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Model Question Paper - 1 [SOLVED]

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes Max. Marks : 100

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or in a sentence each. 12X1= 12

1. Who according to Juliet is ‘day in night‘?
Ans- Romeo
2. How long had the prisoner in ‘Too Dear!’ remained in the prison?
Ans- One year [1 year]
3. According to the speaker in ‘On Children’, life does not go
a, swift b. backward c. far
Ans- Backward
4. How old was Don Gonzalo, when he had been to America?
Ans-6 years
5. Whom did Dona Laura’s parents want her to Marry?
Ans- A merchant
6. Where according to the speaker in ‘When You Are Old’ does love hide his face?
Ans-Amid a crowd of stars
7. What did Basavaiah and his people forcibly acquire in ‘The Gardener‘?
Ans- Two hundred acres of Thammanna’s land
8. Mention any one aspect of nature that makes this earth a heaven in
‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’.
Ans- Roaring stream/Rolling surf/ Tender sunshine
9. When do the bowing Gentlemen transform themselves into savages in ‘Japan
and Brazil Through A Traveler’s Eye’?
Ans-As soon as the bus arrives.
10. ‘The Avenida Presidente Vargas’ in Brazil is described as by the
narrator of ‘Japan and Brazil Through A Traveler‘s Eye‘.
a. the worst place of all
b. a beautiful place
c. a hazardous place
Ans- the worst place of all
11. Which Political party did Marcus Ibe represent in ‘The Voter’?
Ans-PAP [People’s Alliance Party]
12. Name the secondary school teacher addicted to cycling in ‘Where There Is A

II. Answer any eight of the following questions (choosing at least two from
poetry) in a paragraph of 80 – 100 words. 8X4=32

13. Juliet‘s beauty was too rich for use. How does Romeo elaborate this?
Ans- Romeo happens to see Juliet for the first time at the grand supper hosted
by Lord Capulet, Juliet’s father. Though Romeo belongs to the Montague family
and they are devoted enemies, he is strangely attracted towards Juliet. Romeo is
fascinated by Juliet’s beauty. Romeo feels that Juliet can teach the torches to
burn bright. Juliet’s charms more than the brightness of light. Juliet’s beauty
seems to be too rare and splendid that seems to hang upon cheek of night as
rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear. Juliet’s beauty is too rich for use; too dear for
earth. Juliet appears to Romeo a white snowy dove and her companions appear
to be crows. Romeo wants to touch her hands and get his rude hands blessed by
her soft and gentle touch. Romeo asks himself whether his heart ever loved
before this moment as he never saw such true beauty.

14. Why was the council forced to alter the execution of the criminal in
‘Too Dear!‘?
Ans- The authorities in Monaco failed to carry out the death sentence because
there was neither a Guillotine nor an executioner. As it was a very small
Kingdom, there were no men to cut the criminal’s head off and there was no
guillotine. The ministers agreed to ask the French Government to lend a
machine and a man. French Government replied that the cost would be 16,000
francs. But the Monaco Prince was not willing to pay such a huge amount. They
approached the Italian Government and they offered the machine with a man for
12,000 francs. It was cheaper than the french offer but still expensive. Again a
meeting was held and the death sentence was converted to life imprisonment.

15. How does the speaker describe the characteristics of children in ‘On
Children’? Explain.
Ans- Kahlil Gibran is a Lebanese-American writer, poet and visual artist. His
poem “On Children” is is a critique of the expectations of the parents about their
children. The future of a child is not in the hands of parents but in the hands of
children themselves. When a child is left free, it makes its own choice and
decision and according to that, it works on and it could create wonders. If the
parents force them to go according to their own choice, children may lag behind
and there is a chance of failure. When children are left free, they think in a
creative manner that helps our nation, and there may be a chance to invent new
things for the world. So, parents should understand the children’s interest and
encourage them accordingly. This helps the children a lot in achieving their
goals. Parents should be friends to their children in understanding them instead
of forcing them to go in some other way which is not to their liking.

16. What makes Dona Laura remark Don Gonzalo to be an ill-natured old
man in ‘A Sunny Morning‘? Give reasons.
Ans- Serafin and Joaquin Alvarez Qunitero were the celebrated Spanish
playwright brothers in the early twentieth century. In this play, “A Sunny
Morning”, they bring in the theme of long lost love rediscovered on a sunny
morning. Don Gonzalo comes to a park in Madrid. He wanted to sit on the bench
Laura was sitting. She got annoyed because he dragged his feet while walking;
scaring away the birds she was feeding. Besides, he replied to her indignantly
upon being asked for rude actions. This is when Dona Laura concluded that Don
Gonzalo was an ill-natured man.

