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YEAR 2021-2022

Praise be to gratitude let us pray the presence of the Divine Rabbi who has bestowed grace as well as
His guidance to all of us so that I can complete this paper entitled "About Indonesian” Salawat and
greetings, let us bestow upon our king, the Great Prophet Muhammad Saw and his family and relatives.

Hopefully this paper will help in the learning process teaching in a meaningful way to all of us. Amen.
Finally I would like to thank all those who have helped in making papers and I expect constructive
criticism and suggestions for making papers that will come.

Teluk Kuantan, 30 Maech 2021

Aprin Citra Mahardi

Table of Content

Foreword.................................................................................................................... i

Table of Content........................................................................................................ ii

Chapter 1 : Preliminary.............................................................................................. 1

a. Background................................................................................................... 1
b. Formulation of the Problem.......................................................................... 1
c. Purpose......................................................................................................... 1

Chapter 2 : Discussion................................................................................................ 2

a. Indonesian Philosophy.................................................................................. 2
b. The Indonesian State Symbol........................................................................ 2
c. The Government System.............................................................................. 2
d. The National Anthem.................................................................................... 3
e. The National Flag........................................................................................... 3
f. Motto ........................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 3 : Closing..................................................................................................... 5

a. Conclution..................................................................................................... 5
b. Suggestion..................................................................................................... 5

Bibliogrhapy............................................................................................................... 6


A. Background
Indonesia Merdeka on August 17, 1945, which is the result of the struggle of the fighters who
have seized Indonesian independence from colonialism, in that case, the preparation of this
paper will discuss the Indonesian philosophy, the Indonesian state symbol, the government
system, the national anthem, the national flag , and motto.

B. Formulation of the Problem

In the discussion of this paper will discuss :
1. Indonesian philosophy,
2. The Indonesian state symbol,
3. The government system,
4. The national anthem,
5. The national flag ,
6. and motto.

C. Purpose
The purpose of this paper is to know all of the formulation of the problem to be discussed
which consists of the seven problem formulations above.

A. Indonesian philosophy
Indonesian philosophy is a generic designation for the tradition of abstract speculation
held by the people who inhabit the region now known as Indonesia. Indonesian philosophy
is expressed in the living languages found in Indonesia (approximately 587 languages) and
its national language Indonesian, comprising many diverse schools of thought with
influences from Eastern and Western origins, and indigenous philosophical themes.

B. The Indonesian state symbol

Indonesia’s official coat of arms is centered on the Garuda, and ancient, mythical bird from
the country’s historical epics. Like the Bald Eagle in the United States, the Garuda is often
used to represent Indonesia.
A great deal of symbolism runs through the Garuda. The eagle is a symbol of creative
energy. Its principal color, gold, symbolizes the greatness of the nation. The black color
represents nature. There are 17 feathers on each wing, 8 on the tail and 45 on the neck.
These numbers stand for the date Indonesia proclaimed its independence: 17 August 1945.
The shield symbolizes self-defense and protection in struggle. The five symbols on the shield
represent the state philosophy of Pancasila. The motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (“Unity in
Diversity”) is enshrined on a banner held in the eagle’s talons, signifying the unity of the
Indonesian people despite their diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

C. The government system

This is a list of countries by system of government. There is also a political mapping of the
world that shows what form of government each country has, as well as a brief description
of what each form of government entails. The list is colour-coded according to the type of
government, for example: blue represents a republic with an executive head of state, and
pink is a constitutional monarchy with a ceremonial head of state. The color-coding also
appears on the following map, representing the same government categories. The legend of
what the different colours represent is found just below the map.
It is noteworthy that some scholars in People's Republic of China claim that the country's
system of government is a "Semi-presidential system combining party and government in
actual operation". Under China's constitution, the Chinese President is a largely ceremonial
office with limited power. However, since 1993, as a matter of convention, the presidency
has been held simultaneously by the General Secretary of the Communist Party, the top
leader in the one-party system who heads the Politburo Standing Committee.
D. The national anthem
A national anthem is a song that officially symbolizes a country or nation. The majority of
national anthems are marches or hymns in style. Latin American, Central Asian, and
European nations tend towards more ornate and operatic pieces, while those in the Middle
East, Oceania, Africa, and the Caribbean use a more simplistic fanfare.Some countries that
are devolved into multiple constituent states have their own official musical compositions
for them (such as with the United Kingdom, Russia, and the former Soviet Union); their
constituencies' songs are sometimes referred to as national anthems even though they are
not sovereign states.

E. The national flag

The Flag of Indonesia is a simple bicolor with two equal horizontal bands, red (top) and
white (bottom) with an overall ratio of 2:3 It was introduced and hoisted in public during the
Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on 17 August 1945 in at 56 Jalan Proklamasi
(formerly Jalan Pegangsaan Timur) in Jakarta, and again when the Dutch formally
transferred sovereignty on 27 December 1949. The design of the flag has remained
unchanged since.
The flag of Indonesia is graphically similar to the Flag of Monaco, with a slight difference in
the shade of red, and ratio of its dimensions. The flag of Poland has similar dimensions but
has the colours reversed: white on top and red on the bottom. In both, the red is of a slightly
darker shade.
The Naval Jack of Indonesia is reserved for sole use by the Indonesian Navy. It flies from
the mast of every active Indonesian war ship. The design of the jack is described as nine
alternating stripes of red and white. It is nicknamed Ular-ular Perang (War Pennant or
literally "War Snakes"), probably due to the stripes' design. The naval jack dates to the age
of Majapahit Empire. This empire, renowned for its great maritime strength, flew similar
jacks on its vessels.

F. Motto
Bihneka Tunggal Ika is the slogan of the Indonesian nation. This simple sentence full of
meaning is taken from the Sutasoma book by Mpu Tantular. Bhineka Tunggal Ika shows
evidence of the diversity of the archipelago that should be upheld and respected for


A. Conclution
It can be concluded that after Indonesian independence, we must know the identity of our

B. Suggestion
Suggestions from the preparation of this paper, it is hoped that readers can understand easily.

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