Fig: 5.1: Block diagram of brain fingerprinting technology.


There are three types of stimuli.

1) Irrelevant: Kind of stimuli those are irrelevant to the investigated situation and to test subject

2) Target: Kind of stimuli that are relevant to the investigated situation and are known to the

3) Probe: Kind of stimuli that are relevant to the investigated situation and that the subject
denies knowing.

Probes contain information that is known only to the perpetrator and investigators and
not to the general public or to an innocent suspect who was not at the scene of the crime. Before
the test, the scientist identifies the targets to the subject, and makes sure that he/she knows these
relevant stimuli. The scientist also makes sure that the subject does not know the probes for any
reason unrelated to the crime, and that the subject denies knowing the probes. The subject is
told why the probes are significant (e.g.“You will see several items, one of which is the murder
weapon”)but is not told which items are the probes and which are irrelevant.

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Brain Fingerprinting Technology

Fig: 5.2: Testing the brain activity using brain fingerprinting technology


A suspect is tested by looking at three kinds of information represented by different colored

RED : Information the suspect is expected to know. It arises due to target type stimulus.
GREEN : Information not to suspect. The irrelevant stimuli responsible for this type of brain
BLUE : Information of the crime that only perpetrator would know. This occurs due to probes.
Information Absent: Because the blue and green lines closely correlate, suspect does not have
critical knowledge of the crime.

Fig: 5.3: Information is


Information Present: Because the

blue and red. Lines closely
correlate, and suspect has
critical knowledge of the
crime. The Figure shows the RED and BLUE lines are closely correlated.

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Fig: 5.4: Information is present


There are five different types of brain waves, ranging from low to high frequency:

 Delta brain waves are the slowest brain waves. They are generated in
deep meditation and dreamless sleep. Healing and regeneration occur when the brain
is in this state.
 Theta waves also occur in sleep and during relaxation. They are indicative of an
inner focus, and dreams and vivid imagery occur in this state.
 Alpha waves occur during quiet, thoughtful times. Alpha waves indicate that the
brain is in a resting state.
 Beta waves are the most common pattern in the normal waking state. They occur
when one is alert and focused on problem solving.
 Gamma brain waves are the fastest and are associated with higher levels of

Fig: 5.5: Brain Waves

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 Brain fingerprinting detects information processing brain responses.

 It is not applicable where the authorities have no information about what crime may
have taken place.
 It is also not applicable where a suspect and an alleged victim agree on the details of
what was said and done.
 It detects only information not intent.


 Identifies criminals quickly and scientifically.

 Identify terrorists and members of gangs,criminals intelligence organizations.
 Reduce evasion of justice.

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Brain Fingerprinting Technology

 Access criminal evidence in the brain.

 Record 100% accuracy.
 Reduce expenditure of money and other resources in law enforcement.


 Since Brain Fingerprinting is a computer technology, it uses its predecessors like EEG
sensors and other techniques which result in increasing the overall cost of the final

 According to the above point, as the technology is costly, not all the patients or innocent
people can use this technology to save themselves.

 The chances of availability of the equipment’s is very low.

 Not applicable for general screening.

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1. To Counter National Threats: In any criminal act, the brain of the criminal is always
involved in all the processes such as planning in the beginning to performing the crime in the
end. The presence of other evidences is not so certain. Brain fingerprinting technology can
identify the plotters and planners of criminal acts by detecting the memory of the criminals
about the presence of any such event. Even more, this technology can be used to identify
terrorists who have been trained.

2. Criminal justice: Not 100% but 99.9% times it has been observed that brain fingerprinting
has been true to its data. So, it can be used to do criminal justice. There have been several such
examples which have proven to do justice except for believing on very little available evidences
like fingerprints, etc.

3. Medical Field: In case of diseases like Alzheimer’s, patients are tested for relation with any
entity be it a person or a location to check if they have a fair amount of memory of that event or
incident which could help the doctors.

4. Advertising: Not actually a reality but in the future for sure, brain fingerprinting can be used
to examine the “pulse of people” by getting the information in brains of people to the effects
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that advertisements being used for publicity create. Though it’s a long shot it will be a reality in
the near future

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In spite of the disadvantages or limitations of the brain fingerprinting, the importance of

this technology cannot be overruled because of the higher rates of criminal cases and also the
higher rates of complexities of the cases. In all these, brain fingerprinting could provide some
valuable information.

In general, for an investigating method to be viable the error percentage of the method
should be between 1%-5% while in this regard brain finger printing serves a long way as it
rarely produces any error. Therefore, in spite of all the limitations and disadvantages, brain
fingerprinting is not only a great investigation method but also serves in medical and other


Brain Fingerprinting is a revolutionary new scientific echnology for solving crimes,

identifying perpetrators, and exonerating innocent suspects, with a record of 100% accuracy in
research with US government agencies, actual criminal cases, and other applications. Brain
Fingerprinting technology is a advanced brain computer interface technology for solving the
criminals case and also identify the perpetrators, and exonerating innocent suspects.

This technology provide the 99.9% accurate result towards crime victims, falsely
accused innocent suspects. The technology investigators fulfill an urgent need for governments,
law enforcement agencies, corporations, crime victims, and falsely accused innocent suspects.

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1. J.D.Bayliss,”A Flexible Brain Computer Interaction “, university of Rochester,2001.

2. Lambourne GTC. The Use of Fingerprints in Identification. Med. Sci Law 1979.

3. Farwell LA and Smith SS. Using Brain MERMER Testing To Detect Concealed
Knowledge Despite Efforts To Conceal Journal of Forensic Sciences 2001.

4. Picton TW. Handbook of electroencephalography and clinical

neurophysiology: human event-related potentials. Amsterdam

5. Delorme and S.Makieig , EEg changes accompanying learned regulation of 12-43 EEG
– activity “ IEEE ransactions on neural system.”

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