17. Give an account of Don Gonzalo‘s cousin‘s glorious death as narrated

by Don Gonzalo in ‘A Sunny Morning‘.
Ans- Narrating his story as his cousin's, Dona Gonzalo said that his cousin loved
the Silver Maiden every morning, he would pass on horseback, tossing up a
bouquet of flowers. She too, would toss them in the evening. Once, when

Gonzalo's cousin waited under her window to hear her singing, a merchant,
whom she was expected to marry, appeared and insulted the cousin. There was
a quarrel that led to a duel. As a result, the merchant was badly wounded. And
so, his cousin had to conceal himself for a few days. Fearing the consequences of
a duel with a person highly regarded in that locality, he had to take refuge in his
house. He went to Seville and, then, to Madrid. He wrote many letters to Laura.
None of the letters ever reached her, so they went unanswered. He thought that
he had lost his love forever, joined the army, went to Africa and there in a
trench, met a glorious death, grasping the flag of Spain and whispering the name
of his beloved, Laura.

18. Narrate how the speaker portrays his beloved‘s future in ‘When You Are
Ans- The poem “When You Are Old” is a love poem by W.B. Yeats. The poem
describes the imagination of the poet about his beloved when she will be old. The
poet describes her old age and gray hair and her sleepy eyes. And when she sits
at the fire, the poet asks her to take his book of poems and read. As she was
reading, she would imagine her young age and how, many young people followed
her because of her external beauty. The poet reminds her that he was the only
true lover who loved her for the sake of her internal beauty. The poet loves her
even when she was old and even in problems, he would love her as much as he
could. At the time she was very sad as she lost the youth, she lost the beauty
she lost the true love, so she felt very much disappointed for her foolish decision
for not accepting the true love in the youth.

19. Trace the changes in the life of the plantation owner after the arrival
of the old man in ‘The Gardener’.
Ans- The story “The Gardener” written by noted writer and journalist P.
Lankesh. The story narrates how rivalry can divide people and relationships
leading to revenge. The owner’s life changed dramatically after the entry of the
man on his farm. The petty thefts in the garden came to an end, income from the
garden improved and the plantation expanded. However, the owner became
lethargic and shied away from hard work. His wealth and social prestige had
risen higher. He went on to acquire new friends in the next town and in his own
village as well. He became crowded with colourful events. He was also involved in
adultery through his newly acquired clout.

20. Describe the war between the drivers and pedestrians as explained by
the narrator in ‘Japan and Brazil Through A Traveler‘s Eye’.
Ans- According to George Mikes, the people of Brazil are both leisurely and
speed-loving. Then he says that the people love driving their cars at such speed
that as soon as the drivers get a steering wheel in their hands, no speed is fast
enough for them. They seem to believe that gaining a tenth of a second is a
matter of grave importance for them all the time. The drivers usually lookout for
pedestrians who step off the pavement and regard such pedestrians as a fair
game. They take aim and accelerate their vehicle. The pedestrians have to jump,
leap, and run for their dear life. Naturally, on account of such speed-loving
people, a pedestrian’s life is hazardous in Brazil.

21. Bring out the activities of Marcus Ibe and the villagers on the day of
the election in ‘The Voter‘.

Ans- Election morning as usual Chief the honourable Marcus Ibe was doing
things in grand style. He had hired a highlife band from Umuru and stationed it
at such a distance from the voting booths as just managed to be lawful. Many
villagers danced to the music, their ballot papers held aloft, before proceeding to
the booths. Chief the Honourable Marcus Ibe sat in the ‘‘owner’s corner’’ of his
enormous green car and smiled and nodded. One enlightened villager came up to
the car, shook hands with the great man and said in advance, ‘‘Congrates!’’. This
immediately set the pattern. Hundreds of admirers hook Marcus’s hands and said
‘‘Congrass!’. Roof and other organizers were prancing up and down, giving last
minute advice to the voters and pouring with sweat.

22. Explain the role of cycling in empowering the rural women of

Pudukkottai in, ‘Where There Is A Wheel’.
Ans- Cycle for the rural women of Pudukkottai district stands as a symbol of
independence, freedom and mobility. It gave the women their right. It helped
women to take up literacy even more vigorously. Bicycle helped these women
with confidence. The bicycle cut down on time wasted in waiting for buses. It
saved more time to focus on selling their produce. It gave women their leisure
time. Earlier, they had to depend on fathers, brothers, husbands or sons to
reach the bus stop. They could cover only a limited number of villages to sell
their produce. They had to rush back early to tend to the children and perform
other chores. The bicycle now changed all these. It brought these rural women a
sense of self-respect.

