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Kindergarten 2
3rd Periodical Test
S.Y. 2020-2021

-------------- Score: ------ ---------

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Mommy said that you need to eat vegetable. What are you going to do?
a. I will get angry at mommy.
b. I will follow my mommy.

2. Daddy is very tired from work. What do you need to do?

a. I will play with him.
b. I will give him a massage.

3. What do we need to do with our parents?

a. We need to respect them.
b. We need to fight them.

4. Why did God gave you a father and a mother?

a. because God wants us to be part of the family
b. because God wants us to be alone

5. Who give us our food, shelter, clothes and protection?

a. Teacher and classmates
b. Mother and Father

6. What would you do if you hurt your brother or sister?

a. I will not talk to him/her.
b. I will say sorry to him/her.

7. What would you do to make your siblings happy?

a. I will share my toys to them.
b. I will not let them borrow my toys.

8. What would you do to make your parents happy?

a. I will listen to my mom and dad.
b. I will not listen to my mom and dad.

9. What would you do if you break your brother’s toy?

a. I will hide the toy so he will not look for it.
b. I will say sorry and promise not to do that again.

10. What does Jesus wants us to do with our brother?

a. He wants us to become good with them.
b. He wants us to fight with each other.

II. Draw a if the activity shows love for siblings and sad if it does not show love for

11. ________ I will share my food to my brother and sister.

12. ________ I will get the toys of a brother or sister without permission.

13. ________ I will shout at my brother.

14. ________ I will bring food to ate and kuya.

15. ________ I will say “I’m sorry” when I have hurt my brother or sister.

III. Color the pictures that show love for parents.

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