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Miloud Boumechra Secondary School 1st Year Scientific Stream


A/ Comprehension and Interpretation (8pts)
 Read the text carefully then do the activities.

. A new study suggests that social media sites have created a new phenomenon known as
"Facebook depression". The American Academy of Pediatrics recently warned parents about the
possible dangers of networking websites on their children’s mental health.Mrs. Gwenn O’Keefe
described the way social interaction is changing: "For some teens, social media is the primary
way they interact socially." She added: "A large part of this generation's social and emotional
development is occurring while on the Internet and on cellphones. Parents need to understand
these technologies so they can relate to their children's online world, and comfortably help their
kids not to get lost in that unsafe world."

The report says it is essential for parents to be aware of how social media sites can affect
children and that the Internet is not always a healthy environment for kids. The writers also urged
parents to control secretly their children. They recommended parents take an active role and
discuss things like feeling down and being unhappy because of what’s happening on Facebook.
A recent study stated that 22 per cent of teenagers log on to a social media site more than 10
times a day and more than half at least once a day. They are also addicted to write messages day
and night. There are conflicting reports as to whether Facebook helps youngsters, by allowing
them to express themselves, or isolates them from society.
Adapted from :

1-Choose the correct answer:

The text is : a book extract b) a website article c) a newspaper article

2-Are the following sentences true or false. Write true or false next to the sentence letter.

a) The internet is a safe environment for kids.

b) Parents should control their children online secretly.

c) A survey found that 10% of kids use social media sites 10 times a day.

d) All reports agree that Facebook leads to the isolation of children .

3- In which paragraph is it mentioned that :

Social interaction is changing, from face-to-face to websites.

4-Answer the following questions. according to the text.

a) Can facebook affect children’s mental health?

b) What is the new phenomenon created by social media sites?

5-Who do the underlined words refer to in the text.

She (§ 1) They ( § 2)


1- a) Match the words with their meanings:

1. essential (§2) a) contradictory

2. feeling down (§2) b) necessary

3. conflicting (§2) c) main

4. primary(§1) d) depressed

2- Complete sentence “B” so as to have the same meaning as sentence“A”.

1) A:Mrs O'Keeffe says : “Some teenagers suffer from facebook depression.”

B:Mrs O'Keeffe says................................................................................

2) A:“ Don’t waste your precious time on facebook ,”my father warned me.

B: My father warned me........................................................................

3-Ask questions that the underlined words answer.

a) Facebook users perform badly at school.

b) Ali writes French poems very well on Twitter.

4- Fill in the gaps with words from the list below.

tablets - parents - kids - child
Today, young .........(1)......... play with electronic devices like smartphones and .........(2).......... Social

media is an active part of teenagers’ life. In fact, it is not good for a .........(3)......... to spend too much time

online. .........(4)......... need to monitor and check their child's online activities so as to limit their online social


5- Classify the words in the table according to the pronunciation of their final “s”.

messages - websites -cellphones - reports

/s/ /z/ /iz/


 Choose ONE of the following topics.
Topic 1 : Parents are worried about their children who are addicted to facebook or instagram.They believe that

their kids are not studying well because of the negative effects of the different social media.

Write a short paragraph in which you describe how teenagers can use social media in an intelligent way

so as not to neglect their studies.

Topic 2 ;  Imagine you are a journalist write a report describing a terrible car accident.You may use the

information in the table below.

Scene description Causes of accidents Features of accidents

a lorry -Fast driving -Vehicles: collide/run people
a car -Careless driving: over /knock people down.
a child (eg:dangerous overtaking,
a ball sleepy driver, distracted -People get killed/ injured/
a sharp bend driver, driver talking on taken to hospital, etc
a school mobile phone,...)
- Mechanical defects
-Bad weather conditions:
heavy rain, a storm , fog,..

Good luck

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