III. Answer the following in about 200 words. 1x6 = 6

23. In spite of ‘committing a murder’ the criminal leads a comfortable life.

Explain with reference to ‘Too Dear!’.
Ans- The criminal was given a death sentence. But as it was a very small
Kingdom, there were no men to cut the criminal’s head off and there was no
guillotine. The king requested the French Government to lend a machine and a
man. French Government replied that the cost would be 16,000 francs. But the
Monaco Prince was not willing to pay such a huge amount. They approached the
Italian Government and they offered the machine with a man for 12,000 francs.
It was cheaper than the French offer but still expensive. Again a meeting was
held and the death sentence was converted to life imprisonment. They have no
proper prison to hold him. They searched and found an ideal place and locked
up the criminal and appointed a guard to look after him. Again the Prince found
this as an extra expenditure costing 600 francs annually. The Prince could not
allow it and asked his ministers to do it in a cheaper way. They gathered and
found a solution to take away the guard so that the criminal can run away. But
the criminal did not run away even though the guard was not there.
When he was questioned by the ministers, he replied that he would not go
anywhere as they had ruined his name, and nowhere could he get a job and
asked for 600 francs annually. They freed him from prison. The criminal went
away with one-third of the pension in advance and bought a bit of land and
started market gardening and lived happily.
‘Heaven is a product of human effort‘. How is this brought out in ‘Heaven,
If You Are Not Here On Earth’?
Ans- The poem “Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth” is written by Kuvempu.
The poem’s main theme is the message that man should not search for a heaven
somewhere else, but here on earth itself. His intention is that man has to live on
earth peacefully without creating chaos on it. If, over the human beings cannot
become Gods, where else should we find them in the unseen world? So, he asks
the man to have virtues like honesty, love, compassion, passion, loyalty, and
mercy which will make him God.
In other words, we should not search for goodness and friendship in temples,
but within ourselves. The poet says that what else could be more beautiful than
nature, the greenery, the foam of the ocean, the light of the sun, etc. All these
are extraordinary than heaven arid if a man fails to recognize it, then he is blind
and nowhere can he get heaven.
The poet also asks to observe the full moon day at its brightness and its
calmness. It is shining and its beams on the heaps of grains is more than that of
heaven on this Earth. The poet is also inspired by nature as it provides subjects
to write immortal poems as sweet as nectar. The poet, by writing such poetry
creates heaven on earth or inspires us to think that earth is like heaven.
‘Cycling has a direct link to personal independence’. Describe with
reference to ‘Where There Is A Wheel‘.
Ans- Tens of thousands of neo-literate rural women in Pudukkottai district have
discovered a new way of overcoming their backwardness, of asserting themselves
by learning to ride a bicycle. This simple and humble vehicle has done wonders
in their lives. It has empowered women by giving them mobility and the
opportunity to spread their wings. Knowing how to ride a bicycle made these
women self-confident, reduced their dependence on men, and helped them to
break the social barriers imposed on them by a male-dominated society. It
helped to boost their income as these women could sell their products even in
far-flung areas, they saved time wasted in waiting for buses, they could easily do
several tasks simultaneously like shopping for provisions and collecting water.
They were able to save a lot of time, which they could use to take rest, spend
with their children or in any manner they chose. Thus, the drudgery of their
lives was considerably reduced and most importantly cycling gave them a sense
of self-respect which is very important.

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it 10x1=10
Japan is an island country in the North Pacific Ocean. It lies off the Northeast coast of mainland Asia and
faces the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), Korea and China. Four large Islands and
thousands of smaller ones make up Japan. The four major islands – Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu and
Shikoku – form a curve. More than 120 million people are crowded on these Islands, making Japan one of
the most densely populated countries in the world.
The Japanese call their country Nippon or Nihon which means ‘Source of the Sun’. The name Japan
may have come from ‘Zipangu‘, the Italian name given by Marco Polo, a venetian traveler of the late
1200‘s. Marco Polo had heard of the Japanese Islands while traveling through China. Life in Japan reflects

