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1) Read the text found in the following website:


2) Answer the questions IN ENGLISH, using complete structures:

a) What is the main concern presented by the author?

the main concern is with today's electronic addiction

b) In what ways is this text related to the field of Telecommunications?

the text addresses issues involving Telecom as a mobile device and the internet

c) How has the pandemic of Covid-19 contributed to the situation presented?

the pandemic interferes because as we have to avoid going out we end up depending
more on the devices

d) If you were a parent, what would your position in relation to this point be?

it gets complicated because this addiction affects all ages. One way to reduce it is some
app that moderates like the "forest" that helps students to study and is not distracted by
social networks and the "Google Family link" app that allows parents to control what
and when is the time that the child passes connected

3) Consider this excerpt, form the very beginning of the text: "It started, last March, as
an act of necessity – sticking the kids on iPads all day so I could make a hard deadline
that fell six weeks into lockdown."

a) Explique, em Português: qual a razão para a escolha do Simple Past para a descrição
dessa ação/processo?

Ele é usado para descrever justamente o inicio do vicio, que comecoes com a
necessidade de trabalhar no inicio da quarentena, é mais ou menos como se em
determinado dias so se começou a ter essa pratica, e a ação de começar passou a ser

b) Rewrite the excerpt using the Present Perfect Tense and making the necessary

It have been began, last March, as an act of necessity –have been sticked the kids on
iPads all day so I could make a hard deadline that fell six weeks into lockdown.

4) Consider the 2nd paragraph of the text:

a) Complete the conditional sentence "If they can find one, ..." with a clause that
expresses coherence with the context presented. (Create!)
b) Que fatos apresentados neste parágrafo se assemelham e quais se distanciam da
realidade brasileira, ou, ainda, de sua realidade mais imediata?

Ao fato de as aulas presencias já terem voltado em diversos lugares mesmo a maior

parte da população não ter sido vacinada (isso vai trazer alguns problemas no liceu aqui
a maior parte dos alunos já disse que não vai dos que conheço meu irmão e um)

5) Explique, em Português, indicando os exemplos de cada caso, os diferentes usos do

morfema -ing presentes no texto.

“Among the many new habits formed during the pandemic”- ing e parte da palavra

“that is,making a timetable for screen access and sticking to it.”-ing = gerúndio

“I’m checking my phone every two minutes.” –ing = ação continua

6) Offer, at least, 5 examples of different suffixes present in the text, giving the meaning
each of them has in the selected terms.

“we’re in a radically diferente place”-ly = forma advérbio

“I have grown accustomed”-ed passa o verbo para o passado

“Soluttions such as”minsfulnesse”loom large”-nesse transforma e substantivo

“so most parentes are comfortable hiring a sitter.”-ing faz parte da palavra como na primeira
frase da questão 5

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