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Overview of anatomy
2. Yes
- Reader will be able to compare and contrast anatomy and physiology, including
their specializations and methids of study.
- Reader will be able to discuss the fundamental relationship between anatomy and
3. two areas of anatomy
- Gross Anatomy is the study of the large structures of the body,those visible
without the aid of magnifaction.
- Microscopic Anatomy is the study of the structures that can be obsereved only
with the use of microscope or other magnifaction devices.
4. Anatomy
Gross Anatomy
Microscopic Anatomy
Regional Anatomy
Systemic Anatomy
5. Last paragraph because explain main idea about anatomy of human body
B. Choose the best definition in brackets () for the underlined word using yellow highlight text
1. Carpenters rely on a range of implements, such as hammers of many sizes and several kinds of
screwdrivers and wrenches.


2. Bill is always tardy for class. Yesterday, for example, he showed up 15 minutes after class had started.
(ready/on time/prepared/late)

3. The employees presented a list of grievances to the manager, specifically, low wages and no medical


4. George has the flu. Usually, he’s energetic, but today he’s lethargic.

5. Helen tended to cry when she was upset about work or family, but in the face of danger, she was
stoic. (generous/frightened/not showing pain or emotion/sad)

6. Instead of finding the dilapidated cottage he expected, Justin was surprised to see that it was in good
repair. (fallen into ruins/musty/under renovation/sunny)

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