the culture of both the East and the West. The Japanese have always placed great importance to their
clothes, though most of them wear western style of clothing outside, they still wear traditional garment
which is called ‘Kimonos‘ and is compulsorily worn during festivals, on holidays, and on other special
occasions, a Japanese man ever wears wide, pleated trousers called
‘Hakama‘ with a short wide sleeved coat called a Hoori. Traditional Japanese footwear includes wooden
clogs called ‘Geta‘ and flat sandals known as ‘Zori‘. The main food of the Japanese people is rice. It is
often boiled and eaten with pickled vegetables. Japan‘s oldest religion is ‘Shinto‘ which means the way of
the Gods. It is their native religion and dates from prehistoric times. Shintoists worship many gods called
‘Kami‘ which are found in mountains, rivers, rocks, trees and other parts of nature.
World War II left Japan completely defeated. Many Japanese cities lay in ruins, industries were shattered
and Allied Forces occupied the country. But the skillful Japanese people worked hard to overcome the
effects of the war. By the late 1960‘s Japan had become a great industrial nation. The success of the
Japanese economy has won the admiration of countries through the world. Today, few people enjoy a
higher standard of living than do the Japanese.
24. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each.
a. Mention any one of the countries facing Japan.
Ans- USSR/ Korea/ China.
b. From which language did the name ‘Japan‘originate?
Ans- Italian
c. Name the traditional garment of Japanese.
Ans- Kimonos
d. Which popular traveler‘s name is mentioned in the passage?
Ans- Marco Polo, a venetian traveler
e. What does the word ‘Geta‘ mean?
Ans- wooden clogs
f. Give the meaning of ‘Shinto‘.
Ans- the way of the Gods
g. Japanese are highly (admire/admired) all over the world.
Ans- admired
h. Who revived the loss faced by Japan during the II World War?
Ans- the skillful Japanese people
i. Add prefix to the word ‘occupied’ to form its antonym.
Ans- unoccupied
j. Who occupied Japan after the World War II?
Ans- Allied Forces

25. Read the following lines and answer the questions: 3X1 = 3
Bangle sellers are we who bear
Our shining loads to the temple fair…
Who will buy these delicate, bright
Rainbow – tinted circles of light?
Lustrous tokens of radiant lives,
For happy daughters and happy wives.

i. Who bear the shining loads to the temple fair?

Ans- Bangle sellers
ii. ‘Our Shining loads‘ refers to
a. bangles. b. fair. c. rainbow.
Ans- a. bangles.
iii. For whom are these tokens of radiant lives meant?

Ans- For happy daughters and happy wives.
V. 26. Complete the following by filling in the blanks using the right form of
the verb given in brackets: 3X1 = 3
Sheela Rani Chunkath‘s main aim was to make literacy reach every village.
So, mobility (include) as a part of literacy drive. Loans (provide) for women
to buy cycles. Specific duties (allot) to each block to promote this drive.
Ans- Sheela Rani Chunkath‘s main aim was to make literacy reach every
village. So, mobility was included as a part of literacy drive. Loans were
provided for women to buy cycles. Specific duties were allotted to each block to
promote this drive.

27. Report the following conversation. 5X1 =5

Don Gonzalo : I want a bench to myself, Juanito.
Juanito : But there is none.
Don Gonzalo : Who has occupied my usual bench?
Juanito : There are three priests sitting over it.
Don Gonzalo : Send them away.

Ans- Don Gonzalo said to Juanito that he wanted a bench to himself.

Jaunito said there was none. Don Gonzalo asked Juanito who had
occupied his usual bench. Juanito replied that there were three priests
sitting over it[or that]. Don Gonzalo told Juanito to send them away.

28. Complete the following dialogue. 4X1=4

(Conversation between courier assistant and Pooja.)

Courier Assistant : Hello! Is it 9393935711

Pooja : Yes, it is.
Courier Assistant : There is a parcel for you. Where should I come to
deliver the parcel madam?
Pooja : Please come to house no- 32 Jyanagar 1st cross.
Courier Assistant : I’ll come there within half an hour madam.

29. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate expression given in

brackets. 2X1=2
(take recourse, hit upon, sucked in)
The quarrel between Tammanna and Basavaiah had all their supporters.
Tammanna was advised to to the police. Such a war had become
inevitable in that village.

Ans- The quarrel between Tammanna and Basavaiah had sucked in all their
supporters. Tammanna was advised to take recourse to the police. Such a war
had become inevitable in that village.

30. Fill in the blanks with the right linker: 4X1 = 4

German sovereigns used to run gaming houses. some
years ago they were forbidden to do so these gaming houses did
so much harm. there was no one to stop the prince of Monaco he
remained with a monopoly of the business.

{but, however, because, and}

Ans- German sovereigns used to run gaming houses, but some years ago they
were forbidden to do so because these gaming houses did so much harm.
However there was no one to stop the prince of Monaco and he remained with a
monopoly of the business.

