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অনুবােদর উ র

Global warming is an issue that calls for a global response. The rapid change in climate will be too great
to allow many eco-systems to suitably adapt, since the changes has direct impact on bio-diversity, agriculture,
forestry, dry land, water resources and human health. Due to unusual weather pattern, rising greenhouse gas,
declining air quality etc. society demands that businesses also take responsibility in safeguarding the planet.
In addition, Bangladesh is one of the most climate change vulnerable countries. In line with global
development and response to the environment degradation, financial sector in Bangladesh should play an
important role as one of the key stake-holders.

Passage Answer
Comprehension – 1
a) The best title for the passage will be: Democracy in practice not by words.
b) The word ‘House’ in the passage means the presence of parliament members in the parliament building.
c) The passage suggests that true democracy should be defined by it practice not by words alone. In fact, it
attributes judgment from both majority and minority perspectives.
d) The word 'progressive' in the passage means the gradual development or advancement toward better
e) In the passage ‘majority rule’ means that in different issues decisions will be taken on the basis of majority
Comprehension – 2
a) The main idea expressed in this passage is unemployment and its’ bad impacts on the society.
b) Unemployment is not desirable in a society because it creates various problems in the society and increased
number of unemployment brings increased number of problems.
c) The writer means by ‘loss of skill’ that a worker out of work for long period may loss the working capacity
as well as efficiency.
d) The detrimental effects of unemployment on the morale of the unemployed are he always feels bad,
disappointment fell upon him; he can think unethical and unsocial thoughts.
e) The government of welfare state assigns huge amount of money for the social security purpose including
unemployment allowance. This huge amount of money comes from taxation. Thus unemployment affects
taxation rate.
f) If the level of unemployment is reduced, the government will not spend funds for unemployment and these
funds can be spent for the development activities.
g) The suggestions of this passage to solve the unemployment problem of Bangladesh is that government
with the help of privates have to invest fund in manufacturing field which may create employment
h) A suitable title for this passage: “Unemployment and its’ bad impacts on society. As the whole passage is
about the bad impacts of unemployment.
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