VI. 31. Read the following passage and make notes by drawing and filling in
the boxes given below: 8X½= 4
George Bernard Shaw, an Irish born dramatist, critic and essayist ranks as one
of the most important literary figures of the 1900‘s. Shaw was born in Dublin
on July 26th, 1856. He moved to London in 1876 and became a music critic. In
1884 he founded the Fabian Society, an organization of socialists, who believed
that political and economic change could be gained by reform. In remarkable
career that covered nearly six years, Shaw wrote over fifty plays. Most of his
plays are comedies. Bernard Shaw won the noble prize for literature in 1925.

George Bernard Shaw born in

1. Dublin on July 26, 1856

an irish born

2. dramatist Critic 3. essayist


4. the Fabian Society


5. political Gained by Economic Change

6. reform

7. the noble prize in 8. 1925

32. Write a letter of application in response in the following advertisement which appeared in
“The Times of India” dated 20th March 2020. 5

Reputed Multispecialty Hospital is looking out for a smart Front Desk Manager.
Fluency in English and Kannada is must.
Candidate should be graduate with computer knowledge.
Apply within a week to : Republic Multispecialty Hospital, Langford gardens,
Richmond Town, Mangalore.

24th March. 2020

Republic Multispecialty Hospital,

Langford gardens,
Richmond Town, Mngalore.

Respected Sir/Madam,

Sub : Application for the post of a Front desk manager.

Ref : Your advertisement in The Times of India dated 20th March. 2020

In response to your advertisement mentioned above, I am applying for the post of

Front desk manager. I have passed my B.A. with a first class. I have taken a
course in Office Management. I am fluent in both Kannada and English. Besides
have an experience of two years as a Front desk manager.
I have enclosed my resume with this application. I hope it will meet your

Thank you.
Yours faithfully,

Name : XXX
Father’s Name : YYY
Date of Birth/Age : 25-03-1997
Permanent Address : YYY
Nationality : Indian
Knowledge of languages : Kannada and English
Educational Qualifications :
Name of the Bord/University Year of Marks/
Examination Passing Percentage

SSLC KSEEB 2013 75%

PUC PUE Karnataka 2015 80%

B.A. Manasagangotri 2019 82%

Experience : 2 years experience as a front desk manager.
Other interests/hobbies : Reading, gardening

Place: Mysore
Date : 24-03-2020

33. Imagine you are the Sports Secretary of your College Sports Club. On
the occasion of Inter College Basketball tournament’s inaugural function,
you are given the responsibility of welcome address and you are required
to introduce the Chief Guest Mr. Suraj Singh. Using the following profile,
write the speech of introduction. 5

Native of : Punjab
Education : M.P.Ed, from Delhi University.
Achievements : a) Led Indian Team in Commonwealth Games
b) Won Championship in Asian Games with him as Captain
c) Popular Coach and Trains above eighteen teams
Good Morning and a warm welcome to everyone present here on this
momentous occasion.
Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends.
I am honored to have been given an opportunity to speak on today’s Inter
College Basketball tournament’s inaugural function. It is my honour and privilege
to introduce our distinguished Chief Guest, Mr. Suraj Singh. Mr. Suraj Singh is
born and brought up in Punjab. Since his childhood he was very much interested
in sports. He completed his M.P.Ed. from Delhi University. Mr. Suraj Singh led
Indian team in Commonwealth Games and showed his efficiency. Indian team
won Championship in Asian Games with Mr. Suraj Singh as Captain. In addition
to this he is very popular coach and giving training to more than eighteen teams.
We are immensely grateful to have Mr. Suraj Singh with us today. On behalf of
our college authorities, staff and students, I would like to extend a warm welcome
to our Chief Guest and thank you for taking time from his busy schedule to be
with us.
Thank you.

VII. 34. What do the underlined words in the following extract refer to? 4
Japanese are well mannered people. When in Japan, we can significantly notice
their mania for bowing. But it is quainter, formal and oriental. In the family,
the wife bows to her husband, the child bows to his father. Even the
conductors of local trains, march to the middle of the coach and start their work
after they bow ceremoniously in both directions.
1. their : 2. it :
3. her : 4. they :

Ans- 1. their : Japanese people 2. it : bowing

3. her : wife 4. they : the conductors

35. Rewrite the jumbled segments to form a meaningful sentence. 1

in/motor cars/extremely/are/Brazil/expensive

Ans- Motor cars are extremely expensive in Braz

10 | N R H E N G L I S H

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